The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1406 Star Soul Clan (Last Part)

"Uncle Xiaofeng, you and Uncle Feng went out on a mission?" This little Xingyuan beast called Xingtong came over and said.

"Uncle Feng is in the late stage of God Transformation and needs him to come out. Could it be that there are some powerful creatures nearby, but haven't they all been wiped out by the human race in the surrounding area?"

"Or did Uncle Feng go on a mysterious mission?"

Daxingyuan Beast tilted its head, ignoring the little brat, lying on the ground lazily yawning, and then closed its blue eyes.

Lu Kun hid in Xingyuan Beast's body, heard the previous conversation clearly, and couldn't help but try to figure out the information revealed inside.

"That old man named Xingwu is in the front of the light curtain. According to Xingfeng, the area behind the light curtain is called the Kingdom of God..."

"What exactly is the Kingdom of God? Is it a magical power unique to the Star Soul Clan?"

He wanted to look at the light curtain that fell from the sky, but the eyes of this star soul beast had already closed. Lu Kun didn't want to forcefully control it, and continued to recall the conversation just now.

"The star soul clan here seems to have moved here not long ago. Before moving in, those low-level star soul beasts could enter, but now Xingfeng does not let them in."

"If you disturb your cultivation, why didn't you disturb it before?"

"It will disturb you when you move here. Or, that Lianxu was injured. He is not cultivating, but healing?"

Lu Kun couldn't help feeling refreshed.

"As the most secretive hinterland of the human race, there must be some people who are in charge of the human race, and for the survival of the race, that senior must have all his cards and fight to the death. This old fellow of the Star Soul Race is likely to be injured!"

Thinking of this, he was a little bit mixed. He was happy that the other party might be an injured Lianxu. What he was worried about was that even if the other party was injured, from the perspective of the battle between the space channels, he was still an irresistible existence.

"If it is an injured Lianxu, the chances will not be so slim, but I have to confirm a few things first."

"Is this old guy really injured? If he is injured, is it a minor injury or a serious injury? How long has he been injured? In the space channel, the opponent has exerted a few percent of his strength in refining the void."

Lu Kun calmly analyzed in his heart, although from the current point of view, killing Lianxu is still out of reach, at least there is a glimmer of hope.


"Hey, Uncle Xiaofeng, other clansmen don't like to play with me. If you ignore Tong'er's words, Tong'er can only sneak into the kingdom of God to play." Xiaoxing Yuanbeast kept nagging.

This big star original beast called "Xiaofeng" snorted twice, as if to indicate that he heard it.

Listening to the nagging of the little star beast outside, Lu Kun thought again in his heart.

"Listening to that Xingfeng's tone, this little Xingyuan beast is his niece, which means that the Xingyuan beast is the Xingsoul clan."

"Then the one I possessed is called Xiaofeng. It seems that he is as insane as that one-horned mouse. What is the relationship between it and Xingfeng? This Xingtong also calls him uncle."

"There are also those Star Soul Clan guards who are at the level of God, and there is also a star-shaped beast who is not open."

"From entering to the present, the human-shaped star-souls are all in the form of gods and Nascent Souls. Could it be said that the star-souls below the Nascent Soul level are all in the form of beasts? Are they using the method of transforming?"

"Isn't the method of transforming the form created by the Lingming Stone Monkey in the lower world?"

Just when he was puzzled, the clear female voice came from his ear: "Uncle Xiaofeng, you ignore Tong'er again, hmph, when I enter the Nascent Soul stage, there will be Xiao Tongtong who can chat, when you want to You can't even play with me..."

"Yuan Ying..."

Hearing this sentence, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Lu Kun's mind. Through the neural network, his perception quickly came to the abdomen of the flesh, where there was a spherical cavity surrounded by ribs and muscles.

"Brother Hong once said that the cultivation techniques of the human race are all modified from the cultivation techniques of the alien races, which means that the cultivation of these alien races is the way of Jindan Yuanying."

"If the Xingyuan beast has a dantian, isn't the position of this spherical cavity the dantian?"

"Yuanying period, Xiaotongtong, Xingtong, Xiaofeng, Xingfeng..."

He said these names, and felt the balloon wrapped in rib muscles, which was suspected of being a dantian, and suddenly understood in his heart.

"I know, after the Star Soul Clan enters the Nascent Soul Stage, the body will be divided into two!"

"Those human-shaped star souls with one eye on their heads and blue gems on their chests are actually their Nascent Soul bodies. This cow-body and sheep-headed star beast that I possess is their original body!"

The more Lu Kun thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. After he entered the gathering place of the Star Soul Clan, the human form Star Soul Clan he saw were all above the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul. Except for them, the rest were the Xingyuan beasts in the central grassland. .

"It is inferred from this that the low-level star soul clan has the form of a beast with two eyes and the body of a cow and the head of a sheep. After cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, the Nascent Soul within the body will be detached and become the appearance of a one-eyed human being."

"The original Xingyuan Beast's body has become a clone or a sub-life. It only has a simple mind, which is equivalent to a special natal beast."

After these guesses flashed through Lu Kun's mind, he hesitated for a while, and the blood clone carefully passed through the nervous system of the star beast to perceive the strange spherical cavity in the abdomen.

"Hey, blood vessels and nerves are so dense."

