The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1290 collective tempering (below)

The invisible and formless spiritual shock wave immersed the fleshly bodies of several body cultivators silently.

Although they indented their souls into their vertebrae, and they were protected by Lu Kun's blood essence, they didn't suffer any shocks from their souls, but their spines were still connected to their physical nerves.

Everyone felt that their internal organs were directly facing the Thunder Tribulation, and a strong tingling stimulation caused the flesh and blood in the internal organs to churn, like goosebumps on the skin.

The numbness transmitted from the visceral nerves almost caused them to faint directly, but after the stimulation ended, there was a feeling of pain penetrating into the bone marrow, as if a knife had been slashed on their neurons. .

At first glance, life is better than death.

Fortunately, this mental shock wave is not intense, and it is fleeting. If it is not for the pain in the internal organs, I am afraid they all think it is a momentary illusion.

"Yes, this shock wave is not very strong, and your internal organs can fully withstand it."

Lu Kun seemed to be able to see the state of several disciples. He put down the hands that controlled Nascent Soul and Mingling Crystal, and there was a sense of relief in his tone.

While they were speaking, the layer of silver bone surrounding the vertebrae of these people was slightly twisted and turned into a silver blood spot, which was printed on their backs.

As early as the Bone Treasure Period, Lu Kun was able to condense the meaning of true demons through the method of blood condensing.

A body cultivator can also do this, but it is much more difficult than him. As for the soul of a cultivator, as well as the will remaining between heaven and earth, it is more solid than the unrefined magic in the real magic pool.

The mental shock wave just now is also the same level of spiritual energy. The reason why he can resist with blood, in addition to the powerful blood essence, mainly relies on the madness contained in the blood.

If the madness and magic can be integrated in the future, there will be new changes in the blood.

"Master, the disciple's internal organs have been severely injured by 30%, and many flesh and blood are in a state of disintegration."

At this time, Pan Yan's somewhat surprised voice came.

Huang Xiaoyun felt it and said, "My severity is 50%."

"The disciple is also 50%."

"Me too."

Except for Pan Yan, whose internal organs suffered the least damage, the rest of the people were similar, even Xiao Jin.

Hearing everyone's answers, Lu Kun pondered: "The effect should have little to do with physical attributes. Xiao Yanzi is in the middle stage of bone transformation. The power of life is a level higher than yours, and the strength of internal organs is naturally different."

"The mental shock wave is the strength of the baptism of the internal organs. This kind of damage, if the normal self-healing speed is used, it will take a long time, so it needs to be nurtured with the vitality of the opposite attribute."

He looked at the puzzled eyes of everyone and explained a little: "Just like our cultivation in the Bone Treasure Period, blood magic and bone mana are mutually annihilated, and after the power of destruction is produced to temper the bones, it needs to be nurtured with bone mana. The same goes for a quick way to increase visceral strength."

"However, its corresponding attributes are not mana and magic power, but will attributes."

"Will attribute?"

When these disciples heard this term, they were somewhat at a loss.

Lu Kun continued: "I just used the shock wave generated by the Demonic Primordial Spirit. This cruelty controls the Demonic Primordial Qi and belongs to the Demonic Primordial Qi attribute."

"Other wills that manipulate spiritual energy can also be tempered, such as the sharpness of Tianjiange's sword valley."

"After my personal experience, the damage to the internal organs caused by the spiritual shock wave of the demonic energy attribute needs to be nurtured with spiritual energy, and vice versa."

"The sharpness of the sword valley is gone once you use it, you can save it if you can save it."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun showed a bit of sigh. Although he has crossed the realm of the late stage of bone transformation, the amount of willpower consumed is astonishing. Wait.

Even at the time of Shattered Kingdom, it consumed the power of the primordial spirits of several pseudo-gods at the same time, and finally raised the internal organs to the level of bearing the power of one yuan.

You must know that in the eyes of traditional immortal cultivators, every will is necessary for the great cultivator to break through the false gods, and both are the most treasured treasures in the immortal world.

"Wu Wenxuan's Primordial Spirit is different from sharpness. Although most of the damage is damaged, he cannot take the initiative to cultivate, but as long as he is placed in an Primordial Qi environment, he can recover part of it after a hundred years."

