The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1318 Three on Three (Part 1)

The three-headed devil emperor stayed several meters away in midair, the invisible force field on his body fluctuated endlessly, his face stunned.

"Three heads and six arms... What race is this monster..."

"The blood of the saints, the head of the human race, and the strange monster monkey. This body is like the flesh and blood of the three races of human, demon and demon, forcibly stitched together."

"Each head has a power of will, and the violent meaning in the middle is the most terrifying, even suppressing the Mirage Lightning!"

"The force field that repelled us was extremely strong, and the opponent seemed to have regained his strength."

"No, there is something wrong with this guy's force field!"

The three-headed devil emperor soon discovered that the force field outside the three-headed six-armed monster sometimes distorted and sometimes disappeared. It seemed that three different forces were conflicting with each other and could not be merged together.

The headed bald devil emperor sank his eyes and said: "It seems that it can't control the power in the body, like a young body, using a magic weapon!"

"it is good!"

The other Demon Emperors looked at this monster floating in the air and the force field was tumbling, and immediately understood that the other party seemed to be in some kind of nascent state, which was an excellent opportunity to use a magic weapon.

During the exchange of consciousness, black light flashed in their hands, and a double-sided axe, a large black knife, and a round-headed hammer appeared respectively.

In the body of the three demons, a rich dark purple lightning flashed, and the force field around the body was distorted.

They stepped back ten feet, finished the font, and surrounded the monsters with the three heads roaring silently and the six arms fluttering.

A large amount of magic energy halos gathered in the front section of the three magic weapons, forming solid black vitality axe, vitality knife and vitality hammer respectively, and then rose to twenty feet long, and the vitality light of the weapons flashed dense totem patterns. , shrouded in thick purple lightning, the incomparably thick and incomparable vitality of the shape of coercion rose to the sky, exuding a terrifying breath.

The three Demon Emperors held the weapons in their hands high, the muscles on their arms kept shrinking, and the passive force field around them was distorted, as if carrying a great reaction force, their arms slammed down.

The light of the three huge weapons of twenty feet long, mixed with a terrifying brute force of two million kilograms, slammed down the monster in the middle.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, the head of this three-headed, six-armed monster still roared silently, venting the power of will in its head.

Although its expression did not change, its waving three pairs of arms were raised to the sky at the same time.

With this action, the twisted force field ripples radiated from the palm, and the air at a height of five feet above twisted into six palm phantoms composed of blurred air. They seemed to be composed of pure invisible force. Two groups, go up to meet.

The three weapon halos collided with the three pairs of palm phantoms.

At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to solidify, but then a violent wave of air swept out from the three vitality weapons and fuzzy palms.


The violent air waves rolled in all directions in bursts of roars, and the nearby magic fog was directly squeezed out a hundred feet.

The twisted air in the six fuzzy palms shattered more than half. Although there were twice as many of them, facing the three terrifying halos of magic weapons, it seemed that the power was insufficient, and they kept collapsing. It seemed that they would be smashed into pieces at any time. .

But at this moment, a cloud of blood suddenly emerged from the back of the monster's three heads and necks, intertwined with blood in three colors of black, silver, and dark yellow, and it seemed to be wrapped in a strange crystal.

The blood kept squirming, and soon it turned into a teratosarcoma full of capillaries that kept vibrating.

It is like a heart, beating fast, and every time it beats, there is a layer of pale golden streamer gushing out, radiating to the whole body of the monster.

Above the head of the three-headed and six-armed monster, the six fuzzy palms that were suppressed by the halo of the magic weapon, after the appearance of this layer of golden streamer, seemed to have some kind of support and quickly solidified.

At the same time, the nearby magic energy that gathered towards the magic weapon seemed to be affected by some more powerful force, diverted its direction, and condensed in the phantoms of these six palms.

When the three Demon Emperors saw this, their expressions couldn't help changing. They felt that their weapons were being hindered by some powerful force, and they even felt like they were stuck in a quagmire.

"The power of this monster..."

"No, its force field is stable."

I saw the flesh of the three-headed six-armed monster. After being baptized by the golden streamer, the twisting force field no longer became chaotic, and the interlaced forces actually blended with each other.

On the top of the opponent's head, the six palms that had turned into a black halo not only supported the three magic weapons, but also slowly lifted them up.

From the first two feet, it kept rising, six feet, seven feet, ten feet...

When it stretched to three feet, the clearly visible palm muscles in the three pairs of palms were twisted and squeezed inwardly.


