The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1306 The Bloodline of the Human Race

Lu Kun took a deep breath and said, "I almost forgot that Brother Hong's energy properties are different from ours. You can refine magic weapons according to the methods of immortal cultivators, but the consumption of such a huge skeleton is probably extremely shocking."

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "Yes, just activating this inlaid magic weapon will consume a lot of blood and magic power, and more importantly, such a huge flesh and blood clone, the flesh and blood can't be used a few times, and the flesh and blood of the real dragon will be lost. It will be exhausted."

"At present, the only thing that this seat can guarantee is the human bone magic weapon that is split from it."

Having said this, Hong Yuntian paused and said, "Although it is very difficult to activate the real dragon bone, this kind of flesh and blood clone magic weapon has allowed me to determine the cultivation direction of the magic transformation period."

Lu Kun asked curiously, "What direction?"

Hong Yuntian looked at his body and said, "This seat has recovered his body, but in terms of the real strength of the body, it is much worse than yours."

"Bone essence and blood magic power are integrated into one. It is impossible to cultivate that kind of big bone treasure. The only way is to simulate the way of immortal cultivators and breed and strengthen bone magic weapons."

"Especially the skeletal magic weapon with biological attributes like the True Dragon Bone, on the one hand, it can be nurtured and strengthened with the magic attribute, and on the other hand, it can absorb the bones of various powerful creatures with the help of the characteristics of blood and magic power, and maybe it can be continuously strengthened. down."

"In this way, the core of cultivation in the magical transformation period is still blood and magic power."

While speaking, he stretched out his right hand, looked at the purple-black lightning flashing around his fingertips, and murmured: "The magic energy of the Demon Race is the same as the blood and blood magic power, but if the latter does not have the blessing of life force, I am afraid it is not a demon. capable opponent."

"The energy essence produced by the annihilation of this kind of magic energy and qi and blood magic power, since it can nourish the body of a true demon, then this seat can completely use this energy essence to try to transform the qi and blood magic power into a higher level, which is comparable to a pseudo-demon. The emperor's blood magic energy."

"According to the characteristics of this energy nourishing the body and quickly replenishing blood essence, under its blessing, the strength and resilience of the body will be greatly improved, and the supernatural powers of the flesh and blood clone will be more like a duck to water."

Lu Kun said thoughtfully: "The fusion of blood and blood magic power and the power of life can suppress the magic energy of the demon race. It seems that the key to the transformation of blood and blood magic power lies in the power of life."

Hong Yuntian nodded and said: "Yes, how to use the power of life, I need to study it well. In the next battle of the demons, if the body of the demon king is captured, first hand it over to this seat to extract the magic energy inside. The more the better."

"no problem."

Lu Kun agreed very succinctly. More than 80 years ago, when he was fighting the pseudo-devil emperor, he felt that kind of magic energy. It seemed to be a kind of high-level energy, which could restrain his physical source, but for him Having a human body is of no use.

In terms of the tempering effect, there is nothing comparable to the magic energy of their Five Elements Body Refinement.

In his opinion, this purple-black lightning energy is still biased towards immortal cultivators. It is a special kind of vitality energy. Otherwise, how can the pseudo-devil emperor control the magic spirit vitality at the same time.

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes and said, "According to the situation we fought with the fake devil emperor, there is no magic power in his body, it's all this kind of magic power. Is the Nascent Soul in the pseudo devil emperor's body controlled by the devil? Can it be constructed?"

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "It should be, that's why I thought of converting all Qi and blood magic energy into Qi and blood magic energy, but I don't know what the state of this energy is in the Devil Emperor's body. Although the emperor's body is fresh, he no longer has any energy in his body."

Lu Kun said with a pity: "I have beaten the ghost of the fake demon emperor many times, and I refuse to reveal any secrets about the demons. Yue Yanjun's alchemy strength is also much worse than that of Pang Laomo. This time, I managed to refine a Demon Soul Pill."

Hong Yuntian said: "It's okay to make a magic soul pill, you are in the pseudo-dirty Yuan period now, and you do not understand the power of will. If you want to forcibly fuse the bloodline will of the frenzied magic, it may have an impact on the soul. Soul Pill may be helpful."

"You can't ask this kind of mystery from the mouth of the demons. You can only find a way to capture the living demon emperor."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said: "According to the information you provided, Brother Hong, the realm of the Demon Emperor is still in the early stage of the Demon King, but he can control the vitality of the demon spirit at the same time, and its strength in the Xiu Xian world is comparable to the middle stage of the Demon King, it should be in the power of the interface. within the suppression range,"

"Do you think the demon world will send multiple demon emperors over?"

Hong Yuntian frowned and said: "It is possible, but the capacity of the space channel is limited. In the five hundred years of space turbulence gap, there are only six or seven demon kings left to transmit, and if they exceed it, they will be smashed by space storms. "

"Although the realm of the Demon Emperor is equivalent to the initial stage of the Demon King, the energy contained in it is amazing, and I am afraid that it will occupy the share of the two Demon Kings. This kind of powerhouse, in the huge demon war that year, also appeared seven or eight. Very rare."

"This seat feels that they will send two at most, and the remaining energy will be left to the Demon King and a large number of low-level demon generals. After all, the meaning of this immortal cultivation world to them is to shorten the cultivation time for the demons below the Demon King, not to plunder. ."

Hearing this, Lu Kun said solemnly, "The two demon emperors both possess the power of one yuan, and at the same time control the vitality of the demon spirit. Even if they have the help of Xue Po and two swords, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult."

