The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1271 Cunning

Amid the waves of demonic energy and the roar of the sky, Lu Kun's huge body with two heads and four arms fell down, and quickly shrank at the same time. By the time he landed next to Demon King Zitong, it had become his previous six-foot height.

The two heads were expressionless, their limbs and arms danced like lightning, their palms were claws, and the tip of each finger flashed a cone-shaped black spot of light, impatiently facing Linglong lying on the ground. Grab the body.

With a crisp sound of "click", a large hole was dug out of the flat lower abdomen of the Zitong Demon King, and a purple-black Nascent Soul, who had closed his eyes and fell into syncope, was grabbed by four palms.

Immediately after that, a violent invisible force squeezed inward, and the Demon King Yuan Ying shattered into pieces, turning into balls of pure Demon Yuan Qi energy, sweeping away in all directions.

At this time, Lu Kun's head opened his mouth, spitting out a cloud of silver blood, and the overflowing meaning of true demons was condensed together and turned into a silver ball, which disappeared into his mouth and disappeared. .

With a flash of light, the broken corpse on the ground, the dim shield, and the two storage bracelets disappeared, and Lu Kun's body with two heads and four arms lashed away in one direction.

It turned out that the pseudo-devil emperor of Blood Cry, after feeling the terrifying coercion of the black sword glow, escaped without looking back.

"Strange, this guy seems to be swaying left and right in the fog, do you want to delay time?"

Lu Kun felt the position of his blood and felt a little puzzled.

He lost the golden light divine eye, and he had no means to break the ban on this illusion. Even Hong Yuntian's stubborn consciousness was distorted by the illusion here.

And his blood sense has nothing to do with spiritual consciousness, but is not disturbed by the fog, so he can go deep into the fog, otherwise I am afraid that even Wu Wenxuan's Nascent Soul will not be encountered.

After flying for hundreds of feet, Lu Kun passed through a mirage illusion again and came to the location of the blood. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned for a moment.

I saw a fist-sized black ball of light wrapped in a jade bottle, whirling non-stop in the illusion, and its blood was in the jade bottle.

"When I just fought, my qi and blood exploded several times. I thought the battle was fierce, but this guy didn't remember it for a while, but he was noticed."

"This ball of light has the aura of a true devil, and it seems to be part of the primordial spirit of the devil." At this time, Hong Yuntian's voice came from his body.

Hearing this, Lu Kun looked around again and found the gap in the illusion behind him, which had healed again. His expression changed: "No, the purpose of the demons is to open the space seal, this guy wants to delay time."

Hong Yuntian said: "If this seat is that Demon Race, I will definitely not fight with us recklessly. I will try to use this illusion to trap you, and then kill those pseudo-gods whose true essence is depleted."

"Damn it, this is a trick to turn the tiger away from the mountain, and it was put together by this fake devil emperor."

"Those pseudo-gods can't die yet."

Lu Kun growled angrily, ignoring the black ball of light in front of him, and slammed into the illusion behind him, but even if he returned the same way, he was not sure of returning to the same place.


On the other side, several pseudo-gods looked at the huge knife mark on the ground, and then looked at the burly figure that disappeared in the mirage illusion in the distance, with a dumbfounded expression.

After a while, everyone woke up like a dream, and their expressions became complicated, especially the fake gods who had besieged Lu Kun, all of them were pale, and their eyes were full of anxiety.

On the other hand, Gu Deming looked at the other people with schadenfreude, and his expression was somewhat relieved.

Abbot Zhiyuan said excitedly: "I didn't expect Pavilion Master Lu to have such divine powers against the sky, and his strength is so powerful that he can crush the Demon King. As a result, we may not have the chance to stop the Demon Race."

Seeing that no one else responded, he was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, clasped his hands together, and chanted a Buddha name: "If Pavilion Master Lu really wants to kill you, just show up a little later, and there's no need to come forward to help."

He glanced at Venerable Huo Ling and said, "Pavillion Lu is obviously doing this based on the righteousness of the human race, abandoning previous suspicions, and working together to deal with the demon invaders. Do you still suspect that Pavilion Lord Lu is a demon?"

Rao Shi Huo Ling has lived for thousands of years. Under the questioning of this fat monk, his face was a little red. He sighed: "My fault, the anger of Pavilion Master Lu will be borne by our Wulingguan."

"Excellent Great Spirit King Buddha."

Abbot Zhiyuan said: "If this crisis is successfully overcome this time, the old man is willing to be a peacemaker to help you settle your grievances, but for now, you should hurry up and restore your true essence."

"Wait for Pavilion Master Lu to come back and help him sense the space seal."

"Uh... the old monk Zhiyuan." Mo Qing suddenly whispered: "Didn't Pavilion Master Lu say that he can't see through the illusion ban, so can he come back?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

"Of course I can't come back."

