The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1363 Study and Cultivation (Last Part)

Lu Kun felt the new bloodline source particles, his heart was shaking, and an idea popped into his mind uncontrollably.

"Since the bloodline rune can split into new source particles, can it be used as the basic unit to condense the second double helix rune?"

"The violent will has been successfully condensed, and then the microscopic source power is used to carve the inner lining of this mature bone spur, and then according to the way of breaking through in the past, the number of blood runes is increased by splitting and reorganizing, so as to carry out the cultivation of the Visceral Yuan period. ?"

With this idea in mind, Lu Kun squeezed more chaotic visceral energy into the blood rune, and continued to produce more source particles, while carefully observing the brand-new bone spur liner in the circular double helix. part, called the will key.

The will keys grown from the two main chains are exactly the same length. There is an outer bone and an inner fiber on the shape, and an outer fiber and inner bone. As for the rune from the inner gall of the magic dragon blade, they are all hollowed out and portrayed in the will. key.

Gradually, Lu Kun split into a lot of bloodline origin particles. During this process, the chaotic visceral element can only be squeezed in from the junction of the will key and the main chain, and the visceral element can be divided and combined.

"The will key can't be split like the source particles, it can only be forcibly portrayed with the help of microscopic source power."

Lu Kun thought for a while, and then focused his consciousness on a human race origin particle.

Invisible microscopic source power surged and turned into a tiny thorn, trying to carve runes on this fiber-shaped short stick.


But just as the microscopic source force spikes fell, a strange force suddenly gushed out from the surface of the source particles, as if it contained terrifying power, and the microscopic source force was directly squeezed out.

"Repel microscopic source force?"

Lu Kun was stunned, he didn't expect such a situation at all.

Even if the bloodline source particles become stronger, at most it will make his microscopic source power more difficult to describe, why is there a strange repulsion force?

With doubts, he activated the microscopic source force again, turning it into several invisible spikes, slowly approaching the source particle.

"Hey, why is that power gone?"

Lu Kun looked at the spikes that were about to fall on the surface of the particles, and doubts arose in his heart, but then, he felt that the extremely terrifying force of repulsion reappeared, shattering the spikes condensed by the microscopic source force.

"This repulsive force seems to only appear in a very small range."

After he discovered this, he tried several times again, but no matter how flexible the microscopic source force was, he would always encounter that powerful repulsive force at the position closest to the source particle.

This force is like the source force field that comes with the bloodline source particle, but the scale of the radiation is extremely small, almost close to the surface of the particle, and the deeper his microscopic source force is, the greater the repulsive force he receives.

"It can repel the microscopic source force. Does this force belong to the same nature as the microscopic source force, and it is also a force on a microscopic scale?"

Confusion and confusion flashed through Lu Kun's mind.

He used the microscopic source power to forcibly condense the primitive particles of the demons and humans in the newborn blood rune. At that time, he did not try to transform the source particles, and he was not sure whether this power was his own characteristic.

"It manifests as repulsion, and it only acts on a very short distance outside the source particles. This kind of property seems to have been heard on Earth..."

Lu Kun carefully reviewed his memories. Although he could recall many memories buried deep in the zangyuan period, the knowledge he learned on Earth was mainly based on exercise physiology, and he could not find anything of a similar nature at all. information.

"No matter what kind of power this is, the microscopic source power generated by my current dual element power cannot destroy the original source particles."

He sighed in his heart, which meant that the will key could not be condensed, and even if there were more bloodline source particles, the second double-helix bloodline rune could not be condensed.

"Looks like we'll have to find another way."

Lu Kun has deduced the body training method to the current state, and he already has a set of mature deduction ideas.

The first is to choose a direction, whether to cultivate blood, or to temper the body, or to improve the consciousness of the body.

Its purpose is very clear, to find a way to inherit the bloodline to the disciples of physical training, and to improve the method of breaking through the zangyuan period that is common to physical training, so as to increase the probability of the disciples breaking through.

Lu Kun's direct disciples are only Pan Yan and Huang Xiaoyun. He couldn't keep the previous three disciples, but now Lu Kun doesn't want to lose these two disciples, and he has to find a way to help them enter the Dirty Yuan period anyway.

For this purpose, Lu Kun must delve into the cultivation of the bloodline of the Zangyuan period, and try to find a solution from it.

After choosing the direction, the second derivation step is to boldly assume the method of cultivation based on the existing information.

