The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1300 Distorted Flesh (Part 1)


The thunderclouds in the sky kept rolling, filled with terrifying power of destruction, and Xiong Shan's thick circle of human bones was suspended on the ground, and in the package of the first lightning ball, it made a crackling sound.

"It actually completed the self-refining directly and generated the source power of the flesh..."

Even though Xiong Shan was in the midst of a thunder calamity, he still felt incredible that his bone treasure, which was messed up because of his blood and magic power, actually crossed the first threshold of breakthrough in the bone transformation period.

"The physical aptitude has improved, and it has become a six-star physique. That is to say, I have to face a total of five thunder tribulations!"

Xiong Shan felt the suffocating aura of destruction in the sky, and his heart was extremely heavy.

The first thunder calamity in the early Nascent Soul caused some damage to his bone treasure, and he has not yet learned the source force combat skills, and he has not prepared other means of transcending the calamity. How should he survive the next four...

At this moment, a deep voice came from a distance: "Xiong Shan, time is running out, I will pass on your defensive combat skills, the source force vortex!"

"The pavilion master! The pavilion master is here!"

In Xiong Shan's mind, an operation skill about the source force field soon appeared. At the same time, the first thunder calamity completely dissipated, and a cool energy, accompanied by a strong demonic aura, rushed into the bone treasure. Inside.

"Don't think about anything else, just go all out to overcome the calamity. I didn't have the source combat skills back then, and I still survived the nine thunder tribulations. You are the forerunner of the demon spirit art, and the mere five thunder tribulations made you stumped?"

"Yeah, the erosion of qi and blood magic power, the devouring of qi and blood demon magic power, I have carried it over, what is there to fear from Lei Jie!"

He was refreshed, and put all the fears in his heart to one side. With the help of the cool life breath, he merged the blood magic power with the skeletal magic power, while comprehending the source power vortex that Lu Kun taught him.

Lu Kun's burly body shot from a distance, and a twisting force field surged around him.

He noticed it when the demonic qi changed, and then felt the aura of thunder and tribulation, and knew that it was the disciple of Xiong Shan who was transcending the calamity. He broke through without notifying him, and something must have gone wrong.

"If before, I didn't have many means to intervene in the Thunder Tribulation, but now it's different!"

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with brilliance, he crossed an arc, rushed towards the sky, and flew to the top of the pitch-black robbery cloud, followed by a silver ray of light from his body, circling high in the sky at an astonishing speed.

A huge silver halo with a diameter of sixty feet emerged, and the air inside the halo was distorted, forming a terrifying vortex with air ripples.

The demonic energy and spiritual energy that gathered towards Jieyun seemed to be forced to change direction by some kind of strong suction force, rushing towards this silver halo.

Even the vitality in the robbery cloud felt a little disintegrating. The black vortex of lightning was swaying in it, and it slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although the aura of destruction was still there, the condensing speed was almost stagnant.

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators and body cultivators around felt a coercion that was even more terrifying than thunder tribulation permeating the sky.

Hu Qian, the bone-transformation stage, is slightly better at physique, but other monks with magic or mana, and even Xu Yao, a powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul, felt extremely depressed under this pressure, and the magic in the body became stagnant. stand up.

Even the Great Forbidden Formation outside the Primordial Demon Mountain Range was forced down by this terrifying pressure. Fortunately, while the silver halo was spinning, it flew to the higher sky, and the pressure gradually increased. keep away.

I don't know how long it took, a huge silver halo burst out in the distant sky, a circle of vitality halo, rolling in all directions.

The demonic aura in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was stirred up and rolled by this terrifying wave of vitality. Even the cultivators guarding the entrance to the Shattered Kingdom could feel the terrible fluctuations of the Primordial Demon Mountains.

After a while, Lu Kun's burly body fell from the sky like a silver lightning, and when it reached the vicinity of Hu Qian and others, it stagnated instantly. Only a distorted arc appeared in the air under his feet, and there was not even a strong wind.