Lu Kun looked at Wu Wenxuan's Nascent Soul with indifferent eyes, without showing any sympathy.

If it weren't for the fact that these pseudo-gods were still useful, he would have wiped them all out in the ancient battlefield.

"The next method of gestation can also directly use top-quality spirit stones, but this kind of top-level spirit stones are too rare, and the effect of using the late-stage cultivation method of bone transformation will not be much worse."

"Although the range and strength of your source field are not enough to evoke the vitality of the world, if I use the power of one element to assist you, I can let you feel the cultivation method in the later stage in advance."

While speaking, Lu Kun put away the soul-transforming Nascent Soul and the crystals of the ghost spirit in his hands, and with a flash, he came to the crowd who were still suspended in mid-air.

His lips moved slightly, and he used Divine Sense to transmit the sound, changing the bones into the operation mode of the source force field in the later stage, and told each disciple.

Gradually, some changes appeared on the surface of everyone's flesh, and everyone lit up a layer of light.

Pan Yan's dark yellow light film, Huang Xiaoyun's dark gold, Duan Evian's pure gold, Li Qianfeng's dark red like blood, Zhao Qiming's dark green, Xiaojin and Lu Kun's light silver, as for Gao Yong, it's white with gray , similar to an off-white light film.

As everyone started to run the magical energy in their bodies, the ranges of their respective source fields were also different, and the bodies that had previously relied on each other began to widen the distance.

An invisible force field emerges from each person's body, the twisted air forms the shape of a two-way funnel, and the chest cavity, waist and abdomen are the center of the funnel.

Then Lu Kun narrowed his eyes, and a terrifying pressure suddenly appeared in the surrounding air, and a little white halo emerged from the rich spiritual energy.

After a while, the top of everyone's heads was a white cloud of light, which looked really dazzling. Under the action of a terrible force, they were reluctantly divided into seven parts, and they were pressed into the top of the seven physique disciples' heads. In the funnel vortex.

"It's now, concentrate the spiral blood crystals, guide the spiritual energy to be compatible with the power of life, and enter the internal organs!"

Without Lu Kun's reminder, the body cultivation disciples burst out with majestic energy and blood, terrifying blood energy, and even stirred up a wave of heat in this cave.

Gradually, those spiritual energy began to stabilize, pouring in from the funnel above everyone's heads, and then flowing out from the source funnel under them.

Under the pressure of Lu Kun's one yuan force, the overflowing spiritual energy formed an external circulation along the funnel, from under the feet to the top of the head, the halo of vitality outside each person's body showed the shape of a round apple, and the internal organs of the chest cavity. , where the kernel is located.

Lu Kun was located in the center of these vitality apples, a little bloodshot appeared in his eyes, and his muscles even trembled.

His physical consciousness has not yet reached its peak, and he is still struggling to control such terrifying powers as the force of one yuan so finely.

However, sensing that these disciples gradually inhaled the spiritual energy into their bodies, Lu Kun showed a look of relief. As long as the force of life is integrated into the energy, it can enter the internal organs to repair and nurture.

"My life force has been able to completely enter the internal organs. This kind of energy bestowed by the catastrophe can be said to be indispensable for physical cultivation. After entering the visceral primordial period, will there be any special changes?"

"The will of blood, the power of life, the magic energy in the body, the power of one yuan, what new reactions will there be between them."

Lu Kun couldn't help but think in his heart. In the past three years, he has been walking around, using the Prestige Gang who killed the Demon King to lay out the cultivation world. In his spare time, he kept thinking about the new realm of the Dirty Yuan period, and he had all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

Although he didn't have a real breakthrough and couldn't implement it, he couldn't help but imagine.

"Hey, this two-way funnel seems to be somewhat similar to the power rune."

When Lu Kun was thinking about it, he suddenly found that the shape of the source force field twisted by the surrounding disciples was somewhat similar to the hyperboloid structure of the blood rune. From his point of view, the two-way funnel was also a bit like a person raising his hands to the sky. appearance.

