The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1365 Perfection and Simulation

"If you follow this weird bloodline nucleus theory, the mysteries of bloodline seem to make sense."

Lu Kun continued to think in his mind.

"The rules of the Immortal Cultivation World are different from those of the Earth, but also have something in common. For example, many characteristics of the source force of the flesh are similar to gravitation."

"Now the blood core force of this bloodline source is similar to strong interaction, but the former requires the blessing of will or visceral energy to release the power of condensing nuclei, otherwise it will only be hidden inside the blood nuclei."

"In addition to gravitation and strong interaction, there are two basic forces on the earth, weak interaction and electromagnetic force. Are these two forces also manifested in some special way in the world of immortal cultivation?"

Lu Kun's thinking is a little divergent, but his memory of physics in the depths of his soul is limited to high school. He only has a simple understanding of the four basic forces on the earth, and what kind of weak interaction, he only knows a name.

After a while, he abandoned the chaotic thoughts in his heart and thought seriously: "Since there is the theoretical support of the earth, then I will treat the bloodline as a special kind of atomic nucleus, and use the nuclear energy method to understand the power of the bloodline. ."

Lu Kun began to summarize.

"My double helix bloodline ring rune is equivalent to a giant bloodline atomic nucleus. It is in a state of decay, and radiation is constantly surging outwards."

"These incomparably powerful radiations enter the sea of ​​essence and blood in a special form under the filtering of the five internal organs and islands, so that the physical strength surges to a terrifying dual level."

Thinking about it, he found that many things became clear.

Physical cultivation simply cultivates the body itself, and there is a limit to its power.

For example, in the realm of Bone Treasure Stage, there is a threshold of 400,000 jin. Without the help of the emptiness of the physical source, the physical body cannot fully exert the power of more than 400,000 jin.

At the peak of the bone transformation stage, physical cultivation can cultivate the whole body to a level of maturity comparable to the bone treasure, but even so, the physical strength can be cultivated to more than one million kilograms at most.

At this time, in order to gain stronger power, body repair must use the power of blood, or in other words, need the radiation of blood to provide more powerful power to the body.

"The island of the five internal organs is a special base station that transfers blood radiation. Only through it can this energy be blessed in the flesh."

"When I used the power of one element for the first time, my internal organs were greatly injured, and that was because the internal organs at that time were not strong enough to withstand the magical radiation of the magic ape transformation."

Lu Kun's logic became clearer.

"The visceral strength of body repair is different from the concept of musculoskeletal strength. It actually refers to the ability of the viscera to withstand blood radiation."

"The higher the strength of the internal organs, the more powerful the blood can withstand the radiation, and the flesh can become stronger under the blessing of the blood."

"And my violent supernatural power is a more terrifying radiation. The double helix giant bloodline nucleus is in a temporary state of nuclear fission for a short time under the action of the force of life and violent will."

"In this state of bloodline fission, in addition to radiating more terrifying energy, the physical consciousness is still under the impact, and it is integrated into all parts of the body, which improves the reaction speed to the extreme."

"When the physical body is under the special sense of consciousness, various parts will accumulate this powerful fission energy, and finally explode it in a way of doubling the power."

"If it weren't for the bones containing the silver dragon meteorite, and the source force field squeezed inward to maintain the solid shape of flesh and blood, the flesh body would probably be shattered directly under the outbreak of this force."

"As the base station for the transfer of fission energy, the internal organs bear enormous pressure. With the support of the Xueshen Double Swords, they barely did not collapse."

Lu Kun whispered softly in his heart.

"From passive supernatural powers to active supernatural powers, the cultivation of internal organs, the generation of blood vessels..."

"Cultivation in this visceral Yuan period is essentially the process of strengthening and utilizing the nuclear energy of the bloodline."

At this point of analysis, Lu Kun has a feeling that he can see the sun after the clouds are cleared.

The cultivation direction of the Dirty Yuan period has become clear as if it has come naturally.

It can be divided into two points, one is to strengthen the blood vessels and increase the radiation intensity of the blood vessels, and the other is to enhance the internal organs, so that this base station can bless stronger radiation on the flesh.

"The second one is relatively simple. The internal organs can be strengthened through the internal organs. As for the first one..."

"Just like when I converted all the bloodline runes of the Gibbons into power runes, increasing the number of bloodline runes or increasing the size of the bloodline nuclei can increase the radiation intensity."

"It's back to where it got stuck before."

"This annular bloodline nucleus needs to be cut open, and with the help of the visceral element and blood nucleus, it will grow during the repair process, thereby extending the length of the bloodline ring and enhancing the radiation of the violent bloodline."

Although it was the same question, Lu Kun thought at this moment and changed his angle.

"Even if the ring-shaped bloodline nucleus is cut, it is still a whole, and the violent supernatural power is to divide one into two. The former should not have any nuclear fission reaction."

"Split atomic nuclei is bombarded with neutrons. There are separate blood nuclei in the blood vein pool. If scattered blood nuclei are used to hit the nucleons on the two main chains respectively, can the ring structure be cut open?"

Thinking of this, his mind moved, and he directly used the microscopic source force to "lift" a true demon blood nucleus, and slammed it against the nucleus of a main chain.


As a result, the blood nucleus was directly ejected, and it did not shake the blood nucleus at all.

After that, he tried several methods again and again, but whether it was the blood nucleus of the demon race or the blood nucleus of the human race, he couldn't help this giant blood nucleus.

"Not enough energy? Or the power of the microscopic source force is too weak?"

