The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1299 The battle of blood and magic power

More than two months ago, in the cave mansion of Bear Mountain.


"Blood magic power is generated!"

Xiong Shan sensed the traces of evil energy in the meridians, and immediately restarted the method of concentrating flesh and blood, and put the manifested Dantian meridians and internal organs back into the bones.

He had just finished all this, and the huge blood magic power belonging to the blood beasts outside had already swallowed the flesh and blood of the little zongzi, and charged with cruelty towards the big bone-forming treasure in Xiong Shan.

"Kill the little zongzi, no matter what energy or will you have, I, Xiongshan, will kill you for revenge!"

Even with the pressure of cruelty, the Xiongshan Divine Consciousness hiding in the bone treasure became more and more calm.

He frantically ran the traces of blood and blood magic in the bone treasure, devoured the essence of his own flesh and blood, making it grow at an astonishing rate. The erosion of blood magic.

With the continuous absorption of the flesh and blood essence in Xiong Shan's bones, strange fluctuations spread outwards. It was the blood and blood demonic energy that appeared during his mid-stage cultivation of Gubao.

The strange magic power that could only be generated through the transformation of the robbery circle appeared again when he generated the blood magic power and devoured himself.

With the emergence of this energy, the blood and blood magic power that was eroding the bone treasure seemed to be affected in some way, twisted slightly, and clumps of brown-yellow flesh wanted to struggle outward.

"The little zongzi still has a trace of consciousness, it has not been completely swallowed!"

"These blood and magic powers are extremely mixed, there is a way!"

When Xiong Shan sensed this, he was pleasantly surprised, his thoughts were spinning wildly, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

"In that case, let us fight side by side, the big deal is death!"

"Qi and blood magic, don't you want to devour my bones, then come on, come on!"

A frantic roar roared in Xiong Shan's heart. Under his control, the precious light on the surface of the bone treasure became flickering and darkening, and the defenses in many places were actively weakened by him.

The blood and magic power of the magical beasts that drowned other people's bones immediately found their weaknesses and gathered in these places. The twisted thick blood-colored energy differentiated into long leeches that cling to the bones.

If other bone transformation stage body repairers are here, they will find that these leech-like lines are connected together, and the lines formed are the bone formations that need to be portrayed in the bone formation.

Yuanling Magic Array!

In such a short period of time, Xiong Shan's own blood and blood magic power has reached the foundation-building stage, and there is no way to fight against the magic power of demon beasts.

Xiong Shan did not do anything, and actively let the blood and blood magic power of the beasts devour his own bones, but under his guidance, he used their devouring power to portray the Yuanling magic circle.

This kind of miniature magic circle does not need to be filled with other materials. It is a pure rune pattern, which is extremely complicated. Xiong Shan sinks his mind into the bone treasure.

The real Yuanling Magic Array is only drawn on the surface of the bones and will not penetrate the dense bone layer. Even if these blood and blood magic powers penetrate it, it can be filled with other materials in the future to minimize the damage to the bone treasure. .

The reason why he dared to do this was to see that although these blood and blood magic powers had twice the energy of the Great Perfection, they were very mixed, and the flesh and blood of the little zongzi could not be absorbed immediately and could be separated.

After his big bones were swallowed, the other party couldn't absorb them immediately, so letting him absorb the bones would only waste his energy.

With the passage of time, the blood and blood magic power in the shape of leeches gradually devoured the outermost layer of the bone treasure, and rushed in with great excitement. At this time, the blood and blood magic power in Xiong Shan also reached the level of forming a pill. .

Two different qi and blood magic powers face off in the bone layer of Gubao!

One after another, crisp sounds and roaring sounds came from the bones, Xiong Shan's own blood and blood magic power, using the amazingly dense bone layer as a line of defense

When the two sides were in contact, the flesh and blood essence of the small zongzi was directly separated and added to the blood demon power, and the flesh and blood essence of Xiongshan was constantly replenished at the rear.

"The qi and blood magic power of monsters is full of magic attributes. The Bone Treasure Great Body Cultivation needs to be integrated into the magic bones. Then I can use the same method to absorb the magic attributes of these qi and blood magic power and reduce its power!"

Xiong Shan's mind rolled down, and there was a trace of energy in the blood and magic power absorbed by Dachenggubao. There were black lines around the outside of the bones, and the surrounding magic energy also condensed to his bones. Under the action of this energy, the bones were slightly Expanded a lot.

After a variety of methods, Xiongshan's blood and blood demons gradually gained the upper hand, constantly devouring the blood and blood magic power of the beasts, and their blood essence was also mixed with them. That trace of true magic.

The two kinds of qi and blood magic power are intertwined with each other. The qi and blood magic power of monsters is the remnants of qi and blood monsters cultivated by the blood beast gate, which also contains the essence of monsters.

While devouring the opponent, Xiong Shan's qi and blood demonic power consciously repelled those banza essences, while the skeletal essence of beasts was absorbed by Gubao.

