The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1292 Negotiation

In the depths of the city that fell by the mountains, there was a cave house built of purple-gold stones.

A bald-headed demon was sitting on a black crystal throne. On the armrests on both sides were the heads of savage beasts. The roaring mouth of the blood pot was swallowing purple aura, and a male and a female were outlined in front. The demon phantom that also sat on the crystal throne.

The male demon was short in stature, with spiky hair, and he was not wearing any armor. He simply wore a robe. From the outside, it seemed that his body was not strong.

The purple totem pattern on the face surrounds the eyes, and it contrasts with the black vertical pupils inside, giving a soul-stirring feeling.

Another female Demon Race is extremely tall, with exquisite skin, wrapped in a battle armor with bone spurs, her upturned chest is close to a purple scale, forming a perfect arc with her flat lower abdomen.

The totem on her face is long on the side of the face, and the lines extend towards the ears, connecting with the purple hair roots as thick as fingers. The lavender light flickers and disappears, giving people a strange temptation.


The dwarf male demon said with a bit of suspicion: "Luo Tian, ​​is what you said true?"

The bald-headed demon said coldly, "How could this deity lie to you with such a shameful thing."

When the other two demons heard the words, they couldn't help being silent.

The three of them are the strongest among the demons, the three major demons in the demon world, and the Luo Tianmozun in front of him was actually ruined by a little guy in the middle stage of the most demon kings.

The tall slender female Demon Venerable opened her lavender lips, and mixed with a soft and charming voice:

"Since the Human Race's One Yuan Sect entered the spiritual world, except for the immortal cultivators who stayed at the beginning, this small interface has never appeared even in the early stage of God Transformation. Why did it happen when the space was at a trough of turbulent flow? I'm afraid there is something strange about it. ."

The short Demon Venerable said with a thoughtful look: "Could it be related to that space tide?"

The female demon was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean the special spatial fluctuations that appeared on the edge of the spiritual world four years ago?"

Dwarf Demon Venerable nodded and said, "Yuanlian, you should know that the space tide you discovered first, in addition to bordering the edge of the spiritual world, also affected this small interface."

"It is because of the impact of this tide that the space turbulence between it and the Holy Realm will have a trough."

He paused and continued: "The human race is inferior in talent, but the spirit world is different, some are powerful races that can communicate with the source of energy, maybe four years ago, a certain spirit world creature was caught there by the space tide. special interface."

"In more than four years, there are more than 400 years in it. The geniuses in our saints can also cultivate to the middle stage of the devil within this time."

"If a certain race in the spiritual world intervenes, our risk will be great."

The totem light on Yuanlian Demon Venerable's pretty face flickered, and couldn't help but say: "Xuetong, you mean, the secret of this special interface is likely to be known by other races?"

The dwarf Demon Venerable named Xuetong said slowly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, but over the past few hundred years, neither our Saint Race nor the Underworld Zerg have leaked this secret."

"For the sake of confidentiality, the human race even wiped out the demon clan whose interface was soaring."

"Even if the fourth race knows, I'm afraid it will keep this secret."

Thinking of this, a bit of fear flashed in his eyes: "If the secret of this small interface is known to the powerful races in the spiritual world, I am afraid that there will be danger of genocide."

Yuanlian Demon Venerable heard the words, and said reluctantly: "It's not necessarily the case, it may be that a genius appeared in the human race and accidentally broke through to the middle stage of God Transformation."

At this time, Demon Venerable Luo Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, said, "The situation you mentioned may happen, but no matter what race this guy in the middle stage of God Transformation is, he will find a way to enter the spiritual world."

"The deity has turned on the maximum power of the Mirage Dream Pan, and blocked the weak space of the small interface. If you want to enter the spiritual world, you can only shatter the void from the inside with the strength of the late Demon King."

"In less than a year, I will be able to open the channel again."

When Luo Tian said this, his voice became solemn:

"This deity activates the throne, and I want you to take action together. Before the trough of this space turbulence has passed, expand the space channel of the small interface in one breath, and transmit the maximum force that can be transmitted."

Hearing this sentence, the other two demons were shocked.

Yuanlian Demon Zun's pretty face paled and said: "Luo Tian, ​​you are crazy, this is a confrontation with the power of the interface, you may be seriously injured if you are not careful, and besides, this deity sits on the border of the underworld insect race, if you let those monsters with magical powers enter the holy world. , our connection to this small interface will probably be exposed."

The blood-eyed Demon Venerable on the side also shook his head and said: "No, this seat is advancing the war in the spiritual world. If you are injured at this time, it is likely to be counterattacked by the race over there, and the area that has been occupied will be lost. Guys, the strength is not weak."

Luo Tianmozun's expression remained unchanged, looking at Yuanlian, the female demonzun, and said: "It has only been more than seven hundred years, and with the temperament of the underworld Zerg, there are nine out of ten still studying the space nodes that were destroyed in the past, trying to rebuild Invade that interface."

"Instead, they will worry that we will spy on its progress, and how can they venture into the holy world."

Yuanlian Demon Venerable snorted softly: "Luo Tian, ​​it's not like you don't know that the interface of the Underworld Zerg is also flawed, and they also need to conquer the spiritual world, but the end where they meet the spiritual world is a top clan."

"Our holy world is linked to the edge of the spiritual world. They have always wanted to use the holy world as a springboard to enter the spiritual world."

"If the deity is not there, those worms who sneak into the holy world will definitely find that this small interface is still connected to us, and it will be troublesome at that time."

Luo Tian was silent for a while, looked at the blood-eyed Demon Venerable, and said slowly: "The saints fight across borders, and the Demon Venerable has few opportunities to take action, mainly relying on the Demon King and the Demon King to fight."

"The area of ​​the spiritual world currently occupied is already the limit of the holy clan. If you want to capture a larger area, the clan of the demon king and the emperor must increase by at least 50%."

"The only way to do that is to rely on this little interface that changes the flow of time."

"You all understand that the preciousness of this small interface is enough to make any race in the spiritual world go crazy. If you can't seize the opportunity of this turbulent trough in space, you won't know how long you will wait next time."

"As for the Underworld Zerg and the Star Soul Clan, you can delay the time by negotiating. It only takes a year or two, and I will be able to win the small interface. Next, the strength of the Saint Clan will greatly increase."

The other two Demon Venerables were somewhat moved when they heard the words.

Luo Tian murmured: "Our next catastrophe will come in more than a thousand years. Only by conquering enough spiritual realm and making up for the defects of the holy realm will we have a chance to break through to the middle stage of Demon Venerable."

"Time is running out..."

When the other two demons heard the word "Heavenly Tribulation", deep fear flashed in their eyes.

After a while, Xue Tong said solemnly: "Breaking through to the middle stage of Demon Venerable is the most important thing. Luo Tian, ​​you said, what to do."

Yuanlian Demon Venerable was silent, and seemed to agree with Xuetong's decision.

Luo Tian said in a cold tone: "As I said before, taking advantage of the trough of space turbulence, try to expand the space channel as much as possible. The energy level of the Demon Emperor's initial stage is equivalent to that of the Demon King's initial stage, and it is completely possible to cross the border."

"How much the Demon Emperor can send in the initial stage, and the rest are all sent to experts of the same rank. I don't believe it. A mere middle-stage Demon King can still block many experts from the Saint Race."

The other two Demon Venerable nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's do it like this. As long as the small interface can be won, the saints will have a secret realm that can quickly produce demon kings. Even if they fight with the spirit world at the same time, they will not be afraid at all."

"We're going to get ready and come over within a year."

"it is good!"

More to come later...

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