The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1282 The Vibration of the Immortal Cultivation World (Part 2)

Several people were puzzled, what does this Vajra Art have to do with mortal warriors, and with doubts and curiosity in their hearts, they looked back.

As for the bald old man next to him, he was sitting opposite. He also picked up the jade slip at this time, and his spiritual sense penetrated into it, frowning tightly, the muscles on his body were sometimes tight and sometimes loose, and his expression seemed to be very distressed.


However, in a short while, Liu Jinyuan and the others read the first paragraph, except Fairy Beihan who was still cold and cold, the expressions of the others went from doubt at the beginning, to shock at the back, and finally to embarrassment.

"King Kong Jue, an introductory exercise for body training, was actually created by mortals..." Liu Jinyuan said with incomparable emotion.

"This senior named Ling Yuetian, in order to step into the path of immortality, tried to use the control of subtle muscles to stimulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and gradually created a method of tempering the flesh with spiritual energy, abandoning the meridian dantian, completely using Flesh is the core."

"According to Pavilion Master Lu, he obtained Senior Ling's Vajra Art by chance, and then he was able to get started, and finally walked out of the path of body refinement and immortality."

"Unfortunately, this senior Ling has no spiritual roots..."

The expressions of Liu Jinyuan and the Lan sisters were a bit dazed. They were born with spiritual roots, and their aptitudes were among the best among immortal cultivators.

Mortals without spiritual roots cannot sense the existence of spiritual energy at all. In this case, how can they mobilize the energy of heaven and earth, not to mention tempering the body, they can't imagine how Ling Yuetian did it.

However, even though this mortal senior is amazingly intelligent, he has no spiritual roots, so he can't resist the passing of life essence, and his strength can't fight against immortal cultivators.

"I would like to use this life story to commemorate one of the pioneers of the human race, Ling Yuetian."

Liu Jinyuan read this sentence in his mouth, showing more respect to Pavilion Master Lu. He is obviously a person who drinks water and thinks of the source. Even if he has cultivated his physical body to the realm of spiritual transformation, he still remembers this mortal warrior in his heart.

"With the spread of the Vajra Art, the name of this senior Ling will probably be passed down through the ages in the world of immortal cultivation."

Lan Yun'er said curiously: "Sect Master, one of the pioneers written on it, shows that there are some seniors who have contributed to the Body Refinement Jue."

Lan Jing'er, who rarely spoke, suddenly said, "Stupid, isn't Pavilion Master Lu a pioneer..."

"Oh oh."

Fairy Beihan sat on the side and did not speak. She watched Ling Yuetian's story in front of her and listened to the words of a few juniors. She had calmed down a lot, and she continued to look at the content behind.

"Hey, what's the next comment on the Diamond Art?"

Liu Jinyuan heard the words, his consciousness entered the jade slip again, and said a little strangely: "General annotations are placed in the back..."

"Annotation of human anatomy, what is this?" Following this strange term, everyone saw vivid drawings of human anatomy, from the shallower to the deeper, marking the human body layer by layer.

"Skeletal muscle, nervous system, compact bone, spongy bone, marrow cavity, internal organs..."

Seeing this incomparably clear pattern and the strange nouns commented on the side, these high-level immortal cultivators were stunned for a while, and then began to scan their bodies with their divine senses, carefully comparing them with the comments above.

The fascia layer of muscles and skin, the starting and ending points of muscles and bones, the number and structure of human bones, and the role of the nervous system on the physical body, these are extremely complex, and it will take a long time for ordinary people to fully grasp them.

However, everyone is a high-level immortal cultivator, and their spiritual consciousness is extremely strong. As long as they confirm with their own body and scrutinize them in their hearts, they can remember them in their hearts.

Fairy Beihan quickly read this part of the annotations, and when she saw the cultivation methods behind her, her eyes were a bit stunned. No wonder the annotations should be placed in the front. The cultivation methods of the Diamond Art are all these strange human body terms.

Then the spirit transformation looked at it several times, and then, according to the above method, tried to mobilize the muscle fibers and arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Liu Jinyuan and the others, who were still studying the anatomy of the human body, suddenly felt the surrounding aura riot, and balls of aura gathered towards Fairy Beihan. Even because the aura was too strong, it was accompanied by a powerful spiritual pressure.

Together with the bald old man, they couldn't help but look at their own Supreme Elder.

Fairy Beihan was stunned for a moment, and the aura of heaven and earth around her dissipated. She frowned slightly and said, "This palace has cultivated into a primordial spirit. As long as you move your mind, you can arouse the aura of heaven and earth."