This scene of rapid transition to stillness, as if there is no inertia, makes the nearby body cultivators and immortal cultivators feel a great contrast, and even those with low cultivation bases even feel dizzy and vomiting.

Lu Kun ignored the others. He watched the second thunder robbery start to condense again in the sky, but the speed of the robbery was very slow. He said solemnly: "Hu Qian, tell me what's going on."

Hu Qian came back to her senses and said respectfully, "Reporting to the pavilion master, the disciple has just arrived in the Yuanmo Mountains, and was about to visit Junior Brother Xiongshan, but when he was nearby, he saw the riot of demonic energy, and the heaven and earth in the sky. Thunder Tribulation."

"According to the narration of other disciples, Junior Brother Xiong Shan has never left the mountain since he entered the middle stage of Gubao. Now that he has suddenly broken through to the period of bone transformation, it is very likely that something went wrong in his cultivation."

"That's all the disciple knows."

Lu Kun nodded lightly and looked at the yellow stripes on the surface of Xiong Shan's bones. He could naturally see the lines of the Yuanling Magic Array inside, but he didn't know why these lines were twisted into strange totems.

"This kid told me that as soon as he entered Gubao Dacheng, he came to learn Origin Force combat skills. It seems that he encountered some kind of special accident, which not only made him break through from the peak of Gubao to Gubao Dacheng, but also had to forcibly impact the bone. The bottleneck of the changing period.”

Lu Kun roughly guessed what happened to Xiong Shan, but what he can do now is to use the powerful supernatural power of the power of one yuan to draw away the vitality of the heavens and the earth and slow down the speed of the thunder tribulation.

If you help the opponent to resist the thunder robbery, the lack of life force, this physical training disciple will also explode and die.

"Xiong Shan, don't save the magic energy for the next thunder tribulation, use the power of the void to use the source force vortex defense, only by restoring the complete body, will the subsequent thunder tribulation have a chance to survive."

While speaking, Lu Kun waved one hand, and a ball of pure magic stones from the Demon Race, plus a few high-level spirit stones, were thrown at the foot of Xiong Shan.

As if hearing Lu Kun's words, the source force field around Xiong Shan began to distort, quickly absorbing the rich demonic aura around him, and even the scattered demonic energy did not enter his bones.

"Wait, this little guy is still absorbing demon energy."

After Lu Kun discovered this, his expression changed, and a majestic divine consciousness surged out of his body, heading towards the demon valley dozens of miles away.

When his divine sense was transmitted before, everyone only felt that his divine sense was strong, and there was no other special feeling, but at this time, the immortal cultivators and physical cultivators around him had completely different reactions.

It was as if the body's nerves were relaxed, and there was an indescribable smoothness. The souls of several Nascent Soul monks were not under too much pressure, but goosebumps all over their bodies stood up.

Xu Yao was a little better, and the two demon cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage next to her even felt that their bodies were out of control.

As Lu Kun's spiritual thoughts poured out, a dark blue aura rose up in the demon valley not far away, with the unique coercion of an eighth-level monster, rushing towards here.

The distance of dozens of miles did not take too long, and soon a plump yellow-haired bear man landed in front of Lu Kun, and he politely said, "I have seen the pavilion master."

This eighth-level demon bear is Fang Xiaobo's sea bear beast, Xiong Da, the most talented demon bear in the sea bear beast family back then, and has been cultivating in the Demon Valley in the Primordial Demon Mountain Range for the last hundred years.

Lu Kun threw a high-level spiritual stone and instructed: "Xiong Da, do your best to transform the demonic energy and send it to the following body training disciple."

The fat bear man did not dare to neglect, his figure flashed, and he landed not far from the top of the mountain. He held a high-level spiritual stone in his hand, and the demon spirit power surged in his body, and then a strong demonic energy radiated out, towards the bones of Xiong Shan. surging away.

