The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1385 Amazing Discovery (Part 2)

In the North Pole Cave Mansion, Hong Yuntian has lifted the magic dragon transformation and returned to his normal shape.

He and Lu Kun sat opposite each other, both of them raised their palms, and golden and black blood mists drifted outward from their palms. These two kinds of blood mists were intertwined to form a blood chain with gold as the main body.

This golden chain is twisted and extended, each curved arc is a standard semi-ellipse, and three black circles are bundled on the edge of the semi-ellipse.

Gradually, the golden chain became longer and longer, and under the control of invisible force, the head of the chain crossed an arc and rushed towards the end.

It shuttled along the curved nodes of the semi-ellipse, turning the chain into a loop, and it kept getting smaller.

After a circle of rotation, all the semi-ellipses have become standard ellipses, and the entire chain is completely closed, turning into a ring structure connected by countless elliptical circles.

"So that's how it is..."

Lu Kun murmured: "The so-called power rune is not two curved circles intertwined, but a main chain connected end to end, forming a closed loop, but this closed loop has turned one more circle."

"The rune chain itself generates a twisting force, which naturally forms a circular power rune circle. This power rune copied from the mature double-helix main chain is the real structure that ordinary physical training should condense."

Hong Yuntian couldn't help but said: "Lu Kun, you've been studying for a long time, but you haven't answered my question, is it possible that as long as you have one of your double-helix main chains, you will be able to continuously re-engrave the blood runes of physique cultivation. "

The corners of Lu Kun's mouth were raised, as if he had lifted some kind of burden, and he said lightly, "Not bad."

"It stopped just after copying in your body for a short period of time because the energy of the will key is insufficient. I have tried it, and if there is enough demonic spirit, it can continue to copy."

Hong Yuntian couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling extremely excited. He knew very well what it meant. With the help of Lu Kun's bloodline rune chain, the chances of physical cultivation disciples breaking through the Dirty Yuan period were greatly increased.

Ordinary physical practitioners have three main obstacles in order to break through the Dirty Yuan period.

The first is that the speed of cultivating internal organs is very slow, and it takes too long. There must be enough longevity to comprehend the will. After the golden armor corpse sits in the town, this difficulty is solved.

The second is to comprehend the power of will, and they have also found a way, that is, to go deep into the ground and use the complex gravitational field and the intersection of various energies in the depths of the ground to comprehend the will of the five elements of heaven and earth. Although it is still very difficult to comprehend, at least there are the exact direction.

As for the third point, it is the cohesion of the power and bloodline runes. It is difficult for ordinary body cultivators to have the power of one element at the peak of bone transformation. It can only rely on the method of bloodline separation and integration to induce the power of bloodline, thereby affecting the source particles in the bloodline pool to condense. Power Rune.

This is what bothers Lu Kun the most. Hong Yuntian has tried his latest method, but there are various problems. If this method is used in ordinary physique cultivation, the power rune will be extremely difficult to condense.

And this difficulty was finally solved after the discovery of the double helix's copying supernatural powers.

Through this, they learned about the exact rune structure that ordinary body training needs to condense, and the process of formation, and they can fully deduce the most accurate method of dividing and joining blood vessels.

More importantly, as long as a piece of Lu Kun's True Demon Rune Chain is swallowed into the internal organs, and then injected into the Demon Viscera Essence, then as long as the disciples of physical cultivation stimulate their blood, the power rune chain will be naturally condensed and easily condensed.

The disciple Pan Yan has already grasped the prototype of the will. Next, with the help of Shi Yin'er, the internal organs will soon be completed. Finally, through Lu Kun's short chain of true demon runes, a new power rune chain can be easily condensed.

The only thing Pan Yan has to do is to stagger the rune chain from end to end to form a closed-loop structure, which greatly reduces the difficulty of breaking through.

Lu Kun said with great emotion: "I have already speculated about this bloodline duplication before, but the structure of the double helix is ​​extremely stable. If it is forcibly truncated, it will only trigger violent radiation energy, and then forget it."

