The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1360 Transformation

Somewhere in an unfamiliar area far away from the Immortal Cultivation Realm, there was a thick black fog that spread for thousands of miles, surrounded by dark purple lightning.

Near the head of this creature, four tall demon monks, two males and two females, were suspended in suspension. They wore an armor with bone spurs and scales on their bodies, and their faces showed different totem patterns.

After a while, a demon with a beautiful face and short lavender hair opened her eyes, and she said in a slightly soothing tone:

"I just communicated with the Mirage Beast Spirit. Although it doesn't know what happened to the small interface, it can barely sense that many Saint Race disciples are still operating within the magic fog."

Hearing this sentence, the other three strong-breathing demons also breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help discussing aloud.

"According to the situation more than 700 years ago, if the human race wins, they will definitely not let the disciples of the saint race be in the fog of nightmare."

"The human race will either destroy them or put them in a forbidden place to prevent the disciples of the saints from breaking through further, and a new demon king, a false demon emperor, will appear."

"So it seems that the army of this clan has not been defeated, but has been hurt by the human race?"

"Impossible. The strongest human race in that small interface is only a pseudo-god. Even if there are some subtle formations to help, its power is extremely limited."

"Most of the saints' disciples are alive, but the five devil emperors and five devil kings, but only the Luoyue Devil Emperor is left, which means that the tragic battle took place at the devil king level."

"The combination of the demon king and the emperor of the holy race, and it is also a place where the vitality of the demons is mixed. Unless the human race has more than ten middle-stage cultivators of the gods, it is impossible to do this."

When the short-haired female demon heard this, her triangular purple pupils flickered slightly and said, "There is also a possibility that there are more than one creatures that are in the middle stage of the demon king and are suspected of being in the spiritual world..."

When the other three demons heard the words, their expressions changed slightly.

"It's that unknown spirit world creature who lost both sides with Luo Yue and the others?"

"Thinking about it this way, it is indeed very possible that the fog of nightmares in the Mirage Dream Disk was broken, it should be because the fluctuations of their melee reached the limit of the interface, thus interfering with the space."

"If the unknown spirit world creature wins, they will definitely enter the magic fog and destroy the space channel of the saints, but we didn't feel any strong spatial fluctuations. Is it Luo Yue and the others who won?"

"It's possible to lose both, but that interface has a large number of human cultivators, and there are inexhaustible Nascent Souls. Luo Yue's resilience is extremely strong, and maybe he is chasing and killing the opponent."

"The further back you are, the more advantageous the saints will be, and the demon generals we have sent over are of good aptitude. They practice in the environment of the fog of nightmares, and will soon give birth to new demon kings, even fake demon emperors."

Listening to the discussion in her ears, the short-haired witch was silent for a while and said, "No matter what the result is, we will know when the space channel opens in five years. During this time, we will always guard the Mirage Dream Disk."

"Unless Luo Yue dies, or if the fog of nightmare occurs, you will notify Lord Father. Before that, you must not disturb the old man in any way. If it affects Lord Father's healing, you should know what the result will be."

A flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the other three demons, and they nodded again and again, and then they scattered around the head of this lightning creature and guarded here.



Shattered country, deep in the arctic mountains.

In the cave hall embedded in the cliffs of the abyss, countless strong winds mixed with the vitality of the demon spirit, rolling in and out, making a rumbling sound.

Under the halo of vitality of black, white and gold, a deformed creature sat cross-legged in the center of the hall.

It was a monster with two heads and four arms. One head was the face of a human race man with short hair and square face, and the other was a monkey head with golden hair and four ears.

On both sides of its sturdy body, a pair of human arms and a pair of golden ape arms that were twice as thick were stretched out. The vitality of three different colors, like a halo, lingered around him.

At the same time, in the body of this two-headed four-armed monster, the majestic power of qi and blood was constantly tumbling, and there was a faintly resentful roar coming from its body.

After an unknown amount of time, the vitality in the hall gradually calmed down. The thick ape arms on both sides of the monster's body shrank in half for some reason, and the resentful roar and the turbulent blood aura also disappeared.


Suddenly, the flesh and blood at the neck and shoulder joints of the two-headed, four-armed monster tore open one after another, and the dense muscle fibers inside, like countless precise gears, bite and separate from each other.

You can even see the beating internal organs from these cracks, as well as the bones that are also splitting.