The third step is trial and error if the hypothesis is feasible, and the final step is to draw a conclusion.

From the current point of view, the hypothesis of generating more double-helix blood runes through splitting and reorganization has failed.

In the mature bloodline rune, the bloodline source particle is protected by a special force, and his microscopic source force cannot transform it into a new will key.

Based on this result, Lu Kun thought slowly.

"Cultivation of the bloodline must make it more and more intense. The will key is used as the carrier of the bloodline primordial spirit, and the number of units to refine the visceral essence will gradually increase with the cultivation."

"At present, the will key cannot be copied, nor can it be transformed and generated. It seems that there is only one way to increase it, and that is to let it grow spontaneously."

He reasoned calmly in his mind.

"The branches of a tree will gradually increase as it grows. If the chain of will is compared to branches, and the blood rune is regarded as a tree, is there a way to make the blood rune grow like a tree?"

"But my blood vessel structure is closed-loop, like..."

He couldn't help but look at the ring-shaped double helix structure in the bloodline pool, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

"If the closed loop cannot grow, then cut it in two and turn it into a long double helix."

"After that, inject chaotic viscera and new source particles into the fracture. Will the fracture of the double-spiral blood rune be actively repaired and grown?"

"The muscle training stage, the bone treasure stage, and the bone metamorphosis stage of physical training are all about allowing the body to keep repairing in the process of destruction, thereby gradually strengthening it. When it comes to the visceral primordial stage, do you also use this kind of thinking?"

"The ring-shaped double-helix blood rune breaks and becomes a long double-helix. The blood vessels are in a damaged state, and the two fractures are equivalent to wounds."

"The chaotic visceral element is the energy to repair the bloodline, and the source particle is the basic unit that constitutes the bloodline rune, which seems to meet the conditions for repair."

"Can this method of repairing growth allow new will keys to naturally grow in the blood rune?"

The more Lu Kun thought about it, the more likely he felt that this conjecture was very likely. He stared at the bloodline pool, the ring-shaped double helix structure surrounded by many original particles and golden light spots.

"At the time of the breakthrough, the double helix lines were spontaneously connected end to end, indicating that they could be turned into long strips."

"It can't be cut at the position of the will key. The violent will in there is too terrifying. If you are not careful, you will trigger the violent magical power. To be on the safe side, cut it somewhere in the middle of the two will chains."

"Original particles cannot be destroyed by microscopic source force, but there is a gap between them that is not too small or not small, and the distance exceeds the scale range of that repulsive force."

"Cut right there!"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun sighed in his heart. He ignored the possible risks and turned the microscopic source power into two invisible knives, which were aimed at the gaps of the two main chains in the same phase.

With a sound of "hum", his two microscopic knives suddenly disappeared, and the double helix rune was silently suspended there without being affected in any way.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun was stunned, and his excitement was poured into a bucket of cold water.

"What's the situation, how can the microscopic source force be unable to cut off even a gap that is solidified by will? Could it be that the source particles have been rubbed against it?"

Then he condensed two microscopic source knives and fell to the two main chains again.

This time, he controlled it very slowly, focusing all his attention on the gap between the source particles.

But at the moment of entering the gap, the source force knife seemed to encounter two terrifying suction forces, was directly torn into shapeless, and disappeared into the narrow gap.

"what's the situation……"

"There is a special suction between the original particles, so what is the repulsion I encountered before..."

Lu Kun felt that his cognition had been overturned. This double-helix bloodline rune, which was separated from the infancy, seemed to have some deeper changes that he couldn't understand.

"I clearly remember that when building the double helix bloodline rune, the source particles in each main chain were connected by the will of frenzy and brutality."

"But from the situation just now, the will fluctuations of the rune main chain are all condensed on the will key."

Lu Kun felt a little dazed.

"There is no will connection, that is to say, each source particle of the main chain is condensed by that special suction."

"Then what does it have to do with the repulsion that appeared on the surface of the original particle..."

"Under the protection of this strange force, the microscopic source force does not work at all."

"Original particles can't be destroyed, even the main chain of the double helix, I can't cut it?"

"Can't copy, can't be destroyed, can't be reorganized, how should the bloodline be cultivated..."

Lu Kun murmured in his heart, feeling that the cultivation path ahead was covered with layers of mist.

He was groping blankly alone, unable to find his way...

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