He found that on the surface of this cavity, under the protective layer of muscle, there is an extremely dense neural network, even more sophisticated than those in the spine and skull.

What's more, these nervous systems radiate the entire physical body.

"Dual nerve centers?"

With Lu Kun's understanding of the physical body, he quickly understood that this spherical cavity is another nerve center of the Xingyuan beast, and from the distribution of the neural network, the neural commands emanating here can control the body more finely.

"Is it left to the control of Nascent Soul's body?"

"The soul of the Xingyuan beast is located in the brain, even if the brain is destroyed, as long as the nerves of the abdominal balloon are still there, after the soul of the Nascent Soul enters the body, the body can still fight."

As he thought about it, his perception gradually penetrated into the inside of the spherical cavity, and he felt a strong scent of blood essence. There was a large amount of blood essence stored in it, just like the sea of ​​essence and blood in Lu Kun's visceral dantian.

In the center of these blood essence pools, there is a blue star-shaped soft body floating, and a few crystal clear stones are vaguely visible on it.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone?"

Lu Kun recognized the few stones wrapped by the star software at a glance. When he tried to perceive the star software, he found that the Xingyuan beast did not have a neural network connected to it.

"This star soft body is not the Xingyuan beast's own organ. It seems to be able to extract and decompose the heaven and earth energy in the top-quality spirit stone?"

Lu Kun felt it again, and found a stream of white starlight, which spread from the star software to the blood essence, and finally transmitted out of the balloon.

"What kind of energy is this, it seems to be the source of physical energy of the Xingyuan beast."

Since this star software is not connected to the physical nerves of the Xingyuan beast, he can't sense it carefully. As for the white starlight, unless the bloodline clone is transferred into this balloon, it can be detected clearly.

After careful observation, Lu Kun withdrew his perception. Combined with this Dantian ball cavity, he had a clearer understanding of the Star Soul Clan in his heart.

"When the Star Soul Clan was born, it should be in the state of Xingyuan Beast, just like a normal spirit beast, cultivate energy in Dantian, enter the foundation, and form a golden core."

"When the Nascent Soul breaks through, this Nascent Soul will burst out of the dantian, just like giving birth to a baby."

"The dwarf humanoid star soul clan I saw in the middle-level area are the Nascent Soul monks of the star soul clan. Although they fly very fast, when they walk on the ground or dance their limbs, they are like babies toddlers, because the new The body has just been formed, and the control is insufficient."

Lu Kun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's no wonder that the Demon Race regards the Star Soul Race as the main opponent for invading the Spirit World."

"When the Nascent Soul is condensed, the Star Soul Clan can actually create a brand-new Nascent Soul body. This pure Nascent Soul body may have a great affinity for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"Whether it is casting spells or the will to perceive the energy of heaven and earth, it is far superior to the human race's Nascent Soul."

He also felt the possessed Xingyuan beast, which was comparable to the powerful physical body in the middle stage of bone transformation.

"One body and two parts, Nascent Soul is self-contained, focusing on the soul and magic, while the original Xingyuan Beast focuses on the physical body, which can be described as a fellow practitioner of the Dharma body."

"In the dantian spherical cavity of the star soul beast, there is another precise nerve center, which means that the body of the soul of the star soul clan can enter this spherical cavity and fight under the protection of the powerful physical body of the star soul beast."

"Those humanoid star souls at the level of gods have their own star beasts around them. I am afraid that the form after the fusion of the two is the true fighting stance of the star souls."

Based on the information he heard and the physical condition of this Xingyuan beast, Lu Kun gradually deduced the characteristics of the Xingsoul clan, and his mood gradually became heavy.

The human race immortal cultivator in the spiritual world has a weak body and focuses on the soul and magic.

The star soul clan's Nascent Soul is a self-contained body, and the soul and magic are probably stronger than the human clan, and they can also enter the Xingyuan beast to fight, and the flesh body also suppresses the human clan.

The Star Soul Clan also has a combined existence, such a powerful race starts a war, and the Human Race simply cannot resist.

"No matter what the human race in the spiritual world is, as long as the lower world is still there, we have hope!"

After being silent for a while, he suddenly thought: "The star soul clan above Nascent Soul will be divided into Nascent Soul body and flesh body, and the Void Refining old monster should also have the flesh body of a star beast."

"If I clone my bloodline and transfer it to that old guy's Xingyuan beast..."

Just as Lu Kun was thinking, the dantian ball of the big star beast trembled slightly, his eyes opened, and a blue light appeared in the center of the square in front of him.

Xingfeng's tall and thin humanoid body gradually revealed. Starlight shone around him, and he flew to the front. A jade bottle appeared in his hand, and he threw it to the original beast of Xiaoxing. He said solemnly:

"Xingtong, this is the baby soul pill given to you by the elders. Recently, you have been practicing in seclusion, and strive for an early breakthrough. Don't sway around. Do you know that your previous play in the kingdom of God has affected the elders' cultivation."

Xiaoxingyuan Beast bit the jade bottle in one bite, and after hearing Xingfeng's words, those blue eyes showed panic.

"With your aptitude plus the Infant Soul Pill, the realm of Nascent Soul is almost guaranteed. If you haven't made a breakthrough within a year, hmph, let's see how I will deal with you."

After speaking, Xingfeng waved one hand, and a light of aura wrapped around the Xingyuan beast possessed by Lu Kun, and shot towards the distance...

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