The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1384 Amazing discovery (1)

"what's the situation?"

Hong Yuntian quickly noticed the difference. He looked at Lu Kun's power rune chain floating in the bloodline pool, and saw half of the will key on it. For some reason, it was attached to a strange round-headed short stick particle.

The appearance of these particles is very strange. They are a mixture of human and demon origin. One end is a ring formed by multiple bone spurs, which is filled with muscle fibers. A short stick extends outward from the side of the ring. This short stick is wrapped by bone spurs. The composition of muscle fibers.

This extended short stick is tightly connected to the half will key on Lu Kun's power rune chain, and it also exudes a peculiar suction. Not only is the origin of the surrounding bloodlines affected, but the brutal will on the edge of the bloodline pool is somewhat Just around the corner.

Hong Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then his mind moved, and he let go of the shackles of cruelty. These wills soon turned into black spots of light, found the round-headed short stick with great precision, and settled in the ring.

Immediately afterwards, a strong suction force emerged, and the surrounding original particles gathered in succession. They formed a short stick of bone spurs wrapped in muscle fibers, connecting these brutal sojourn rings in turn, gradually forming a short chain.

Hong Yuntian stared at this scene dumbfounded.

"What the hell is going on, Lu Kun's short chain of power runes can spontaneously build blood runes in this bloodline pool, and what kind of runes are these, the composition of basic particles is so strange."

This newly formed short chain has only two basic units, one is a short stick with a round head.

Another basic structure is the short sticks of bone spurs wrapped with muscle fibers. These bone spurs play a connecting role, connecting the short sticks with round heads that hold the will, forming such a strange chain of runes.

"Original particles are still gathering here!"

Hong Yuntian has stopped all actions. He stared blankly at everything in the bloodline pool. All the source particles here seem to be stirred up, and they continue to gather towards Lu Kun's power rune chain.

Gradually, under the impact of countless source particles, the newly formed short chain of runes began to move to one side, vacating the position of a will key.

As soon as this position was empty, a bunch of particles were attached, instantly forming the basic structure of a round-headed short stick, and a group of brutal will light spots surged and fell into the ring.

Those Origin Particles that didn't grab their positions could only be reluctantly turned into connecting rods to connect two adjacent round-headed short sticks.

In this way, under the continuous impact of the source particles, the short chain continued to extend and grow, and the extended part began to bend, forming a semicircular structure, with several short sticks standing in the semicircle.

"This is……"

Hong Yuntian looked extremely shocked. Looking at such a scene, he recalled in his mind the process of forming Lu Kun's double helix rune, the scene of the two main chains intertwined.

Although the situation at hand is different, if the newly formed rune chain becomes very long and then goes around in a circle, wouldn’t it be possible to connect end to end, these semicircles fit together with the other semicircles, isn’t it true magic runes? structure?

"Why does this happen? Isn't Lu Kun the power rune chain? Why can the power rune chain automatically reproduce the true demon rune chain?"

The scene in the bloodline pool completely subverted Hong Yuntian's cognition.

"Hey, the re-engraving has stopped..."

Hong Yuntian looked carefully and saw that the will key of Lu Kun's power rune chain had become very dim, and it seemed that he had no power to absorb the bloodline source particles, leaving a half-finished true demon rune chain quietly suspended in the bloodline pool.

When he saw this scene, he didn't bother to study the legal system of the bloodline division, mobilized the microscopic source force, and carefully sent the power rune chain to the golden blood above the bloodline pool, draining the blood, and the consciousness was also eager left the visceral dantian.

"Lu Kun, there is a mutation in your power rune chain!"

"Alteration?" Lu Kun was suspended in the chest cavity of Hong Yuntian's body, and when he heard this, he was a little confused.

"Just now in the bloodline pool of this seat..." Hong Yuntian described the scene not long ago with shock and confusion in his consciousness.

Lu Kun listened, his expression couldn't help becoming sluggish, his mind rumbling, and he muttered: "Re-engraving... Isn't this the replication function of DNA? How did it appear in the bloodline pool..."

"What are you talking about, Lu Kun? What is Tingyanai?"

Lu Kun took the golden blood in his hand, and his expression became extremely excited. His palms surged with qi and blood, and he took the blood into his body. Then he closed his eyes, his chest rose slightly, and another golden blood gushed out from his chest.

He suppressed his excitement and said with a trembling tone: "Brother Hong, try this again and see what rune main chain is re-engraved."

"What did you think of?"

"Brother Hong, try the rune chain I'm giving you now, and then talk about it..."

With strong curiosity, Hong Yuntian brought the golden blood into his visceral dantian.

After the consciousness entered the bloodline pool, he found that the short chain that Lu Kun gave this time exudes the texture of bone spurs, which is obviously another short chain of true demon runes.

He had some hunch in his heart: "Just now, Lu Kun's power rune chain has re-engraved the true demon blood rune. This time he replaced it with the true demon rune chain. Will it be possible to re-engrave the power blood rune?"

With strong curiosity, the microscopic source power surged in Hong Yuntian's bloodline pool, shattering the chain of True Demon runes generated by the previous engraving, and turning them into the most primitive source particles.

Then put the real devil rune chain newly given by Lu Kun in the bloodline pool, and then agitate the bloodline in the body, so that the original particles in the bloodline pool roll up.

Exactly the same as the scene just now, when these source particles hit the will key of the real magic rune chain, they began to attach to it, using the will key as the foundation to form a basic particle structure.

The particles connecting the will key this time are different from the previous ones. The main body is a long short stick, which is wrapped with bone spurs, and a ring of muscle fibers is bundled on the outside. In the center of the short stick, there is also a ring made of bone spurs.

It is the edge of this ring that is closely connected with the will key of Lu Kun's True Demon Rune.

"This is the basic structure of the power bloodline rune? The deposit point of the will?"

Hong Yuntian's mind moved, and his unyielding meaning rushed in along the periphery of his internal organs, turning into white light spots. They did not need to be urged, and spontaneously converged on the long and short sticks that had just been formed.

Immediately afterwards, a suction force emanated from these will storage points, and the surrounding human and demon source particles surged here. They combined with each other to form a connecting rod of outer fiber and inner bone, connecting these will sticks. .

Then, under the impact of the constant source particles, the new short chain began to move to the other end. As the rune chain that escaped became longer, it gradually bent, forming a semi-elliptical appearance.

However, there are no short sticks on the sides of these semi-ovals, only the bone spur ring is placed on them. After adding this ring, the structure seems to have become a lot more stable, and each semi-oval is very standard.


The shock in Hong Yuntian's heart couldn't be further added. If the rune chain was long enough, it could be staggered and merged like a double helix, and these half ellipses would become complete ellipses. The double elliptical rings were the structure of the power rune.

"What the hell is going on here, Lu Kun's True Demon Rune Chain can reproduce a brand-new Power and Bloodline Rune, but his Power Rune Chain gave birth to True Demon Bloodline Rune."

"The two rune chains seem to have some kind of close connection, but why is the newly born power rune chain different from Lu Kun's, and the new true demon rune chain looks very different?"

"These engraved bloodline runes are all brand-new structures, and the structure is very stable."

"Lu Kun said that the bloodline rune has a nascent stage and a mature stage. His is a mature stage rune chain, and now the bloodline rune is re-engraved in the nascent stage?"

While thinking about it, the movement in the bloodline pool gradually calmed down. Lu Kun's True Demon Rune Chain was the same as the previous one.

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