The puddles of thick, impurity blood and water were repelled out, and the qi and blood demons in Xiong Shan became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the level of the Great Perfection of Forming Pills.

"Finally get rid of them..."

Xiong Shan felt relieved and deeply remorseful in his heart.

"I was negligent. There is a problem with the magic of beasts. The spirits of real beasts are different from those of monsters, and there is a special connection between them and the meaning of real demons, which hides a lot of will."

"Warcraft's own soul dissipates, and it is controlled by the will of the real devil and the magic power of blood and blood, just like the death of a high-level zombie, it will be controlled by the meaning of bloodthirsty."

"This huge risk, we must remind others..."

Just when Xiong Shan breathed a sigh of relief, the blood demonic power in his bones rioted again.

"What's the matter, these blood and blood demons..."

Xiong Shan's heart was shaken, and he found that the energy in his body, which was comparable to the Great Perfection of the Pill, actually launched an attack on his bone treasure.

His nerve control was a little weak against the blood magic power of Warcraft before, and he couldn't stop it for a while.

"No, the mana hasn't recovered. If this continues, I will become a pool of blood sooner or later..."

"The bones already have demonic properties, and only by refining the bone treasures to guide the blood and blood demons, there is a chance of life!"

In the face of this kind of mutation, Xiong Shan had no time to breathe. He could only forcibly refine himself according to the breakthrough method of the bone transformation period. At the same time, he took out a high-level spirit stone and placed it in the center of his ribs, absorbing it frantically. spirit inside.

It is also fortunate that he is the elder of Hualing Pavilion, otherwise, with the status of Bone Treasure Stage Body Cultivation, he will not be able to obtain this level of spiritual stone.

After triggering it to refine the bone treasure, the evil energy became stable, and the bone treasure emitted blood red and yellow rays of light.

However, the lines on the surface of his bones, which had been swallowed up before, became bleak under the erosion of the blood and energy.

"No, Gubao was pierced by the previous blood and blood magic, and needs to be filled..."

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he felt his blood and blood demonic power tremble, and the flesh and blood essence of the little zongzi was trying to escape.

"Little Zongzi..."

Xiong Shan was able to sense the faint spirit consciousness of the little zongzi in those flesh and blood.

One person and one bear, they have already reached the point of spiritual communication. The giant spirit bear noticed this defect, and the essence of flesh and blood struggled out and spread to the gap in the lines of the Yuanling magic circle on the bones.

Xiong Shan was stunned for a moment, but then he understood, and took the initiative to cooperate with him, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"By the way, the pavilion master has previously taught a special magic weapon refining method that is fused with bone treasures, so that the soul of the body repaired by the blood and magic power can be fused with this special magic weapon, and the soul can survive in the form of a spirit."

"Then I can use the flesh and blood essence of the little zongzi as the magic weapon of a certain fusion device spirit, and completely combine it with the bone treasure. Although its body has fallen, its soul and flesh and blood are integrated into the bone treasure, maybe it can become my bone treasure. Artifact spirit, survive in disguise!"

Xiong Shan's feelings for Xiao Zongzi are extremely deep. With this hope, the thoughts in his mind run at an astonishing speed, and the magic power of qi and blood, the flesh and blood essence of Xiao Zongzi, and the precious light of Gubao are intertwined and flickered.

Strips of yellow flesh-and-blood essence filled the bottom of the primordial spirit formation pattern, and the bones of the whole body swelled slightly again.

Under the strange changes of the Qi and blood demon magic power, some yellow patterns also appeared around these Yuanling magic circles, and they were combined together like a special totem pattern.

Xiong Shan used this method to make up for the damage of the bone treasure, and also consumed a part of the blood and blood magic power, but as time passed, he still felt the terrible energy of this evil.

The magic power of the demon attribute in the bones is not its opponent at all in terms of energy level. Even if the blood and blood demon power is weakened, after refining the bone treasure, there is a tendency to swallow it.

"Hey, wait, why don't you swallow it?"

Just when Xiong Shan was at a loss, he suddenly discovered that when the blood and blood demonic force was trying to devour the bones, he encountered the meaning of the real demon that he had sealed in the depths of the bone marrow cavity, and directly avoided it.

"Strange, isn't the meaning of true devil and blood magic the same source, why are they mutually exclusive?"

"Could it be because of the war between the qi and blood magic power of Warcraft and my qi blood magic power?"

"Or is the attribute of the blood and blood demon power different from the energy of the true demon?"

Xiong Shan can't think of the reason, but this is obviously a life-saving straw. He will wander around the blood crystals that condense the meaning of the real devil. Whenever the blood and blood magic power has refined the bones and wants to swallow it, he will run the real devil. The crystal of meaning is approaching, forcing the magic power back.

In this way, the surrounding demonic energy, spiritual energy, and demonic energy kept gathering towards its deformed human bones. As time passed, an invisible force suddenly manifested from its body...

This chapter should be reversed with the previous chapter... I was in a hurry to update it yesterday... When this story is finished, I will adjust it back...

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