The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1285 Gathering (1)

The northwest corner of Tianyuanfang City is a steep peak of Zhongming Mountain. This is also the core node of Fang City's defense formation. The surrounding is mixed with cold air, magic energy and spiritual energy.

There are ten cave dwellings in the mountain, and each of them has a Nascent Soul cultivator in charge. They come from the major sects of Dazhou. The weakest cultivation base is the peak of the middle Nascent Soul, and there are at least three great cultivators.

Thanks to the huge scale of Tianyuanfang City, it is also the transmission and gathering point of the major cultivating countries. The daily transaction volume of spirit stones is very considerable, so they can afford to support so many Nascent Soul cultivators.

To know this kind of strength, except that there is no god-turning cultivator, it can be regarded as a top sect.

Among the ten caves, nine are located on the mountainside or anywhere on the peak, and only one cave is located at the bottom of the mountain.


On this day, a tall man with an ordinary appearance flew out of the fog outside Fang City and landed at the foot of the mountain. He looked at the three words "Training Pavilion" engraved on the cave in front of him, and said with an annoyed expression:

"Oops, I seem to be late..."

He quickened his pace and walked forward. Although there was no restraining aura in this cave, the air inside was blurry, as if it had been distorted by some terrifying force.

When the tall man walked in, a circle of equally vague invisible power suddenly gushed out within two feet of his body, which canceled out the surrounding power and was not affected in any way.

After a while, his eyes lit up, and a hall with a length of 100 zhang appeared. Seeing that there were only three people in the cave, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said respectfully, "Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Zhao, and Senior Sister Duan."

These three people are the Bone Transformation Stage Body Cultivator, Li Qianfeng, Zhao Qiming, and Duan Yiyun, among the second-generation disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Li Qianfeng looked up and down the tall man, feeling the fluctuation of his body surface just subsided, and said with joy: "When I heard the pavilion master say before, I still didn't believe it, it turned out that Junior Brother Gao really broke through to the bone transformation stage. "

Duan Yiyun was also surprised. She covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Junior Brother Gao has cultivated to the bone transformation stage for more than 200 years. It seems that you are the most qualified person among the second-generation disciples."

Zhao Qiming excitedly said: "Another bone variant cultivator has been added. Counting Jin Shishu, there are nine high-level physique practitioners in the Body Refinement Pavilion, and they are about to enter double digits."

Hearing the praise from several people, Gao Yong scratched his head shyly, as if he was a little embarrassed.

Li Qianfeng asked curiously: "Junior Brother Gao, I heard from the pavilion master that he transformed your bone treasure to greatly increase the chance of breakthrough?"

Gao Yong snorted, his eyes flashed with admiration and said: "The pavilion master's old man's ideas are wild and unrestrained, and he found that the five elements of the junior brother Gubao's attributes are very uniform, so he and a few elders shot together."

"First, the five-element jade was refined into the body, and then it was integrated into a very high-level demon skeleton, which was said to transform the physical body into a small five-element chaotic demon body."

"Little Chaos Demon Body?"

The three people around came around curiously, and Li Qianfeng asked, "I heard Master Huang say that the pavilion master is a five-element chaotic demon body. Is your current physical body the same as the pavilion master?"

Gao Yong said with some uncertainty: "The pavilion master said that in my situation, the chaotic demon body was reluctantly refined with the help of the balanced five elements, and the induction of the five elements and demonic energy is weaker than his."

"When the pavilion master enters the bone transformation stage, he can sense the existence of vitality through this physical sense, but I can't sense it at all."

"However, with this small five-element chaotic demon body, the chaotic mana in the junior brother's body can already compete with the blood and blood magic power, and the blood and blood magic power has passed the test directly."

"Because of this special change, the physique has grown to six stars, with a two-foot source field."

When he said this, he hesitated and said: "And the Five Elements Chaos Demon Body, it seems that it is easier to use the body repair combat skills."

When the others heard the words, they all showed thoughtful expressions.

Li Qianfeng pondered: "In this way, the balanced spiritual roots of the five elements are an excellent qualification for physical cultivation. The chaotic magic power cultivated can restrain the magic power of Qi and blood."

The other two also nodded in agreement, especially Zhao Qiming, who passed the hurdle only by suppressing the magic power of blood and blood through the poisonous magic power of the unity of the five attributes.

They have also seen the technique of the five elements. Although physical cultivation can supplement the attributes of the spiritual root through the spiritual root, it is not balanced. The natural root of the five elements does not exist. I am afraid it is precisely because of this that this can be refined. A small five-element chaotic demon body.

"Restrain blood and magic power, improve physical fitness, and make it easier to use combat skills. Pavilion Master's Five Elements Body Refinement Art is originally a matching aptitude."

"The name of the Five Elements Pavilion seems to be the right one."

When several people looked excited, they found that Gao Yong's expression was not particularly happy, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Junior Brother Gao, what's wrong with you?"

