The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1284 Conspiracy

Although only the sect of Yuanying cultivators can obtain the Vajra Art in Tianyuanfang City, the news has spread to the entire world of immortal cultivation at an alarming rate.

Except for those solitary and secluded loose cultivators, almost everyone knows that the Body Refinement Pavilion has made the basic exercises of Body Refinement available to the world.

What shocked everyone even more was that this method not only allowed mortals to practice, but also could smelt incredible spiritual roots.

Those mortals who knew the news through the elders of the cultivators seemed to be in a dream, trying their best to obtain the Vajra Art.

Although there are no restrictions on the diamond jade slips scattered in Tianyuanfang City, all the sects obtained are very precious, for fear of being a step too late for others.

The fact that Pavilion Master Lu said there is a chance to increase the probability of foundation building and pill formation is enough to make most monks rush.

As for the artifact spirit root method, many immortal cultivators have thought that since this secret technique can generate spirit roots out of thin air for mortals, after their cultivators smelt the artifact spirit roots, can they improve the spiritual root qualifications?

If that's the case, that's almost as good as any panacea.

As for those small sects that did not have Nascent Soul monks in charge, the scattered cultivator family power, very few obtained the exercises in advance by virtue of their relationship and cost, and most of them sent the strong men from the door to Tianyuanfang City and waited for a year to pass.

For a while, the entire world of immortal cultivation became lively, especially near Tianyuanfang City, the number of immortal cultivators kept increasing, and temporary caves were opened up in the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Although there are a large number of immortal cultivators gathered, they are all below the Nascent Soul stage. No one dares to fight or cause trouble nearby, and they all wait for the time to come.


In the depths of Zhongming Mountain, in the valley of corpse kings, which is full of cold air, Lu Kun stood with his hands behind his back, Shi Yin'er stood quietly beside him, and the five corpse kings stood side by side not far away. A big difference from before.

Silver-winged Yaksha's whole body's silver scales became extremely regular, and the silver fleshy wings behind him flashed agile rays of light, which were extremely conspicuous and looked a bit unrestrained.

The Ice Bone Yaksha with ice crystal-colored bone spurs on the back, the body covered with silver scales is much fuller than before. Because of his short stature, his chest appears to be bulging, and the thick scales are stretched a lot.

Although her face has a few scales inlaid, the lines have become softer, and it can be seen that she is a charming and lovely woman.

The huge Etoyasha, the rusty scales on the body surface have all turned into pale yellow scales, with raised patterns on them, like a thick layer of rock armor covering the body surface.

The three holes on Yaksha's face have disappeared, and it has turned into the face of a pale middle-aged man. Although it has a dead fish-like expression and looks eerie, it is more personal than before.

The last Zhalei Yaksha, whose scales were shrouded in electric light, had the biggest change in appearance. The previous appearance of purple-faced fangs had become the face of a mature and prudent middle-aged man.

All the green hairs on the corpse king's body disappeared, and even their corpse aura was barely audible.

Although these corpse kings seem to have increased their strength, they still look at Lu Kun with a strong fear. Their bodies are only leaning on each other, as if they want to stimulate the magical power of fusion at any time.

"Why, don't you plan to hand over the crystals of the ghost?"

Lu Kun said lightly, breaking the calm of the Valley of Corpse Kings.

Zhalei Yasha said solemnly: "Lord Lu, you gave fifty drops of body repair essence blood before, and I promised to protect Tianyuanfang City, but you don't want to exchange things now, you just want to take away the crystals of the ghost, right? unacceptable."

"If you use your cultivation base to grab it, I can't say that you will destroy this crystal first!"

Although Zhalei Yasha spoke in a tough tone, his claws sometimes squeezed fists and sometimes turned into claws.

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "If Lu wanted to grab it, you would have turned into dust three years ago."

As he spoke, with his body as the core, all the cold and cold energy within a range of 30 feet rolled up, and strands of gray halo emerged from it. The pressure spreads out.

