The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 815 Collapse

At the edge of the Chaos Valley, next to the silver mask covering the entire valley, a large number of magical treasures and magical energy are overflowing.

Ma Jie manipulated the Gorefiend Sword and pushed back a shield-like magic weapon, with a look of fear on his face, and said:

"It's still that Elder Qian had foresight and gave Junior Brother Rong a kind of magic bead, otherwise we would probably be wiped out. That scorpion actually had the power of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the strong cold breath seemed to be the abyss of death. There is terror at the bottom."

Rong Zhengqi stood beside Ma Jie and said in a hoarse voice, "Thanks to this scorpion's injury, and the energy in the body is only at the level of the late stage of the formation of the pill, the power of the Nascent Soul that planted the magic bead was barely able to fight against it."

While speaking, Rong Zhengqi moved the magic art, and a strange magic wave dissipated forward, causing the eyes of the two hopeless Sanxiu to be in a trance.

A flying knife emitting silver light flashed in the air, pierced through the gap between the magic weapon, and easily pierced its protective shield. annihilated by the magic.

Ma Jie shot out a magic light, shrouded the storage bags and magic treasures of the two loose cultivators in the late stage of the formation of pills, and slowly retracted them, his face was not good-looking: "It's a pity that Junior Brother Han Qingsheng, in that forbidden environment, Feng Linggen's escaping speed could not be exerted, and he died directly."

Rong Zhengqi pondered: "Senior Brother Ma, this time the secret realm of one yuan is unusual."

"Let's not say that the entrance to the secret realm from the outside world is opened in advance. There is such a strange valley. No one thought that there are such terrifying creatures in this valley, which has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, with high risks but little benefits."

Ma Jie threw the spoils to Zhan Le on the other side, shook his head and said, "It can't be said that there is no gain. The magic stones in the refining cave are fine, but those zombie bodies are very precious."

"Listening to the conversation between the leader of the demons and Zhang Tianbiao, these demons seem to be related to the practice of the ancient One Yuan School, what is Yuntong's body training, these demons are transformed from the cultivation of immortals."

"Zhang Tianbiao, who has supernatural powers with strange giant arms, also has supernatural powers on the flesh. Maybe he has already obtained some kind of body training method inherited from Yuanzong."

"If these demons are handed over to the elders in the door, I can't say what they can study."

Rong Zhengqi's eyes flashed slightly, and he calmly glanced at the storage bag on his waist. There was a jade slip inside, which he secretly snatched from Xu Junwen by running a magic bead and combining magic power.

When the rest of the team heard Zhang Tianbiao's name, panic flashed in their eyes.

Ji Mo's voice said in a low voice: "This piece of Tianbiao is unfathomable, and he obviously had reservations when he fought against Demon Zong."

"The last move he used to kill Song Li from the Demon Sect exuded a brutal aura of magic power, a bit similar to the meaning of a true demon, and the pair of giant arms were covered with black hair, indicating that this man still had hidden magic power in his body. , his strange cultivation technique is probably a fellow practitioner of mana and magic."

Ma Jie turned his head and looked behind him. There was a rather dim silver shield, and he said coldly, "One-way teleportation of the magic circle and the boulder with the palm printed on it, Zhang Tianbiao is probably underground."

"At this time, Zhang Tianbiao may have been discovered by the scorpion. Without the power of Nascent Soul, he has only a dead end."

"Hey, has the ban outside the Jade Plaza changed again?"

In the distance, the place where they lost three kinds of magic beads, the silver restriction gradually dissipated, revealing a messy square with huge potholes.

"The ban has disappeared?"

"When we came out, the shield had been weakened a lot, and it was possible to come out with one yuan jade pendant. Now that it dissipates, it is very likely that the stored energy has run out."

"That's right, this ban seems to be activated for the Demon Zombie leader. The Demon Zombie has been resealed, so naturally there is no need for it to exist."

Ma Jie thought of something, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes: "The shield has disappeared, which means that the scorpion can come out?"

When everyone heard it, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and fear flashed in their eyes. Without the kind of magic beads, they could not be the opponents of the scorpion.

At this moment, the surrounding ground swayed violently, and the huge shaking shocked the Blood Refining Sect and others from the sky. outside scene.

The peaks outside the valley seemed to be disturbed by some kind of force, slowly rising upwards, startling many flying monsters, and a large number of rocks rolled down from these peaks, as if to bury the valley.

