The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1364 Mystery

After a long time, Lu Kun suppressed the bewildered emotion in his heart and gradually regained his composure.

"Have a deep understanding of the properties of this power!"

Due to his special aptitude, he did not carefully analyze the essential characteristics of blood and magic power, which led to the tragic death of several disciples in the breakthrough. He would not make such a mistake again.

"This power exists in the bloodline rune, which shows that it has a great relationship with the bloodline power and bloodline supernatural power. It does not necessarily contain the true mystery of the bloodline."

Lu Kun's eyes focused on a human race origin particle suspended outside, and the microscopic source force was swirling around it, and he began to analyze it in his heart.

"This mysterious force is hidden inside the source particles, and it has a repulsive force on the surface at a very small scale, or a force similar to the source force, which is much stronger than the microscopic source force."

While thinking, he ingested another source particle and brought the two closer to each other.

"There seems to be no suction like in the rune chain between two source particles alone."

Lu Kun felt a little strange, he hesitated for a moment, a violent will poured out from the will key in the bloodline rune and submerged into the two separate source particles.

"Still no response."

But then he remembered something, and slowly approached the two particles. As a result, an amazing suction force suddenly appeared on both ends of the short stick-shaped source particle, and the two instantly bonded together.

"This short-range suction is actually caused by the will of the bloodline."

Lu Kun was amazed, and then found a few particles to try, and found that this short-range suction has no small limitations.

In addition to blessing the will, the visceral energy can also trigger this short-range suction, and only the cross-section of the source particles mixed with bone and fibers can generate suction.

In addition, the True Demon Origin Particles and the Human Race Origin Particles have a strong repulsive force when they are close to each other. Unless the injection of violent will is increased, the two cannot be adsorbed together.

This made Lu Kun think of the will key in the middle of the double helix, which is where the two main chains are linked, and is also the sojourn point of the violent will. The will is strong, so the short-range suction is stronger.

"The fusion power of the will key may also have the effect of the power of life."

"By the way, since the blessing of the will makes the source particles have suction, isn't it possible to use this method to disconnect the annular bloodline?"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's mind moved, and the violent will in the blood rune all rose up, and the invisible microscopic source force turned into a knife and chopped it down.

But as before, this invisible force collapsed in the gaps of the particles.

"No, after achieving the bloodline primordial spirit, the soul, bloodline, and will have become one. The violent will can't completely escape the will key, and more or less will be blessed on the nearby source particles."

"Unless my soul will die, the suction between particles will always exist."

He sighed inwardly and began to summarize.

"Bloodline runes have always had will. In this way, this power has two attributes. One is the active short-range suction force displayed by homologous particles, and the other is the passive source force that protects the particles and is concentrated inside."

"Although it is also a force in a microscopic state, the strength of this different force far exceeds my microscopic source force."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun felt a sense of deja vu again.

He couldn't help but search for his memory again. The blood runes and the will of the primordial spirit in the visceral dantian were also accompanied by the vibration of the soul at this time, which seemed to be assisting the memory.

The memory kept flowing backwards, back to the time when he was thirty years ago, when he was 30 years old, and when he was working at the age of 25, all the way to the student days when he was seventeen or eighteen.

Gradually, Lu Kun's spirit stopped fluctuating, and after a while, he suddenly whispered in his heart: "Strong interaction..."

The memory he found was from a high school physics textbook, which briefly introduced a short-range strong force that combines nucleons in atomic nuclei.

"The rules of heaven and earth in the world of immortal cultivation are the same as those of the earth, and some are very different. The physical source of physical cultivation is very similar to gravity in some aspects. I have always compared it to understanding gravity."

"Is it possible to compare the force inside the source particle to a strong interaction?"

"There are quarks inside the nucleus, and there is a strong force in it. This is very similar to the force inside the bloodline source particle. If the source particle is compared to a kind of nucleus."

"And the aggregation between nucleons relies on strong interactions."

"The bloodline rune that combines countless bloodline source nuclei together is equivalent to a giant bloodline atomic nucleus."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun couldn't help looking at the bloodline rune, feeling the passive magical power fluctuations of the violent bloodline, and a light flashed in his mind.

"Can the bloodline supernatural power fluctuations generated by the bloodline nucleus be used as some kind of radiation from the nucleus?"

"The nucleus is the radiation generated by decay, so if it is reversed, the blood is also in a special state of decay?"

"I don't seem to notice this change. Is it because it is nourishing the blood vessels, or is the decay cycle of the blood vessels extremely long and difficult to detect in a short period of time?"

"The bloodline of the monster will become thinner and thinner as it is passed down from generation to generation. Is this a manifestation of the decay of the bloodline?"

As more and more questions popped up in Lu Kun's mind, he felt that this conjecture was very close to the truth.

"If that's the case, then assume it's correct, and re-examine the bloodline rune to see if it's logical."

"First, rename the various components of the bloodline rune. The bloodline source particles are called blood nucleus, and the force within them that is similar to strong interaction is called blood nucleus force."

"The bloodline rune is called the bloodline nucleus, and its rune structure is the special structure of this nucleus."

After Lu Kun redefined these components, he recalled the blood runes he had seen.

"The power rune of the gibbons is a kind of blood nuclei that are adsorbed together by several blood nuclei under the blessing of madness through the blood nuclear force, and its structure is hyperboloid."

"The passive power magical power it generates is a special kind of radiation. The more bloodline nuclei there are, the stronger the radiation. When all the bloodline nuclei in the bloodline pool are hyperboloid rune structures, the passive increase in power reached the maximum."

"However, the active magical power of the magic ape seems to be a little different."

Lu Kun couldn't help falling into contemplation, recalling the scenes he saw back then.

"When the Demon Ape was activated, all the atomic nuclei in its bloodline pool, under the injection of the true demon's intention, formed a vortex, which seemed to be constantly converging in the middle... um, the convergence of atomic nuclei..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly froze.

"Isn't this nuclear fusion?"

"Nuclear fusion is the process by which two small atomic nuclei coalesce into a larger nucleus, releasing energy at the same time."

"The bloodline pool of the Tongji Demon Ape is composed of many power rune particles, which are equivalent to a large number of small bloodline atomic nuclei."

"These small nuclei of bloodline are condensed by the nuclear force generated by the will of madness, and their will is repelled by the will of true demons, so there is no way to completely integrate them, and they can only be in a state of vortex semi-convergence."

"So it is a reaction similar to nuclear fusion, and the energy emitted should be far less than that of real fusion, but even so, the magical powers transformed by the magic ape have terrifying power."

Lu Kun pondered, and couldn't help looking at his own double helix rune.

"The rune of Gibbons is a small nucleus of blood, so my ring-shaped double helix structure that condenses all blood nuclei is not a special kind of heavy nucleus of blood."

"The bloodline fusion when I broke through was actually the fusion of two large atomic nuclei. This process requires a lot of energy to be absorbed, so when smelting the bloodline primordial spirit, I absorbed countless heaven and earth primordial qi."

"And when the will bond connecting the two heavy nuclei is about to break, the heavy nuclei are in a half-split state, releasing powerful energy."

Lu Kun murmured in his heart.

"That is to say, the essence of the violent supernatural power is actually a fission reaction of the bloodline nucleus..."

Thanks to the leader of "Chenyang sunny" book friends!

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