"Later, the circular double helix was cultivated to the limit, resulting in bloodline folding. Under the conflict of bloodline radiation, a small circle had to be cut off. I didn't expect it to become a carrier for bloodline replication."

Hong Yuntian recalled the scene in the bloodline pool, and suddenly asked: "By the way, can you use these two rune chains repeatedly with the blessing of the devil's dirty essence?"

Lu Kun hesitated and said: "This needs to be verified, but before that, the method of condensing the power rune has to be troubled by Brother Hong. After all, if the Body Refinement Pavilion wants to pass on, it can't be copied only by blood."

Hong Yuntian nodded. He had seen the new power rune structure with his own eyes, and he understood the logic behind it.

Looking at Hong Yuntian's actions, Lu Kun couldn't help falling into contemplation.

The current re-engraved bloodline rune chain is very short, and it is temporarily unclear whether this replica base chain can be reused, but he can continue to generate this kind of rune chain through cultivation.

He only needs to continue to lengthen the circular double helix in his body according to the cultivation method of the Visceral Yuan period. Under the twisting force of the blood nuclear force, the large circle of blood vessels will continue to be folded, and it can be easily cut off with the six-eared rune.

Without separating the primordial spirit, the will key of the small ring will be broken and divided into a true magic rune chain and a power rune chain.

"Even if I can't reuse it, I can still practice a dozen or so pairs in the rest of my time."

Lu Kun was thinking about another question.

Back then, when he and Hong Yuntian were scrutinizing the Dirty Yuan Dynasty, they had thought that the blood of the human race would be passed down in some way. The copying of this bloodline should be regarded as a kind of bloodline inheritance.

In addition, this bloodline ring seems to have other potentials.

"One Qi Hua Sanqing supernatural power can split the primordial spirit. If the primordial spirit and the folded small ring are split together when the bloodline is folded, then in the case of the bloodline primordial spirit, the will key of this small ring rune will be won't break."

"The small circle of blood vessels is too small to produce a nuclear fission reaction. Then, with the opening and closing of this complete small circle, is it possible for the disciples of physical cultivation to copy the double strands at the same time and cultivate the same double helix blood vessels as me?"

Lu Kun scrutinized it carefully, and frowned slightly: "It seems that the possibility is extremely low. I have the talent to hide the soul and can be immune to the impact of the will. It is impossible for a normal disciple to comprehend two opposite wills at the same time."

"Unless it's like Brother Hong, but his double helix is ​​very different from mine..."

He shook his head and thought in another direction.

"The divine sense of the flesh and blood is to use the essence and blood to entrust the divine sense to separate the mind, and to control the enemy's fleshly body with the powerful fleshly spiritual sense. Can this small ring of bloodline with the bloodline primordial spirit be refined into a bloodline clone?"

"This kind of bloodline clone can be practiced in the body, but the rune fluctuation will conflict with the big circle. If the bloodline clone is sent into the enemy's body, what will happen?"

"The violent bloodline has increased the strength by more than three times. In this case, the internal organs of the opponent may directly explode. Hey, if the blessing is in the body of the body of the body, can it help them increase their strength?"

"No, the radiation of violent force conflicts with the power rune."

"It should be sent into the internal organs of the disciples of the peak of bone transformation. The radiation of the violent bloodline, like the effect of the magic ape transformation, can greatly enhance the physical power of physical cultivation."

"For a disciple with a stronger physique, the strength in the late stage of bone transformation is 1.2 million jin. If there is a treasure similar to the Snow Soul Saber to protect the internal organs, then the peak body repair of bone transformation can use this small ring of violent bloodline, I am afraid that it will be able to hit Dual power."

Lu Kun murmured: "If this is the case, then such a small ring of violent blood will be another background of the body refining pavilion."

Thinking of this, he glanced at Hong Yuntian who was scrutinizing the Dharma door, chose a far place to sit cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to practice.

The remaining time is limited, no matter what, the more he cultivates the little circle of blood vessels, the better...

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