The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1278 The secret of Buddhism (Last Part)

"Foundation Stage...Quiet..."

Lu Kun murmured and couldn't help but continue to ask, and even his tone was a little excited.

"How do you know that this is the moment when he passed away, and how do you know the identity of the Lingming Stone Monkey based on this mural alone?"

"Pavillion Lu, follow Lao Na to take a look at it slowly."

Abbot Zhiyuan saw the change in Lu Kun's mood, but he didn't ask anything, but took a step forward, walked to the next mural, and said with respect:

"Although this senior who founded Buddhism did not enter the stage of forming an elixir, the Dharma he taught was extremely mysterious, able to educate the world, and spread at an extremely fast speed in the mortal kingdom."

Lu Kun suppressed the doubts in his heart and looked forward. On the wall was a temple hall. There were more than ten monks sitting in it, all of whom were reciting scriptures. However, there were no Buddha statues here. The monks were facing a portrait. .

This portrait is the first mural, the young monk holding a rosary, his eyes closed, and his face serene.

"Gradually, the loose cultivators who were in the qi-refining period joined the Buddhist sect. They were all too old, with low aptitude, and were abandoned by the cultivator sect." Zhiyuan said as she walked forward.

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian also saw the next mural, which was still a temple, but an old man flying with a royal instrument appeared above it. His face was grim, his eyes were bloodshot, and below it, there was a man reading Buddhist monks.

"These loose cultivators are extremely obsessed with breaking through the realm and increasing their longevity. They can only be limited to their aptitude, and it is impossible to break through. There is a problem with their mental state, which has caused great murder in the world."

"In the words of Buddhism, they have been obsessed with demons and lived a very painful life. Later, by chance, they were converted by a Buddhist senior who was profound in Buddhism and entered Buddhism to study Buddhism."

"These loose cultivators found that their obsessions were greatly relieved and their mood became peaceful through the study of Buddhist perceptions. Later, more and more qi cultivators with deep obsessions joined Buddhism."

"These senior cultivators studied Buddhism intensively and discussed it with each other. Instead, they made a breakthrough in their cultivation. After hundreds of years of research, they found a way to cultivate with the help of Buddhism."

Zhiyuan continued to walk forward, and everyone's eyes fell on the next mural. At this time, there were many Buddhist monks with bare heads, holding Buddhist beads, and standing in the void above the temple.

Flying without the aid of a magic weapon has obviously reached the stage of the Core Formation Stage.

"This kind of alternative Buddhist practice was quickly noticed by interested immortal cultivators. An elder of the immortal sect even discovered that one of the Buddhist cultivators in the late stage of formation was an elderly disciple who was expelled from the sect because of his poor aptitude. ."

"This sect feels that it is the role of the Buddha's cultivation method, which enables people with low aptitude to cultivate to a very high level."

Zhiyuan did not stop, he looked at the mural in front of him and sighed: "The greed of immortals is even more terrible than that of ordinary people. Under the persecution of this sect, in order to protect the disciples, Buddhism, with a heart of compassion, Hand over the exercises."

"Where do those cultivators know that although the enlightenment of Buddhism has nothing to do with spiritual qualifications, it requires extremely high understanding."

"These Buddhist seniors can step out of their previous obsessions, and the Buddhadharma has a very deep state. The cultivation path they create is closely related to the cultivation of the Buddhadharma. Those cultivators with strong greed will not only fail to cultivate successfully, but even It will also go crazy."

In the mural in front of everyone, there is a middle-aged monk who is handing a jade slip to an old man with a long sword on his back.

Zhiyuan said with a bit of sadness: "As a result, it is conceivable that this sect found that almost all of the disciples who practiced Buddhism went crazy and died, and those who were alive couldn't move an inch. In the end, kill directly at the door."

Lu Kun and the others looked at the next picture, and found a group of immortal cultivators wearing the same costumes surrounding the Buddhist temple.

"Just when Buddhism was about to be destroyed, the Lingming Stone Monkey appeared. He showed his terrifying strength. Not only did he kill all the immortal practitioners who committed crimes in the future, he even slaughtered all of them."

Hearing Zhiyuan's words in his ears, Lu Kun looked forward. There was a majestic ape painted on the wall, standing quietly in mid-air, with lightning and ice dragons, plus various wind spells, from The top of its head gushed out, drowning the group of immortal cultivators.

Zhiyuan sighed and said: "Senior Lingming Stone Monkey was in contact with Buddhism, and we only knew his identity. This grumpy and murderous monster turned out to be the disciple of the senior who founded Buddhism."