Zhalei Yasha clenched his fists and stared at the gray halo around Lu Kun, a look of despair flashing in his eyes.

This perverted guy came here three years ago. Compared with a hundred years ago, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It seems that he has directly entered the realm of God Transformation.

This special kind of vitality is completely different from that of the demon spirit. No matter how thick the power of cold and cold can't be activated, it can only be activated by the crystallization of mental power at the level of the golden armored corpse.

But this guy in front of him actually did it, and even any spiritual aura did not manifest.

The suppression of the cold energy on the zombies is beyond imagination. Even if Lu Kun didn't do anything, the powerful pressure also made the cold force in their bodies shrink, like a real golden corpse.

These corpse kings agreed to protect Tianyuanfang City, not only because of the fifty drops of blood essence, but also because of the opponent's unmatched strength.

But who knows, when Pavilion Master Lu came again, he actually wanted to take away the crystals of the ghost spirit, and he didn't plan to give any blood essence. If they agreed so easily, who knows if this person would make more excessive demands, such as Slave, servant, etc.

The gray halo around Lu Kun's body became brighter and brighter, and he said lightly: "Don't think that Lu needs your corpse kings, Yin'er has reached the realm of corpse kings now, I kill you, she can still lead the zombies in Zhongming Mountain. , to protect Tianyuanfang City."

Shi Yin'er, who was standing on the side, snorted softly, scales spewed out of her exposed skin, and a deep and incomparably cold power emerged.

The faces of the five-headed corpse kings changed. They could feel that although the other party's cold and cold power had just broken through to the realm of a tenth-level silver armored corpse, it was extremely pure, and even had a special power that was barely visible. Pressure, the strength is probably not worse than them.

Zhalei Yasha gritted his teeth and said, "Pavillion Lu, I have also told you clearly that after absorbing the body repair essence and blood, our strength is gradually increasing, and there may not be a chance to break through to the golden corpse in the future."

"If you have the crystal of the ghost in your hand, the chance of breaking through will be so much higher. How can we give up such an opportunity."

Lu Kun sneered and said, "I still want to break through to the golden armored corpse. Lu Mou found out a long time ago that you have a lot of impurities in your body, and there are blockages in many places. Relying on my blood essence, you can purify it a little."

"If you want to break through the golden corpse in this situation, the mental shock wave alone is enough to cause the body to collapse."

Hearing this, Zhalei Yasha couldn't help being silent, and the eyes of the other corpse kings also flickered slightly.

In order to maintain the fusion secret technique of the five corpse kings, after each tenth-level silver armored corpse is born, it will absorb the hard work and essence of the previous corpse king to inherit its talent, so as to be able to cooperate with their secret techniques.

But the essence of these hard work was passed down from generation to generation of corpse kings, mixed with the blood of dozens of silver-armored corpses. With each generation, the refining time became longer.

They know that this will cause problems with the zombie body and slow down the training speed, but in order to fight against the human race gods, they have to do it.

Lu Kun continued: "It is a waste to have the crystals of the Mingling in your hands, it is better to give it to Yin'er, she is in the realm of bronze armored corpse, and she followed Lu Mou, relying on my blood essence to cultivate all the way, and her body changes with her practice. more refined."

When he said this, he said meaningfully: "Besides, she is still the body of the most yin. What does this mean, you should know."

"What! The body of the yin?"

"It's actually the body of the yin!"

The five corpse kings all stared at Shi Yin'er, carefully feeling the chilly power with a touch of coercion in the pure and pure, and complex eyes such as excitement, envy, and shock flashed in their eyes.

The special physique of the most yin body is extremely rare even in the human race, and after such a cultivator dies, the corpse needs to be soaked with a lot of yin and cold energy before it can become a zombie.

The golden-armored corpse senior in Zhongming Mountain is the body of the most yin. Although it has not been verified, the corpse kings of all dynasties felt that this physique was the easiest to break through to the golden-armored corpse.

The female zombie in front of her, who looks indistinguishable from a human woman, not only possesses the body of the most yin, but is also fed by the powerful blood essence of Pavilion Master Lu. With such qualifications and conditions, the probability of breakthrough is much higher than them.

