The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1361 Study and Cultivation (1)

The little monkey reluctantly left the North Pole Mountain. Although the magic spirit energy in this place is very pure, and there are space cracks that are constantly replenished, the magic spirit energy consumed by Lu Kun's cultivation is also huge, and Xiaojin stays here. Efficiency will only decrease.

After the little monkey left, Lu Kun pondered alone. He reviewed the previous scene and whispered, "The blood magic power of the six-eared macaque is also a special rune structure."

"There are also the blood runes of the previous demons. I don't know if the body repair in the zangyuan period can be used."

Just now, he and Xiao Jin were in a state of two heads and four arms. The internal organs of one person and one monkey, with the help of the snow soul and two swords, showed the semi-fused internal organs Dantian.

If Lu Kun hadn't tested the internal organs of the six-headed demon king and improved the magical power of the beastmaster, he would not have been able to do this. That is, in this state, he saw Xiaojin's bloodline pool.

Due to the fusion of the internal organs of the two, the number of internal organs in the island reached ten, and the blood pools were connected to each other, but Jingwei was clearly divided into two.

There are several different parts in the Xiaojin Bloodline Pool.

In addition to the magic ape transformation of his previous arm magic ape bloodline, the arm magic power, and the passive power magic power, there are two pools of water, one is the spiritual ear magic power, and the other is located in the middle of the pool water, a very special golden rune pool.

"I thought that the six-eared macaque was just swallowing blood essence, but I didn't expect it to swallow and copy the bloodline source. In order to kill Xiaojin's bloodthirsty intention, my violent bloodline source actually consumed nearly half."

With a sigh, Lu Kun closed his eyes, the source force field collapsed inward, and the physical body and consciousness sank into the visceral dantian.

In the bloodline pool surrounded by the five viscera islands, a ring-shaped double helix bloodline rune floats in the golden blood. Compared with the previous one, this rune has shrunk a lot, and the bloodline source particles on it have become even more shriveled.

Under the condition of damaged blood vessels, although Lu Kun can still activate the power of duality, it is very laborious to operate.

"Essence and blood can be recovered through the bone marrow, so the bloodline source particles should also be recovered by absorbing energy."

"The energy in the blood pool is only the devil's dirty energy."

With a thought, Lu Kun looked at the bottom of the bloodline pool, where there were thousands of particles shining with purple-black light spots. It was the demonic viscera particles that he stripped out of the demons' hidden divine power some time ago.

Under the action of the microscopic source force, these particles were suspended, poured into the dry double helix main chain, and entered the dry bloodline source particles without hindrance.

But the latter contracted slightly, and it seemed that there was some change, and it seemed that there was no movement.

"It's a bit of a recovery effect, don't tell me..."

He suddenly thought of something, a lot of demonic visceral particles rolled into the will key of the double helix under his control, and with the loss of a little violent will, silver-white spiritual visceral elements poured out from the other end, and then directly entered The bloodline source particles with the main chain dried up.

At this moment, the surface of the entire ring-shaped double helix blood vessel suddenly lit up with a layer of pale golden brilliance.

Lu Kun immediately felt that the source of the bloodline was showing signs of recovery, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the special layer of brilliance and let out a sigh in his heart.

"Strange, after the devil's visceral essence is integrated into the source particles, there seems to be a trend of fusion."

"But I have tried repeatedly before. The original energy of the devil's visceral energy neither conflicts nor merges in the bloodline pool. Is it possible to merge only when the bloodline source is damaged?"

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, then began to manipulate the sea of ​​essence and blood, injecting blood into the five viscera islands, and under the filter, every nine blood particles condensed and concentrated, turning into a golden particle into the blood pool.

Whether it is the blood demon essence and the blood essence, they will be refined into the essence blood essence particles by the five viscera islands, and the same is true for this golden blood essence, but when it enters the will key of the double helix, it does not come out as a fused golden dirty essence, but It is to split into two different dirty elements.

With the influx of golden pure blood essence and the transformation of the violent will key, a large amount of spiritual visceral essence appeared in the bloodline pool. Together with the demon visceral essence at the bottom of the pool, they were continuously injected into the shriveled source particles in the double helix bloodline.