At this moment, along with a cold voice, a sturdy black demon suddenly shot out from the fog not far away, holding a pair of black short axes in both hands, with thick black axe blades on them. , headed to face these pseudo-gods.

Everyone's faces changed greatly. At this time, their real energy was exhausted, and they just took out the top-quality spirit stone to recover, and there was no way to defend them.

Fortunately, Abbot Zhiyuan reacted, and the golden cassock on his body flew out with a swoosh, blocking the front, and there were countless monks chanting sutras.

Under the suppression of the fake devil emperor, the surrounding demonic energy even gathered towards the cassock, forming a Buddhist mantra with a length and width of 10 feet and a black body. Although it was composed of demonic energy, it exuded an air of serenity.


Two magic weapons hit this defense, knocking the black Buddhist mantra into pieces. The color of the golden cassock below quickly weakened, as if it had lost some kind of essence.

"Hmph, Human Race Buddhist Cultivation!"

Bloody Cry seemed to recognize this mantra symbol, snorted coldly, danced his arms, the axe shadows staggered, and blasted out four rounds of attacks in a short time, smashing it to pieces.

However, after this moment of delay, the three-headed Jiao dragon below also made a counterattack. She had not used the Five Elements Transforming Essence Technique before, and there was still some real essence. The five tooth-shaped daggers contained a yellow halo and attacked from the side. Cry of blood.

But after all, the fake devil emperor is an existence comparable to the devil king in the devil race. Even if he is beaten by Lu Kun, he cannot fight back.

I saw its sturdy demon body spun around in the air, the double axe with purple-black light, flashed several afterimages, and the daggers were knocked out.

But at this moment, Xuexiu suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. In the mist two hundred meters away, there was a vague and burly figure rushing towards here.

"Impossible, the distraction has sensed that he was lured away, how can he find it back so quickly? Could it be that this guy has been pretending, he can see through the fog of nightmares at all."

Just as the blood was sobbing, the body of the three-headed flood dragon suddenly turned into a long red snake, which wrapped around its legs.

"court death!"

Bloody Cry looked terrified and slashed with a hatchet.


After all, this is the body of the demon king, and its defense is not bad at all. He chopped down the axe, only splitting the red scales on the outside.

"You devil brat, if you have the ability to cut it again, or you will have a fire head clone, it will take the old lady more than a thousand years to grow, and it will be worthwhile to replace it with a fake devil emperor."

Hearing this crazy voice, Xuexiu looked at Lu Kun, who was more than a hundred meters away, and couldn't help but panic.

He used to be the late Devil King, so he could naturally see the horror of Lu Kun's previous blow, which was close to the peak of the Devil King's early stage.

Under the crisis, the magic energy and remaining primordial spirit in his body were fully functioning, and he replaced a giant axe in his hand, slashing at the red dragon beneath him.

This blow was extremely powerful, not only completely smashed the scales, but even cut into the bones inside, but the axe got stuck inside, causing its attack to stop.

At this moment, five halo balls suddenly appeared in the bodies of the pseudo-gods whose real essence was depleted next to them. These balls, with a special power of will, turned into five ropes and tied them directly. Bloody body.

Zhiyuan's gray-white cassock floated above the false demon emperor. He kept reciting the words "Great Spirit King Buddha" in his mouth. The meaning of compassion was constantly poured into it, and the surrounding demon energy was slightly stagnant, as if being swayed by him. Block it down.

Several pseudo-transfiguration gods with depleted real essence, plus two demon kings, were all in high spirits when they saw Lu Kun, and quickly seized the opportunity to tie the other party in place.

They were even a little smug in their hearts, to know that the Primordial Spirit chain that several people united together, even Lu Kun, would be trapped abruptly, not to mention a fake devil emperor.

"Do you want to use that trick..."

Bloody Cry struggled for a few times, and found that he couldn't break free in a short time. His eyes showed a trace of ruthlessness. All the purple-black lightning between his muscles disappeared into the body, and the strong muscles shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. A terrifying aura of destruction.

"Quickly retreat and withdraw from the supernatural power, this guy is going to explode himself!"

Before several false gods could be proud, they heard this warning and quickly put away their magical powers.

Then Lu Kun's figure fell in front of them, only to see his four arms hugging forward, the twisted invisible force wrapped the body of blood weeping, and the demonic energy came together, forming a strange composed of two vortexes. ball.


A burst of purple-black plasma burst, but under the squeezing of this strange ball, the energy did not overflow at all.

Lu Kun's face was serious, his limbs and arms trembled slightly, and he kept attracting demonic energy to fill in.

After a few breaths, these rays of light gradually dimmed, and the bloody fake demon emperor disappeared, leaving only a few scales, broken bones, dim magic tools and two storage bracelets...

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