"What exactly does this rune represent? The magic rune in the Xiu Xian world is created according to the way the energy of heaven and earth works. The rune of power is portrayed in the depths of the bloodline of the giant ape, and it seems to be naturally formed..."


Time passed continuously, and the surrounding disciples gradually opened their eyes, and the source force fields outside the body were also closed in turn, and each one showed a look of joy.

"The internal organs have indeed improved, and the energy of life that can be accommodated is much more."

"In just a few days, there has been such an improvement, and the speed of internal organs tempering is simply beyond imagination."

"If you practice normally, it will take at least a few years..."

Lu Kun put away the power of one yuan, listened to the words of the disciples, and said slowly: "It seems that the effect is good, since this is the case, then this method can become the unique cultivation secret technique of the Refinement Pavilion."

Huang Xiaoyun hesitated and said: "Master, although we can withstand the mental shock wave under the protection of your blood, the materials needed for this method are too precious, one is the spirit of transformation, and the other is the crystal of the ghost, which is difficult to replicate... "

Lu Kun smiled slightly and said, "Shen Yuanshen is not bad, the mountain of vows in the body refining pavilion will continue to generate the madness of senior Lingming. Although I have used up the inventory in recent years, but with the As time goes by, it will continue to produce.”

"The meaning of madness belongs to the attributes of spiritual vitality. It is tempered with demonic vitality. The effect is the same. The trouble is the crystal of the ghost."

A flash of light flashed in his hand, and an eight-sided crystal appeared. He rubbed the smooth surface on it and said with a light smile:

"After the Shattered Kingdom and those pseudo-gods fought a battle, I learned that the spiritual power crystal of the golden armor corpse has the same effect as this ghost crystal."

"Golden corpse?"

"Spiritual power crystal?"

Lu Kun nodded lightly and said: "Yes, a golden corpse once appeared in Da Zhou. According to the five corpse kings, the golden corpse did not comprehend the power of will, nor did it absorb and fuse bloodthirsty will, but the consciousness of the gods. It condenses into a crystal similar to Jindan."

"With this kind of solid pure spiritual power, you can control the vitality of demon spirits at the same time."

He said with some emotion: "If it wasn't for the fight with those pseudo-gods, I still don't know that the spiritual power crystal of the golden armor corpse has the same effect as the ghost crystal."

"After it is activated, it can destroy each other with the primordial spirit of the gods, producing this kind of mental shock wave. The only golden armored corpse in the Xiuxian world perished with several pseudo-gods like this."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately thought of Shi Yin'er, a powerful silver-armored corpse who had reached the tenth level. Obviously, the pavilion mainly cultivated her into a golden-armored corpse.

Lu Kun said slowly: "If you want to pass on this special technique of forging viscera, Shiyin'er alone is naturally not enough. The Body Refinement Pavilion must control the zombies in its own hands."

"The essence and blood of body repair can help the zombie to nourish the flesh, and it can also help it resist the erosion of bloodthirsty meaning, greatly improving its breakthrough probability. For zombies, this is a great temptation."

"I have already threw this bait to the five corpse kings in Zhongming Mountain. If there is no accident, they will come to you. When the time comes, Xiaoyun, you will arrange how to conclude a contract. It is best to dig all the zombies in Zhongming Mountain. come out."

"Low-level zombies and body quenching stage body repair, bronze armored corpse and bone treasure stage, silver armored corpse contracts with bone transformation stage like you, body repair loses some blood essence, not only can you get a good auxiliary combat power, There is also a chance to cultivate golden armored corpses, this business is too cost-effective."

Lu Kun's eyes were bright and he said, "As long as there are golden armored corpses and visceral elements in the body, this special tempering method can be used by the body refining pavilion, thereby greatly improving the speed of cultivation in the bone transformation period."

"Zhongmingshan Corpse King!"

"Zombie line..."

Several body cultivators heard the words and couldn't help but murmured.

"Okay, let's continue refining, at least consume most of Wu Wenxuan's Yuanshen!" Lu Kun took out his Yuanying again and said lightly.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Hey, I drank too much the day before yesterday, and I just slowed down today...

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