The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1277 The secret of Buddhism (1)

Huatian Prefecture is located on the east bank of Guiyuan River, north of Tongtian River, with a vast area, even comparable to Dayuan Prefecture.

This area relies on two rivers with mixed spiritual energy, and the magical energy and spiritual energy are relatively uniform. This is not a very good place to practice for both Taoist and Demonic Sects, but it is not a good place for cultivation. Rather, it is quite appropriate.

Therefore, the sects of immortality in Huatian Prefecture are all Buddhist temples, with as many as 20 or 30. The most powerful is Huatian Temple. Although these temples are all in their own schools, they are all headed by Huatian Temple.

In Dazhou, Buddhism was very prosperous. In addition to Huatianzhou, there were also temples in other places where demons and spiritual energy were mixed. All Buddhist disciples combined were stronger than Wulingguan.

Because of its widespread practice, even if it is a loose cultivator, you can buy the entry-level practice of Buddhism in the market, which means that Buddhism is not only short of disciples, but also difficult to be eliminated.

Coupled with the fact that there is wisdom, a powerhouse comparable to a pseudo-god, Buddhism can even be regarded as the first force in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but they are indifferent to the world and have no intention of vying for territory.

There is a vast flat-topped mountain in the northeast of Huatian Prefecture, crawling on the ground like a long dragon. On the flat top of the mountain, there are ancient buildings on display, which is where Huatian Temple is located.

There was a calming white cloud in the mountains, and monks in monk costumes walked around. These people have mana in their bodies, and there are some monks at the Nascent Soul level.

But no matter what kind of cultivation these monks are, they are not flying in the air, but walking in the temple mountains and rivers with bare feet, but the pace of cultivation is a little faster.


At this moment, all of a sudden, the sound of bells came from the direction of the cliffs and cliffs of the back mountain, and the leisurely sound rolled in all directions and spread to a hundred miles away.

All the monks who heard the bell ringing and their cultivation base reached the elixir, whether they were on their way or chanting sutras, all looked solemn, sat cross-legged on the spot, and read strange sutras in the direction of the back mountain. .

Above the surrounding antique buildings, at the same time, the power of light-white prohibition was lit up, and a faint golden light point flew out of each person's body and poured into this layer of white prohibition.

The golden light spots flowed along the prohibition and converged towards the position of the back mountain. After a while, the cliffs there lit up with a bright golden light, and then dimmed again.

Seeing this scene, these monks chanted the Buddha's name to Houshan, then got up each and continued what they had to do before.


Then in the bare valley under the cliff of the back mountain, three figures were standing. One of them was a fat monk with a fat head and big ears, who was the abbot of Huatian Temple. As for the other two, it was Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian.

They were facing a cliff with a height of 100 zhang and a very smooth surface. The golden light above it was slowly fading, revealing a huge cave that was several tens of zhang in size.

"The ban on Buddhism is really amazing. It turned out to be solved by everyone's spiritual consciousness. If you forcibly attack, I am afraid that you will have some headaches in the early days of spiritual transformation." Lu Kun looked at it and said with a little emotion.

Even Hong Yuntian, who was beside him, had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Zhiyuan put her hands together and said, "Although there are no manuals on the exercises here, it is also related to the secrets of Buddhism. The restriction is naturally a little more complicated, which made Pavilion Master Lu wait for a long time."

While speaking, Abbot Zhiyuan stepped forward and walked into this huge cave, and said at the same time, "When Lao Na visited the Body Refinement Pavilion last time, I wanted to invite Pavilion Master Lu, but I didn't expect it to be delayed until now."

"Is that what you said about the secret of the Gibbon? Hey, it's all murals..."

Lu Kun showed some curiosity and looked at the scene in the cave.

This is an empty cave. Various images are carved on the surrounding walls. The rock of the mountain is a kind of refining material. Other than that, there is nothing special about it.

But when Lu Kun saw a mural, he suddenly looked stunned and said, "Hey, is this a giant ape?"

Hong Yuntian followed Lu Kun's gaze and found that there were a bunch of apes and monsters painted on the wall. There were both ape-like and human-shaped monster apes, but they were all surrounded by three apes.

One of the most striking is a giant ape with thick arms and a sturdy body. Even through the murals, you can feel the fierce aura.

And beside him, stood a handsome ape with beautiful features and handsome appearance. Although this ape was smaller than the Gigantopithecus, his expression was extremely proud, and his imposing manner was no less than that of the Gigantopithecus.

