The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1303 Beastmaster Transformation and Demon Spirit Art (1)

"It's really amazing, the flesh and blood of the little zongzi is still controlled by its remnant soul, but because the soul is too weak to fully control the flesh and blood, you can't completely control it."

Lu Kun tried to control the flesh and blood part of the giant spirit bear through the divine sense of flesh and blood, and found that this part of the flesh had a certain connection with the remnant soul in the bone treasure.

"And the state of the soul of the little zongzi at this time is your bone treasure. The flesh and blood grow on the bone treasure, and it is also a part of the bone treasure."

"In other words, your enchantment is a bone treasure possessing a monster's artifact spirit, a special magical power you possess."

Lu Kun carefully investigated the situation in Xiong Shan's body, and his expression was quite wonderful. It was one thing to listen to the disciple's description, but another experience to check it in person. He couldn't help asking:

"According to what you said, is the spirit of the little zongzi contained in the reverse direction according to the method of body repairing and spiritual magic?"

Xiong Shan felt the remaining thoughts in the bones, and said with a hum: "At that time, the disciple was in a hurry to save the little zongzi, and he thought of the secret technique of surviving in the way of artifact spirit passed down by the pavilion master."

Lu Kun murmured: "You are treating the small zongzi as a body training disciple who failed to impact bone transformation, and the bone treasure is the magic weapon that can register the spirit."

"This kind of thinking, I'm afraid only you can think of it."

The people around know the body repair of this secret technique, and after hearing Lu Kun's explanation, they all understand the method of transforming the small zongzi into a bone treasure. They look at Xiong Shan with admiration. If they were in the situation at that time, I am afraid they really want to. Not in this way.

Lu Kun sighed: "Your spiritual consciousness has reached the Nascent Soul level. Next, as long as it is completely transformed into physical spiritual consciousness, the flesh and blood can be concentrated into the bone treasure."

"Now cooperate with my flesh and blood son's divine sense, and perform the technique of concentrating flesh and blood."

Following his words, Xiong Shan felt that a neural network appeared throughout his body again, and they were grafted with his own divine consciousness, giving him a full sense of control over his entire body.

With a thought in his mind, with the help of this terrifying mortal consciousness, he mobilized the flesh and blood of the Earth-shaking Bear according to the technique of concentrating the mortal body.

I saw the power of blood with strong demon attributes surging around him, brown hair, thick skins comparable to rocks, and huge bear paws, which gradually softened, collapsed into thick blood, and concentrated inward.

Xiong Shan's sturdy body began to shrink, the thick muscles gradually recovered, and a layer of human skin was condensed again. Except for the height, which was close to eight feet, there was not much change.

"Try to activate again!"

Afterwards, Lu Kun's flesh-and-blood spiritual sense continued to surge, and Xiong Shan's body rolled again, his muscles thickened, his skin sacs thickened, brown hair grew on his body, and his palms turned into huge bear paws.

In this way, the two sides repeated several rounds, until Xiong Shan's blood essence consumed a small half, and it stopped completely.

In a flash of inspiration, Xiong Shan put on a simple short coat of animal skin. Although he regained his human body, the body was incomparably tall. With such height and muscle dimensions, it was second only to Pan Yan among the disciples of physical cultivation.

Lu Kun waved one hand, and a cloud of silver blood essence flew out from the spine of Xiong Shan's back and fell into his palm. He looked at the tall Xiong Shan and nodded slightly:

"After you are proficient, this enchantment is equivalent to a kind of explosive supernatural power of bone treasure, which can be blessed on your body at any time. Although it will consume a lot of blood essence and magic energy, it will increase the strength of almost 200,000 kilograms. With the strong defense of the Earthquake Bear, the strength is greatly increased."

"In the past, you had the title of Beastmaster among mortal warriors. This special magical power is called Beastmaster Transformation."

"The Beastmaster has changed..." Xiong Shan murmured and couldn't help recalling what happened in Jin many years ago, exchanging bones with Xiao Zongzi, surviving in the hands of immortal cultivators, and cultivating Canglan to continue his life. in sight.

He took a deep breath and said, "Thank you Pavilion Master for your name."

At this moment, Hong Yuntian suddenly said: "Now the essence of the flesh and blood of the spirit beasts is concentrated in the bone treasure. How do you cultivate next? After all, those essence materials can't compare with the bone treasure, and can't withstand the destructive power of magic energy."

When Xiong Shan heard the words, he felt the flesh and blood in his bones and the magic energy that was quite stable under the maintenance of life force. He was a little dazed. He broke through too hastily. The cultivation method of changing periods is even more unknown.

Lu Kun frowned slightly and said, "That's true. Any body training in the bone transformation stage, including your demonic body training, can be divided into training and combat states."

"Xiong Shan's current state cannot be cultivated. As for fighting, there is flesh and blood concentrated in the bones, and the magic energy cannot be fully transferred, and it cannot be regarded as a fighting posture."

"On the other hand, if you cultivate in the orc state transformed from the beastmaster, through the filtering of the bone treasure, the power of destruction can be guided into the flesh and blood, and at the same time, it can be tempered into the spirit beast and his own human muscles."

"The power of life can also be cultivated through internal organs, and it can even deepen Xiong Shan's special bloodline."

Hong Yuntian said with a bit of thought: "The orc form takes into account both continuous training and explosive battles, then according to the situation of other bone transformation stages, the human form should correspond to it, and it can continue to fight and practice for a short period of time. "

"If it is deduced like this, the humanoid state should not be like this."

Lu Kun said thoughtfully, "Brother Hong, what are your thoughts?"

