The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1291 Exotic

An unknown area far from the world of immortals.

There were sparse light black clouds floating in the sky, and there was no hot sun in the sky, but a round celestial body with a bright white light.

A lavender halo swirls around its edge, circling around in a spiral, giving people an inexplicable sense of space distortion, as if the surrounding air was burned by the high temperature.

A lavender light with a slight temperature bloomed from this sphere similar to the sun, passed through the layers of clouds and mist, and sprinkled on the land.

Like the Xiuxian world, the ground here is filled with mountains and rivers, with plants of various shapes and strange creatures, but the largest number is a humanoid creature with scales.

I don't know if it's the effect of the strange sunlight or the special environment here. Most of the creatures and plants are purple and black, and even many mountains and rivers are covered by purple-black clouds.

Somewhere in this world, there is a thick black cloud hovering over a thousand feet high, covering a radius of dozens of miles. On the edge of this cloudy fog, you can vaguely see a blue sky. space cracks.

If the viewing angle is zoomed out, this dense and rugged cloud looks like a huge humanoid creature. The black fog outlines the outline of the body and head, and the purple lightning flashes on both sides of the body, like a pair of arms with sharp claws.

The two balls of thunder in the head, like a pair of eyes, are twisted with strange illusions.

In front of this black cloud, which was suspected to be some kind of alien beast, there was a city built on a mountain. It was dozens of feet high and stretched for more than ten miles. It was covered with a relatively thin layer of black mist.

On the walls of the city, stood hundreds of humanoid creatures with scales. They ranged from burly and tall males to slender and plump females. They also had strange heads, some with purple-faced fangs, some with thick scales, and some. They have horns, and each forehead has a pattern similar to a totem.

These humanoid creatures are exactly the demons that Lu Kun was thinking of.

They seemed to be the guards of the city, looking up from time to time at the dark clouds that covered the sky ahead, with a look of incomparable awe in their eyes.

In addition to the city, four demons, two males and two females, were suspended in the air around the thousand-zhang black cloud.

There are no scales on their exposed skin, but strange totem patterns. They are wearing a battle armor made of scales, and the bone spurs of the joints are stuck in it, and the two seem to be fused together.

A rich purple-black halo flickered on the four demons, faintly connecting with the huge black cloud.


After an unknown amount of time, the expressions of these four suddenly changed, the black cloud in front of them trembled, and the looming huge creature opened its mouth at some point, and Yangtian let out a silent roar.

A ball of light intertwined with purple and blue shot out from it, with a terrifying aura, falling to the ground like a meteor, swaying bursts of surging air waves.

The purple and blue rays of light trembled slightly before breaking apart. About hundreds of demons seemed to be pulled and pulled by some kind of force. In the distorted fluctuations, they scattered in all directions and fell to the ground.

Some of these demons are in a coma, some have broken scales, revealing lilac skeletons, some are missing arms and legs, and the worst is only half of their bodies.

Among the half-dead demons, a sturdy male demon stood on the ground. He was wearing a purple-black armor, like some kind of bone structure, with some bone spurs arranged on it. .

Its skin has no scales, and it is depicted with deep purple totems, and the shimmering electric light inside, as if to inhale the souls of others.

The face of this demon resembles a human race, with a square face and bald head, half of the head is covered with purple-black lines, and the beard is like a tiny bone spur, inlaid on the chin.

He looked up at the thousand-meter-high black cloud, his purple eyes flashed with anger, he directly raised his right hand, and a dazzling purple ball of light shot out, like a fast flashing thunder. The ball hit the black cloud creature's mouth.

The black cloud that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be injected with some kind of energy and became more intense, but the lightning inside all collapsed inward, and vaguely gathered in a disc.

The creature that looked like a mirage also disappeared with the lightning, leaving only a thick black cloud occupying a small half of the sky.

"See Lord Demon Lord!"

The four demons in midair came to this man at some point. They bowed respectfully and saluted, carefully looking at the surrounding demons lying on the ground from the corner of their eyes.

The anger in the eyes of the male demons gradually subsided, and he said lightly: "Save them, the space channel is squeezed by the turbulent flow, and it is temporarily impossible to pass through. Time to inform the deity."

"Yes, my lord!"

Then the demon man stepped forward with one foot, and with a few flashes, he crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and entered the city. The remaining four demons looked at each other, and their senses could not help transmitting each other's voices.

"Isn't this time the trough of space turbulence that is rarely seen in thousands of years? Why can't I get past it?"

"In the injuries of these people, in addition to the power of space, there is also the breath of the power of the interface, as if the transmission was interrupted."

"Strange, although the low-level interface is extremely suppressive, it can pass through the middle stage of the Demon King and below."

"Lord Mozun seems to be a little angry, is there some kind of accident?"

These people looked at the hundreds of half-dead and comatose demons in front of them, and their consciousness kept transmitting, but no one moved.

"What happened, you will know if you ask, and Lord Father will not kill you."

A female devil with short lavender hair and a beautiful face pouted, waved one hand, and a black halo fell on a one-horned demon with a healthy body and the longest bone spurs.

The somewhat messy magic essence in the latter's body gradually calmed down under the nourishment of this light group. He slowly opened his eyes, and there was still a flash of horror inside.

However, this Demon Race quickly found the four people wearing battle armor in front of him. He quickly got up and said respectfully, "Heijiao has seen four Demon Sovereigns."

The short-haired witch asked: "Black Horn, what happened during the teleportation? Could it be that the space seal on the interface is so strong that even the power passed on by the father cannot be opened?"

Hei Jiao recalled the scene he saw before he passed out, and said in a bitter tone: "With the help of Hei Feng, Lord Demon Lord has completely destroyed that seal."

"But just as we were about to teleport, a dazzling golden sword light suddenly appeared in the space channel, as if possessing the power of the middle stage of the devil, not only interrupted our teleportation, but also caused a lot of space turbulence and a little interface. force."

"I only remember being shrouded in the magic light of Lord Mozun, and then I fainted under the pressure of the power of the interface..."

The four beings known as the Demon Sovereign looked at each other with a bit of doubt.

"A golden sword glow?"

"That interface has a human race of the mid-level demon king?"

"Impossible. According to the information returned by the prisoner six years ago, the human race has only the existence of pseudo-gods due to the chaotic vitality, and there is no one comparable to the early days of the devil. How can this level appear."

"Could it be that there are other powerful beings who also discovered this magical interface and want to take it for themselves?"

These people exchanged their spiritual knowledge, and their eyes were full of confusion.

The short-haired witch raised her head to look at the thick black cloud in the sky, and said slowly: "The Mirage Dream Pan is still connected to that interface, the father-in-law is very powerful and has his own decision, so I will still follow his old man's orders! "

Hearing the words, the other three nodded silently, condensed balls of purple-black light in their hands, and began to heal the demons still alive on the ground...

Thanks for the reward from the "Orange Fruit 2021" boss, I will definitely add more, I will continue to write, and strive to add a chapter tomorrow...

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