As for the third head, it was a long-faced horse monkey. It was a little bigger than the handsome ape. It was surrounded by a cloud-like thing, like a stream of water and some kind of aura, which was extremely mysterious.

Lu Kun's face was a little shocked. This mural was almost exactly the same as what he saw in the Black Ape Cave in the mountains. For a while, he was full of thoughts, and after a while, he asked, "Why do you have this mural. "

Abbot Zhiyuan was not surprised that Lu Kun knew about the giant ape. He put his hands together and said, "This is painted by the predecessors who founded Buddhism. Unfortunately, the original murals are long gone. This is still painted by the predecessors of Lingwang Buddha."

"The founder of Buddhism!"

Lu Kun's expression became a little strange, and he pointed to the handsome divine monkey and said, "So, you all know the Lingming Stone Monkey."

Abbot Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then said a little excitedly: "Pavillion Lu actually knows about Lingming Stone Monkey!"

Hong Yuntian, who was on the side, looked at the monkey on the mural, remembering how Lu Kun and him introduced the mountain of oath in the Lianti Pavilion before, and his eyes became even more curious.

Lu Kun said slowly: "In addition to the Lingming Stone Monkey and the Tong-Gibbon Monkey, the third one above is the red jiri horse monkey, and there is a six-eared macaque that has not been painted, known as the four monkeys of the mixed world."

"Four monkeys in the mixed world... We Buddhists only know the Lingming stone monkey and the gibbon monkey, and there are actually two other monster apes alongside them?"

Abbot Zhiyuan looked a little dazed, as if he had never heard of the Four Monkeys, and Hong Yuntian had the same expression.

Seeing that Zhiyuan's expression was not disguised, Lu Kun asked, "How did Buddhism know about Lingming Stone Monkey, is it the senior who founded Buddhism?"

"Excellent Great Spirit King Buddha." Zhiyuan chanted the Buddha's name.

"Pavilion Master Lu, please come with Lao Na."

As he walked, he said: "Actually, the murals here tell the origin of Buddhism, most of them were left by the predecessors of Lingwang and Buddha, and some are clues and horses found by other Buddhist disciples in various ancient ruins. Come."

Following the monkey's mural, a few people walked to the other side. On the mural there, a young monk in ragged clothes and a few ring scars on his head was carved.

This monk has a dignified appearance, with a handsome face, a look of sympathy and compassion, his eyes seem to be closed, sitting cross-legged on a jade pad, holding a string of Buddha beads in his hand.

In front of it, there were five people sitting. These people were similarly shabby and seemed to be living in extreme hardship. They were all listening, and their mouths were slightly opened and closed, as if they were reciting scriptures with the young monk.

Abbot Zhiyuan said: "This is the senior who founded Buddhism, and it is the only mural with its complete appearance. According to the time calculated by Senior Lingwang Buddha, the scene on this painting is more than 100,000 years old. …”

He sighed and said, "Unfortunately, the legend of this senior is only passed down by word of mouth, and no one knows his name and Buddha's name."

Lu Kun looked at the young monk and suddenly said, "You Buddhist scriptures, or some scriptures, must be circulated."

Abbot Zhiyuan said: "The current Buddhist teachings, traced back to their origins, are all passed down by this senior, but it seems that their cultivation is not at the stage of forming an elixir, and the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is limited, and jade slips can only be preserved for hundreds of years."

"Those originals have long since disappeared in the long river of history. Only these murals have resisted the passage of time and barely left some records..."

"The Buddhist scriptures left by this senior are actually dedicated to the cultivation of state of mind, and there is no real cultivation method. The Buddhist practice has also been developed after tens of thousands of years of constant correction."

"In the early stage of the first Demon Race, Buddhism was the most prosperous period. After the fusion of heaven and earth, the predecessors of the Spirit King and Buddha improved their exercises, and this has developed into what it is now."

Having said that, Zhiyuan pointed to the second mural at the back.

Lu Kun was slightly taken aback when he saw it. There was an old monk painted on it. From his eyebrows, he could vaguely see the appearance of a handsome young man before. At this time, he was bowing his head and drawing something on the ground with one hand.

In front of him, there was a handsome ape who was kneeling and bowing with anxiety and sadness on his face.

"This scene is..."

Abbot Zhiyuan sighed lightly: "This senior has reached a very high level of Buddhism, but for some reason, his cultivation has been stuck in the foundation-building stage, and he has not even broken through the connection pill."

"This mural is the last moment when the founder of Buddhism passed away."

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