The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1293 Retreat (add 1/10 for the

Chapter 1293 Retreat

"What, the strange fog of the ancient battlefield has begun to expand outward?"

Lu Kun sat cross-legged in a secret room, holding a jade talisman, his face changed slightly.

Venerable Ice Spirit's voice came from the jade talisman: "Yes, Pavilion Master Lu, the formation we left outside the ancient battlefield not long ago was damaged."

"It's a big deal. After the old man got the news, he immediately went to investigate, and found that the space crack outside the ancient battlefield, there was also a purple-black mist, which also contained confusing illusions."

Hearing this, Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "Listening to your tone, it doesn't seem that serious."

Venerable Ice Spirit said: "Although it is the exact same ban, the power of the fog outside the ancient battlefield has weakened, and it cannot affect the consciousness of the gods, and the diffusion speed is very slow."

"The old man has calculated that even if a hundred years pass, only a small half of the Shattered Kingdom will be submerged."

"Are there any abnormal spatial fluctuations?"


Having said this, Venerable Ice Spirit hesitated and said: "Although I am not afraid of the surrounding fog, immortal cultivators below the level of transformation will be troublesome, and the battle at the level of devil may be at a disadvantage, that kind of environment is completely It's the home of the Demons."

Lu Kun said in silence, "I see. You continue to monitor the situation in the Broken Country. Lu is sitting by the Guiyuan River. As long as you receive a notification, you can enter the Broken Country in a single stick of incense."

When Venerable Ice Spirit heard these words, there was a slightly relaxed exhalation sound.

"With Pavilion Master Lu in charge, I can rest assured and keep in touch at any time." After speaking, the light of the white jade talisman dimmed.

Lu Kun turned his hand and put away the jade talisman, a cautious look flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that the demons are not reconciled. I have to cultivate my physical and spiritual consciousness to the peak as soon as possible, and completely control the power of one yuan."

While thinking, Lu Kun slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, a year has passed since the collective tempering of the disciples of the bone transformation stage. As he guessed, the corpse king of Zhongming Mountain cannot resist the temptation to cultivate blood essence.

After some bargaining between the five corpse kings and the disciples of physical cultivation, they decided to let Wutu Yasha and Pan Yan sign a contract first, to see if the blood essence of physical cultivation could support them as Lu Kun said.

As for Lu Kun, he didn't come into contact with these corpse kings and came directly to the secret room where he is now.

This place is located somewhere underground on the bank of the Guiyuan River, next to the Yuanmo Mountains. Although the magic and aura are not particularly strong, it is near the entrance of the Shattered Kingdom and is the most suitable area for Lu Kun to practice.

His current physical body has entered the realm of the pseudo-visceral Yuan period, reaching the pinnacle of the bone transformation period, and the bloodline power rune has also been condensed.

Lu Kun deduced the body training exercises all the way, and crossed the river by feeling the stones. At the beginning, his consciousness was all improved by relying on a solid foundation and breakthroughs in the great realm.

With the enhancement of physical cultivation, the kind of spiritual consciousness that grows in the traditional cultivation method of immortals is gradually unsuitable for the battle of physical cultivation. With the good luck pill and other opportunities, he relies on higher cultivation cultivation to improve step by step. The cultivation of physical and spiritual consciousness.

During the entry stage and the quenching stage, through the mutual stimulation of the peripheral nervous system and the spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness was improved. At the Gubao stage, he began to cultivate the spinal cord in the central nervous system. method of cultivation.

The physical and spiritual consciousness of the body cultivation in the bone transformation stage is gradually improved to the extreme through the cultivation of the brain and marrow, and is completely integrated with the nerves of the whole body.

If this is not achieved, even if Lu Kun has more spiritual consciousness than the average great cultivator, he will not be able to delicately control the power of one yuan and fully exert its power.

"One hundred years of cultivation time should be enough, but only after Brother Hong successfully breaks through to the middle stage of the demonic transformation and becomes a true demon bloodline, and then with the help of the fresh demon king's corpse, he can try to fuse the frenzied demonic intent."

