The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1347 broken battle (eleven)

In the Tiangang Great Array, the minds of almost all immortal cultivators were attracted by the high-altitude Yuan Qi cloud. The trembling clouds and the cracked gaps all indicated that this terrifying restriction was about to collapse.

Through these gaps, the cultivators could barely see a distorted dark purple halo, and several tall demon bodies wielding weapons.

"Those demon kings surrounded the predecessors of the gods!"

"The seven seniors of the gods, plus the abbot of Zhiyuan, with the help of the prohibition power of the Thirty-six Arrays of Tiangang, there is no way to suppress the opponent. The strength of the devil is so terrifying."

"Pavillion Lu alone entangled four stronger demon emperors, wouldn't it not be able to last long..."

"what should we do……"

Just as these immortal cultivators were terrified and worried, the tall demon kings suddenly flew out, revealing several figures with golden lights flashing inside.

Then those violently vibrating Yuan Qi clouds stabilized, and the cracked gaps closed in turn.

"The ban is back!"

"Is it the outbreak of those demon kings just now? Senior God Transformation is in control of the situation again?"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, they felt a terrible aura appearing around in vain.

"Hey, what happened to the magic fog?"

"A lot of demonic energy manifested..."

I saw a large number of black halos gushing out from the magic fog on the ground and gathered towards the battleship where the battle was taking place.

The overwhelming demonic vitality exudes a coercion comparable to the transformation of vitality, and the mana in the body of the immortal cultivator who is close is even suppressed, and the magical treasures in the sky become swaying.

"This is... the breakthrough vision of the Demon King?"

"The breakthrough of the Demon King cannot be so short."

"Strange, there doesn't seem to be a late-stage demon general in that group of demon generals, and it was specially hidden?"

"Not good! The devil above has shot, be careful!"

As soon as these demonic primordial qi visions appeared, six incomparably condensed black halos shot out from the primordial qi cloud that was about to close in the sky.

Although they are different in shape, they contain the power of terrifying vitality, and these six terrifying devil attacks are all aimed at the battleship that is fighting.


The other great cultivators who were sitting at the four formation nodes immediately discovered the attack from high altitude. They raised their powerful mana and urged the imitation spirit treasure in front of them, and the strong force of vitality rose into the sky.

Earthy yellow hills, cyan arrows, fiery red long snakes, purple thunderballs, four magical magical powers containing condensed vitality, spurted out from several nodes.

However, Yue Longfei and Liu Jinyuan were holding back the ten late-stage demon generals. In the face of this unexpected situation, they had to overdraw the origin of Nascent Soul and reluctantly hit an ice blade and a golden long sword.

Due to the hasty use, the vitality contained in these two vitality transformation spells was less than half of that before.

These six magical powers, which were comparable to the full blow of a pseudo-god, immediately collided with the attack of the demon king, interweaving into a colorful ball of vitality in mid-air.


In just one breath, the ball of primordial qi light exploded, and the air waves mixed with six colors rolled in all directions, and then five black light and shadows rushed out from the center of the air waves and flew towards the battle boat below.

One of the axe and hammer shadows was the most solid, and the other three turned into black balls of light. Although the weakest demon king's attack was completely destroyed, due to Yue Longfei and Liu Jinyuan's hasty casting, the axe and hammer shadows at least contained With more than half of the power.

In the face of the attack of the gods, the cultivators and demons near the warship all left immediately.

Under the coercion of the vitality transformation, the mana and magic in their bodies will be greatly suppressed. Not to mention the magic weapon attack, the power of the algorithmic shield will be reduced a lot.

However, at this time, the cultivators suddenly discovered that in the front section of the battle boat, there was still a sturdy demon clan. His body was tall, his eyes were closed, and the scales on his body were surrounded by special purple-black lightning bolts. .

The surrounding demonic energy is gathering towards his body, but these terrifying energies did not enter his body, but formed a solid black halo three feet away from the demon body, and inside these black halos, there was a layer of black halo. Distorted force field.

Just as the five remaining demon king attacks approached the battle boat, the demon general suddenly opened his eyes.

The invisible three-foot force field outside the body rolled up the surrounding magic energy halo, quickly collapsed inward, and merged with the purple-black lightning on the body surface, forming a layer of purple-black light film on the scales.

Then he raised his fists to the sky, and the halo of the five demon kings seemed to be attracted in some way, and they drew an arc in the air, submerged into his fists, and blended on it, forming two three-foot diameter condensates in an instant. Real fist.

The scales and joints on it are clearly visible, and there are even bone spurs, engraved with countless mysterious magic patterns, and a terrifying coercion unique to the shape of vitality spreads out...


