The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1346 broken battle (ten)

"Blood magic?"

"What a weird golden rune!"

The four Demon Emperors immediately felt an aura that made them tremble, and under the tension, they even regarded the twisted golden blood vessels on Lu Kun's body as some kind of special rune.

Immediately afterwards, they felt that their thinking was in a trance, the "human race" seemed to disappear in an instant, and the golden vitality in the cage turned into dozens of golden fist shadows, bombarding in all directions.

In this force field cage shining with lightning energy, irregular cracks appeared all at once.

The four devil emperors realized later that the opponent's body did not disappear, but the speed exceeded the limit of their gaze.

Before they could input energy to reinforce the cage, the latter shattered.

Several Demon Emperors felt a great danger, crossed their hands, and subconsciously blocked their chests. Almost at the same time, an incomparable force came towards them and thumped their arms.


The passive field around him had almost no resistance, and it shattered directly, and the four tall bodies were also knocked out.

Several demon emperors were in a trance, and in this two breaths of time, not only was the force field cage smashed, but the four connected demon emperor force fields were also completely separated.

Then they came back to their senses, and deep purple lightning energy rolled in their bodies, blessing on the purple-black scales, and the separated bodies tried to get closer again.

But in the next breath, several golden fists appeared around and slammed into his chest.

"Bang bang bang..."

With the sound of heavy thumping, four Lu Kun seemed to appear in the air, attacking each Demon Emperor at the same time.

The shattered purple-black scales stirred in the air waves, and in just a breath or two, most of the scales on the Demon Emperor's body fell off, revealing the fuzzy flesh underneath.

"What speed! It's terrifying."

"If this goes on, we won't be able to last ten breaths!"

"Quickly use the energy of Lord Mozun!"

Several demon emperors endured the pain of their bodies, the blood of the demon race surging, the totem lines on their faces were bright, and a dark aura appeared, and the demon energy in their bodies also rushed to their heads, and a deep purple thunder light instantly All over the body.

Immediately afterwards, their demon bodies seemed to be unaffected by the Lu Kun force field, disappeared in place, and gathered at a distance of dozens of meters.

Unexpectedly, the shadows of the fists in the sky also seemed to teleport, appearing around at almost the same time, and one after another golden fists bombarded, blowing away the bodies they wanted to gather.


The deep purple light continued to shine, and these demon emperors disappeared in place again, but after this teleportation, they were back to back and their arms were entangled with each other. Body wrapped.

In the face of Lu Kun's terrifying speed and strength, even if they could get rid of the opponent's force field teleportation, they couldn't dodge the attack.

These demon emperors simply spread the energy bestowed by Lord Demon Lord all over their bodies, and fused the energy of the four demons together for defense.

Under the bombardment of the boxing shadows in the sky, their vague flesh and blood were constantly being repaired, trying to resist the terrifying attack with strong resilience.

Suddenly, the golden fist shadows around him disappeared, and Lu Kun's body full of golden blood vessels appeared in front of them, only to see his arm muscles twisted, and golden blades gushed out from his palms to form a pair of golden knives.

Then Lu Kun turned into a golden whirlwind, hovering around the Devil Emperor, and the golden sword shadows slashed down, with stronger attack power than the previous fists.

The fleshly bodies of the four Demon Emperors recovered at a speed that could not keep up with the damage. The muscles in their chests were gradually worn away, revealing faintly the glowing internal organs below.


"What is the energy of the black light gushing out of their totems?"

"Although this power is rare, it can greatly increase the power of the Demon Emperor's Demon Energy."

Lu Kun kept wielding the dual swords of the snow soul. These weapons were recast by him with the violent bloodline of the Dirty Yuan period. Each sword was equivalent to the combination of the previous dual swords.

Under the suppression of their powerful force field, these demon emperors could not absorb any demon spirit energy at all, and could only rely on the energy in their bodies and the strength of their bodies to resist.

"Ten breaths have passed."

"Although these devil emperors rely on that special energy to hold on for ten more breaths at most in the face of the violent supernatural powers and the double swords of the snow soul, my bloodline supernatural powers only have this amount of time left."

"After the display, half of the blood is left, if they still have the energy to display the previous battle..."