The three powerful, thick halo of magic weapons seemed to have suffered a heavy blow and trembled, and cracks appeared on the solid black halo of magic energy, and they quickly spread backwards.


In one or two breaths, the 20-foot-long halo of the huge weapon was shattered into pieces by the power of these three pairs of palms, and turned into primitive demonic energy.


A roar of excitement came from the chest cavity of the three-headed six-armed monster. In addition to the twisting force field outside the palm, the force field outside its body also began to spread outward, and also spread out to a range of ten feet and three feet.

A space crack not far away, after hitting this terrifying force field, even twisted overwhelmed, torn apart like a bubble, and turned into nothingness.

This terrifying force field can't even withstand the cracks in space...

The three-headed devil emperor was still going to continue to activate the magic weapon, but when they saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly.

"Fractured space, interface limit!"

"This guy's power has reached the middle stage of the Demon Emperor!"

"Quick! Fusion force field!"

They looked a little panicked, their bodies flashed, and they converged on each other.

But just as the bodies of the three Demon Emperors were about to get closer, the three-headed six-armed monster had already come to the middle, and the speed was so fast that it didn't even have time to hear the sound of the air cracking.

"Be careful!"

"Quick! Magic Yuan Energy!"

On the edge of the six-foot force field of the three demon emperors, a large number of dark purple lightning surged, like twisted ropes, trying to connect.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a majestic invisible force extended from the surface of the three-headed six-armed monster, squeezing the lightning energy back.

"not good!"

The three demon emperors panicked, and before they had time to do anything, they saw that the twisting force field continued to spread, and the three demon emperors' bodies were wrapped in the opposite direction.

The power of the monster is obviously much stronger, and the force field keeps shrinking and collapsing inward.

The three demon emperors could only watch their force field break inch by inch, and their bodies were pulled into the close range of the monster by this force.

Among the three heads, the eyes with different wills stared at them like dead fish.


In the chest cavity of the three-headed six-armed monster, there was an excited roar, and the three pairs of arms raised their fists high, with terrifying brute force, hammering the Demon Emperor in front of him fiercely.

The expressions of these three Demon Emperors were terrified, and deep purple lightning surged out of their bodies. The force field outside their bodies was maintained at a foot above the body surface, and they reluctantly waved their weapons to resist.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first round of bombardment made them feel a powerful force, the muscles on the forearms felt pain, and the scales on them even made an overwhelmed creaking sound.

Immediately afterwards, the monster's palm firmly grasped the weapons in their hands.

"not good!"

"Quickly take it back!"

In the three rich deep purple rays of light, the three magic weapons disappeared, leaving the six palms empty.

"Damn, the power has really reached the mid-term Devil Emperor."

"Although our force field is suppressed, we can barely merge a little after getting closer!"

"Although it has many arms, it only has two legs. With its magic energy, it attacks with its legs!"

"The sarcoma on the back of this guy's neck is weird, we'll take the initiative to attack!"

After all, the three Demon Emperors had rich fighting experience, and they quickly calmed down. Their force field was on the verge of rupture.

Afterwards, they attacked and defended, and the bone spurs in their fists aimed at the back of the monster's neck, and the bone spurs on their knees stabbed into its waist and abdomen at the same time.

The three-headed, six-armed monster didn't seem to want the bone spurs to come, and the six fists swung rapidly, blocking the impacting bone spurs at an unparalleled speed.

This move greatly reduced the pressure on the three demon emperors. Their strength and speed were not as good as the monsters, but they used both hands and feet, and they had the magic energy to help them. Covered, there is no way to escape.

Before, they surrounded the monster to attack, but now it has completely reversed. This monster uses three pairs of arms and a more terrifying force field to forcibly besiege them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three-headed and six-armed monster was entangled with the huge bodies of the three Demon Emperors. The two sides slammed into each other in the twisted force field. Countless arms and legs were phantoms intertwined, and there was a roar of metal clashing.

Countless air waves that were even more terrifying than the high-level wind blade technique swept out from the collision of these sturdy muscles, forming a twisted storm vortex.

I don't know if it was due to the force of these air waves, or for some other reason, but the four bodies that kept banging against each other unknowingly slammed into the periphery of the magic fog.

The cracks in the space they hit, no matter as short as an arm or as long as one or two feet, were overwhelmed and shattered, and the magic fog and mirage lightning in the cracks also disappeared.

These four scuffled together, muscular creatures full of muscles, like a mass of flesh-and-blood meteors, dragging a white tail flame in the dark magic fog, rolling away in the direction of the periphery...

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