The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1317 Bloodline Backlash

This ape phantom with six ears, raised a silent roar in the sky, with endless resentment in his eyes, slammed open his big mouth full of fangs, and fiercely faced the sphere in front of him that was intertwined with muscles and bones bit down.

With this bite, the entire ape illusion melted into it.

"Little Jin!"


The three-headed devil emperor heard two short exclamations. The former was like the language of the human race, and the latter seemed to be the unconscious cry of an ape. Then the ball of flesh and bones swelled in a circle inexplicably. The blood of malice and frenzied will.

"What kind of ape is this, six ears, and the breath seems to be a bit similar to the gibbons?"

"Why is this illusion of will devouring itself?"

"Multiple wills mean multiple divine souls, and the Mirage Thunder Light will trigger the most feared dream in the depths of the divine soul!"

"That is to say, this monster is suffering from the backlash of various souls?"

"But the indomitable will is still helping him defend!"

"That should be his main divine soul, and the main divine soul is a human race!"

"This is our chance!"

The communication between the three devil emperors was fleeting, and the bone spurs lit up with a thicker dark purple lightning energy, carrying the terrifying power of one yuan and the power of vitality, and continued to attack the enlarged meat ball.



Inside the thick flesh-and-bone armor, Lu Kun's fleshly body was still curled up, but the flesh and blood of his torso swelled significantly. Under the ribs, there was the body of a little monkey.

Its small monkey palms, pressed on the right side of the visceral ball, rolled a layer of dark yellow blood on its surface, which was mixed with resentment and madness, exuding a strange energy aura, and the surrounding silver blood seemed to be affected by its Attract, slowly converge towards it.

Except for the palms, the blood vessels and muscle fibers around the chest cavity are all glued to the dark yellow blood on the surface of the little monkey's body, and they keep squirming, looking like they have grown together.

"Six-eared macaque..."

Lu Kun felt the situation in his body, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Before counting his breaths, when he took out the oath stone to absorb the madness inside, Xiaojin, who fell into a deep sleep, suddenly had a strong sense of resentment.

Under the influence of this thought, the little monkey rushed out of the soft rib space, squeezed into Lu Kun's chest, and a special layer of dark yellow blood gushed out from his body.

Under the blessing of resentment and madness, these blood have a strange assimilation and swallowing power, as if to absorb and devour all his flesh and blood.

"Damn, this is the bloodline backlash of the six-eared macaque..."

"Didn't Xiao Jin say that this will only appear in the realm of the demon king?"

"Could it be because of Mirage Lightning?"

"When Xiao Jin went through the Bone Transformation Stage Thunder Tribulation, this sense of resentment appeared."

"The six-eared macaque's copy target's cultivation base is magical, but when it reaches the realm of the demon king, it must devour the body of its copy of the magical power."

"This power that swallows and assimilates the main body, is the bloodline magical power generated by the combination of resentment and madness?"

These thoughts flashed through Lu Kun's mind quickly, and his face became extremely heavy.

Under normal circumstances, the power of assimilation and devouring would not be able to do anything to the essence of his flesh, but at this moment, his blood either poured out of the body, coagulating the blood and bone armor, or gathered into the visceral ball and entered the snow soul sword Insanity.

More importantly, some of Lu Kun's sub-spiritual senses are still controlling Hong Yuntian's flesh and blood nerves. Under the multi-tasking, the control of flesh and blood has dropped a lot, and it can't resist the assimilation and swallowing power of the strange blood outside the little monkey's body. .

There are three powerful enemies besieging from the outside, the blood of the six-eared macaque is backlashing, and the body is also filled with a mirage thunder light aimed at the soul.

At this time, Lu Kun can be said to be in a desperate situation. If the madness and magic can't be condensed, there is only one way to end.

But until the last moment, he will never give up easily, and his brain keeps analyzing the physical state at this time, trying to find a way.

"If the blood that makes up the flesh-bone armor is taken back, the thick blood essence can be used to resist the assimilation and devouring magical power of the six-eared macaque, but without the protection of this defensive magical power, the power of the devil emperor slams into the body, and the internal organs are agitated. It’s even more impossible to integrate.”

"But if the blood of the six-eared macaque is allowed to devour and devour the blood in the body, the frantic magic will still not be able to condense..."

"Xiaojin's behavior is guided by the intention of resentment, just like the bloodthirsty intention of Brother Hong once, if its soul hadn't fallen into a deep sleep..."

"Right! Its soul is sleeping, and the control of the nervous system is just instinct. Then can I also control its fleshly body through the flesh and blood sub-spiritual sense, thereby hindering its devouring."

As soon as this thought flashed through Lu Kun's mind, he acted quickly. A miniature spine the size of a fingernail condensed on the edge of his cervical vertebra. It poured into his slightly opened monkey mouth under the swallowing power of the little monkey's dark yellow blood. , snap into the position of the opponent's cervical vertebra.

As if sensing something, the little monkey's eyes suddenly opened, the scarlet pupils were filled with a strong sense of resentment, the dark yellow viscous blood on the surface of the body suddenly became thicker, and the surrounding blood vessels and flesh fused to it. , even a little faster.


A look of disbelief flashed in Lu Kun's eyes.

After he manipulated Xiaojin's body, the bloodline of the six-eared macaque turned even more violently.

