The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1403 Lu Kun is alone and helpless

"What kind of puppet is this, not only has the will, but also has magical powers, and can even shrink the body many times."

The big blue eyes in the white crack blinked, and a faint blue starlight poured out from it, trying to shoot into the small crack above it.

But at this time, groups of golden energy gushed out from the cracks, and they changed from gold to black and white, containing a terrifying aura of destruction.

The next moment, the sound of continuous explosions came from the crack, and the violent halo shook the surrounding heaven and earth, and the small cracks in the space were all wrapped by ferocious destruction energy.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the explosion lasted for more than ten breaths, and all the vitality of the heavens and the earth around the space crack was shaken away, and the faint blue starlight also disappeared in the continuous aura of destruction.

However, several space cracks are still embedded in this dark space, and it seems that they have not been affected in the slightest and are extremely stable.

The blue eyes and pupils dilated, and he felt this scene in a daze: "It seems to be an explosion caused by the mutual destruction of the magic essence and the real essence, and it is possible to cultivate the magic essence. This puppet is definitely a treasure developed by the demons, completely different from Golems of the past."

"Those human races are fake gods, and I am afraid they hid in more than a year ago. They used this mysterious puppet to barely stay in the space crack. It is estimated that the puppet's energy is running out, so they came out and tried to break out. ."

"Fortunately, the old man is here. If there are only guards in the late stage of God Transformation, they may be escaped by them."

The big eyeball made a circle and looked at the space passage, especially the crack above.

"No, such a delicate demon puppet must be obtained. Although I don't know why the demons have to truce for 800 years, as long as the time is up, those damn demons will definitely continue to wage war. This puppet is probably the demon. a secret weapon."

"The area where the crack above is located is the Falling Star Plain. Let Xingfeng lead the team to search for it. It's just a puppet at the middle stage of the devil emperor level. One late stage god and three middle stage gods are enough to capture it alive."

"Damn, if it wasn't for the bald human race, the old man wouldn't be hurt, otherwise this puppet..."

In the angry tone, the light of the blue eyes gradually dimmed, and through the white crack, a huge gray-blue figure could be vaguely seen.



In a small valley, Lu Kun stood in front of several space cracks.

His face turned pale, and he threw a ball of blood energy into the crack in front of him, and then took out a jade talisman, his spiritual sense surged, a wave of fluctuations enveloped his body, and his body gradually disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the figure suddenly shrunk to a third of its original size, turning into a streamer and lasing away into the distance.

Lu Kun clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes flashing with complex expressions such as anger, pain, and self-blame.

"How could this happen? Brother Hong and I have repeatedly confirmed that the place after the ascension is the most secret hinterland of the human race, and there are elite monks from Yuanzong and Jianzong guarding it, so why does the star-soul clan's refinement appear?"

"Could it be that the Star Soul Clan has attacked the Human Clan, but the Demon Clan is still invading the Spirit World, how can they attack their allies?"

"The hinterland is occupied, where did the other human races go, the One Yuan Sect, the Sword Sect and other spiritual world sects, where are they..."

Afterwards, Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something. The bloodline primordial spirit in his body rolled slightly, trying to communicate with the bloodline primordial spirit clone in the lower realm, but no matter how he sensed it, there was no feedback.

"One year in the spiritual world, one hundred years in the lower world."

His expression became heavier.

"In a few years, Xiaoyanzi and the others will soar. If the other end of the Niling Pass is the Star Soul Clan Lianxu, then the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion will not be caught by sheep, and even the secrets of the lower realm will be exposed!"

Lu Kun was silent for a moment, stopping the blood flow in his body and forcing himself to calm down.

"Prepare for the worst first. If the human race in the spiritual world has been exterminated, then the lower world surrounded by the mountains, rivers, and trees is the only hope for the human race."

"If you want the people to survive, the anti-spirit channel has become very important."

"That is to say, to destroy the Lianxu of the Star Soul Clan..."

Thinking of this, his thoughts couldn't help but stagnate. Although the confrontation between the two sides was extremely simple, Lu Kun could fully sense the terrifying magical power of the refining virtual level, and the power of the spell was almost four times more powerful. Nor is it its opponent.

More importantly, the opponent was casting spells from the air, and the body did not enter the space channel, nor did he use any magic weapons, otherwise he would not have escaped so easily.

"The gap in strength between Void Refining and Deity Transformation is far greater than the distance between Nascent Soul and Deity Transformation, it seems insurmountable..."

"Three years, I only have three years..."

Rao is that Lu Kun's mind is firm, and his heart can't help but be filled with despair. For an immortal cultivator at the level of God Transformation, three years is probably a time to meditate.

He hasn't even reached the peak of the early stage of the dirty yuan, and there will be no breakthrough in the cultivation base.

But if this Refining Void is not eliminated, the secret of the lower realm will be discovered sooner or later. The Star Soul Clan has a combined existence, which can completely invade the Xiuxian Realm like the Demon Clan.

