The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1296 Demon Spirit and Blood Warcraft

In the depths of the Yuanmo Mountains, in the middle of the foggy areas of three different colors, there is a towering mountain peak.

In a secret room in a cave at the top of the mountain, a man with a majestic figure and a resolute face sat cross-legged.

Below it is a complex pattern, half of which is pale yellow and half of which is blood red.

The pale-yellow formation pattern stretched back, and there lay a huge brown bear that was about ten feet long. At this time, it was smashing its mouth, as if missing some kind of food.

With the opening and closing of his mouth, the surrounding demonic aura gathered here and poured into his body. At the same time, a stream of fifth-level peak demonic spiritual energy flowed along the pale yellow pattern under the brown bear. Majestic man.

As for the blood-red pattern, it is connected to a blood pool with a diameter of more than ten feet. In the thick blood water, there is also a giant bear, but it has black hair all over its body and exudes a strong magical aura.

What is strange is that this devil bear's eyes are dull, and the fluctuations of his soul are extremely dim. It seems to obey a certain instinct, swallowing an evil magic power, and slowly entering the body of the majestic man along the blood-red pattern.

This person is the youngest disciple in the second-generation body cultivation of the Lianti Pavilion, Xiong Shan, the only Pill-level elder in the Hualing Pavilion, and the pioneer of the Demon Spirit Art.

The strange magic circle under him was modified from the magic circle of robbery with several Nascent Soul practitioners in Hualing Pavilion.

This formation was created by the god-transforming ancestor of the Spiritual Transformation Sect. In addition to its power to weaken the thunder tribulation, it can also fuse the energy in the body of the cultivator and the monster to form a temporary demonic power, which can improve both sides. probability of breakthrough.

And now the improved robbery magic circle reduces the user's requirements, and the energy of the initial stage and the fifth-level monster can be used.

The yellow energy in the formation is the demon spirit power in the giant spirit bear. It enters the body of Xiongshan through the transformation formation, and merges with its skeleton mana to form temporary demon mana.

As for the magic bear in the blood pool, it is a bear-like beast controlled by Xiongshan after entering the early stage of Gubao. After many studies, he combined the blood magic power, blood magic power, and the energy of the beast, and transformed it under the transformation of the robbery magic circle. , forming a special qi and blood magic power.

This energy and the temporary demon mana annihilate each other in the bones, and the resulting annihilation force has the most amazing effect.


Xiong Shan practiced quietly, feeling the blood surging in the energy of bone destruction, and the strong demon bear breath, and sighed in his heart.

"Temporary demon mana and qi and blood demon power both contain qi and blood energy unique to the blood of monsters. They are constantly changing due to the burning of annihilating energy, causing the blood of monsters and humans to gradually merge."

"It seems that the direction I deduced is correct. The middle stage of Gubao is also a further strengthening of the half-demon body. It not only strengthens the bloodline concentration of me and Xiaozongzi, but also mixes the attributes of the monster."

"This is a stage of blood demonization."

While Xiong Shan was cultivating, he compared his own perfected Demon Spirit Art in his heart.

"Cultivation in the middle stage of Ordinary Bone Treasure is divided into three stages. The Demon Spirit Art involves the demonization of blood. Although it is also three stages, it is very different."

"The current first stage of cultivation is not only about bone quenching, but also about transforming blood vessels."

"I heard from the pavilion master that his bloodline of the gibbous demon ape takes into account the characteristics of the bloodline of monsters and beasts at the same time, so is my current bloodline moving in this direction?"

As he pondered, the annihilation energy in his bones gradually calmed down, and the blood-red light in the magic circle below him gradually dimmed. blood is drawn into the body.

"The material of Bone Treasure has almost reached its limit. After this pregnancy, I am afraid that it will be able to reach the realm of great achievement!"

Xiong Shan opened his eyes and sensed the material of the bone treasure in his body, showing a relieved smile.

More than 80 years ago, when he learned that the Demon Race was about to start, he tried his best to speed up his cultivation.

Without the Body Refinement Pavilion, he would have died long ago. For more than 200 years, Xiong Shan has always wanted to contribute to the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Before, the pavilion master alone supported it, blocking the immortal cultivator's coveting of the body refining pavilion. These disciples did not help much.

The Demon Race is different, as long as it enters the bone transformation stage, it can definitely help the sect.

He is eager to cultivate, and another point is because of the scarcity of magical beasts. Although they have gained a lot in the one-yuan secret realm, there are no magical beasts above the eighth level. In the future, the demon spirit art will reach the bone transformation stage. Do you need the help of high-level magical beasts?