Gradually, a tingling sensation spread through the whole body, making people seem to have returned to the time when they were growing.


As time passed, the shriveled source particles slowly recovered, and after more than three months, the particles inside became extremely full, and at this time, the devil's visceral essence could not easily enter it.

During the recovery of this bloodline, Lu Kun discovered a situation that he hadn't noticed before.

When the devil's visceral element is close to the double-helix main chain and the inner gallbladder node of the bone spur in the middle, the visceral elements of two different attributes seem to have a slight tendency to merge.

"Could it be that the key to the fusion of the two energies is the bloodline source particles?"

The energy of visceral yuan is obviously the top priority for Lu Kun, who has just started to study the cultivation method of the visceral yuan period.

Moreover, he is also a special bloodline of dual-attribute will breakthrough. The fusion and separation of this core energy is definitely closely related to future cultivation.

Lu Kun carefully observed the two main chains of the double-helix bloodline rune, especially the plump source particles. When he enlarged it and saw the appearance of the particles mixed with bone spurs and muscle fibers, he suddenly realized something. .

"The violent bloodline is a brand-new bloodline, but the bloodline source particles in it can still see the characteristics of the two races."

"In other words, is my violent bloodline completely solid and in its infancy?"

"The bloodline is really formed, should it contain a new bloodline source particle?"

"Hey, the origin of the bloodline of the two tribes, after three months of recovery, seems to have changed a little bit."

He suddenly discovered that at the intersection of the bone spur liner and the two main chains, the muscle fiber particles of the origin of the human bloodline had some tendency to fuse with the devil bone spur particles.

"The inner gallbladder of the bone spur is not damaged. Is the injection of the devil's visceral essence in the past three months, which caused it to merge?"

"The newly generated bloodline, just like the magic weapon that has just been refined successfully, takes time to nurture? The energy that is nurtured is the devil's visceral essence?"

Lu Kun couldn't help but analyze in his heart.

"My bloodline rune is formed by forcibly condensing and merging the dual-attribute will and the bloodline source particles of the two races through microscopic source power."

"Although the double-helix structure formed by it is extremely stable, and the will key can perfectly restore the bloodline primordial spirit, the bloodline source particles inside are not unified, and it looks a bit messy."

"Whether it's physical cultivation or Dharma cultivation, the purity of energy is an extremely important item, and the same should be true of blood."

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. According to the previous method of restoring the original particles, he mobilized the devil's visceral energy and rushed towards the original particles of the two main chains of the double helix, as well as the bone spurs in the middle.

However, when the energy of these purple-black and white light spots hit the main chain of the double helix, they were bounced back.

"Original particles are restored to fullness and no longer absorb the evil spirits?"

"Hmph, force injection if you don't absorb me."

Lu Kun's thoughts moved, and the microscopic source force he mobilized gradually increased, pressing back the bounced dirty energy.

I saw that the main chain of the double helix and the inner liner of the bone spur in the middle were covered with light spots of two colors. They echoed each other, and under the squeeze of invisible force, they slowly penetrated into the bloodline source particles.

With the injection of these energies, the circular double-helix bloodline rune in the bloodline pool began to tremble slightly, causing Lu Kun to feel a pain that seemed to penetrate deep into his soul.

He ignored these pains, but carefully sensed the vibration of the double helix rune, gradually increasing the microscopic source power, until the light spots of the devil's dirty energy were all submerged in the blood source of the two main chains.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Kun felt that two kinds of energies seemed to be fused in the blood source particles, and they nourished the blood source with a special energy.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The violent bloodline is in its infancy, and it needs to be nurtured with dirty energy to fuse the bloodline origins of the two races."

"The vibration of the double helix is ​​the repulsive force generated by the further fusion of the origins of the two races."

"From the effect point of view, it seems that the gestation of the newborn bloodline will take a long time. You can try to increase the microscopic source power. The double-helix bloodline structure can even support the violent supernatural power for a period of time. This shock is nothing at all. "

While thinking about it, Lu Kun mobilized more microscopic source power to find the best cultivation efficiency, and at the same time absorbed the vitality of the world and transformed more demonic spirits.

Soon, his burly body was enveloped by the surging golden vitality, and the violent blood aura in his body swelled more and more violently...

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