The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1295 Primordial Demon Mountain Range

In the north of Dazhou, Yuanmo Mountains.

Eighty years later, this place has been very different from before. The Great Forbidden Formation has turned into a hazy mist, mixed with three colors of yellow, white, black, and blood red, dividing the vast mountain range below into three areas.

Among them, the black mist area is where the old disciples of the Blood Beast Sect and the high-level elders' caves are located. This place is full of pure demonic energy, which is suitable for pure demonic cultivation.

The yellow and white area uses the power of the formation to gather all the pure spiritual energy in the mountain range. In addition to the low-level disciples who practice the magic spirit art, there are also a large number of monsters. The yellow mist is the manifestation of the rich monster energy.

As for the last blood-red area, it is the place where the blood beast gate specializes in cultivating blood beasts.

The three areas are in a triangle shape and are intertwined with each other. A strong fog restriction connects them and protects the Primordial Demon Mountain Range.


Beneath the yellow-white mist is a vast valley covering dozens of miles, and the roars of various beasts can be heard from time to time. On a circle of peaks at the edge of the valley, houses and buildings are listed, and you can see a strong disciple. Moving from time to time.

The entrance to the valley is located in the southeast, facing the edge of the Yuanmo Mountains. There is a double-storey pavilion several feet high at the entrance, with a flash of light above it, which seems to be a formation node.

A pair of young men and women were sitting on two jade pillars on the second floor of the pavilion. A yellow-haired cheetah was crawling beside them.

The young woman was good-looking, wearing a dark yellow dress, holding a jade slip in one hand, and kept throwing fruit similar to nuts into her mouth in the other hand, puffing her mouth with relish Reading the jade slip.

The other man was well-built and handsome in appearance, somewhat similar to the woman. He was wearing the same yellow attire and was cultivating with his eyes closed. The surrounding spiritual energy mixed with demonic energy slowly gathered, and many even entered. Next to the body of the cheetah.

After a while, the man opened his eyes, stretched out his palm and touched his chest, and said with some emotion: "It's good to have a strong sect, in order to provide enough demon energy, there are three eighth-level people in this Spirit Demon Valley. The demon cultivator sits."

"Sister, do you think this is too extravagant..."

The woman next to her was still looking at Yu Jian, chewing nuts in her mouth, and said vaguely:

"For those senior demon cultivators, demon energy is just a product of cultivation, but for our disciples who practice demon spirit art, that's important."

"It can not only speed up cultivation, but also increase the speed at which spirit beasts breed bones. The qi and blood energy unique to monster beasts is integrated into our sternum earlier, so I can break through to the coagulation stage earlier and achieve a half-demon body."

"Anyway, there are so many transforming monsters in our Body Refinement Pavilion. Just a few senior monster cultivators will be enough."

The man looked at the chest of the cheetah under his feet, where a faint yellow light flickered, and he looked a little excited: "At this magical formation node, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can try to hit the coagulation period!"

The woman threw another fruit into the mouth, curled her lips and said, "Silly brother, there are countless disciples who died under the broken bones and coagulation. You need to find a way to improve the chance of breakthrough first."

"After all, your kid's aptitude is much worse than my sister's."

The man said dissatisfiedly: "Sister, we are all three-star physiques, and Linggen is the same Feng Linggen, and the aptitudes are exactly the same. I'm not as good as you."

The woman put down the jade slip in her hand, stretched out her slender fingers and nodded her forehead:

"Here, your comprehension is too poor. You need guidance in the body quenching stage, not to mention the later realms. There are many seniors' experience and secret methods in breaking through the blood coagulation stage in the Hall of Ten Thousand Laws. You'd better do more research. , lest I die young and make me lose a silly brother."

The man snorted softly and said confidently, "What guidance, that is communication, hum, with your brother's talent, after becoming a half-demon body, your physique may reach six stars in one breath."

The woman said with a look of contempt: "The six-star physique has entered the category of high-level qualifications, and it is not bad to be able to reach five-star. After all, Elder Xiongshan transformed into a half-demon body back then, and his physique was only five-star."

Hearing this, the man suddenly showed a curious look: "Yes, elder sister, Xiong Shan said that the half-demon body in the blood coagulation stage is the primary stage, improving the physique, is there another stage, the next one is in the bone treasure stage? Can your physique continue to improve?"