It didn't take long for the ground to vibrate, and seven gray escaping lights shot from far to near, towards the direction of the Blood Refinement Sect, and the voice of Soul Sha floated out from it: "Brother Ma, let's go out quickly, the whole valley is sinking!"

Combined with the rising mountain outside, the Demon Xiu of the Blood Refinement Sect immediately understood, his face turned pale, and he quickly connected the escaped light into one piece and shot towards the dim silver prohibition.

The prohibition in the valley had already become much weaker when they came out, and they only needed a jade pendant to pass, so they did not leave immediately, but ambush the loose cultivators who were sent in here.

A dozen white lights flashed by, and the people from the Blood Refining Sect and Qisha Sect disappeared.


Under the Jade Square, Lu Kun looked at the small pond that was re-shrouded by the silver ban, and half of the pure water of the real devil in it, with a look of unhappiness on his face.

He had just collected half of the pure true demon water, and the aura of restraint quickly recovered, covering the true demon pool again. Facing the restraint that could only be opened by two one-yuan jade pendants, Lu Kun had nothing to do.

And with the restoration of this ban, the cave began to shake violently, looking like it was about to collapse at any time.

He could only leave reluctantly, put away the corpse of the scorpion, and quickly came to the bottom of the deep pit in the square.

The power of the original forbidden space here is strong, and I do not know how to restore it, and the forbidden light on the wall of the pothole is shining, as if there is an energy supply.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, squatted with his legs, and jumped towards a wall.

"Boom!" Jumping behind the forbidden light curtain on the wall, he exerted strength on his legs again, and his body quickly flew upwards.

Lu Kun purely used his fleshy body, which contained 300,000 jins of strength, and with the help of the rebounding power of the wall, he shot upwards, and returned to the square after only ten rounds of jumps.

"Oops, this valley is sinking!"

Lu Kun's golden eyes flashed, and he immediately saw the scene outside the valley. His face sank, patches of blood floated on his exposed skin, and the thick muscles on his legs contracted violently, blasting a big hole in place, accompanied by With countless roars, he ran wildly in the direction outside the valley.

At this time, Lu Kun did not have any magic power in his body. Although the magic power was extremely strong, but due to the insufficient energy level, he could not motivate the bone treasure of the magic weapon level. .

It would be better to burn blood essence and explode at an astonishing speed in a short period of time. Thanks to his blood magic power greatly increasing, the blood concentration in the body doubled, making up for the previous losses, otherwise it would not be possible to use it.

In this way, Lu Kun blasted holes on the ground of the valley and came to the edge of the valley at an astonishing speed. At this time, there was already a shadow outside, the valley sank several dozen feet, and a large number of rocks were still falling.

Lu Kun quickly took out the one-yuan jade pendant, and the magic in his body rushed inwardly.

The activation of the jade pendant requires half of the mana or magic power in the initial stage of the formation of the pill. In pure terms, his nine times the magic power of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment is completely sufficient.

Sure enough, the one-yuan jade pendant gradually lit up with a white halo, and Lu Kun pressed the dim prohibition in front of him, and disappeared in a white light.


In the central mountain range of the secret realm, around the valley buried by countless rocks and soil, there are four peaks, each of which has a scattered cultivator watching.

When there was a magical change in the secret realm on the second floor, they rushed in this direction. Because they were not familiar with the restrictions in the secret realm and some monsters blocked them, they only arrived here now.

When they researched and found that the one-yuan jade pendant could break the ban, two loose cultivators couldn't wait to enter. Who knew that this valley that absorbed a lot of demonic energy would sink directly into the ground.

Just as the few scattered cultivators were hesitating whether to dig three feet into the ground and dig out the valley again, a pile of rocks suddenly burst open, and a dozen or so escaped lights shot out from it.

"No, it's a demon cultivator of the Blood Refinement Sect."

"There are seven evil spirits, run away."

After seeing these escaping lights, the four scattered cultivators immediately recognized the demon cultivators inside, their faces changed wildly, turned into various escaping lights, and flew away in four directions, not daring to stay for a moment.

The people from the Blood Refining Sect and Qisha Sect ignored these people. After a little discussion, they flew away in one direction.

Not long after these people left, a huge rock buried in the valley seemed unstable, swayed to the side, hit a lot of rocks, and made a rumbling rolling sound...

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