Hong Yuntian sneered: "This seat has entered the middle stage of the magical transformation, the range of the source force field has grown to four feet, the range of the power of the void has become twenty feet, and your physical body and divine sense have become fully mastered, and you have completely controlled the power of one yuan. The magical power of the head and four arms is even more terrifying."

"The two devil emperors are not necessarily our opponents. The difficulty is how to capture them alive. If we can study the method of the pseudo devil emperor to advance to the devil emperor, maybe it will be a great reference for the cultivation of this seat in the later stage of the devil transformation. "

Lu Kun said slowly: "If that's the case, let's study the fusion of the madness and magic as soon as possible. If I succeed in breaking through to the Dirty Yuan period, the two devil emperors will not be afraid."

Hong Yuntian pondered for a moment and said: "Originally, our idea was to refer to the bloodline magical power that may appear in the body of the true devil. Now this magical power has not appeared, you can only come according to the totem pattern of this seat."

While speaking, the blood and energy in his body rolled, and layers of strange black totem lines appeared on the surface of his body.

Lu Kun looked at the pattern and thought: "According to what I have seen in the bloodline pool, the bloodlines of the human race and the giant ape have merged with each other, and the meaning of madness is connected, forming a special rune, which brings the flesh to the body. A great talent for strength."

"Although I can't see the situation of Brother Hong's bloodline pool, the structure of this totem rune is most likely the structure of the fusion of human and demon bloodlines, but it needs to be combined with the miniature magic circle of the Xueshen Shuangdao, and then combined with the power symbol. The text confirms each other, and it takes trial and error to build a blood rune that accommodates both the meaning of madness and the meaning of true demons."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian said solemnly: "These two wills are demonic attributes that collide. The last time we used two-headed and four-armed supernatural powers to motivate the snow-soul double-swords to display, it was a joint effort of the two."

"Now that these two wills are integrated into your body, will there be a bloodline conflict, which is equivalent to forcibly adding a true demon bloodline to your demon-like bloodline."

Lu Kun smiled slightly and said: "My current bloodline is to dismantle and reorganize the bloodline rune of the Armored Demon Ape. Although it contains the meaning of madness, after the reorganization, it is still the bloodline of the human race."

"Joining this true demon bloodline is actually a reorganization of the bloodline runes of the human race, and it is just a fusion of the meaning of true demon and the meaning of madness. The bloodline is still the human race."

"As for the bloodline conflict you mentioned, it shouldn't happen."

Having said this, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Kun's mouth.

"Brother Hong, have you discovered that our human race also possesses a special bloodline magical power."

Hong Yuntian was stunned and said: "The bloodline of the human race? Our human race is naturally weak, and it is the weakest among the known races. Whether it is the demon race, the demon race, or the ghost race, they are all stronger than us. What magical powers can we have?"

Lu Kun felt the powerful bloodline in his body, looked at Hong Yuntian, and said word by word, "Compatibility! The supernatural power of the human bloodline is extremely powerful compatibility!"

Hong Yuntian said blankly: "Compatibility?"

There was a strange brilliance in Lu Kun's eyes:

"The Great Ape, the Demon Ape, the Bloodline of the Demon Emperor, and the Earth-shattering Bear Bloodline of that kid in Xiongshan, these are all beings that are much stronger than the human body, but have you noticed that when the body is cultivated to a certain level? , can be compatible with it, and there is no sign of its own bloodline collapsing."

"Back then, when that kid from Xiongshan was still in the martial artist stage, he exchanged bones with the giant spirit bear, and the alien internal organs were almost killed by backlash, but as his physical body improved, his bloodlines were gradually transformed, and bloodline conflicts and backlashes no longer appeared."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian murmured: "Because the physical body becomes stronger, the stronger the characteristics of the human bloodline?"

Lu Kun nodded lightly and continued:

"We can cultivate like this, but the monsters are different. For example, the ape-like monsters and the sea monsters have an amazing conflict of blood. Indiscriminately swallowing and refining blood, it is counterproductive."

Lu Kun remembered in his mind that when the eighth-level phantom sea-monster tried to refine his blood essence, his bloodline soared and died.

He paused, then continued:

"It is rumored that in the ancient times of this immortal cultivation world, it should be the time when the Lingming Stone Monkey lived. There were still half-demon races in the human race, and they had both human and demon blood. However, because the blood of the demons needed to consume a lot of blood from the human race, at that time There is no real body training method, and the physical body will continue to lose money, and this vein will eventually decline and die."

"Brother Hong, you, with a mere human body, borrowed the origin of the demons, how can you cultivate such a terrifying blood and magic power, and can devour the flesh of the demons and the flesh of the demons?"

"All of this shows the speciality of the human bloodline, which has unparalleled compatibility."

"My Tongan Demon Ape bloodline, Xiongshan's Earthquake Bear bloodline, and your True Demon bloodline can achieve such a physical body. The powerful compatibility of Human Race bloodline has been playing a role silently."

"Although this compatibility is very small at the beginning, it will become stronger and stronger as the physical body improves."

Excitement flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "Although I don't know what aliens face the upper realm, but at present, the blood of demons, demons, and the willpower belonging to their races can all be used by humans. Bloodline compatible."

"I didn't have such a clear judgment before, but in retrospect, it is the compatibility of the human race's bloodline that works silently that gives me the confidence to combine the meaning of madness with the meaning of true devil in the bloodline to create a new Will bloodline."

After listening to Lu Kun's words, Hong Yuntian recalled his cultivation in the middle stage of the demonic transformation. The bloodline of the human race and the essence of the demon race had not encountered any obstacles, and the fusion process seemed to be in harmony. He couldn't help murmured:

"The deity understands that with this strong compatibility, although our human bloodline is weak in the early stage, it has an unimaginable growth space..."

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