Moreover, after Zi Shen Nian entered the little monkey's body, he could perceive the panic and helplessness pervading Xiao Jin's soul, as if the assimilation and swallowing at this time was the scene he dreamed of in his dream.

Then Lu Kun felt almost half of the flesh and bone armor left outside the body, and the blood and flesh that was rapidly merging into the little monkey, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Is there no way?"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"The human race's body-refinement road has opened up a golden avenue. The body-refinement pavilion has just begun to rise, and each individual cultivator is also searching for their own body-refinement road. How could I, Lu Kun, die at this node..."

"Wait, the path of other disciples!"

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Lu Kun's mind.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of swallowing, assimilating, bloodline spirit beasts."

As if thinking of something, all the bones and treasures in Lu Kun's body lit up, and the magic energy and blood in the body surged at the same time, filling the evil atmosphere of blood and magic power inside.

"Since it can't be stopped, then I will take the initiative to merge!"

"Attach! Spirit! Technique!"

When the various auras in the body were tumbling, his flesh and blood sub-spiritual sense in the little monkey no longer resisted the blood and magical powers of the six-eared macaque, but operated the method of concentrating flesh and blood.

The little monkey's flesh and blood was wrapped in dark yellow blood and detached from the monkey's body. They couldn't wait to merge into Lu Kun's flesh and blood, wanting to devour it quickly. The internal organs turned into a mass of flesh and blood and rushed to the internal organs ball. On the right side, the monkey bone exuding a strong demonic energy was attached to the silver bone in Lu Kun's body.

Although the flesh body was disassembled, the six-eared macaque's devouring and assimilating aura became even more cheerful.

The flesh, viscera, and bones of both sides blended with each other, all shrouded in a layer of blood intertwined with dark yellow and silver.



"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying air waves and coercion rolled in the magic fog. The three-headed devil emperor only spent about twenty breaths of effort to smash Lu Kun's flesh and bone balls into half, and he could even see the flesh under the gap of the armor. .

"The mirage thunder light caused the backlash of the soul in its body, and this monster can no longer maintain the supernatural powers of the flesh."

"Without the soul, no matter how strong the physical defense is, it's just a shell."

But just as the three demon emperors were in high spirits and the offensive became more and more turbulent, the flesh and bone ball suddenly vibrated violently, and there were countless dark purples, like the thunder light of small lightning, as if they had encountered some kind of powerful force. Squeezed out.

"Mirage Dream Lightning?"

"Why are they all out?"

Just as the three Demon Emperors were stunned, a dazzling golden halo, with a will full of violent aura, radiated from the flesh-and-bone ball.

This will is completely unaffected by the force field, impacting the three-headed devil emperor, and the totems on their heads, as if sensing something, shone with purple auras, blocking this layer of golden light.

"What kind of will is this! Mirage Leiguang was forced out."

"It also attracted the blood pattern blessed by Lord Mozun!"

"That mass of flesh and blood seems to have changed."

"No, this guy's force field is still there!"

I saw that the flesh-and-bone armor mixed with flesh and blood seemed to be unable to withstand some kind of terrifying force, and it burst open, and the distorted invisible forces charged in all directions.

The pupils of the three demon emperors shrank suddenly, and they felt as if their force field had hit a boulder that was falling at a high speed, and their bodies of more than ten feet were blown away uncontrollably.




Accompanied by three roars, the terrifying violent will soared into the sky, and beside it was accompanied by a strong and unyielding intent, an incomparably resentful intent.

These three kinds of wills are intertwined, and the powerful soul energy that exudes even pushes the surrounding mirage thunder light out several meters away.

Under the three wills, at some point, a terrifying creature appeared.

It has the torso and lower limbs of the human race, and the whole body is full of extremely strong muscles, but on the thoracic vertebrae on the back of the flesh, two other thick shoulders grow.

On the left shoulder, there is a horse-faced head inlaid. The top of the bald head has a layer of dark black totem lines. The expression on his face is very strange, his eyebrows are cold, and his pupils have a bit of stubbornness. The whole head rolls. With a strong and unyielding meaning.

On both sides of the bald shoulders, a pair of thick arms covered with purple-black scales stretched out, and bone spurs grew out of the fingers and elbow joints, which looked like demonic arms.

On the shoulder of the main body in the middle is a human head with a square face and short hair. His eyes are full of frenzied and brutal eyes at the same time. His face is hideous and abominable, as if he wants to shred everything he sees, rising with a violent meaning. .

Below the head of the human race are a pair of strong arms. The thick muscles are like strips of steel bars intertwined, and there are layers of dense capillaries floating under the skin, which exudes an amazing power of qi and blood.

As for the head on the far right shoulder, it looks like a monkey, with two ears on each side of the head.

This four-eared monkey head stared at the front, his eyes were extremely red, and there was endless resentment in it, as if the whole world owed it.

Under the monkey head, there is a pair of giant arms with golden hair. These ape arms are extremely sturdy, even larger than the other four, with a sense of power.

The unyielding skull with the bald horse face, the violent skull with the square face and short hair, and the resentful skull with the golden hair ape face, these three penetrating heads opened their mouths and let out a silent roar.

The three pairs of different arms below are waving randomly, the twisting force field around the body sometimes rolls, and sometimes disappears. The nearby air seems to be unable to withstand this terrifying force. Energetic...

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