The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1302 Flesh and Flesh God's Mind

The Gorefiend Mountains, the top of the mountain where the disciples of the Bone Treasure Period are located.

Under the influence of some terrifying forces, the white aura, the black demonic energy, the yellow demonic energy, and the three kinds of energy mists turned into three thick columns of air, condensing crazily toward the top of the mountain.

These energies are extremely rich, and each spiritual pillar even has the feeling of liquefaction. The majestic energy aura can be felt by almost the monks in the entire mountain range.

On the rock in the center of the top of the mountain, there were four figures standing. Lu Kun stood with his hands behind his back. Under his control, the surrounding spiritual energy gathered into a spiritual pillar and gathered behind him.

Not far from him was a bald-headed man with a horse-faced man, who was the Great Elder Hong Yuntian of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

More than 80 years have passed, and his appearance has not changed much, but his body has grown stronger, and there is a layer of light black totem lines on the surface of his skin. The magical energy around the mountain peaks are all gathered under his control.

As for the other two figures, they are all demon cultivators. One of them is Xiong Da, an eighth-level sea bear beast, and the other is Gui Linger, a mysterious turtle demon cultivator who has entered the ninth level. 's enchantment.

The three-color energy columns, under their control, charged towards the ground in the center of the mountain, where the half-human, half-bear body of Bear Mountain lay.

The thick energies converged, and waves of energy rolled outward, and then they were reactivated by several people, forming three thick energy rings on the top of the mountain.

Hu Qian, Wang Feifei, mother and daughter, as well as the eight demon spirits, formed a circle not far away, sitting cross-legged, absorbing the overflowing rich energy.

As time passed, Xiong Shan's half-human, half-beast body gradually appeared some energy of qi and blood, and the shriveled body slowly filled up.


I don't know how long it took, Lu Kun suddenly said: "You can stop, his blood essence and magic energy have returned to their peaks, although the body is still in this state, but as long as there is no fierce battle, the blood essence should not be greatly depleted. ."

When a few people around heard this sentence, they put away their magical powers, and the three thick spiritual pillars slowly dissipated, turning into mist of three colors again, floating around the mountain peak.

The turtle spirit, whose neck was shrunk in the turtle shell, felt the aura of the demon attribute in Xiong Shan's body, and couldn't help but mutter: "This kid won't really become a demon beast, right?"

Lu Kun shook his head and said: "It's still a human body, but now the flesh and blood of the two are condensed together. When this kid wakes up and understands the reason, he can try to help him separate."

"I don't know how Xiong Shan got it, but the true devil's meaning was sealed in his body. After his blood essence was exhausted, these thoughts escaped. Although I took them out in time, they still impacted Xiong Shan's soul, and it was inevitable that he would faint. a period of time."

Hearing this, Gui Linger coughed lightly: "That, Pavilion Master, since he is no longer in danger, then I can withdraw. After all, this is the front line, and the demons will soon invade. The base camp still needs my protection."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "With Brother Hong and I here, even if there are two or three demon kings, it's nothing to worry about. How come your cultivation level has improved, but your courage has become smaller and smaller."

Gui Ling'er's neck shrank, but she said confidently: "This is the inheritance of Xuan Gui's bloodline. If grandfather hadn't been timid and afraid of death, he would not have followed Aunt Yin, and there would not have been any spiritual transformation."

"Besides, you promised me that as long as the channels for buying and selling overseas resources are opened up, you will let me sleep in peace for five hundred years..."

The corner of Lu Kun's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand helplessly: "Go..."

Turtle Linger snorted twice, and bursts of powerful demon spirit energy poured out of her body, rushing towards the outside. After a short period of flying, the light blue light became faint and barely noticeable.

"Xiong Da, tell me the origin of Earthquake Bear."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

The eighth-level sea bear beast said honestly: "The Earthquake Bear is the most powerful bloodline of the demon bear clan. It is famous for its strength and defense, but its strength is much worse than that of the gibbons."

"According to the memory inherited from the bloodline of this clan, after the strong monsters flew up to the upper realm together, and after the human race drove the land monsters to the sea, the earth-shaking bears were not nourished by the energy of the earth's veins, and the cubs could hardly wake up, and this clan gradually disappeared. already."

"Our sea bear beast clan is the branch after the earthquake bear entered the sea, and it has been passed down through part of the blood of the sea monster in the body."

"Except for us, the bear demon races in the Xiu Xian world are stronger than the same-level demon beasts, because they all have a little bit of earth-shattering bear blood in their bodies, and the same is true for giant spirit bears..."

"In this way, the spirit beast of Xiongshan awakened the blood of the ancestors, and the power is gifted. I don't know what the bloodline rune of the Earthshaking Bear is and what structure it is..." Lu Kun couldn't help but look at the half-human, half-bear body of Xiongshan.

At this moment, the body on the ground twitched, and Xiong Shan's eyes slowly opened, his eyes were a little dazed, but then he remembered something, staring blankly at his huge bear paws, and muttered. : "I succeeded in breaking through? But this body..."

"Xiong Shan, don't use your physical strength lightly. In your current state, you are still consuming blood essence."

When Xiong Shan heard this voice, he couldn't help raising his head. When he saw the figures of Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian, he was a little excited and wanted to stand up, but his body seemed to be out of control, and he fell to the ground again, a little embarrassed. : "Disciple Xiong Shan, I have seen the pavilion master, the great elder."

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "Don't be too polite, what happened in your cultivation, to hit the bottleneck of bone transformation so recklessly."

Not only Lu Kun, Hong Yuntian, Xiong Da, and the surrounding body cultivators who practiced the Demon Spirit Art, all showed curious expressions. The half-human half-demon appearance of Xiong Shan was really weird.