Hong Yuntian looked at Xiong Shan's body and said slowly: "This seat has entered the middle stage of the demon transformation, the blood of the true demon has just formed, and is not afraid of bloodthirsty. If you use the flesh and blood avatar again, the main body and the avatar can fight at the same time. "

Lu Kun suddenly thought of something and murmured: "Yes, although the Earthquake Bear's flesh and blood is integrated into the bone treasure, it is swallowed and separated by the two kinds of Qi and blood magic, and it is already the nature of Qi and blood magic."

"If you reverse the secret art of the flesh and blood clone, you might be able to temporarily detach the flesh and blood of the Earthshaking Bear from the body of Xiongshan, and then control it through the soul of the tool spirit in the bone treasure, which is equivalent to the resurrection of the spirit beast."

Hearing this, Xiong Shan's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly, "Pavilion Master, Great Elder, is there really a way to revive the little zongzi?"

Hong Yuntian frowned slightly and said, "Whether it works, I have to test it with Lu Kun. You let go of the control of the body, Lu Kun, let's cast spells together."

"it is good!"

The demon spirit art disciples who looked around all stared at the center. Not only did Xiong Shan successfully enter the stage of bone transformation, but also a magical power of beastmaster transformation appeared. Now the pavilion master and the great elder are obviously helping to perfect the bone transformation of the demon spirit art. period of the law.

They can be said to be witnesses. From the breakthrough process of Xiong Shan and the analysis of the elders, everyone has gained a great deal. At this time, when they hear the spirit beast that has been swallowed up, there is still a chance to be resurrected. These people do not blink for fear what is missing.

"Xiong Shan, let go of the defense and control of your muscles, and in any situation, don't act rashly with your physical and spiritual consciousness."

"Yes, Great Elder."

Hong Yuntian and Lu Kun walked to the back of Xiong Shan, stretched out a palm and pressed it on his shoulder.

The former's arm softened into a black liquid, turned into tiny tentacles, pierced into flesh and blood, and the latter's palm gush out a cloud of silvery blood mist, with a special spiritual sense, immersed in the skin .

Xiong Shan's pupils shrank suddenly. At this time, he felt that the flesh and blood in his body seemed to be taken over. Those flesh and blood, even the internal organs, were out of control, and there was an inexplicable sense of fear.

However, remembering the words of the first elder, he forcibly held down the impulses of the nerves of his physical body, letting his body be controlled by the two elders, and his mind sensed the changes in his body.

First, the layers of yellow lines on the surface of the bones were pulled out one by one by the black tentacles, and the yellow essence flowed towards his spine, and then the pavilion master's flesh and blood sub-spirits began to control the flesh and blood essence of the spirit beasts in the bones.

Groups of red and yellow flesh and blood flowed towards the spine in turn. In addition, Xiong Shan even felt a throbbing pain in his internal organs. A few black tentacles entered the internal organs at some point, and he extracted a lot of light yellow. of flesh and blood.

"This is the internal organs of the little zongzi? How did the elder find out..."

Just when Xiong Shan was a little stunned, he suddenly realized that the elders of his own family were very familiar with the flesh and blood internal organs of monsters and humans. When extracting the essence of these internal organs, he did not hurt his human internal organs.

"Let go of the muscles in your back."

When Xiong Shan heard Hong Yuntian's voice, he immediately came back to his senses and activated the technique of concentrating flesh and blood. The muscles along a line of the spine seemed to have melted, revealing a long gap, and clumps of demon-attributed flesh and blood essence poured out of it. came out.

Then, under the weave of black tentacles and silver blood mist, these flesh and blood essences were gradually separated and merged, and an invisible force field came from outside to fix these flesh and blood essences.

After a while, a bear that was only half the size of Xiong Shan gradually took shape.

The shape of this little bear's body is a little fuzzy, it seems to be in a semi-liquid and semi-solid state, and it reluctantly relies on Lu Kun's body to fix its shape. shudder.

"I can't fix it, Xiong Shan, inject your blood essence, and transfer the spirit of the beast from the bone treasure." Hong Yuntian said with a condensed expression.

Xiong Shan hurriedly urged Gubao, and the remnants of the soul and some of his blood, along the bones and spine, entered the little bear's body. The latter seemed to have some kind of support, and the vague bear's mouth opened slightly, as if thinking about it. To roar, but the flesh is still weak.

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said, "This is not only the flesh and blood of spirit beasts, but also a part of Xiongshan Bone Treasure, which is equivalent to a special flesh and blood magic weapon that requires energy to activate."

"Magic, try your magic."

There were bursts of destructive energy pouring out of Xiong Shan's bones, but when the energy just left the spine, bursts of destructive energy emerged, and the slightly fuzzy body of the bear vibrated like boiling water. Pressed by a powerful invisible force, I am afraid it will explode immediately.

"I understand."

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up suddenly, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and a mass of milky white cool energy poured out, under the impetus of its invisible power, it submerged into the bear's body .

It was the slush that he absorbed from the heaven and earth thunder tribulation that was about to dissipate after the end of the tribulation in Xiongshan, and the unique life force of the demon spirit physique cultivation.

With the injection of this power of life, the power of destruction in the bear's body stabilized, and at the same time, his fleshly body began to solidify.

"Continue to inject magic energy!"

Xiong Shan's consciousness sensed the change behind him, and immediately became excited. The magic energy in his body continued to be transported and merged with the life force in Lu Kun's jade bottle.

Gradually, the yellow bones in the bear's body were completely solidified, and the internal blood vessels were formed. They were grafted to each other, and the pair of bear paws expanded rapidly.

When most of the life force in the jade bottle was consumed, a four-foot-long little bear fell off the back of the bear mountain, and an invisible force surged outside the small body, suspended in mid-air...

And at night...

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