The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1359 their own cultivation

A few months later, somewhere high in the sky in the Great Zhouhua Tianzhou, Li Qianfeng, a high-level body cultivator, was flying at extreme speed, thinking about what he had done recently.

"It turns out that the blood and blood magic power is the product of the compatibility of the blood of the human race, and it has the same origin as the accompanying magic energy of the demon race. With the help of the force of life, the former can easily swallow the latter. It is no wonder that the battle at the beginning was quite easy..."

He looked at his skinny magic arm, and his eyes flashed thoughtfully.

In the Demon Race, the second-generation disciples of physical cultivation all fought against the initial demon generals, and Li Qianfeng was the quickest to solve the opponent.

As long as his demonic arm grabs the demon general's body, the blood and magic power inside will riot and begin to devour some kind of energy in the opponent's body, causing his body's reaction and strength to decrease rapidly. Will.

"When the qi and blood magic power devours the accompanying magic energy, an energy source will be extracted, which can not only nurture and refine the body, but also quickly restore the essence and blood."

"In addition to the body training magic, other bone transformation stage body repairs can be used, and the effect is better than the life energy of high-level monsters."

"However, the associated magic energy also needs refining energy for the demons. According to the speed of the elder's observation, it takes about five years for an initial demon general to restore the dry associated magic energy to full."

"It's no wonder that the pavilion mainly keeps the demons in captivity. As long as the number of demon generals is sufficient, there will be a steady supply of energy sources. This is simply an elixir for high-level physical cultivation."

Li Qianfeng was deeply moved.

In the past few months, he followed Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin to capture all the demon generals in the Demon Realm, and took a round of accompanying magic energy one by one. He even remembered the terrified look of each demon general in his mind.

"Besides the Great Elder, only my body-refining magic is suitable for extracting this special energy."

"The energy source decomposed this time is enough for everyone to use for a period of time, and this energy requires the use of the blood of the Great Elder to preserve it for a long time. The next extraction should take a long time."

"It would be much more convenient if this energy source could be refined into some kind of medicinal pill for storage."

While thinking about it, Li Qianfeng suddenly heard bells ringing in his ears, and he couldn't help but look up.

A broad flat-topped mountain range came into view, and in the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain, temples could be vaguely seen.

"By the way, this medicinal herb can be studied by the monks of Huatian Temple. They try the double cultivation method of the Dharma body. In addition to the assistance of the accompanying magical energy, they will also use special herbs containing qi and blood."

"Start with the accompanying magic energy of low-level magic soldiers, and slowly extend to high-level medicine pills."

He slowed down his flight speed, and his divine sense swept across a jade slip in the rib space, his eyes full of reverence.

"The pavilion master and the first elder are really amazing. They have combined Yuntong's Body Refinement Art, Vajra Art, and Artifact Spiritual Roots to create a brand-new body art that can be cultivated by traditional immortal practitioners. "

"According to the internal thinking, immortal cultivators with Jindan Yuanying, as long as they follow the steps, have the opportunity to cultivate their physical bodies to the level of bone treasure peak body cultivation."

"However, this practice method is extremely risky. If you slack off a little, or rush for success, the blood and magic power may devour the whole body, and the physical body and Jindan Yuanying fellow practitioners will consume a very long time."

Thinking of this, he suddenly touched his head with his hand and muttered in his heart.

"Let Buddhism study and improve the dual cultivation of the law and body, and hand over the practice to the abbot Zhiyuan, and communicate through sound transmission. The elder wants me to stay in Buddhism for three hundred years, and personally guide me. I heard that the practice of Buddhism is evil. Very, isn't his old man afraid that I will become a monk?"

In distress, Li Qianfeng had already come to the sky above the largest temple. He looked at the monks coming and going under the clouds, listening to the bells echoing in the mountains, smelling the air containing the fragrance of Zen, and his mood suddenly calmed down. a lot.

"Since the pavilion master and the first elder have arranged this way, there must be their reasoning, so I will practice peace of mind in Buddhism..."