"The muscles haven't vibrated in the way of the Vajra Art, and the spiritual energy will come in. In this case, the spiritual energy will only converge to the Dantian meridian, and there is no way to transport it to the muscles. It seems that more research is needed."

Hearing the words, the bald old man said with a wry smile: "Pavillion Lu said that the Vajra Art can only be practiced within the age of fifty, otherwise the muscle fibers will lose flexibility due to aging."

"The disciple got the Vajra Art one step earlier, but after trying for half a day, the deep muscles of the first layer have not yet been figured out."

Fairy Beihan saw the words "under fifty years old" in the exercise, she shook her head slightly and said, "The flesh body of a spiritual cultivator was strengthened once when the vitality was poured into the body. The activity is very strong, so it may not be impossible to cultivate."

When she said this, her brows furrowed even deeper.

"After becoming a primordial spirit, the control of the physical nerves is slightly insufficient, and the sense of the spirit is too strong, which is a bit troublesome..."

The bald old man sighed: "This disciple also has the feeling that the control of the soul is greater than that of the nerves. I still want to try it a few more times. Even if I can't practice the body training, I can make my body stronger."

At this time, Liu Jinyuan read the previous annotations and entered the text of the Diamond Art. He did not practice directly, but swallowed the jujube and read it layer by layer.

"Pavillion Lu seems to commemorate Senior Ling Yuetian. The realm of the Diamond Art is called a warrior. From the first to sixth level warriors, they correspond to the first to sixth floors respectively."

"Strange, why is the seventh level of the Vajra Art, called Martial Saint, this realm should be comparable to the late stage of Qi refining for immortals, and what is the spirit control magic weapon?"

"Hey, Pavilion Master Lu added a sentence at the end."

Liu Jinyuan couldn't help but read it.

"Cultivation to the realm of Martial Saints will lead to the first bottleneck of the road of body refinement. Cultivators with spiritual roots have three options to choose from."

"One is to continue to practice the traditional cultivation method of immortality. The Vajra Art is only used as an auxiliary secret technique for strengthening the body. After research by the elders of the Body Refinement Pavilion, it is found that the concurrent cultivation of Vajra Art is slightly helpful for the bottleneck of foundation building and elixir formation. ."

"Second, go to the Body Refinement Pavilion and practice the Five Elements Body Refinement Technique created by Lu."

"Thirdly, those with ambitions can try to integrate the Diamond Art with traditional immortal cultivation techniques. According to Lu's inference, if the fusion is successful, then the traditional immortal cultivation techniques may also have a certain body quenching effect."

Lan Yun'er on the side heard it and couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Pavillion Lu is clearly competing with the entire world of immortal cultivation for disciples. If those loose cultivators are successful in their Vajra Art, they will probably choose the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"By the way, Sect Master, you said that the disciples of Beiyuan Sect would have any idea to leave the sect when they saw this sentence? Hey, what's wrong with you, Senior Brother?"

Lan Yun'er suddenly found that Liu Jinyuan stared at the jade slip, as if he had seen something inconceivable, and the hands holding the jade slip were shaking slightly.


Then she found out that the elders of her own family had a similar look, so she looked at the bald old man.

"Ahem, Junior Sister Lan, you can see for yourself. Elder Taishang and Sect Master should have seen the last part. When Senior Brother saw it, it was even worse than them."

The Lan sisters looked at each other in dismay, then skipped over the anatomy diagrams in the jade slip that made them feel a little dizzy, scanned the content of the exercises, and found the back of the sentence Liu Jinyuan read just now.

The two couldn't help covering their mouths, the same bright eyes widened at the same time.

"If a mortal without spiritual roots cultivates to the realm of Martial Saints, you can try the original secret technique of the Body Refinement Pavilion, smelting the spiritual roots of the sternum, and embark on the road of cultivating immortals with the body of a mortal!"

"The method of refining and merging the spirit root is not easy. The main material is the inner elixir of the fifth level or above. Although there are magic elixir that have been handed down in ancient times, the number is too rare..."

"Now the second battle of the demons is an opportunity for the world of immortality. The Body Refinement Pavilion will unite the major sects of the world of immortality and use all means to keep the demons in the broken country so that they can continuously collect magic pills."

"The Artifact Spiritual Root Secret Art was created for the Body Refinement Pavilion. Although many mortal disciples have successfully created the Artifact Spiritual Root, there are still some flaws. This pavilion will be made public before the arrival of the demon army..."

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