The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1276 Expansion and annexation

Everyone can't imagine that the Shattered Nation has only been opened for half a year, and the space restriction at the entrance has subsided.

However, before the news broke out of Dayuan Prefecture, Wulingguan, Taixuanzong, Qingyunmen and Huatian Temple jointly announced several major events through the Shadow Pavilion.

The first is what happened in the ancient battlefield.

Taking advantage of the spatial changes in the Shattered Kingdom, the demons set up a cross-border terrifying magic circle, causing the entire ancient battlefield to be shrouded in a strange magical fog.

This kind of magic fog has powerful phantom supernatural powers, and if you are not careful in the spiritual transformation period, you will get lost in it.

The demons also sent the three-headed demon king in one breath. As a result, the senior Wu Wenxuan of the Demon Yuan Sect was completely destroyed by the sneak attack of the demon king. Several other gods and two demon kings also almost fell.

Fortunately, Pavilion Master Lu of the Body Refinement Pavilion arrived in time, and with the powerful supernatural powers of Body Cultivation, he directly killed a demon king, and then everyone joined forces to kill the remaining two demon kings.

But at this time, the space seal has been destroyed, and the demon army is about to come. In the end, Pavilion Master Lu spent his energy and displayed a terrifying magical power comparable to the middle stage of God Transformation. A space storm stirred in the space crack, blocking the invasion of the demon race. .

But this space storm will take as long as 100 years, at least 80 years, and it will disappear completely. At that time, the army of demons will still come, and the world of immortals will face the second battle of demons.

As for the second piece of news, it is that all immortal cultivators don't have to worry. Today's immortal cultivator world is different from the ancient times, and the interface's suppression force is even further.

There are great restrictions on the cross-border transmission of the demons. A maximum of ten demon kings can be sent at a time, and the cultivation base cannot exceed the mid-stage demon king.

If a large army is dispatched, the number of demon kings will inevitably decrease. In short, the overall strength of the demons sent at one time will not exceed ten demon kings.

Although the prohibition of the ancient battlefield was unable to trap the existence above the demon general due to the strange magic fog, there was only one entrance and exit in the entire Shattered Kingdom.

If the entrance to the Guiyuan River is held, even if the demons are teleported over a hundred years later, the battle between the two sides will be limited to the Shattered Nation.

And after the teleportation, a more intense space storm will be stirred up. As long as the demons who have crossed the border in a hundred years are completely killed, the safety of five hundred years can be guaranteed.

The third news is that in order to protect the safety of Dazhou Xiu Xianjie, Yuan Mozong will be relocated. On the east bank of the Yuanjiang River, most of the ancient Lingzhou will be divided into the Refinement Pavilion, and the master of Lu Pavilion, who is powerful enough to crush the Demon King, will be relocated. Sit down and guard the entrance.

Moreover, the Xiuxian Realm will be led by the Body Refinement Pavilion to form an alliance of cultivators against the demons in order to deal with the second demonic war a hundred years later.

With the help of the power of the Shadow Pavilion, these news spread throughout the entire Great Zhou at a very fast speed, and are still spreading to the farther world of Xiu Xian, and the entire Xiu Xian world was shaken.

After more than 70,000 years, the demons actually invaded again, but what shocked the cultivators even more was the power of Pavilion Master Lu to crush the demon king.

For a while, Lu Kun's name resounded throughout the world of immortal cultivation, and the Body Refinement Pavilion became a top sect that everyone was flocking to. Loose cultivators with no sect and sect, and powerful families all went to the world of immortal cultivation in the southwest.

They all want to worship in the Body Refinement Pavilion and practice the legendary Body Refinement Technique that can crush the demons.


In a high sky in Ning Shuizhou of Great Zhou, Le Yanjun of the Blood Refinement Sect was flying while looking at several jade slips in his hand, one of which was the news from the Shadow Pavilion.

"The strength of Pavilion Master Lu is so terrifying that even a terrifying existence like the Demon King can be killed."

She widened her eyes and seemed unable to digest the message. After a while, she calmed down. She looked at another jade slip again, showing a look of dejection.

"The blood refining sect has been weakening since Elder Pang died. How can I, a weak woman, stop Pavilion Master Lu?"

"Even if Elder Qian broke through to God Transformation at that time, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of Pavilion Master Lu. There is no room for manoeuvre in this sect. We can only do it according to the requirements of Pavilion Master Lu..."

Le Yanjun couldn't help but looked at the jade slip again.

"Lord Lu actually has both the Magic Refinement Art and the Phantom Magic Child-Mother Art, and they are more complete and subtle than those passed down by Elder Qian."

