The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1405 Star Soul Clan (1)


A strange creature with a height of almost five feet chewed its mouth, and the sharp teeth filtered out the yellow hairs that were not stained with flesh and blood, and scattered on the ground leisurely.

This creature is gray in color, covered with a smooth cortex, and looks a bit like a cow. Its limbs are full of solid muscles, its torso is equally strong, and its head is like a sheep's head without horns.

Its clear blue eyes squinted slightly, as if enjoying the food in its mouth.

"The one-horned rat in the late stage of the formation of pills is not easy to find. Xiaofeng has a good time today." The tall star-soul clan touched the smooth skin on the sheep's head. The color of satisfaction like a strange creature.

"Brother Feng, how long do we have to investigate, the Falling Star Plain has been searched several times, and there is no magic weapon atmosphere. The thing the elder said should not be in the grassland." The short star soul clan said.

The tall star-soul clan known as "Brother Feng" pondered for a moment and said:

"It shouldn't be. According to the elder's judgment, the puppet has not much energy left, and has used a few wonderful magical powers to escape. The energy is probably exhausted, and it is estimated that it is still in this plain."

"I didn't detect it. Maybe the puppet was moving and just avoided the search. I'll go back and report to the elders to see if I can send more clansmen to investigate. As long as I carry the magic weapon induction talisman, I will find its trace sooner or later."

Both the short male star soul clan and the bulging female star soul clan nodded in agreement.

At this moment, two more creatures with the body of a cow and the head of a sheep fell in the air, leaning against them and rubbing against them.

The tall Star Soul Clan looked at the eager expressions in the eyes of these two creatures, and said with a chuckle, "Help your Xingyuan beast catch some unicorns, and I'll report to Elder Xingwu."

"Yes, clan brother." The other two star soul clan responded respectfully.

Then, bursts of gray rays of light poured out of the man's body, shrouding the creature with a sheep's head and a cow's body, and lasing away into the high altitude in the distance.

Starlight bursts appeared in the blue eyes of the remaining two star souls, looking at the ground beneath their feet.



"This guy's flying speed is very fast, similar to my full-strength flight. I am afraid it is the Star Soul Clan in the late stage of God Transformation. The other two cultivation bases should be weaker, maybe in the early and middle stages."

In the spine of the strange creature called "Xingyuan Beast", Lu Kun's blood clone was stuck on the node of the spine and skull, silently judging in his heart.

The extremely microscopic existence of the blood clone, after the one-horned rat is eaten, it naturally enters a new body. Through the perception of nerves by the flesh and blood sub-mind, it penetrates into the neural network of this creature, and soon finds it. Spinal center.

Such an incredible special clone, coupled with the hidden magical powers of the soul, not only did the star soul clan not find the strangeness, but even this strange creature did not notice it.

However, Lu Kun did not try to control the other party, and only used his nerves to perceive the outside world.

"Xingyuan beast, these three Star Soul Clan have one beside them, is it a spirit beast kept in captivity by the Star Soul Clan?"

Lu Kun wondered in his heart that in the memories of Demon Emperor Luo Yue back then, there was only a brief description of the Star Soul Clan, and no Xingyuan Beast was mentioned.

While watching the scene of speeding in the air outside, he remembered the terrain below, and through the neural network, he sensed the body of this strange spirit beast.

"This body is not weak."

Lu Kun soon discovered that the physical strength of the Xingyuan Beast exceeded his expectations, and the muscles and bones of the body were extremely tough, at least equivalent to the level of a tenth-level monster, and even close to the physical training in the middle stage of bone transformation.

"Strange, it doesn't seem to have a golden core in its body. Hey, what is that in the belly?"

Through the neural network of Xingyuan beast, Lu Kun found that there is a balloon composed of gray mucosa in its abdomen, occupying a small half of the torso, and there is a layer of thick ribs and muscle fibers outside the balloon to protect it, which seems to be an extremely important organ.

"It is purely composed of physical tissue, it is definitely not a dantian. It seems that there is a special kind of energy gushing out from it. There is no golden core. Is this abdominal cavity the source of its energy?"

Although Lu Kun was curious in his heart, he did not dare to investigate at this time. The place where this energy gathers is extremely sensitive, and it is not good to scare the snake.

He focused his attention on the ears and eyes of Xingyuan Beast and carefully observed the scene outside.

Now they are still flying over the plain. This area is extremely vast. In addition to the blue grassland, there are also some forests and rivers on the ground, and occasionally there are groups of beasts, and one or two strange birds appear from time to time in the air.

Gradually, this tall star-soul family changed direction and fell down, the yellow gravel land getting closer and closer.


Suddenly, a star light gushed out from the one-eyed eye on his face, and the rock-covered ground rippled like ripples on the water surface. The man and the beast fell into it, splashing bursts of azure blue ripples, and after a while, the ground recovered. as is.


Lu Kun connected the optic nerve of Xingyuan Beast and observed silently.

It was supposed to be the entrance ban of the Star Soul Clan, and after the ban was a triangular platform that was several tens of meters in size.