After this period of delay, the second thunder calamity in the sky finally emerged, and a dazzling electric flood dragon descended from the sky and slammed down the mountain peak.

Although Xiong Shan had never learned Origin Force combat skills before, Lu Kun used the power of one yuan to defy the sky and forcibly delayed the second thunder tribulation for a quarter of an hour, allowing him to reluctantly master how to use it.

I saw the air ten feet above his bones twisted, forming a pale yellow vortex. The rotation speed was a little slow at first, but then it became faster and faster, and an amazing twisting force emerged from it.


The thick electric flood slammed directly on this vortex. The two forces intertwined for a moment, and the source force vortex was completely destroyed, but the power of the thunder tribulation was also reduced a lot.

Then Xiong Shan did not continue to use the power of the void, and within two feet of the surface of the head, barely condensed two small vortexes the size of a palm.

Just after all this was done, the Lei Zhu fell down. It had the power of destruction at the peak of Nascent Soul's early stage. Even if it was weakened by the Void Vortex, it was extremely terrifying.


The huge force directly slammed Xiong Shan's bones onto the ground. The two small source force vortices didn't hold up for a long time before they shattered, and the dazzling electric light kept flickering on his bones.

When Xiongshan entered the middle stage of Gubao, he was not sure of the future development direction. What he depicted was a solid magic circle. With the tenacity of Gubao and the vortex of two sources of power, he carried the second thunder calamity.

Feeling a lot of life force pouring into his body, as well as the rich demonic aura, Xiong Shan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly absorbed it.

Under the influx of this life force, the blood demon magic power and bone mana in the body temporarily merged together to form magic energy.

Then he used the method of concentrating flesh and blood to release the flesh and blood essence in the Qi and blood demonic power, and the tiny blood vessels, muscle fibers, and internal organs gradually manifested from the surface of the bones.

But just as these flesh and blood were squeezed out a few inches and the blood granulation sprouts were exposed, they suddenly got stuck on the surface of the bones, as if they were hindered and stagnant.

"What's the matter, flesh and blood essence..."

Xiong Shan was horrified to discover that these flesh and blood essences separated from the blood and blood demonic power were very different from his original ones, and were mixed with a lot of different kinds of flesh and blood.

"I understand, this is the flesh and blood of the little zongzi. Its bone essence is integrated into the bone treasure, and the other flesh and blood essences are combined with the blood and blood magic power!"

It was only at this time that Xiong Shan realized that he and Xiao Zongzi's flesh and blood essence were mixed together. The flesh and blood essence was very different from the one before it was concentrated, and it could not be released by the previous method.

"What's going on!" Lu Kun seemed to sense something, and said through voice transmission.

Xiong Shan quickly told Lu Kun about the situation.

Lu Kun said immediately: "Reversing the concentration of flesh and blood, your physical and spiritual consciousness is not enough, I will help you."

As he spoke, the majestic spiritual consciousness surged, and a bright silver blood essence appeared in his hand, followed by a flick of his fingers, and shot towards the mountain below, landing on the spine of Bear Mountain's back.

Then his burly body rose to the sky again, trying to delay the gestation time of the next thunder calamity.

On the mountain peak, Xiong Shan immediately felt a special sense of spirituality entering his spinal nerve, and the traces of spiritual sense were like a dense network, connecting the neurons of his flesh and blood together.

Under the control of this force, the flesh and blood stuck on the surface of the bones continued to extend outwards, muscle fibers thicker than normal humans, and blood vessels and internal organs with different shapes poured out one after another.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Xiong Shan's bones were filled up and gradually turned into an eight-foot-tall brown-haired bear man.

He has human limbs, extremely thick muscles, his hands and feet are shaped like bear paws, a layer of brown hair grows on the surface of his skin, and his face is similar to the original appearance of Xiong Shan, but he has the nose and fangs of a giant spirit bear, which looks hideous. Incomparable.

But just when the bear man was about to stand up, he stumbled to the ground, and he seemed unable to even stand up...

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