Hearing this, Xiong Shan said with a wry smile, "It's because of the blood-and-blood beasts condensed in the Bone Treasure Stage..."

Then he dissipated the spirit of the blood beast, the blood magic was controlled by the true demon, trying to devour his flesh, and then refining the bone treasure to generate the source of the flesh, and had to face the process of thunder tribulation, one by one describe it.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, but they didn't expect so many strange things happened in the middle.

Hong Yuntian murmured: "The Bone Treasure Body Cultivation of the Demon Spirit Art combines the real magical beast, the meaning of the real devil, the blood bright mind, the magic circle of transformation, and the blood and magic power stored in the blood beast gate to transform into a special blood monster."

"I know that it is somewhat different from the Qi and Blood Warcraft of the One Yuan Sect, but I didn't expect that the special thing is in the soul."

"This situation seems a bit like a zombie."

Lu Kun pondered: "Yes, zombies have their own spirit consciousness after awakening, but there is still a bloodthirsty meaning hidden in their spirit souls. Mind, beast ruled by will."

"The qi and blood beasts cultivated by this kind of demon spirit have the same characteristics. The spirit of the real devil hides the meaning of the real devil. When the spirit of the spirit dissipates, the meaning of the real devil will control its body."

"No, it should be said to control the blood and magic power. At that time, Xiong Shan and Xiaozongzi were fused together to cultivate, and the breath emitted was a beautiful delicacy for the blood and magic power."

Having said that, Lu Kun looked at a disciple in the middle stage of the bone treasure and asked, "Peng Hua, when you transformed the blood beasts with blood, did the meaning of true demons consume a lot."

The disciple named Peng Hua stood up, his face turned pale and said: "Yes, the pavilion master, not only the disciple, but also the other senior brothers of the Gubao period."

The surrounding Gubao period disciples who practiced Demon Spirit Art were sweating coldly on their foreheads, and their spirits of blood beasts were constantly dissipating, so it seemed that the backlash of blood and magic power would also happen to them.

When Lu Kun heard the words, his expression was a little emotional, and he said to Xiong Shan: "You are not too timid, you dare to generate your own blood and blood magic power when you are backlashed by the blood and blood magic power of the beasts. If you are not careful, let the true devil control it With two qi and blood magic power, I am afraid there is no bones left..."

Xiong Shan glanced at Hong Yuntian, hesitated for a while, but still said: "The disciple thought of the deeds of Senior Hong Yuntong at that time. When that senior had the meaning of true demons in his body, he used his blood and blood to devour his blood."

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and there was a gloom in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more.

Lu Kun was also a little touched. If Hong Yuntong's daughter was not from the bloodline of the Tongarm Demon Ape, he might have successfully entered the elixir stage.

"Let's not talk about you, even if it is me, I only created the road of physical training by standing on the shoulders of several pioneers."

After a sigh, Lu Kun continued: "After that, how did you successfully control the fleshly body when you crossed the calamity?"

Xiong Shan recalled: "At that time, the disciple's nervous system couldn't control the flesh and blood part of the small zongzi. In a hurry, he thought of the spirit enchantment of the blood beast gate."

"The remnant soul of the little zongzi and my divine sense are fused into one in the spine, and then the magic energy, skeletal mana, qi and blood magic power, and the life force of the fusion of the two work together by means of enchantment, making the blood work together. Ming Nian has undergone a special change."

"It seems to have become a special network that fuses the physical nerves of me and Xiao Zongzi together, making this physical body like the original body, like an arm waving."

Lu Kun showed a bit of thoughtfulness: "With the spirit technique, so it is, then how did you awaken the blood of the Earth-shattering Bear?"

"Earthquake Bear?"

Xiong Shan was stunned and said: "After the third thunder tribulation's life force entered the body, the magic energy in the bone treasure was completely stabilized. At this time, the bone marrow seemed to be stimulated by the magic energy and became hot."

"By the way, it seems that the drop of blood essence of the pavilion master was absorbed by the marrow cavity of the spine... A stream of energy entered the chest, and then new changes appeared in the body."

"Absorbed my blood..."

Hearing this, Lu Kun couldn't help but seemed to be lost in thought, and murmured: "The divine sense of flesh and blood is the supernatural power created by referring to Brother Hong's flesh and blood avatar after I have mastered the divine sense of the flesh, which can interfere and affect the nervous system of the weak flesh."

"In addition to the divine sense, it also has the power of my bloodline. Could it be that it absorbed the madness in the depths of the bloodline to activate the shocking bear bloodline?"

"Or because of the human bloodline?"

Hong Yuntian on the side said: "It should be the meaning of madness, awakening the bloodline, indicating that the bloodline rune in Xiongshan has been reorganized in some way that we don't know."

"Just like most of your previous bloodline pools, the bloodlines of the human race and the demon race are combined in a special way, and the meaning of frenzy is the energy that condenses the two."

Lu Kun nodded lightly: "It's probably so."

He pondered for a while, and said to Xiong Shan: "Now you and Xiao Zongzi's spirits have been separated."

Xiong Shan said with a bit of anguish: "Separated, Xue Mingnian also returned to Gubao, but the body doesn't know why, but it still looks like this, but if I continue to urge the enchantment, I should be able to control the body again."

Lu Kun smiled slightly and said, "With the help of the flesh and blood, you recovered from the concentration of flesh and blood. Now that you know the changes in your cultivation, it's easy."

As he spoke, another group of silver blood essence appeared in his palm, with a special spiritual sense tumbling in it, and then with a flick of his finger, this group of flesh-and-blood spiritual sense disappeared into the spine behind Bear Mountain...

Last time, I added 1 chapter to the orange fruit tycoon, but I owe five chapters later... I will ask for leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to make up for it, and try to add it on the weekend... Today I suddenly found out that the company's annual leave has not been used for several years...

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