The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1402 Shocking change

"Map of Mountains and Rivers, Society and Ji..."

"Isn't this a magic weapon in the Conferred God List? How could it appear here..."

"The planet of immortals is a hundred times the size of the earth, and it is actually wrapped in a picture scroll..."

Lu Kun felt extremely shocked in his heart. He couldn't imagine how huge such a magic weapon was.

Although he hadn't read any novels, he had watched the TV series of Journey to the West and Fengshen Bang when he was a child, and remembered that Empress Nuwa had a magic weapon, which was called the Map of Mountains and Rivers.

"A hundred times the flow rate of time, is it the magical power of the mountains, rivers, and the Jitu?"

"Three of the four god monkeys appeared in the Xiuxian world, as well as Tang Xuanzang in Journey to the West, and the treasures in the mythology of Fengshenbang."

"This is definitely not a coincidence, the gods and Buddhas in myths really exist!"

At this moment, the inexplicable question appeared in Lu Kun's mind again.

"Where did they go? It's terrifying to be able to control the magic weapon that wraps the planet, such as the Mountain River, Shejitu, and definitely far surpasses those in the spiritual world."

"The human race in the upper world is very weak compared to other races, why don't they appear..."

Thinking about it, a scene suddenly flashed in Lu Kun's mind.

The picture scroll wrapping the planet of immortals has many mottled and broken traces, and there are even many holes, as if it has experienced countless fierce battles.

"Battle marks..."

"God and Buddha have encountered a strong enemy?"

"They haven't appeared, don't tell me..."

Lu Kun felt that his throat suddenly became dry, and the blood in his body stagnated for a few minutes. The initial shock in his heart had turned into endless fear.

"Pavillion Lu!"

"Pavillion Lu, your source field!"

Several spiritual thoughts surged in and woke him up. Only then did Lu Kun realize that the source force field was unstable because of the lack of attention just now, and the power of space rushed in a lot.

In this moment, many cracks appeared in the golden flesh and blood armor of the five pseudo-gods.

He quickly calmed down, the source force field stabilized again, and then clumps of golden blood appeared in the palm of his hand, hitting the cracked flesh and blood armor to mend the cracks above.

After stabilizing the force field ball, Lu Kun looked up into the sky, and what caught his eye was a faint blue streamer. At this time, their speed seemed to have reached a certain limit and no longer increased due to the unknown soaring suction.

Although the impact of the surrounding space power streamer is terrifying, but under the protection of its dual-level source force field and flesh-and-blood armor, the five pseudo-gods rely on magic weapons and true essence, and they should be able to support them for a while.

As for Lu Kun himself, his body was not damaged in the slightest. After he protected others, he couldn't help but continue to think.

"We have left the planet of Xiuxianjie and flew out of the mountains and rivers, what is the power of suction now?"

"This suction has no effect on the world of immortals. Is it isolated by the mountains and rivers?"


At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the surroundings. Lu Kun felt that his source force field seemed to have hit a thin layer, and everyone's body shook for a while, and the suction force was suddenly greatly reduced.

The source ball that wrapped them continued to soar upward under the action of inertia, but due to the reduction of suction and the impact of the force of space, the speed of the ascent gradually decreased.

The pressure of several pseudo-transformation gods has been greatly reduced, and the space storm can only penetrate Lu Kun's powerful force field under the impact of the acceleration of the suction force. Force fields and flesh armor are enough to protect them.

As the speed slowed down, the faint blue streamer that obscured everyone's vision disappeared, allowing them to see the surrounding scene.

This is a bit similar to the scene where they just entered the Niling Passage. It is a sea of ​​space storms. In addition, there are countless white stars dotted in the darkness, presenting a unique dark beauty.

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with golden light, and he used his telepathy to observe the surroundings. In the darkness, large and small white stars shone, as if they were in an extremely distant place and could not be seen clearly.

In the distance, all kinds of colorful auras rolled with the space storm, and he also saw some stones that looked like special materials, rippling in the darkness.