At this moment, Lu Kun's thoughts were broken, and his thoughts and perceptions pervaded all parts of the body, and suddenly found that the muscle fibers, bones, internal organs, and blood of the whole body had accumulated strength to the extreme, and the flesh had a kind of explosion at any time. Feel.

"What's the matter, the state of the body is not right."

"The structure of the double helix is ​​quite stable, at least it can last ten breaths."

"Could this be the unfinished power last time?"

"The throbbing and bursting sensation of the internal organs, as if it was the first time when the power of one yuan was used."

"Visceral pain, do you mean..."

He seemed to have thought of something, and the attacking action paused, and the snow-soul double knives turned into blades, submerged in the body again, turned into a layer of golden armor, and wrapped the visceral ball.

Lu Kun hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and let go of the inexplicable power accumulated in various parts of his body.


The perception all over the flesh, as if hearing an explosion, the golden blood vessels on the surface of the body became more swollen, and those tiny capillaries also clearly emerged.

The force field outside the body became blurred and quickly collapsed inward, as if suppressing the fleshy body full of explosive breath.

"This power..."

Lu Kun's eyes were now filled with dense golden bloodshots, and his golden eyes were dull and lackluster. Looking at the four demon emperors in front of him, he raised his right fist full of blood vessels.

There is no golden light on this fist, only a thin layer of twisting force field, the speed of the forward hammering is not fast, and the naked eye can catch it.

However, wherever it passed, a thick space crack was cut open.


This piece of heaven and earth suddenly sounded a low thunder like a catastrophe, followed by a suffocating breath in the sky, like the glory of the sky, as if to suppress this seemingly ordinary human fist.

"The power of the interface?"

"His attack exceeded the interface limit!"

"The power of the late Devil Emperor? How is this possible!"

The four Demon Emperors felt this heavenly might, and the swaying fist that ripped apart the space, with a look of horror on their faces, and the purple-black light on their bodies kept flickering.

But under the power of the surrounding interface and the invisible pressure of the fist, the previous teleportation magical power could not be used for a while.

They can only stimulate all the remaining demon energy in their bodies, and the four demon bodies are wrapped into purple-black light balls.

Seeing this, Lu Kun's face suddenly twisted, as if he was under great pressure, his arm muscles trembled, and with some difficulty he opened his fist and turned it into a palm, and a vibrating force field barely appeared in the palm of his hand.


With this action, the blood vessels on his body were broken one by one, bursting out a cloud of golden blood mist, dyeing the whole body golden.

That bland palm, like a lover's touch, gently patted on the purple-black light outside a Demon Emperor's chest.

Without any violent shock waves and air waves, the eight eyeballs of the four Demon Emperors burst into blood mist at this moment, and there were bursts of dull popping sounds from their bodies, as if something had shattered.

But at this moment, the facial totems of three of the Demon Emperors were bright, and three thick black rays of light mixed with dark purple lightning balls all poured into the body of Demon Emperor Luo Yue.

The demon emperor's body seemed to be healed in an instant, a flash of light flashed, and his demon body disappeared in place, appearing dozens of feet away, and then his external force field was distorted and fled away into the distance.

The bodies of the remaining three Demon Emperors were directly paralyzed, dragged by invisible forces.

Lu Kun, who became a golden blood man, was suspended beside him, the twisted and burst golden blood vessels and the violent aura disappeared, replaced by a pale golden light film on the surface of the skin.

The terrifying Tianwei that seemed to be the power of the interface seemed to have lost its target at this time and gradually dissipated.

Lu Kun sensed this and breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his mouth slightly, spitting out three balls of golden blood, which fell into the bodies of the three devil emperors respectively, and then waved one hand and put away the bodies of the three devil emperors.

After that, the treasure in his body released a lot of light, and it shot towards the fleeing direction of Demon Emperor Luo Yue, and the speed was obviously faster than the previous section.

Soon, this person disappeared into the sky, leaving a dark blue space crack in place.

This crack continued to split under some kind of shock residual force, and it spread in all directions like a spider web, spreading to dozens of feet away.

Hundreds of dark blue cracks of various sizes are intertwined, forming a special shape.

From a distance, it is like a huge human palm, quietly imprinted in this mid-air...

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