The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1307 Thirty-six formations of Xiaotiangang

Shattered Nation.

This place is very different from decades ago. In the vast area comparable to Dazhou, a small half of the area is shrouded in purple-black mist, and special lightning energy flashes from time to time.

The entire Shattered Nation was divided into two areas by the purple-black mist. The northwest part was almost covered by the magic mist. As for other areas, the spiritual energy flowing out of the space cracks became more and more refined, while the magic energy became thinner. .

The two areas are black and white, with clear distinctions. It seems that behind the space crack of the Shattered Kingdom, the energy of the two repulsive attributes is squeezing each other, and the spiritual energy in the magic fog area is all squeezed out.

Although the magic fog has continued to expand over the years, the cultivators are not waiting to die. They have established a large forbidding formation near the entrance of the Shattered Nation.

This is the strongest formation that the human race immortal cultivators can come up with in the current Immortal Cultivation World, the Thirty-Six Formations of Xiaotiangang.

It is composed of thirty-six array nodes, each of which must have a great cultivator, and even three pseudo-gods personally preside over the core array.

The formation covers a range of hundreds of miles. If the enemy breaks in, the formation will trigger six powerful spells that can only be cast by a true spirit.

Although the power of this small Tiangang formation is amazing, it is only a weakened version passed down from ancient times.

Legend has it that in the most prosperous period of the Immortal Cultivation World, the thirty-six formations of the real Great Heavenly Gang were commanded by thirty-six cultivators of the Divine Transformation stage.

But now that the spiritual energy of the Xiu Xian world has collapsed, and the strength of the cultivators has declined. Even if the powerful sects of the entire Xiu Xian world unite, they will barely build a small Tiangang formation.

And the reason why this formation can work is because the expansion of the purple-black magic fog makes the heaven and earth in other areas of the Shattered Nation more intense, which is the condition to arrange.

The outermost part of the small Tiangang formation, the closest stronghold to the magic fog, is an area with three mountain peaks as the core, shrouded in ice crystal-colored fog.

Under its influence, the high-altitude clouds in the range of about twenty miles exude a white halo, and icy blue snowflakes fall down. Each snowflake contains a trace of vitality, which not only interferes with the detection of spiritual consciousness, but also There is a biting ice attribute power contained in it.


On this day, on a mountain in the stronghold, two men sat in a pavilion and played chess.

A person wearing a white brocade suit with a dignified appearance, holding a folding fan in one hand and a white child in the other, exuding a tyrannical magic power, this person is the suzerain of Beiyuan Sect, Liu Jinyuan.

The other is a strong man in a light yellow outfit. Although there is no mana fluctuation around him, he exudes an extremely sharp aura, like a top sword.

He is a disciple of the first generation of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Huang Xiaoyun. He dropped a black chess and said casually, "Brother Liu, how well you practice the secret techniques you have learned from the Diamond Art, and how much it can improve your physical body."

Hearing this, Liu Jinyuan picked up a piece of white chess and said: "With the joint study of fellow Daoists and the seniors of God Transformation, we have been able to use the power of Nascent Soul on the flesh to refine pregnancy in the order of blood, muscles, bones, and internal organs. keep."

"Although the physical body is weak, the tempering time is not long each time, but it does increase the strength of the physical body. According to the calculations of several senior gods, as long as it is subtly nurtured and nurtured for a hundred years, the physical body will not only have the strength of ten thousand pounds, but also the strength. Much improvement."

Huang Xiaoyun was stunned and said: "The strength of 10,000 catties is equivalent to the physical cultivation at the peak of the muscle training period. You immortal cultivators are very powerful. Although you can't practice the Vajra Art, you can add tempering to the cultivation method according to this method. function of the body.”

The man in white sighed deeply: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Pavilion Master Lu for selflessly releasing the Body Refinement Beginner Cultivation Technique."

"And under the leadership of the Body Refinement Pavilion, there are thirty-six great monks and three god-transforming seniors gathered in this small Tiangang formation. We can easily communicate with each other and discuss the exercises. More importantly, Pavilion Master Lu I also came to participate in several discussions.”

"Under all kinds of conditions, we can develop this secret technique for quenching the body of the cultivators of the Nascent Soul. This method has spread through Tianyuanfang City. In the near future, the cultivators of the Nascent Soul in the entire immortal cultivation world will have their bodies rise a step. "

"According to Pavilion Master Lu, there is still a lot of potential for this kind of body quenching secret technique. If it spreads out, maybe there is a genius who will be able to develop a method to strengthen the body during the formation stage."

At the end, Liu Jinyuan's eyes were filled with deep admiration: "Pavillion Lu is so selfless, he deserves the title of the ancestor of physical cultivation."