"More importantly, in four or five hundred years, the cultivation of this demon senior has reached the level of a demon king."

"The reason why we Buddhists know the Lingming Stone Monkey is that the senior of the demon clan told them, and under its protection, Buddhists can grow up in the cruel world of immortality."

Hong Yuntian was amazed when he heard it. He looked at the mural in front of him. On the tiles on the roof of the temple, lay a handsome ape with straw in its mouth and Erlang's legs crossed.

He heard Lu Kun say that this demon king finally cultivated to the late stage of the demon king. With this kind of strength, he can completely shatter the void and fly to the upper realm with his own ability. Who would have thought that he would die with a certain enemy.

Lu Kun was in a daze, repeating the words of Zhiyuan in his heart.

"Lingming Stone Monkey is the disciple of that Buddhist senior..."

When he was on Earth, although he didn't read any messy novels, how could the well-known Journey to the West not know that Zhiyuan's narration, plus the previous mural, Lu Kun identified the identity of the handsome monk.

It was the eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanzang.

According to the time flow of the Xiu Xian world, more than 100,000 years ago, that is, more than 1,000 years ago on the earth, that was the era of the Tang Dynasty, which was completely correct.

Tang Xuanzang is the founder of Buddhism in the world of immortality. In other words, he, like Lu Kun, came from the earth, but isn't he immortal? Why did he pass away?

Well, even if immortality is fake, its aptitude can't be so bad that it can't form an elixir, otherwise there will be so many monsters thinking about its physical body...

In addition to Tang Xuanzang, there are also the Four Monkeys.

The stone from which the Lingming Stone Monkey was reborn was staying in the Body Refinement Pavilion, and Lu Kun, a gibbon monkey, even had his bloodline. Xiao Jin's appearance and supernatural powers must be a six-eared macaque, only the red jiri horse monkey, he did not find any clues.

He has seen three of the four monkeys in the mixed world. It is very likely that they came from the earth. Now, in this Buddhist holy place, he has found traces of Tang Xuanzang's existence.

That is to say, the gods and Buddhas in the earth mythology also exist, but where did they go?

Although Lu Kun didn't know what kind of supernatural powers were in the upper realm integration period, in his opinion, how could it compare to the gods and Buddhas in the legend of the earth.

Even if their supernatural powers are only a small part of the mythology, how can the human race be so miserable, not only are there no strong people in charge, even the cultivation methods are derived from the cultivation methods of foreign races.

In Lu Kun's impression, those gods and Buddhas seem to be divided into different teachings, Western teachings, but mainly two factions of Buddhism and Taoism.

The Buddha in the world of immortality was brought by Tang Xuanzang, what about that? Could it be that Daomen was also brought over by a mythical figure? What about the demon clan? The Biqi and Jiezhen he has seen, what does this have to do with the earth?

Lu Kun confirmed Tang Xuanzang's identity, but more and more doubts appeared in his mind, and his body even trembled.

"Lu Kun, what's wrong with you..."

Lu Kun took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Brother Hong, as an elder of the One Yuan Sect, do you know the origin of the human race?"


Hong Yuntian said strangely: "Isn't the Dao the immortal cultivation? Daomen and Xiuxianmen have the same meaning. Listening to your tone, the word Dao has other meanings?"

Hearing this, Lu Kun couldn't help frowning. It was only at this moment that he remembered that there was a huge difference between this world of immortals and those of ancient earth, and they seemed to be two completely different paths.

Although he didn't know how the gods and Buddhas in myths practiced, at least he knew the word "Dao", which should be somewhat similar to Buddhism, and it was related to the state of mind of cultivation.

But the cultivation methods of the immortal world only have something to do with cultivating the mind when they need to understand the power of will when they reach the stage of spiritual transformation.

Seeing Lu Kun's expression, Zhiyuan couldn't help but ask, "How did Pavilion Master Lu know about Lingming Stone Monkey? He seems to know the founder of our Buddhism."

Lu Kun was silent for a while, and said slowly: "In addition to the giant ape, Lu also has a bit of the bloodline of the Lingming Stone Monkey, and has seen fragmentary bloodline memories, but the information is limited, only know that this senior who founded Buddhism is called Tang Xuanzang. ."

He did not tell the truth, but hid the origin of Tang Xuanzang, the fairy Buddha in the earth's mythology deep in his heart.

Facing the mysteries that appeared in his heart, Lu Kun had the urge to clear the fog and seek the truth. In addition, there was an unspeakable fear in his heart...

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