Lu Kun sighed in his heart. He didn't know the specific method of neutron bombardment in his memory, so he could only try this simplest method.

"The double-helix structure of the violent bloodline is too stable, which makes this giant atomic nucleus extremely stable. Under the blessing of the microscopic source force, the energy of a single blood nucleus is too small, and there is no way to knock out the nucleus on the double chain."

"By the way, there is no way to blast the nucleons, but I can destroy one of them."

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

When helping Xiaojin solve the hidden danger of the six-eared macaque before, the other party's terrible blood phagocytosis supernatural power directly drained most of the blood source particles.

"The blood nuclei at that time were still in their nascent state. I don't know if the mature blood nuclei can also be affected by the magical powers of the six-eared macaque."

He whispered in his heart.

"Based on the bloodline nucleus theory, this magical power of the six-eared macaque is a special kind of active radiation. Although the devouring and replicating runes in the little monkey's body have all disappeared, I remember the strange rune structure clearly."

"I have so many scattered blood nuclei that I can form the blood nuclei of the six-eared macaque, simulating this blood phagocytosis magical power?"

Lu Kun was a little excited when he recalled the strange runes he saw in the Xiaojin bloodline pool.

He had decomposed the Demon King's bloodline rune that concealed his soul. At that time, he wondered why the bloodline magical powers of the Demon Race could be combined with the Demon Visceral Yuan through the bloodline source particles.

Now combined with the theory of bloodline nuclei, he immediately understood.

Dirty Yuan, like will, can activate the adsorption ability of blood nuclear force. The magical power of the Demon Race is to combine the blood nuclei of the Demon Race with the help of the Dirty Yuan to form a kind of honeycomb-like nucleus.

The radiation effect of this atomic nucleus is to hide the demon soul. At the same time, this radiation will leave residual energy in the demon soul. If it touches the power of searching for the soul, it will explode and self-destruct.

"The basic blood rune of the six-eared macaque is in the shape of a crescent moon, and the source particle is a long ellipse. It is formed by activating the blood nucleus force through the will of frenzy."

"I want to simulate its Devouring Magical Power. It is best to use the blood nuclei of the human race. The compatibility of blood is the most suitable for this kind of Devouring Magical Power."

He recalled the scene in the Xiaojin bloodline pool in his mind, the microscopic source power surged, the fibers that looked like short sticks gathered together, and the pale golden chaotic visceral essence also rushed over.

The blood nuclei of the human race exude a faint golden light, and their tails show short-range force, which are combined with each other, and the blood nuclei can slightly change direction with the amount of dirty energy injected.

After a while, a half-moon rune with a barb appeared in the bloodline pool, and a strange wave appeared in it. However, under the influence of the violent bloodline, this wave could not be radiated, and could only be maintained on its surface. .

"This is the fluctuation of the spiritual power? It seems to be in conflict with the radiation of the violent bloodline."

He can clearly feel that the radiation fluctuations of the violent bloodline are trying to disintegrate this rune. If it is not protected by microscopic source power, the latter may collapse directly.

"The radiation of the violent bloodline is too powerful. Even if the blood nuclei of the six-eared macaque are condensed into a blood pool, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist the radiation of the violent bloodline. There can only be one kind of radiation that can survive for a long time."

Lu Kun felt a little regretful in his heart.

"This is the basic magical rune of the six-eared macaque. Its bloodline devours the magical power, which is a dynamic change under the impetus of resentment."

While thinking about it, Lu Kun continued to create new bloodline runes while protecting this tiny bloodline nucleus with microscopic source power.

Gradually, a total of six meniscus appeared in the blood vessel pool, a bit like the blood vessel structure of the outline of the ear.

He recalled the scene where his blood was swallowed up before.

"The devouring magical power of the six-eared macaque, in a certain way, is a bit like the unsuccessful nuclear fusion of the magic ape."

As his thoughts turned, the six meniscus-shaped bloodline nuclei moved closer to each other, especially the barb-shaped tail of one of them, approached each other. At the same time, Lu Kun separated several groups of violent wills, which fell on those on a tail.

Different from the dirty element, the will has a greater impact on the blood nuclear force. Under its blessing, the blood nuclei at the end of the six hooks immediately poured out a powerful short-range nuclear force, which tightly fused each other.

The six crescent-shaped runes formed a strange structure at this time. It looked like a flower with six petals, and it looked like a claw with six barbs.

When it was formed, the surrounding golden dirty energy seemed to be attracted, and they all converged towards this strange bloodline nucleus, and a faint engulfing aura emerged.

"Sure enough!"

Lu Kun was pleasantly surprised, but then found that the condensed rune began to tremble. It was hit by the radiation of the violent bloodline, as if it would collapse at any time.

"The violent radiation is too powerful, and this six-eared nucleus will not last long."

With a thought in his mind, under the blessing of the microscopic source force, the six-eared petals quickly approached a main chain of the double-helix bloodline, as if a mouth with six sharp teeth was going to eat a certain food. .

But this weird mouth kept shaking and couldn't close it.

"I can't do anything about the smaller nucleus, can't I suppress your little blood rune?"

Under the control of Lu Kun, the surrounding microscopic source forces all rushed over, like a big hand holding down the six petals, forcibly closing the six sharp-toothed petals like ears to the middle.


The six-eared rune bit on a source particle of the main chain of the violent bloodline, and a strange invisible force gushed out of it. The bitten nucleus trembled slightly, as if deflated, and quickly shriveled...

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