The suction above was only weakened, and Lu Kun was still unable to break free. Although he was very interested in this space, the ascension was not over yet, and he did not take any risky actions under caution, and led the crowd to soar in the direction of the suction.

It seems that the most dangerous area has been crossed. Not only has the suction power of the ascension gradually decreased, but the space storm has gradually thinned. There are also wisps of milky white mist nearby, adding a bit of vitality to this dark space.

"This is?"

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, as if he had discovered something. Taking advantage of the opportunity to hit a cloud of white mist, he directly inhaled the mist into the Origin Ball, and everyone was surprised when they sensed it.

"It's the mist formed by the vitality of heaven and earth!"

"What a pure vitality!"

"This mist is more than five times purer than the vitality of the Immortal Cultivation World!"

"Great, with such pure vitality, this old man definitely has the opportunity to enter the real spirit transformation stage!"

"Look, is that the entrance to the spiritual world!"

Everyone looked up, and in their field of vision, a long and narrow white crack gradually appeared, and wisps of white mist gushed out from it.

Lu Kun was a little excited, and he felt it more deeply than others. The soaring suction was also transmitted from the white crack, and the pure spiritual energy flowing out of it showed that after the crack was the legendary spiritual world.

As the crowd approached, more and more Yuan Qi mist came to the face, and the crack became bigger and bigger, with a length of dozens of feet.

But just when everyone was excited, a blue light suddenly appeared in the white crack.

There are countless starlights shining in this group of rays of light, as if it is a vast starry sky. For a while, blue starlights are reflected in everyone's eyes, and their expressions suddenly become sluggish.

The same is true for Lu Kun, but then the violent blood in his body surged, making his mind clear.

"No, it's ecstasy!"

He subconsciously used the Divine Soul Concealment Divine Ability, and the aura of the Bloodline Primordial Spirit disappeared directly.

A voice containing endless power appeared in this space, and the surrounding space storm could not be blocked, as if it appeared directly in the mind.

"There are still people here?"

"They don't even have the power to transform the gods, where did they enter the void?"

As soon as Lu Kun heard this voice, he felt an ocean-like terrifying divine consciousness surging from a distance, which was much stronger than his Dirty Yuan period divine consciousness.

"Hey, this is the mid-term Devil Emperor's force field."

"Without the breath of the soul, the bones and flesh in the body seem to be magical treasures, so there is such a delicate puppet?"

This voice was a little surprised. In the white crack in the distance, the countless starlights on the blue light ball converged inward, turning into a round starlight pupil.

This ball of light turned out to be a big eyeball.

"Star Soul Clan!"

"This is the Star Soul Clan!"

After Lu Kun saw this eyeball, the hidden spirit almost jumped up. Hong Yuntian searched the memories of Demon Emperor Luo Yue, which gave them some understanding of the race in the spiritual world.

The one-eyed azure blue starlight is the biggest feature of the faces of the Star Soul Clan.

"Isn't the other end of the Niling Tunnel the secret place of the Human Race? How come the Star Soul Race appeared!"

"Where have all the people gone!"

Lu Kun's heart was shaken, his mind was blank, and he was continuously impacted by various information. For a while, he didn't know how to deal with such an incredible change.


At this moment, the eyes of those pseudo-gods turned blue at some point, and the primordial spirits in their bodies rolled violently, their bodies trembling, and they seemed to have lost their consciousness.

They wanted to get out of the source force field and fly to the crack in the distance, but Lu Kun's source force field has the power of dual elements, which is not something that a pseudo-god can break free from.

"Strange, these human races didn't control this puppet. Could it be channeled, but I didn't feel the aura of the tool spirit."

"Forget it, grab it back and study it again, just how did these human races come here under the soul search."

With this sound, the blue eyeballs in the white cracks suddenly shot out a thick light.

This ray of light not only had an amazing speed, but also enveloped the surrounding white mist-like vitality of the heavens and the earth, and then twisted into a thin gray-blue palm, exuding an extremely terrifying fluctuation of vitality.