At this time, Lu Kun calmed down and said, "Although Lu's blood is somewhat useful to you, it won't cure the root cause. Only the real golden armor corpse can solve the hidden dangers of your body."

"Besides, how can the effect of the ghost crystal on the corpse king be comparable to the spiritual power crystal of the golden armored corpse."

"Lu Mou can promise you that as long as you hand over the crystals of the ghost, after Yin'er becomes a golden corpse in the future, he will try his best to help you break through."

Having said that, Lu Kun took out a stone of oath and quietly looked at the five-headed corpse king. The gray halo surrounding his body was also put away by him at this time.

The expressions of the five corpse kings were both struggling and eager. After a few moments of spiritual exchange, Zhalei Yasha finally sighed and said, "I hope Pavilion Master Lu can keep his promise."

Then, under the guidance of Lu Mou, the two parties signed a contract. Zhalei Yasha reluctantly took out the crystal of the ghost and threw it to Shi Yin'er. the eight crystals.

Then she agitated the gloomy aura with some disgust, and kept rolling outside the crystal, as if to wipe it clean.

After Lu Kun completed the transaction, he did not leave immediately, but smiled slightly:

"By the way, Lu Mou is in the realm of pseudo-god transformation now, and his blood essence can barely be absorbed by you, but in the future, if he breaks through to the real state of body refining and deity transformation, the blood will not be swallowed by you."

"If you want Zhongming Mountain to become really strong, you can cooperate with the body training of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Zhalei Yasha's face changed slightly and said: "Lord Lu, don't deceive people too much, we will never become the servants of immortal cultivators."

Lu Kun chuckled and didn't answer, but said: "After immortal cultivators contracted zombies, due to the existence of bloodthirsty, they had to feed blood essence, but immortal cultivators are weak in flesh, blood essence is extremely thin, and their effects are limited. "

"So these immortal cultivators will think of various ways to weaken the influence of bloodthirsty, causing the consciousness of contracted zombies to be extremely painful."

"And the immortal cultivator's Jindan Yuanying is also a great supplement for zombies. Whenever there is a chance, these painful zombies will attack their masters and find a way to devour their Jindan Yuanying."

"Traditional immortal cultivators can be said to be at odds with zombies. After the contract is concluded, both parties are extremely painful, but their physical cultivation is different."

Lu Kun said with a bit of pride: "May I tell you, what Lu gave you is not the original blood essence at all, it is just ordinary blood essence, not to mention fifty drops, thousands of drops condensed in one breath, Neither has any effect on Lu, and the same goes for other body repairs."

"What! Just ordinary blood?"

"This is impossible, how can the human race have such thick blood!"

The five corpse kings all showed disbelief.

Lu Kun said in a persuasive manner: "If the body repair and the zombies conclude a contract, the blood essence alone can make you suffer."

"And the body repair doesn't have the Jindan Yuanying you need. What you have is the powerful blood essence that you can't absorb in your entire life. With the body repair feeding, the strength of zombies can be said to have reached a higher level."

"As you can see from Shi Yin'er, with enough essence and blood to feed, the body of a zombie can become no different from a human race. Even if it walks in the world of immortals, it will not be considered a zombie."

Speaking of which, Lu Kun sighed: "You must know that your predecessors were also immortal cultivators..."

"The powerful blood essence that can't be absorbed..."

Hearing this sentence, the necks of the five zombies wriggled, as if they had already felt the sweet and thick blood entering their mouths. Lu Kun's voice, like a demon, was nakedly tempting them...

Seeing this, Lu Kun raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and an invisible force wrapped Shi Yin'er, the two of them flickered, and left the Valley of Corpse Kings, leaving a fluttering speech.

"In the next year, all the Nascent Soul-level body cultivators in the Body Refinement Pavilion will stay in Tianyuanfang City. If you have any ideas, go directly to the Southwest Chamber of Commerce to find them..."

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