More importantly, under the influence of the spirit control technique, the magic power of blood and blood, and the clear mind of blood, the spirit of the beast will gradually dissipate as the practice continues.

The monster in front of him has lost his consciousness, and I am afraid that he will die at any time. As a result, the monsters in the one-element secret realm are not enough.

Only by helping the pavilion master, completing the plan to keep the demons in captivity, and seducing the demons to bring in a large number of magical beasts, can the Hualing Pavilion develop rapidly.

He must enter the bone transformation stage before the Demon Race!

Xiong Shan thought about it in his heart, closed his eyes again, the surrounding spiritual energy gathered in his body, and the brown bear behind him was also absorbing the demon energy at an accelerated rate.

The second stage of cultivation in the middle stage of Yaoling Juegubaobao is similar to normal physical cultivation. It restores blood magic power and skeletal mana, but there is still a part of Xiongshan, that is, Warcraft needs to absorb the blood magic power stored in the blood beast gate to replenish the body. of pure blood magic.


Time passed quickly, and Xiong Shan's skeleton mana gradually filled up, and the fifth-level demon spiritual power in the brown bear behind him also returned to its peak.

But at this moment, Xiong Shan suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward in amazement.

I saw the devil bear immersed in the blood pool, the light in his eyes dimmed at some point, and the vague aura of the soul disappeared completely.

"What? Dying so soon!"

Xiong Shan sensed the spirit control formation in his soul, and his face was dull for a while. Although he expected it, he didn't expect this beast to die so quickly.

"Could it be that Gubao was about to be completed and his tense mind was relaxed, which caused his soul to go out, or was it for other reasons?"

Xiong Shan frowned, checked for a long time, and found nothing unusual, then he opened his mouth, and a pale white ball of light flew out from the devil's head, exuding the breath of blood and soul, and did not enter his mouth.

This small ball is precisely the blood mind condensed by the secret technique of the Blood Beast Heart Sutra, and relying on this spiritual mind embryo, Xiong Shan can control the blood magic power in the opponent's body.

"I hope my estimate is correct. After this pregnancy, Gubao can directly enter Dacheng, otherwise, we will find another monster to re-transform the blood monster, which will take some time..."

"Little Zongzi, let's get started, maybe your body can break through to the seventh level!"

"Ow!" The brown bear roared excitedly when he heard this.

Xiong Shan took a deep breath and calmed down. The muscles on his body began to contract, and the majestic body gradually shrank. Every muscle fiber, blood vessel, and internal organs turned into liquid and collapsed into the bones.

He used the technique of concentrating flesh and blood, and the flesh body turned into a pale yellow human bone. At this time, the brown bear behind him opened his bloody mouth, and a strong suction force poured out and swallowed it.

However, this skeleton did not enter the esophagus and stomach sac of the giant spirit bear, but passed through the flesh and blood, like a complete set of magic weapons, embedded in its body, and then rolled up with a special force of qi and blood.

This blood energy echoes the blood in the brown bear's body, and the mana in the middle stage of the formation of pills in the bones also resonates with the fifth-level demon spirit power.

After a while, a powerful force of qi and blood, mixed with the mana of the demon attribute, circulated in the brown bear's body.

This is the third stage of the cultivation of the bone treasure in the middle stage of the demon spirit art, which is to nurture the bone treasure.

When Xiong Shan was studying the bloodline of demonization, by chance, he discovered that if the bones were concentrated into the body of the spirit beast, his special blood would echo with the bloodline of the giant spirit bear, arousing the qi and blood energy of the beast.

The energy of body cultivation, nurturing bone treasures, can be spread into the body of the giant spirit bear with the help of this induction. Although the gestation time has been prolonged, it may nourish and temper the body of the spirit beast.

After decades of practice, although this giant spirit bear has only the fifth-level peak demon spirit power, its physical body is very powerful. A pair of bear paws can explode nearly 200,000 kilograms of power, which is equivalent to a sixth-level peak demon. beast.


In this way, the giant spirit bear that swallowed the humanoid skeleton, crawled on the ground, closed his eyes, smashed his mouth, and activated the special energy that nurtured the magic weapon in his body, showing a look of enjoyment.

But this person and the bear did not find out that the devil bear lying in the blood pool, the spirit of the soul disappeared, the dim eyes did not know when a blood-red light lit up, and the faint cruelty flashed in its body. gone...

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