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Lu Kun sank his mind into his body.

The brain plasma in the head turned into a mass of blood, which flowed into the vertebrae, compatible with spiritual consciousness, and then flowed into the internal organs. Finally, the breath of life, mixed with spiritual consciousness, circulated in the internal organs.



Southwest Xiu Xianjie, the abyss of death in Qi State.

The abyss that was once occupied by dead creatures has now changed a lot. The ancient prohibition shrouded outside has disappeared, replaced by a thick gray aura, and the air below is distorted. It seems that there is a special prohibition.

The cave at the bottom of the abyss has been transformed into a vast underground square, hundreds of feet long and wide, and dozens of feet tall.

In the middle of the huge space is a strange little pool, with a faint blue light flashing inside, and a small cloud of purple-black liquid gushing out from the bottom from time to time, exuding extremely brutal thoughts.

Hong Yuntian was naked, sitting next to this small pool, with purple-black lines surging on the surface of his body, like some kind of weird totem, constantly twisting on his skin.

The liquid containing brutal thoughts, under the traction of invisible power, turned into a cloud of purple-black mist, mixed with the nearby gray cold air, and sprinkled on Hong Yuntian's body.

The totem lines on his skin were slightly twisted as if alive, absorbing these energies eagerly, and there were faint purple-black lightning bolts rolling inside.

With the passage of time, a steady stream of mist sank into its body, and the lightning in the totem pattern became less and less.

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yuntian slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the totem lines on the surface of the skin, and his eyes flashed a bit of amazement.

"The lightning-like energy of the pseudo-devil emperor is so magical. It seems to have the same origin with blood and blood magic, but they have different attributes. If blood and blood magic is energy that devours flesh and blood, then the strange purple-black lightning is the nourishment of flesh and blood. energy of."

"The two collide and annihilate each other, but under the action of the force of life, the blood and magic power can devour them. The absorbed energy essence not only increases the strength of the flesh and blood, but also accelerates the condensation of the true demon blood."

Hong Yuntian thought of this, showing a contemplative color.

"The pseudo-devil emperors that the One Yuan Sect dealt with, Lu Kun and I met, and they all blew themselves up in the end. It was because this energy was absorbed into the body and some kind of change was made that the destructive aura appeared."

"And the real devil emperor doesn't have such a means of self-destruction. The elder Taishang directly captured two, and the only one caught, the fake devil emperor, doesn't seem to have that kind of energy in his body."

"Could it be that you used up its energy to catch it?"

"The difference between the Devil Emperor and the Pseudo Devil Emperor is the fusion of the Nascent Soul and the internal organs, one has achieved the internal organs primordial spirit, and the other is still the primordial infant, but the internal organs and primordial infant, and this kind of lightning energy, how can this kind of energy be stimulated? Destruction of energy?"

Hong Yuntian kept thinking about it, he had a deep feeling, if he figured this out, it would be of great help to his breakthrough in the Demonic Stiffness Refinement Art.

After a long time, he sighed softly:

"This energy is too little. If you can get the complete corpse of the fake devil emperor, even if you can't study the reason for the self-destruction, a large amount of lightning energy can greatly increase the speed of cultivation."

"With its help, in just over four years, the condensing of the true demon bloodline has been completed by more than 20%. If there is sufficient energy, I am afraid that it will take 20 years to cultivate to the peak of the early stage of demonic transformation."

When he thought of this, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and an eight-foot-tall female demon corpse appeared on the ground, with a bulging front and a back. There was a hole in the flat lower abdomen.

Hong Yuntian looked at the corpse with a little excitement.

"At that time, when we were fighting the Demon King, there was also purple-black lightning energy in his body. This energy is useless to Lu Kun, but it can speed up the cultivation of this seat. Let's see if we can dig it out."

While thinking about it, Hong Yuntian stretched out his palm towards this bumpy body, and his five fingers turned into black tentacles, wrapping them around...

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