"The mood seems to be a little low. Could it be that there are any hidden dangers when breaking through?"

Gao Yong sighed softly and said with a gloomy expression: "Senior Brother Li, who broke through with me, failed in the end."

"Li Kui also tried to break through?"

Li Qianfeng and the others were very surprised. Li Kui was the first mortal warrior to have the spirit root of the fusion device.

But its lifespan is quite sufficient, it seems that there is no need to break through so quickly.

Gao Yong said, "Although Senior Brother Li has merged with the white lotus pure fire, he is an acquired spiritual root after all. Only the sternum is completely fused with the different fire. The bone treasures in other parts of the body have a much weaker fire attribute, so the mana of the body is not pure."

"Originally, he had no plans to make a breakthrough, but when the senior brother learned about the Demonic Body Refinement Technique and the Spiritual Secrets of the Body Repair Tool, he resolutely decided to make a breakthrough."

Li Qianfeng's expression softened a little and said, "So, it seems that Li Kui has changed his mind to the devil's rigid body training?"

Gao Yong was silent and said, "Senior brother, he didn't choose the Demonic Stress Refinement."

"He chose to become an artifact? Why?"

"There is only some spiritual consciousness left in the tool spirit, but the devil's body refinement can save the entire divine soul."

"The pavilion master obtained a fresh corpse of a demon general from the Shattered Kingdom, and with the Great Elder there, the chance of success in the Demonic Body Refinement is very high!"

Gao Yong said with complicated eyes: "I heard from the pavilion master that before the breakthrough, Senior Brother Li asked the pavilion master and several elders to transform his sternum as a residence for the spirits."

"Senior Brother Li failed to break through and was swallowed up by the blood and magic power, leaving behind a sternum cornerstone with a tool spirit. He wants to use this special sternum to refine the tool spirit roots of other mortal warriors and improve their physical bones and mana. This greatly increases the chance of a breakthrough in bone metamorphosis..."


When Li Qianfeng and the others heard this, they all fell silent, with shock and awe in their eyes.

They were all born as mundane warriors, they understood the warriors with inferior spiritual roots, and their desire for the path of immortality. As a mortal warrior without spiritual roots, Li Kui's desire surpassed them countless times.

But even so, he was willing to sacrifice himself to improve the chances of others breaking through...

"Li Kui's sacrifice will not be in vain..."

At this time, along with a thick voice, three figures gradually came out from the distorted air at the entrance of the cave.

It was Lu Kun and his two direct disciples, Xiao Jin, who had grown to five feet tall, was sitting on the shoulders of Pan Yan, who was nearly nine feet in size.

Lu Kun said slowly: "I just received a summons. With the help of Qin Yushu and Brother Hong, Li Kui's artifact spirit root has been successfully integrated into Yan Fei's sternum."

"Yan Fei's Artifact Spirit Root and Bailian Jinghuo have mutated once, and now they are integrated into Li Kui's Artifact Spirit Root. It can be said that his acquired spirit root is the ultimate."

"Both of them have fused with Bailian Jinghuo. With the help of Li Kui's tool spirit, this kind of different fire spirit root attribute gradually dispersed Yan Fei's whole body, so that this little guy can transform the bones of his whole body into Alien fire attribute."

Lu Kun sighed: "Li Kuina, the cultivation is too crazy. He is eager to break through the realm, and he did not carefully polish the bone treasure. If he stays in the early stage of the bone treasure for seven or eight years, and then slowly refines it, there may not be no chance."

The surrounding disciples had extremely complicated expressions, but they could only sigh like Lu Kun.

Li Kui is the first person to cultivate the mortal human body. It can be said that he is an explorer of mortal cultivation of immortality. It is not wrong for him to cultivate so desperately.

But he did not expect that the acquired spiritual root would lead to a decrease in the purity of the fleshly bone treasure and mana.

When Li Kui realized this, he had already entered the late stage of Gubao. Only in the early stage of Gubao, when Gubao had not yet formed, could he finely polish his bones and strengthen the attributes of Gubao.

For the sake of mortal cultivation, Li Kui chose to sacrifice to give the next generation of mortal disciples a few more opportunities.

Li Qianfeng and the others, especially Zhao Qiming, are full of respect for such disciples. If it wasn't for the attempts of Zhao Qingtian's generation, how would they know that the blood and magic power is terrible?

Although there is the pavilion master, the ancestor of physical cultivation, who is pioneering the road ahead, but due to the differences in physical training qualifications, exercises, and subdivision directions, the road ahead is still full of dangers.

Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, five kinds of body training, and Gao Yong's five-element body training, body training magic art, magic rigid body training, demon spirit art...

On these subdivision paths, they are all pioneers at the forefront. Only by disregarding the danger and providing experience for future disciples, can the path of body refinement become more and more perfect and be passed on forever...

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