The woman chewed a nut and said, "The elder did not mention the next stage of the half-demon body, but the cultivation base will indeed gain some benefits when it reaches the middle stage of the bone treasure, but it is our spirit beasts who will benefit."

"The spirit beasts benefit?"

The man was even more curious: "Isn't it about entering the Bone Treasure Stage and controlling a blood-blooded monster from the Blood Beast Gate? Is it related to this?"

The woman glanced at the jade slip in her hand, shook her head and said, "It's a blood beast, but it's not the kind of blood beast door."

The man was a little stunned: "Isn't the blood beasts unique to the blood beast gate? Several clan elders in our family have the blood beasts of the seventh level."

The woman explained: "The blood beasts of the blood beast gate are transformed from monsters. In the words of the elder Xiongshan, their magic power is not pure, and the effect of destroying each other with the magic power is ordinary."

"Later, Elder Xiongshan changed his mind and transformed pure monsters below level 5 into qi and blood monsters of dandan level. Using this pure qi and blood magic power, the effect of annihilation and quenching was the best, and the training speed was greatly accelerated. ."

"In the middle stage of Bone Treasure, the bones of the whole body have become magic weapons. After annihilation and quenching, they need to be nurtured. At this time, the bones are disassembled into the body of the spirit beast. In the body of the spirit beast, the power of its demon spirit is destroyed, and the bones of the spirit beast are slowly tempered."

The woman said with some emotion: "However, this method consumes a lot of money. The high-level qi and blood beasts stored in the blood beast gate are equivalent to some kind of special spiritual stones, which are absorbed by pure qi and blood beasts."

The man's eyes flashed a bit of horror and said: "Is it too risky to draw blood and magic power into the body, in case..."

The woman said disdainfully: "Do you think we are immortal cultivators with weak physical bodies? Our physical bodies are even stronger than some old guys in the clan."

"The body of the Bone Treasure Stage is even more terrifying, and with the help of the blood, the spirit power of the spirit beasts, even if the blood and magic power is amazing, under the suppression of so much energy, there is no way to devour the body, and it can only be used obediently. To destroy the quenched body."

The man was a little surprised when he heard this, but then he looked suspiciously: "Sister, you are only in the coagulation period, how do you know so many things about the bone treasure period."

The woman puffed out her bulging chest and hummed softly, "It's said that my elder sister has a very good understanding and is the fastest disciple to enter the coagulation stage. Elder Xiong Shan has personally taught me the exercises of the bone treasure stage."

The man ignored the pride in his words and said curiously: "Sister, Elder Xiongshan entered the middle stage of bone treasure many years ago, and he has enough blood and blood monsters as medicine pills. Is he at the realm of bone treasure now?"

The woman hesitated and said: "I don't know. In addition to tempering itself in the middle stage of Gubao, I also need to help spirit beasts to improve their bodies. I'm afraid it won't be so fast."

When she said this, she looked a little worried: "I heard that after the completion of the bone treasure, it is the threshold of the bone transformation stage, not only to face the difficulty of refining the blood and magic to swallow the flesh, but also to fight the terrifying thunder tribulation of heaven and earth. ."

"Although there is the pavilion master's body refining decision as the guiding direction, the current demon spirit art of the elder Xiongshan is only deduced to the middle stage of Gubao.

The man squeezed his fist excitedly and said, "Now the whole world of immortal cultivation calls the pavilion master and his old man the ancestor of physical cultivation, and it is such an honor to open up the path of human cultivation to cultivate immortals."

"If I, Feng Xiaofeng, can make some achievements on the branch road of body refining, I am afraid that it can be passed down through the ages like the pavilion master."

The woman struck mercilessly: "With your savvy, you still find a way to survive the blood clotting period, and... Hey, an outsider has come to the Yuanmo Mountains!"

At this moment, the jade pillar under their feet shone with light, and a sound transmission spurted from a distance. The woman reached out to catch it, and her divine sense swept away, she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed:

"It's the senior of the Five Elements Pavilion, my God, it's actually a female cultivator in the bone transformation period!"

It hurts, I haven't added more, and I still owe two chapters...

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