The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1283 The Vibration of the Cultivation World (Part 2)

After reading the last paragraph, everyone's mood could not be calm for a long time. After a while, Fairy Beihan murmured, "The Body Refinement Pavilion has actually created such a secret technique that stuns the world."

"The cultivation base of the Diamond Jue Dacheng, the magic pill above the fifth level, should be the two most basic conditions."

"In this way, all the sects in the Xiu Xian world will probably join the demon race and compete for the magic pill."

Lan Yun'er on the side heard this, and said with some doubts: "But Shizu, the number of mortals is so large, even if it is difficult to cultivate the Diamond Art, there are many people who have reached the realm of Martial Saint."

"Isn't the number of demons that cross borders limited, no matter how many magic pills are not enough, the cultivators have tried their best to snatch magic pills and recruit mortal Martial Saints. I feel that it is better to cultivate a few more immortal clans..."

Fairy Beihan did not speak, and Liu Jinyuan said at this time: "These magic pills are not for mortal Martial Saints to snatch..."

Seeing the blank expressions of the Lan's sisters, he explained, "The inheritance of spiritual roots is not 100%. Even if two heavenly spiritual roots are combined, there is a certain chance that children without spiritual roots will be born."

"The major sects, including the Nascent Soul elders of our Northern Yuan Sect, all have mortal children. Although these people cannot cultivate immortals, they are after all the blood of high-level monks, and they are often arranged to take care of secular forces."

"Now that this incredible artifact spirit root method has appeared, these Nascent Soul monks must be heartbroken, which means that their direct bloodline without spirit root has the opportunity to enter the gate of the world of immortal cultivation."

"So that's how it is..."

The Lan sisters have been studying the way of formation, and they have not made a double cultivation partner, and they have not been in contact with the world of mortals. Naturally, they do not know about this aspect.

When Liu Jinyuan said this, he said with admiration in his tone: "Lou Pavilion Master announced the Diamond Secret Art, it can be said that it has served multiple purposes with one stone."

"One of them has improved the strength of the entire world of immortal cultivation. Even if immortal cultivators under the age of fifty cannot practice the Vajra Art, the next generation of immortal cultivators will definitely improve a lot, at least their physical bodies are much stronger."

"Secondly, the energy of the major sects will be focused on the study of the Vajra Art, which greatly reduces the coveting of the body training method, and it is also necessary to prevent the disciples in the sect from being unable to resist the temptation of the body training method and defecting to the body training pavilion."

"Thirdly, the Body Refinement Pavilion will also win over people's hearts due to the announcement of the Diamond Art, and more and more immortal cultivators will join, and its strength will become stronger and stronger.

"Fourth, all high-level immortal cultivators who have mortal descendants, I am afraid that they would like to have more demon soldiers from the demons. They only have expectations for war, not fear."

Hearing Liu Jinyuan's analysis, the Lan sisters looked at their suzerain with a little admiration.

The bald old man did not have many surprises. He admired the sect master and senior brother very much. Not only did he cultivate at an amazing speed, but he also saw all kinds of things thoroughly.

And Fairy Beihan's gaze towards Liu Jinyuan also flashed a bit of satisfaction.

Liu Jinyuan didn't seem to see the expression of his ancestor, but asked: "Junior Brother Ma, the above says that the seventh level of the Diamond Art is a great achievement. After mortals have developed their spiritual sense, they can use the spiritual control tool to compete with the latter stage of qi refining. Do you know what it is?"

The bald old man said, "Junior brother heard from fellow Taoists in the Body Refinement Pavilion that this is their original magic weapon, and it is necessary to install a spirit stone inside. Wu Sheng can use his spiritual sense and muscles to control the aura, and he can activate the spirit control method. device."

"And under the powerful blessing of Martial Saint, its power is even stronger than that used by immortal cultivators in the late qi refining stage. Although the body refining pavilion has not announced its refining method, it will be sold through the Southwest Chamber of Commerce."

"But if you want to buy it, in addition to paying for the spirit stone, you must also reveal the physical cultivation of Martial Saint, and register it at the Southwest Chamber of Commerce."

Liu Jinyuan looked at the jade slip in his hand and murmured: "The Diamond Art will definitely flow into the mundane world in the future. As mortals begin to practice such body-quenching exercises, a large number of Martial Saints will appear."

"With the help of this spiritual control instrument, mortal warriors will enter the world of immortal cultivators. Immortal cultivators above the foundation-building stage are nothing more than cultivators at the foundation-building stage. The cultivators in the Qi-refining stage will probably suffer a great impact."

"After all, compared with the immortals, the number of mortals is too terrifying."

Fairy Beihan heard the words, pondered for a moment and said, "Ma Feng, your future arrangement should be to go to Fangshi in the extreme north and be in charge of the branch of the Southwest Chamber of Commerce."

The bald old man nodded and said, "Returning to Elder Taishang, that's exactly what it is, but in terms of profit sharing, the suzerain still needs to come forward and discuss with fellow Daoist Qin of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Fairy Beihan said: "With this spiritual control tool alone, the Southwest Chamber of Commerce will earn more spirit stones than imagined. Jin Yuan, you can deal with it. If you don't offend the Body Refinement Pavilion, try to get as much as possible."