By that time, not only the Body Refinement Pavilion, but the entire lower world human race will be in crisis.

Lu Kun gritted his teeth and forced himself to continue the analysis.

"I still have three advantages. First, this guy doesn't know the existence of the lower realm. Second, he treats me as a puppet, not a human race. Third, my practice, Lu Kun, is special..."

Thinking of this, his face suddenly changed: "If the other party treats me as a puppet, then the rarity is higher than that of the human race cultivator, and this guy might chase after him himself."

"Although he can't enter the space crack to track, he definitely knows the location of the small crack."

Lu Kun couldn't help but look around. The sky here is full of clouds, and there is no sun in the sky, but it radiates a day. The gravity he receives is also different from that of the Xiuxian world, which seems to have increased by 20%.

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast plain, with blue monster grass in some places, a gravel wasteland in some places, and a few strange spirit beasts sprang up from time to time. There are no mountains.

"I, Lu Kun, are not afraid of enemies below the late stage of God Transformation. Even in the late stage of God Transformation, I dare to fight, but if Lianxu chases, there is no place to escape in such a plain."

"The gap is too big. Whether it is a frontal fight or an escape, there is no possibility of winning, and the advantages of physical training cannot be exerted at all."

At this moment, Lu Kun's eyes suddenly turned to the ground, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"No, there is another unique advantage in body repair!"

His body turned upside down, and the skeleton runes in his body flashed, turning into a mini body more than a foot high, like a small awl, submerged in the soil below.

"The underground of the Immortal Cultivation World is full of terrifying power. The gravity of the Spiritual World is greater than that of the Immortal Cultivation World, which means that the depths of the earth are more vast."

"The old fellow of the Star Soul Clan, the spells used are related to vitality, and should be the same as the traditional immortal cultivator, unable to go deep into the ground."

Lu Kun pondered all this in his heart, the golden force field outside his body spirally intertwined, stirring the soil and rock, and kept going down.

In the past, he seldom used this shrunken body, but after fighting against the channel and Lianxu, he found that this miniature form has many advantages.

First of all, the speed has been greatly increased. With the same physical source power, the smaller body, whether it is the flight speed or the flexibility of maneuvering and turning, is greatly improved.

There is also an increase in defense.

After entering the visceral stage, the muscles can have a strong defense under the blessing of blood cells. After the body shrinks, the muscles in the body are squeezed together, and the density is further increased. The same blood cell reserve can cover more. muscle.

"There are still creatures living underground here?"

During the dive, Lu Kun saw a lot of subterranean creatures through his eyesight from afar There is even the existence of the middle and late stages of Dandan.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something. The rotating source force field made a bend, and went to the lair of these beasts, forcibly ingesting a few unicorns and green armored lizards with mid-to-late cultivation. , sealed with blood, and put into the ribs.

Then he continued to go deep into the ground, and soon there were no spiritual beasts to survive around, replaced by all kinds of strange rocks, some of which he had seen in the Xiuxian world, but most of them were unknown ores.

"As expected of the spiritual world, the terrifying power in the ground not only exists, but it is also many times stronger than the world of immortals!"

After just over a thousand miles, Lu Kun had to slow down. The shocking force from the depths of the ground was continuously transmitted through the surrounding solid rocks.

I don’t know if it’s the influence of these rocks, or for some other reason. The power of shock here is extremely terrifying. Although he can transfer it out with the help of the integration of the body, he must protect his body with blood, otherwise, just transferring these powers will cause the body to suffer. be damaged.

Moreover, under the interference of these strange rocks and oscillating forces, the consciousness can't be released very far. Lu Kun can only operate the clairvoyant and the wind ear, and be careful to guard against possible dangers around him.

The difficulty of diving is getting bigger and bigger, and the blood is consumed more and more. Fortunately, the ground also contains the vitality of heaven and earth, and it is richer and purer than the immortal world, so he has no risk of energy loss for the time being.

In this way, Lu Kun dived for more than 8,000 miles before he stopped near a gray rock, and his body returned to normal size.

"The power of shock here has reached the limit that can be endured now. If it goes deeper, the consumption of blood will be too great, and it will be very difficult to recover."

"This place should be extremely safe. Even with my physical strength, if there is no physical integration to transfer all kinds of pressure and shock forces, I am afraid that within half an hour, the physical body will collapse."

After confirming his safety, Lu Kun put aside the despair in his heart and calmly thought about his current situation.

"Although I can't fight against the existence of virtual refining, there may not be other ways. Now the most important thing is to understand the situation of the Star Soul Clan, and find a way to find out more information while ensuring safety."

"Looking at it this way, the newly perfected bloodline supernatural power is just right for..."

While thinking about it, Lu Kun closed his eyes, pale golden blood flowed in his muscles, and the blood power in his body slowly surged.

In the depths of this unfathomable underground, in addition to the strong aura circulating, only various strange underground forces vibrate, a sturdy body is embedded in the underground rock, quietly mixed with the solid rock and soil.

It seems that in this world, he is the only human race left...

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