Lu Kun motivated the source force field, trying to dodge the opponent's attack, but the soaring suction restrained him, and several pseudo-formed gods were still struggling in the source force field, so he couldn't dodge quickly.

Then the golden Origin Power Ball was grabbed by a thin, gray-blue palm...

This gray-blue palm looks slender and weak, but the vitality power it carries is beyond Lu Kun's imagination.

His golden source power ball, which contained the power of dual elements, seemed to have no resistance, and was crushed inch by inch by this palm, almost shattering when touched.

"This kind of power... Could it be a Void Refinement Powerhouse!"

"The Star Soul Clan of the Void Refinement level!"

Lu Kun felt a little despair in his heart. In his induction, the magical power contained in this palm is at least five times his strength. Even if the active magical power of the violent bloodline bursts out with the power of four yuan, I am afraid it will not be able to match it. match.

As for the other pseudo-gods, after they came into contact with the aura of the thin palm, each of their eyes changed, and they merged toward the center of the eyebrows, as if they wanted to merge into one eyeball.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun became even more frightened.

"It is rumored that the powerhouses of the Star Soul Clan have the terrifying talent of assimilating the souls of other races. Is this assimilating their souls?"

"From the words of this guy, he obviously doesn't know the existence of the lower realm, but if after soul searching..."

At this moment, Lu Kun thought of the Body Refinement Pavilion he created, the human race that had just been freed from the threat of the demon race, and the mottled picture that wrapped the Xiu Xian world and silently guarded the Xiu Xian world.

"Do not!"

"He must not be made aware of the existence of the Immortal Cultivation World."

"You can't let him know about human body cultivation."

"no way!!!"

With the roar in his heart, Lu Kun's palm clenched his fist fiercely, and his fingernails even pierced his palm.

The flesh-and-blood armor of the five pseudonymous gods burst into a dazzling golden light at this time, and they melted into golden blood and penetrated into the skin below.

Several violent wills escaped, turned into golden streamers, and returned to Lu Kun's body. Immediately after the five pseudo-gods whose eyes were fused between their eyebrows, bursts of destructive energy appeared.

"Boom boom boom..."

The five black and white halos exploded, and under the impact of this destructive energy, several gods were completely destroyed, and even the terrifying gray-blue palm could not help but retreat.

Lu Kun's expression seemed to be frozen, like an emotionless puppet, the source field rolled over and swept back several magic weapons and storage bracelets around him.

Then the incomparably violent bloodline power surged out of his body, and the blue veins on his body all burst out, densely packed, as if a network of runes wrapped his body.


The invisible force under his feet was twisted, and Lu Kun directly pierced through the two fingers of the gray palm, trying to escape to other places.

But he soon discovered that the suction force of the ascension was still acting on his body, and although he could break free, it was not fast.

"What kind of puppet is this, and it actually contains a special will!"

The Lianxu of the Star Soul Clan didn't seem to care about the dead fake gods. The thin halo palm was divided into five, turning into five gray-blue auras. They were like a few ropes, and the speed was extremely fast. , want to tie the enemy.

Seeing this, Lu Kun's blood was surging, and delicate runes appeared on the surface of the bones in his body. The bones that were equivalent to a mature magic weapon suddenly shrunk.

His flesh and blood also shrank at the same time, and his body suddenly became one-third of its original size.

However, Lu Kun's speed has skyrocketed a lot. He directly avoided the pursuit of the gray-blue light, turned into a golden light, and shot towards the white crack not far away, as if to rush into the blue eyeball. .

"Hmph, even a mere puppet dares to deal with this old man."

There was a dense starlight in that eyeball, as if it had turned into an endless starry sky, and it contained a terrifying aura.

But at this moment, Lu Kun's shrunken body drew an arc in the air and suddenly flew above the long and narrow crack.

There was a white mist of vitality, and a few small cracks were faintly exposed in it, and each crack was only the size of a watermelon.

When approaching the crack, Lu Kun released the violent supernatural power, and his body shrunk several times again, like a lump of flesh and blood, squeezed into one of the narrow cracks...

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