The speed of these flesh and blood separation is getting faster and faster, accompanied by an invisible force field, a golden figure ejected from the back of the body, turning into a golden monkey several feet high.

The little monkey made some somersaults in the air, jumped a few times in the air, and landed next to the burly body that had turned into a human man.

It clenched its small fist and stirred up a strong energy like a wind blade. After feeling the situation in the lower body, the little monkey said happily: "Lu Kun, all the grievances are exhausted, and my strength is still growing. It's 1.4 million pounds!"

Lu Kun's complexion was slightly pale, and his breath seemed a little weak. He exhaled a turbid breath and nodded lightly:

"The power hyperboloid rune condenses successfully, and the power grows naturally."

Speaking of this, a bit of exclamation flashed in his eyes:

"I didn't expect the six-eared macaque's devouring power to be so domineering. If it weren't for my cultivation level being much higher than yours, and my unique physical cultivation supernatural power, I'm afraid that even if I didn't die, my cultivation level would be greatly reduced."

Since the last time Xiao Jin used the three heads and six arms, the resentment in his body has stirred up from time to time. In order to ensure the little monkey's cultivation and eliminate hidden dangers, Lu Kun tried to actively swallow the six-eared macaque's magical powers.

Now not only has this hidden danger been solved, but Xiaojin's bloodline has also been combined with the madness of the demon race to form a power rune. However, due to the spiritual power of the ear, the power has not increased to 1.6 million kilograms.

During this period of research, Lu Kun had a thorough understanding of the magical powers of the six-eared macaque.

When he and Xiaojin formed some kind of bloodline contract by chance, the replica phagocytosis magical power of the six-eared macaque bloodline played a role.

As long as Lu Kun practiced the exercises, Xiao Jin could practice it, and as long as he successfully broke through a certain realm, Xiao Monkey would also naturally break through.

If Lu Kun's judgment is correct, the Lingming Stone Monkey in the mountain of oath of the Lianti Pavilion is the main body copied from the six-eared macaque of the previous generation. Since the realm of supernatural powers is exactly the same, the two divine monkeys lost both in the fierce battle and fell at the same time.

The Lingming Stone Monkey relies on supernatural powers to try to be reborn from a fossil, while the bloodline of the six-eared macaque is inherited from Xiaojin for some reason.

Lu Kun murmured: "Fortunately, we didn't repeat the same mistakes and solved this trouble ahead of time. Otherwise, when you enter the Dirty Yuan period, you will be eroded by the resentment deep in your bloodline and try to devour me."

When Xiao Jin heard the words, he jumped to Lu Kun's shoulder, his eyes filled with fear, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't copy the lightning resistance, otherwise I might have entered the late stage of bone transformation at this time, which would be troublesome."

Hearing this, Lu Kun pondered: "Lightning resistance is a special magical power possessed by the hidden thunder spirit root. Monster beasts have no spirit root, so there is no way to copy it."

Back then, when Xiao Jin was at the peak of Gubao, he did not break through with Zhao Qingtian and the others, because his bloodline instinct had a hunch, and a hasty breakthrough was only a dead end.

With this juncture, the two sides opened up about a hundred years of cultivation time. After that, Lu Kun used his soul to hide his magical powers, and quickly tempered his internal organs with the spiritual shock waves generated by the crystals of the ghosts and the alien will, and he cultivated to the pseudo-visceral period.

Later, they encountered a strange and incomparably magical fog, which caused the six-eared macaque's bloodline supernatural power to break out in advance. As a result, under the effect of the gap between the two sides and the change of the beastmaster, the flesh body strangely formed a semi-fused state.

Lu Kun smiled and said: "Although the meaning of resentment is gone, our bodies still have a fusion connection. We can use the transformation of the Beastmaster to become a body with two heads and four arms.

When Xiao Jin heard the words, all four ears shook at the same time, and excitedly said: "According to this practice, I will also break through in a double helix way. At that time, if we use our two heads and four arms again, how powerful it will be!"

Lu Kun raised his finger, flicked the little monkey's head, and scolded with a smile: "What are you thinking, although the bloodline of the six-eared macaque is still there, but the sense of resentment is lost, your cultivation speed may be affected."

"Don't hurry to the Moyuan Cave Mansion in the Yunling Mountains to practice, I only have less than three hundred years left."


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