Afterwards, Li Qianfeng spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and a sound transmission appeared in his hand, his lips moved slightly, and he threw it into the cloud and mist in front of the gate of Huatian Temple.


Gulingzhou, a cave dwelling deep in the Yuanmo Mountains, Hong Yuntian stood in the hall, looking at his right hand, a black liquid was suspended in the palm of his hand, intertwined with purple lightning, like a mini thundercloud, exuding a unique breath.

"Cultivation in the early stage of the demon transformation is a process of fusion of the flesh and blood of the human race and the demon race. After the true demon bloodline is achieved, it enters the middle stage of the demon transformation."

"At this level, with the help of the source power of the flesh and the power of the blood, the special source energy can be extracted from the devil's vitality, and then under the action of the power of life, it can be merged with the magic of the blood to form this magic of the blood."

Hong Yuntian felt the aura of energy in his palm, showing a bit of intoxication.

"This kind of energy not only has the ability to devour blood and magic power, but also contains the characteristics of the devil's magic power to refine the flesh. It can be said that it is a mixture of the blood characteristics of both the human and the devil, which is simply perfect."

"With the growth of qi and blood magic energy, the physical strength and life force are also increasing simultaneously. As expected, as long as all the qi and blood magic power is converted into qi and blood magic energy, the cultivation base will reach the peak of the middle stage of the magic transformation. You can try to step into the late stage of the magical transformation."

"If you practice step by step, I am afraid that it will take three or four hundred years before this seat can complete all the transformation of blood and magic energy."

He couldn't help but think back to the scene where he and Li Qianfeng were experimenting with the associated magic energy in recent months.

"The demon general's accompanying magical energy, the energy source inside is not refined enough, and it is of no help. Only the energy source in the demon king and the pseudo-devil emperor's magical energy can be directly fused with the blood and blood magic of this seat to speed up the cultivation speed."

"The internal organs of the six-headed demon king have been destroyed, and there is also a complete fake demon emperor, and..."

Hong Yuntian waved one hand, and a demon corpse nearly nine feet appeared on the ground. At the same time, aura flashed in front of him, and a purple-black demon baby more than one foot high was suspended.

This devilish baby is full of strong devilish aura, but the true devil's meaning and divine soul dissipated, and it is the Devil King Yuanying left in their soul search.

"With their help, the training time in the middle stage of this magical transformation can be greatly reduced."

While thinking, the invisible force field around Hong Yuntian surging, lifted the body of the fake devil emperor on the ground, and put on a posture of sitting cross-legged.

Then he came to his back, and a group of blood and blood magic energy flashing purple lightning appeared in his hands respectively, and pressed it on the back of the fake devil emperor.

The palms of the two people quickly melted, sticking to the purple-black scales like drops of wax. From the black liquid arm, the flesh and blood in the shape of muscle fibers can be seen rolling, which looks extremely evil.

Gradually, the demon corpse, whose spirit had dissipated, slowly opened its eyes, and its fangs-covered mouth slowly opened, swallowing the floating demon baby.

"According to the information obtained from the soul search, the magic energy of the Demon King and the Pseudo Demon Emperor can both extract the source of energy from the Demon Essence."

"This seat uses the blood and blood magic energy in the body to reluctantly control the physical body of the fake devil emperor and run the magic energy in his body."

"This demon corpse is equivalent to a magic weapon of transformation, transforming the demon essence in the demon king Yuan Ying into the energy source of demon attributes for this seat to absorb."

"With the increase of blood and blood magic energy, the control of the fake devil emperor's body will be smoother, and the cultivation speed will be faster and faster."

Hong Yuntian slowly closed his eyes, his external source field surged, and a powerful bloodline aura containing the meaning of true demons manifested, and the surrounding demonic energy trembled slightly, converging towards the body of this fake demon emperor come.


Da Zhou Zhongming Mountain, the Valley of Corpse Kings.

Zhalei Yasha and other five corpse kings sat cross-legged in a circle. They wore robes of different colors. Except for their gray skin, bone spurs on their bodies, and fleshy wings on their backs, their faces and figures looked no different from ordinary human immortal cultivators. .