"We merged into the Demon Refining Pavilion in the Six Body Refinement Pavilions, so what does this sub-pavilion have to do with the Demon Refining Jue?"

"He asked our disciples to practice both the Demon Jue and the Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art after entering the Nascent Soul Stage, and after the war with the Demon Race, they will also provide Demon Zong."

"In this way, the cultivation speed of the Demon Cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage has been greatly improved, and if there is a suitable demon, I may have the opportunity to impact the Divine Transformation Stage."

"Hurry back and prepare. Next, we will destroy the Yin-Yang Holy Sect together with the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Thinking of this, Le Yanjun's expression softened a little, and he accelerated to fly in the direction of the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm.



"We really want to withdraw from here, but Senior Brother Han, the soul lamp of the Supreme Elder has not been extinguished at all!" In the discussion hall in the depths of Yuan Mozong, a female Yuan Ying cultivator gritted her silver teeth.

There were more than a dozen Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators sitting around. When they heard this, they all looked at the two people in the first seat, as if they wanted to get a reply.

The dark-skinned young man's face sank, and he scolded: "Junior sister, several seniors of the gods said that the uncle has fallen, that is, there must be something wrong with the soul lamp."

Yuan Ying female cultivator wanted to say something, and a black-haired old man next to the young man said coldly: "Uncle Master's soul lamp has been destroyed by Wang, and no one is allowed to mention the soul lamp in the future."

The two people who spoke were the two remaining great monks of Yuan Mozong.

These Nascent Soul monks saw the attitude of the two senior brothers, their eyes were dim, and they didn't say much. As magic monks, they didn't know the reason.

The spirit lamp did not go out, indicating that the spirit of the uncle is still there, but those monks in the spiritual transformation stage said that the uncle has fallen, and the result is self-evident. .

This kind of thing will definitely rot in the stomach. If it spreads out and annoys those gods, the Primordial Demon Sect might be wiped out.

Yuanying female cultivator said unconvinced: "Then we can't give Yuanmo Mountain to others, do we have to re-open a new site?"

Hearing this, other Nascent Soul monks also opened their mouths.

"Yeah, Senior Brother Han, how can Yuan Mozong be a sect that has been inherited for many years, how can it be easily transferred."

"Even if our strength is greatly reduced, with the help of the formation left by the elders in the sect, we will not be afraid of any attack from the demons. They can't use the demonic energy in the Qingyun Sect of Wulingguan, so it is impossible to attack our territory."

"Let's give it to the Body Refinement Pavilion. Where are we going? The better places in Dazhou are all occupied. These sects have one or two great monks, and they can't beat them at all."

Feeling the bleak atmosphere in the hall, the dark-skinned young man sighed softly: "Don't worry about this, Pavilion Master Lu has personally promised to hand over the Blood Cloud Cave in Yunlu Prefecture to us."

When these Nascent Soul monks heard this, they started talking.

"The blood cloud cave of the blood beast gate?"

"Can Pavilion Master Lu convince the Blood Beast Sect?"

"The people from the Blood Beast Sect probably won't give in."

"We occupy the blood cloud cave, where is the blood beast gate? They won't wait for us to enter, they will come in again."

The swarthy youth listened to these people's discussions and said slowly: "According to Pavilion Master Lu, the founder of the Blood Beast Gate and the Great Elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion are quite related, and this Demon Gate will be merged into the Spirit Transformation in the Body Refinement Pavilion. Court."

"As for the monks of the Blood Beast Sect, they will move directly to this Primordial Demon Mountain."

He sighed and said, "Several monks at the stage of spiritual transformation, plus the pavilion master Lu, even if the uncle and his old man are there, the difference in strength is too great. Although the Blood Cloud Cave is a little worse than Yuanmo Mountain, it is still one of the best holy places of the devil's way. ."

Everyone was stunned.

"The blood beast door is actually related to the body refining pavilion?"

"The former seems to have been passed down for more than 70,000 years. The Body Refinement Pavilion has only appeared in the last few hundred years. What is the relationship between its Great Elder and the Blood Beast Sect?"

"Pavillion Lu won't be annexed by strength..."

At this moment, the dark-skinned young man seemed to sense something. He pinched a spirit in his hand, and a sound transmission flew from outside the hall. He swept away his consciousness and sighed softly:

"No need to guess, Fairy Xu Yao from the Blood Beast Sect has come to this sect and wants to discuss the migration of the sect with me."

When these Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators heard the words, they couldn't help looking at each other...

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