Huang Xiaoyun said proudly: "That's natural, the war between the demons is coming, and the master is concerned with the human race. He wants to take this opportunity to improve the overall strength of the human race in the immortal world."

Having said this, he smiled again: "By the way, I also heard that you have researched a lot of other things, such as improving the mana shield so that it can greatly isolate the vibration of sound, and adding special miniatures to the magic weapon. The magic circle can prevent the huge power from affecting the mind."

Liu Jinyuan heard the words, the chess piece in his hand stagnated, and his expression was a little embarrassed: "This is researched by the seniors of the gods, and it is said that it can better fight against the demons, not for your physical training."

Huang Xiaoyun said indifferently: "It's fine, these methods have some effect on low-level body cultivation, but not so much on bone metamorphosis. By the way, if Brother Liu has any doubts about the physical body, feel free to ask me."

"Although I'm not as good as Master, but at least I'm in the middle stage of bone transformation, and my understanding of the physical body is not bad."

Liu Jinyuan dropped the chess piece, hesitantly said, "Brother Huang, Liu has a doubt in his heart, and I don't know whether to say it or not."

Huang Xiaoyun looked at the chessboard without raising his head and said, "Say, there is nothing taboo or taboo."

Liu Jinyuan said: "Although Pavilion Master Lu has not disclosed the core exercises of body cultivation, he has told us the overall idea of ​​body cultivation without reservation. Isn't he afraid that immortal cultivators will create new body cultivation techniques based on their ideas?"

"If there is a dual cultivation of the body with both mana in the body and a very powerful body, wouldn't the status of the Body Refinement Pavilion be affected."

Huang Xiaoyun chuckled lightly and asked back: "Brother Liu, isn't the Demon King the existence of dual cultivation of the Dharma body? Master can crush these demon kings by pretending to be a god, so what if the dual cultivation of Dharma body appears among the immortal cultivators. "

Liu Jinyuan's expression was stunned. It seemed like this. He has been thinking about how powerful the immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage would have become if he had the body of the bone transformation stage, but he didn't think about the demons.

Huang Xiaoyun continued: "The demon emperors in the demons focus on cultivating the physical body, while the demon king cultivates magic power. However, due to the unique talents of the demon clan, the demon king's physical strength is comparable to the physical cultivation in the middle and late stages of bone transformation."

"As you can guess, the dual practitioners of the law body are at most the same as the devil king, and the devil emperor is equivalent to our kind of physical training that focuses on the physical body."

"Although the realm of the initial stage of the devil emperor and the early stage of the devil king are comparable, but the combat power of the two is vastly different. The Great Elder once said that in the ancient times, the devil emperor could control the vitality of the devil spirit at the same time due to the horror of the flesh. If they go up against each other, they will all fall into the disadvantage.”

"The Devil..."

Liu Jinyuan heard about this kind of existence in the classics of Beiyuanzong, and immediately understood what Huang Xiaoyun meant.

Huang Xiaoyun added: "The power of high-level body cultivation is mainly reflected in the source of the physical body. One of its most important magical powers is the power of the void."

"The human race is not like the demon race. The physical body is naturally weak. In addition, the immortal cultivator has Jindan Yuanying in the body. It is almost impossible to give birth to this kind of power."

"But if the immortal cultivator doesn't have the help of the physical source, even if the physical strength is close to the high-level physical cultivation, the strength is similar to that of the transformation monster."

"When fighting with the physical body, most of the mana in the body is used to offset the reaction force of dozens or millions of pounds, and the remaining mana can be bestowed on the limited magic weapon in the hand, and the efficiency of energy utilization is not even as good as that of a demon cultivator. "

After listening to this, Liu Jinyuan said, "I understand, the advantage of immortal cultivators lies in the use of magic weapons, magical powers, and various secret formations, long-range attacks on opponents, and forcible physical training. The fighting method is a bit upside down. already."

Huang Xiaoyun looked down at the chessboard and said, "That's right, but if you can improve your physical body, you still need to improve, at least it's not easy to die... Damn, this game is lost again, how did you immortal cultivators come up with this Go? , it's just a big head..."

Liu Jinyuan laughed dumbly and said, "It's just for leisure entertainment. Besides, this game of chess came from Buddhism. Those monks are the masters of chess."

"Fumen? No, let's play another round."

Intangible power surged in front of Huang Xiaoyun, and the black and white chess pieces were re-split, but at this moment, the jade table below the chessboard suddenly shone with an astonishing blue light, emitting a strong space atmosphere.

The two of them were stunned at first, but then their expressions changed drastically.

"What a strong spatial fluctuation!"

"From the depths of the Broken Country, are the demons descended?"

"So soon, it's only been more than eighty years!"

"Go and report!"

Then, in the hands of Huang Xiaoyun and Liu Jinyuan, a white jade-colored sound transmission appeared at the same time...

owe 3...

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