The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1286 Gathering (Part 2)

"Now there are hundreds of mortals in the Body Refinement Pavilion, and a series of auxiliary secret techniques for Bone Transformation Stage breakthroughs have appeared. Sooner or later, this group of practitioners will have Bone Transformation Stage Body Cultivation."

"Your energy now should be focused on the cultivation of the bone transformation period." Lu Kun looked around the crowd and said solemnly.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked solemn.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Then Lu Kun walked forward and came to the jade pad in the center of the hall. He sat cross-legged and waved one hand at the same time. There were three jade pads in the first row in front of him, and four in the second row.

"sit down."

After everyone sat down in the order of the first and second generation disciples, he continued: "Although I am pioneering the path of body refinement, it is inseparable from the efforts of all of you."

"Now there are three disciples of the first generation of Body Refinement Pavilion, including Xiao Jin, and the second generation of disciples are the four of you. This time, we have gathered everyone for two main purposes, one of which is to help you sort out high-level physical training. the path of cultivation.”

All the disciples, including Xiao Jin, all sat upright, pricked up their ears and listened carefully. They all knew that their pavilion master had stepped into the threshold of the Dirty Yuan period with half a foot, and their understanding of the bone metamorphosis period must have been extremely thorough.

Lu Kun thought about it and said: "The realm of physical cultivation that has been deduced today is divided into the entry stage, the tempering stage, the bone treasure stage, the bone transformation stage, and the visceral yuan stage, which correspond to the traditional cultivators' Qi refining, foundation building, Forming Pills, Nascent Souls, and Huashen."

"I used to cross the river by feeling the stones, taking one step at a time. Now looking back, I have a somewhat different perception."

There was a bit of reminiscence in his expression: "The first three realms can be regarded as the basic realms of physical cultivation. They are polishing the foundation of the physical body, and concentrating on cultivating the hardest part of the human body to the extreme."

"In this basic realm, the main body of cultivation is the body, as for the energy in the body, it serves to temper the body. According to different body cultivation techniques, this kind of body tempering energy can be mana, magic, or even demon spirit art. demon power."

"When fighting, body quenching energy is just an aid, and the real core is the power of the flesh."

"However, in the basic realm of physical training, the power of the physical body is still pure savage power. Fighting with the impact force transmitted by the interaction of the muscles and bones of the physical body cannot be separated from the interaction of force."

When all the disciples heard the words, they were deeply touched. In the latest Vajra Art, Lu Kun wrote the kinematic mechanics into the annotations.

"From tens of thousands of catties to 300,000 catties, every time you hit a force, you need your body to carry the reaction force."

"To exert force in the air, you need the support of the levitation force of mana flying in the void. On the ground, you need to provide support from the ground, and the body is constantly circulating and transmitting power."

"So after the bone treasure is first formed, the limit of the reaction force that the physical body can withstand is the largest, so that it can exert its amazing combat effectiveness."

"In other words, in fighting at the basic realm of physical training, apart from borrowing magic weapons and instruments, the skills and characteristics of physical strength are not much different from those of mortal warriors."

Hearing this, these physical training disciples couldn't help nodding their heads. Due to the limited physical strength of the martial artist, they used various methods to exert their strength to the extreme.

The physical cultivation of the basic realm only magnifies this part, plus the energy in the body and the magic weapon, the combination of the two can exert the strength that surpasses the immortal cultivator of the same level.

Lu Kun said with a sigh of admiration: "But in the period of bone transformation, the power of the body to cultivate the body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it has the wonderful supernatural power of the source of the body."

"If the fleshly body can use the bearing capacity of the ground to produce a force of 500,000 pounds, then the fleshly body's source force can convert this force into a passive force field with the body as the core."

"It completely changes the properties of the power of the flesh. It is not limited to an impact force, but is transformed into a field. It can not only borrow power from the void, but can even radiate out in the form of an invisible ripple, forming a wave. A long-range force field that can change shape and direction of force."

"The appearance of the source of the physical body has brought about an earth-shaking change in the fighting method of the body repair, which is a complete qualitative change!"

When he said this, he thought of the scene where the violent force of space was distorted in the ancient battlefield, and also thought of various descriptions of gravity on the earth, and said excitedly:

"The source of the flesh is a terrifying force that points directly to the source."

"If it continues to strengthen, the body repair can even move mountains and reclaim the sea, distort time and space, shift the stars and change the moon, and exert all kinds of incredible power!"

When Lu Kun said these words, the source force field on the surface of his body trembled, and the silver light dots flashing inside, like dazzling stars, kept collapsing and merging in the distorted force field. , as if to describe some kind of terrifying supernatural power of the physical source.

Although these disciples could only imagine the power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, they could not help but feel an inexplicable awe and shock that seemed to come from the endless sky after seeing the scene of the source force field feedback from the pavilion master's body.

Lu Kun's eyes were frantic. He didn't understand the principle of gravity. He only knew that the source force of the physical body was very similar to gravity in many aspects.

There is probably only one different place. The magnitude of the gravitational force is affected by the mass of the object, but the strength of the source force of the physical body is equivalent to the maximum force that the physical body can explode.

"The gravitational field mentioned on the earth is a planet with huge mass, which produces various force field effects in the vast space, but the body repair is a small body with life."

"The root principles of the formation of the two are definitely different, but the magical powers displayed are very similar."

Lu Kun has recently been thinking about the relationship between the source force field and the gravitational field. The more he thinks about it, the more confused his mind becomes. He simply ignores the messy principles, and only regards the source force of the flesh as a gravitational field that has life and is affected by the force of the flesh.

"When the physical strength continues to grow, reaching ten yuan, one hundred yuan, or even ten thousand yuan, this gravitational field of the physical body with life can definitely exert a terrifying effect that is no less than macroscopic gravity."

Substituting the source force field into the gravitational field, Lu Kun can fully imagine the terrible power that the source force of the physical body will exert in the future, which makes him full of confidence in the future of the body refining road.

He took a deep breath and put the source force field in his body into the body, calmed down his excitement, looked at the disciples who were also excited, and said slowly:

"In the period of bone transformation, the source of the physical body makes a qualitative change in the physical strength. The physical cultivation breaks through from the basic realm, and the battle is not limited by the interaction of forces. I will call it high-level physical cultivation."

"Cultivation in this realm is different from the basic realm. It is not only about tempering the physical body, but also strengthens the integration of the physical body."

When Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan heard this, they nodded deeply. As for Li Qianfeng and the others, they were a little dazed.

Lu Kun added: "The basis for the emergence of this special power, the source power of the physical body, is the integration of the physical body."

"When every flesh and blood part of the body becomes a unified whole, power can flow freely in the body. In other words, the deeper the integration of the body, the more stable the source of the body, and the wider the radiation range."

"On the surface, this realm constantly strengthens the physical body, but in fact, it continuously deepens the integration of the physical body, so that the powerful bone treasure material is transferred to the whole body."

"Cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation seems to temper the muscles, but it actually transfers the power of the bone treasure into the muscles, and in order to ensure that the hardness and flexibility of the muscles break through at the same time, it is necessary to convert blood into muscle fibers to intervene. ."

"When we successfully broke through to the middle stage of bone transformation, not only did the muscle material reach the level of a mature magic weapon, but also flexibility was taken into account. Moreover, due to the mutual transfer of flesh and blood, the relationship between various parts of the flesh body was deeper, and the degree of integration of the flesh body was greatly deepened. ."

Having said this, Lu Kun slowly concluded: "The strength of the source power of the physical body is limited by the size of the power of the physical body, and its radiation range is related to the degree of integration of the physical body."

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