Under the control of these high-level silver armored corpses, the cold and cold power in the high sky of the Valley of Corpse Kings gathered downwards. After their purification and refining, they finally poured towards Shi Yin'er in the middle.

In today's Immortal Cultivation World, the Body Refinement Pavilion is the dominant force. Under its protection, no one dares to hit the Mingshan Mountain. Moreover, the Body Refinement Pavilion is rich and rich in cultivation resources. These corpse kings don't have to go out to find resources.

What's more important is that, fed by the essence and blood of body cultivation during the bone transformation stage, the flesh of the five corpse kings became more and more refined, and the corpse energy in the body became the same as Shi Yin'er, which could not only be concentrated into the bones, but also manifested outside the body. Corpse gas armor, the strength is further improved.

So over the years, the more the five corpse kings like Zhalei Yasha and the more thought about it, the more they felt that Lu Kun was right. Zombies and body repairs are an excellent combination. More importantly, body repairs have little demand for silver armored corpses. .

According to Pavilion Master Lu, only the special spiritual power of the golden armored corpse is helpful for the cultivation of high-level body cultivation. As far as the corpse is concerned, it doesn't cost much at all.

According to the information left by the golden-armored corpse back then, the zombies in this realm were completely free from the erosion of bloodthirsty meaning, and they were extremely attractive to Zhalei Yasha.

In order to seize the breakthrough opportunity in the dark, the five corpse kings did not hesitate to consume the source, and fully help Shi Yin'er who has the body of the yin, so that he can cultivate to the peak of the silver armor corpse as soon as possible.

If there is a real golden armored corpse to help, plus the resources of the Body Refinement Pavilion, they have every chance to enter this realm.


In the southwestern world of immortal cultivation, the three major demon gates of Qi country have become history, the Seven Demon Gates have disappeared, the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect has been eliminated by the Body Refinement Pavilion, and the remaining Blood Refinement Sect has become an affiliated sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion and belongs to the Magic Art Pavilion. under.

On this day, in the depths of the Demon Dragon Mountain where the Blood Refinement Sect is located, Pan Yan, a mid-bone cultivator, was standing in a valley. He looked at the bottomless hole under his feet, facing a woman who was only half his height behind him. Taoism:

"Fairy Le, I will retreat in the depths of the mysterious yellow gas in the ground, and I will not interfere with the real magic pool in your forbidden area."

This female cultivator with a fat baby face is the current Great Elder of the Blood Refining Sect, Le Yanjun.

She looked up at the tall body with arms about as thick as her waist, bowed slightly and said:

"This is the prohibition token of the forbidden area. When Elder Pan leaves, as long as he uses his divine sense, the external restrictions will be opened, and the concubine will not be disturbed."

Pan Yan took the dark red token and nodded slightly.

After Le Yanjun left the valley, a watermelon-sized sphere appeared in his thick palm, like a sphere composed of black muscle fibers, and it seemed to be wrapped in some kind of special energy.

"These energy sources extracted from the high-level demon generals are enough to maintain a period of cultivation."

"The Great Elder said that one of the ways to understand the power of will is to understand the world."

"The spiritual soul of the late Yuan Ying monks is extremely close to Yuan Ying. Through Yuan Ying's exit from the body, he can understand the truth of all things and try to comprehend the will of the corresponding five elements."

"Although there is no Nascent Soul in the body repair, the body itself is the storage place for the soul. If the body is immersed in the profound earth-attribute heaven and earth treasure, such as the Qi of Xuanhuang, I wonder if it can be enlightened?"

After whispering a few times, Pan Yan took a deep breath and jumped into the bottomless hole.


In Luzhou, Wei State, in a cave in Moyuan in the Yunling Mountains, hundreds of swords were stuck on the ground. .

As the surrounding magical energy and spiritual energy rolled around, there was a very spiritual sword cry from time to time in the hall.

Huang Xiaoyun sat cross-legged in the center of these swords, practicing in the middle stage of bone transformation.


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