The three humanoid star-soul guards stood quietly in three corners. Their movements were very strange. The hands were staggered on the blue orb in the center of the chest, as if they had formed some kind of special magic circle. There was also a Xingyuan beast with a cow's body and a sheep's head lying on their feet.

Seeing the tall Xingsoul clan land on the platform from the outside, one of the guards said, "Xingfeng, why did you come back alone, and the mission went wrong?"

Xingfeng shook his head and said: "There is no progress for the time being. I will come back and ask Elder Xingwu for instructions to see if more clansmen need to be used."

After he finished speaking, he put his right hand on the blue gemstone on his chest, and the guards made the same action, which seemed to be a courtesy of the Star Soul Clan. Then Xingfeng took the Xingyuan beast beside him and flew down the platform. .

"Spirit Transformation Stage... three more Soul Transformation Stages..."

Lu Kun listened to their conversation. From the equal tone of voice and the actions of the two sides, he could see that these guards were also of the same level. If you count the two he saw before, after a while, he had already met six guards. God named...

Lu Kun thought silently in his heart. He didn't have too many ideas about the number of spirit transformations. After all, the mountain in his heart was the star soul clan Lianxu that he could hardly compete with.

"Elder Xingwu, it seems that it is the name of that Lianxu..."

With the flight of Xingfeng, the vision in front of them gradually broadened.

This is a vast and boundless underground valley, with a faint blue starry sky reflected in the sky, and many clouds are scattered, like a beautiful picture of the night sky.

Below is a sunken valley. The area near the entrance platform has a high terrain. There are more than 20 circular houses above. There is a triangular star-shaped chimney at the top of the house. There are faint bursts of starlight shining. The house is connected.

The area in the back is a lot shorter, in the shape of an arc, and densely covered with tent-like houses, where you can see some humanoid star souls coming and going.

However, their bodies are one-third smaller than Xingfeng and the guards above, and their skin is dark gray. Although the flight speed is not slow, after landing on the ground, their limbs seem to be staggering, as if they were just walking.

This made Lu Kun feel a little strange. Judging from the physical bodies of these star souls, they looked a bit like newborn babies, but judging from the speed of flight, they had the strength of the Nascent Soul.

Further back, there is a large grassland. At a glance, it stretches for at least hundreds of kilometers. It is covered with blue short grass of various colors, and various beasts are running. Lu Kun took a cursory look and found that there are the most beasts in it. , which is the Xingyuan beast with the body of a cow and the head of a sheep.

"The highland area is likely to be a god-level cave dwelling. There are more than 20 people in the area. If the arc area in the middle is the Nascent Soul area, there are almost two hundred star souls at the Nascent Soul level."

"Strange, why aren't those below Nascent Soul? Or do low-level monks and Nascent Soul rank mix together?" Lu Kun felt a little puzzled.

Xingfeng existed in the late stage of God Transformation, and the flight speed was extremely fast, and it quickly crossed the grassland of hundreds of miles. The eyes of the Xingyuan beast were gradually covered by a gray light.

Behind the grassland, a light curtain connected to the starry sky above fell from the sky, like a gray-white waterfall from the starry sky, connecting the sky and the ground.

The escaping light of Xingfeng fell below the gray-white light curtain, on a square built of unknown jade. There were no Star Soul clan guards here, only a petite Xingyuan beast dangling around.

Lu Kun observed the square and found that although there were no guards on it, complex runes were carved on the ground in the middle, like some kind of teleportation circle.

Xingfeng landed next to the petite Xingyuan beast and said sternly: "Xingtong, why did you come here and enter the kingdom of God to steal spirit beasts again?"

This little star original beast seemed to be very flustered, and a clear female voice came from the sheep's mouth, defending: "How can you, Uncle Feng, you wronged me, Tong'er is just passing by here."

Xingfeng's face sank, and he scolded: "How many times have I said that you can't enter the elder's kingdom of God, this will disturb his practice!"

"The elder is afraid of hurting you, so he lowered the power of the Void Spirit Starlight, instead of letting you go in and out at will!"

Xiaoxing Yuanbeast muttered: "Isn't it possible to enter the kingdom of God of the elders casually, how come after moving here..."

"What did you say?"

When Xiao Xing Yuan Beast heard it, he looked around in a panic and said, "Did I just speak, ah, Uncle Feng, are you going to see the elder?"

When Xingfeng saw this, the big eyes in the center of his face showed a bit of helplessness, and his tone pretended to be stern: "You will not be allowed to enter in the future, if you hear it, the other clansmen are keeping their own feet. You are my niece. Break the rules."

"Next time if this happens again, I will personally execute the lightning whip!"

"Ah, Uncle Feng, Tong'er doesn't dare anymore." Xiao Xing Yuan Beast was so frightened that his body trembled when he heard this.

"Xiaofeng, you stay and watch her."

Xingfeng patted the Xingyuan beast beside him, his body flashed, and he walked towards the magic circle covered with runes in the center of the square.

He crossed his hands, placed it on the blue gemstone on his chest, and muttered something in his mouth. After a while, his body was wrapped in a blue starlight and disappeared in place.

Then Lu Kun found a big sheep's head in his retina, blinking at him with blue eyes...

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