A thunderous roar suddenly came, and a huge demon ape with a height of two feet shot out from the bottom of the battle boat. It manifested one black and one white, two huge halo fists.

Although this pair of ape fists contained incomparably rich vitality, it seemed that they could not really solidify. The halo inside was rolling and shrinking, as if they were at the critical point of some kind of power.

This tall demon will feel the breath of the demon ape, his expression will change slightly, and he will turn around and attack with the pair of giant demon fists.

At this moment, a powerful bloodline force suddenly surged out of the Demon Ape, and the black and white vitality on those fists seemed to have broken through a certain boundary, and quickly solidified, turning into a giant black and white fist with palm lines and hair on it. clear and distinct.

The violent vitality energies collided with each other, the vitality fists of the monkey and the demon stalemate, and waves of vitality rolled around.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the man and the demon flew away at the same time.

The tall demon general was backed up on the deck, making a loud noise with each foot, and he has been retreating several dozen feet away.

"The power of the Demon Emperor, how is it possible..."

His purple-black pupils shone with unbelievable eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the devil ape was flying upside down, and its body kept shrinking. in the magic fog.

Seeing this scene, the demon general's expression suddenly relaxed a lot. He didn't care to think about the origin of the demon ape. The magic light flashed in his hand, and a huge flat knife appeared.

Under the action of the light film surging with purple-black lightning, a large amount of demonic energy gathered, forming a layer of condensed vitality blade on the outside of the magic tool. His thick demonic arm was raised high, facing the lower body. The battle boat slashed, and knife marks appeared on the hard deck.

Not far away, Liu Jinyuan and Yue Longfei once again activated the imitation Lingbao, and a blue ice blade and a golden long sword shot out.

But who knew that this pseudo-devil emperor stretched out his other hand, and a magic axe appeared on it, flashing the same purple-black lightning energy. After the ice blade and the golden long sword approached, the vitality inside began to disintegrate.


After the two sides collided, the two supernatural powers at the transformation level of vitality were directly smashed by the axe, and the scattered vitality then converged on the magic axe under the action of a certain force to form a vitality axe blade. , slashed heavily on the deck.

Seeing this scene, some well-informed immortal cultivators suddenly remembered something and looked horrified.

"The devil who controls the spiritual energy! Could it be the devil emperor!"

"No, the devil emperor is much more terrifying than the devil king. This should be a fake devil emperor, and his combat power in the world of immortality is no less than that of the real devil king!"

Accompanied by a dozen or so slashing sounds, a huge crack appeared on the deck and quickly expanded.

This new pseudo-devil emperor had a ferocious look on his face, the magic weapon in his hand flickered, and he struck two solid black and white vitality blades against the crack. Many of the auras on it dimmed in an instant.


The beam of light above the ice-attribute formation node also dimmed, and the high-altitude Yuan Qi cloud shook slightly, but it was not particularly violent, and it seemed that it was a little closer to collapsing.

The fake demon emperor on the deck was also preparing to continue to attack the cabin. After seeing this scene, his expression was stunned, his body vacated, and he shot towards the adjacent battle boat where Liu Jinyuan was. He ran in the air, stepping on the void with his feet. , as if the air could take advantage of it.

But at this moment, the magic spirit energy in the middle of the two battle boats seemed to be greatly stimulated, and it kept gathering from the magic fog and the sky, forming a circle of black and white vitality halo, which suddenly surrounded it. The body of the false emperor.

The pseudo-devil emperor was stunned for a moment, and then the purple-black energy in his body trembled, and these primordial auras shattered, but the surrounding demonic primordial qi seemed to be incessantly coming together, one after another, the formation speed of this primal qi ring far exceeded its destruction speed. , he was trapped in place for a while.


Suddenly, a strong dragon roar resounded throughout the battlefield. All the human cultivators and even the excited demons were stunned and couldn't help but look at the source of the sound.

I saw two bright lanterns, one purple and one black, in the magic fog below the pseudo-devil emperor. Along with the mist, a huge faucet rushed out.

That purple and one black lantern was actually its dragon eye. The purple eyeballs exuded an extremely brutal aura, while the black eyeballs flashed the meaning of unyielding strength.

This dragon head is covered with a layer of purple-black scales, and the pair of antlers on the head are like two rugged bone spurs, which are extremely evil.

Below the dragon's head, there is a thick snake-shaped body that is more than thirty feet long. It has purple-black scales all over its body, five dragon claws growing under it, and bone spurs of different sizes on the knuckles of the claws.

There is a four-foot twisting force field rolling around it, and the black and white demon spirit energy is gathered from the magic fog below and in the air, and mixed in this layer of twisting force field, like a two-color cloud.

This giant dragon seems to be wandering in the clouds of black and white vitality, exuding a majestic majesty...

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