"Yes, Master."

Fairy Beihan said again: "Since the mortal Martial Saint can compete with the late stage of Qi refining, the work of some immortal cultivators can also be replaced."

"Jin Yuan, you should have a lot of ideas. If you want to change the rules of the gate and add mortal warriors to the school system, go ahead and do it, and this palace will take care of you."

Hearing this, Liu Jinyuan showed a bit of joy and said, "Yes, Master, this disciple has a lot of ideas, go back and think about it carefully, and then report back to you."

Fairy Beihan said: "Okay, if you have anything to deal with, I will go back first."

Hearing the words, the bald old man quickly took out a magic plate and moved it, opened the formation of the small pavilion, and Fairy Beihan flashed and disappeared outside the door.

After the deity cultivator left, the bald old man relaxed a lot and said with a smile:

"Since senior brother is here, please stay for a while longer. The junior brother will introduce you to the Taoist friend of the Body Refinement Pavilion. The Taoist friend Pan Yan who sits here is the direct disciple of Pavilion Master Lu. It is said that he has just broken through to the middle stage of bone transformation, and his strength is unfathomable. "

"Bone metamorphosis? What realm is this?" Liu Jinyuan asked curiously.

"It is the name of the realm of Body Refinement Jue, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage. Its cultivation method is called Yuantu Body Refinement Jue. In addition to its special physique, it focuses on the defense of the physical body, and it also possesses a peculiar gravitational supernatural power."

"Junior brother is also in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but even if Daoyou Pan stands still, there is no way for junior brother to hurt him."

"It's so amazing, so let's get to know it well."

When Liu Jinyuan heard the words, his interest increased greatly, and then they walked out under the leadership of the bald old man...


In the depths of Huatian Temple, two monks sat cross-legged in a side hall, surrounded by antique wooden furniture, and a portrait of a handsome monk hung on the table in the front section.

These two are Abbot Zhiyuan and his junior brother Zhiyuan. The former is clasping his hands together, rubbing a string of Buddha beads, and reciting some scriptures in his mouth, while the latter is holding a jade slip and watching intently.

After a long time, Zhiyuan slowly opened his eyes and said with great admiration: "I didn't expect Pavilion Master Lu to have such amazing accomplishments in the artifact refining."

"The human sternum is actually regarded as a material for a magic weapon, and the essence of the magic pill and the energy of heaven and earth is extracted, and it is fused with the sternum to refine the spiritual root of the tool."

"However, the fusion method of this artifact spirit root is not a small risk."

When Zhiyuan said this, he asked again: "By the way, brother, how did you get the magic door of the spirit root? Didn't Pavilion Master Lu say that it will only be released when the war of demons starts?"

Abbot Zhiyuan stopped the scriptures in his mouth and did not answer directly, but said: "You should know that I invited Pavilion Master Lu three years ago, and wanted him to lead the demon clan with the blood of the giant ape, and resolve the hatred between the two sides. ."

"At that time, Pavilion Master Lu refused, but he finally accepted the land monsters. Not long ago, his disciple Pan Yan came to Huatian Temple and handed the Diamond Art and the Artifact Spirit Root Method to Lao Na, saying that after reading it, he would understand the intention of Pavilion Master Lu. ."

Zhiyuan was a little dazed when he heard it: "Senior brother, you asked Pavilion Master Lu to resolve the hatred between the human race and the demon race. What does this have to do with the method of the spirit root."

Zhiyuan sighed and said: "You are proficient in the art of refining, and then look at this secret technique carefully. If you replace the magic pill with a demon pill, think about it again."

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then concentratingly deduced, and his mouth gradually opened: "If it is replaced by Yaodan, this method seems to be more suitable, no, this secret method seems to be modified from Yaodan..."

Zhiyuan recited the Buddha's name and said, "Obviously, the Body Refinement Pavilion has long researched the method of the spiritual root, and originally used the magic pill. Three years ago, Pavilion Master Lu got a few magic pills in the Broken Country, so he modified it. already."

"If it is announced immediately, the other old guys will naturally deduce the method of using demon pills after analysis. Pavilion Master Lu changed it into demon pills and delayed the announcement, in order to suppress the fear of demons with the greed of immortal cultivators. ."

"This kind of means, Lao Na really admires it."

Having said that, he paused and said, "But Pavilion Master Lu will teach this method to the old man first, that is, let us Buddhist cultivators give up the demon clan, and there are more important conflicts that need to be reconciled by me."

Zhiyuan had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked, "What contradiction..."

"Excellent Great Spirit King Buddha."

Zhiyuan recited the Buddha's name and said, "Ge Master Lu accepts the reconciliation of the land monsters, which means that the sea monsters in the sea are his target to kill the demon pills. There will be more and more mortal cultivators."

"Although they are both human races, immortal cultivators do not have the concept of equality of all living beings. They are aloof and never look down on mortals."

"With the popularization of the Vajra Art and the Spirit Controlling Artifacts, mortals who have grown in strength will definitely conflict with immortal cultivators. I, such as Buddhists, must prepare in advance to prevent the human race from killing each other."

"Old Na has some arrangements, and I need to discuss it with my junior brother."

When Zhiyuan heard these words, his expression became very solemn, and he perked up to listen...

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