On the second floor of the secret realm, in a swamp full of rancidity and dampness, countless fist-sized pitch-black bees flew among the golden trees, following a certain fixed trajectory, shuttling among the towering golden trees.

These bees are the Demon Devouring Bees who are famous in the second-layer secret realm.

Thousands of Demon Devouring Bees form a group. After collecting the gum, they will return to the tree hole nest in the middle of the swamp, gather the gum, and brew royal glue to maintain the stability of the unknown magic circle of the Demon Devouring Swamp.

On this day, after returning to the cave, the Demon Devouring Bees flew close to the wall for some reason. The collected gums were also temporarily stored on the wall by them, as if they were afraid of something.

In the middle of this huge cave with a radius of 100 meters, in addition to a pillar interwoven with golden tree roots, stood an extremely strong bald man, and there was a huge golden fat worm beside his ear, flapping its transparent wings, struggling flying in the air.

In the open space in front of them, there was a half-human-high corpse of a scorpion covered in gray-black chitin armor. There were only two wounds on the corpse, one was the fracture at the tail end of the worm's belly, and the other was on the back armor. hole.

The hole, with its green blood remaining, looked like the fatal wound that killed the scorpion.

This bald man is naturally Lu Kun. It has been half a month since the Chaos Valley collapsed. After he recovered his mana, he did not go to explore other places, but returned to the Devil Devouring Swamp.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Lu Kun frowned and said, "Is this scorpion the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion of your Zerg?"

The fat worm flapped its wings and carefully landed on the armor on the back of the scorpion, feeling the cold breath on the armor, and frightened eyes flashing: "Yes, sir, it is definitely a sharp-edged poisonous scorpion, or a ninth-level worm. level."

Lu Kun touched his chin and said, "Didn't you say that the level above the worm will be destroyed by the ban of the secret realm? How did this guy appear?"

The fat worm seemed to be a little puzzled, the tentacles on his head twisted above the hole in his back, and after a while he replied:

"My lord, this body is indeed a ninth-level worm general level, but the cold power in its body is only a seventh-level level. The prohibition of Yuanzong can't judge the strength of the physical body, just like your lord, you can enter the secret realm with the physical body of the devil general level. Same."

The fat worm's spiritual sense has a pleasing tone, and seems to believe that Lu Kun is a strong demon.

Lu Kun recalled the teleportation formation in the underground cave, and thought: "That is to say, this scorpion sneaked in from the outside world. It's strange. I always feel a little familiar with its breath."

In the depths of the fat worm's compound eyes, there was a flash of sadness. It is now equivalent to the spirit of the Demon Devouring Swamp Purification Array. It is naturally greedy for life and fear of death, and it does not dare to leave at all, for fear of being broken by the ban of the magic circle.

"By the way, the place of death!"

A light suddenly flashed in Lu Kun's mind, and with a wave of one hand, thirteen watermelon-sized ants and a spiky pupae appeared on the ground.

The bodies and legs of these ants are full of muscle pimples, extremely thick, and they seem to be full of explosive power. The pair of jaw teeth that symbolize attack, compared with the body of the legs, are rather pocket-sized.

They all exude a cold and cold magical energy, with a second-level level, and the aura of this worm chrysalis is almost exactly the same as that of this scorpion.

When the fat worm saw this scene, its compound eyes widened, and it looked at the deformed ants repeatedly. If it didn't feel wrong, the energy of propolis was mixed in it. Obviously, the propolis that Lu Kun had snatched away. , eaten by these strong ants.

Thirteen ants were kindly surrounding Lu Kun, rubbing against Lu Kun's calf with their tentacles, but soon, they were attracted by the corpse of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion in front of them, and their compound eyes turned red, sending a strong message to Lu Kun. idea.

Lu Kun nodded lightly, these ants trembled, and excitedly rushed into the armor gap on the back of the scorpion, and then there was a burst of chewing sounds in the scorpion.

"It should be right, this sharp-edged poisonous scorpion came out of this chrysalis."

"The chrysalis comes from the land of death, and the land of death runs through the border between Wei and Chu, and connects to the abyss of death. Before the opening of the secret realm, there seems to be news of the abyss of death in the door. Could it be a scorpion? What means did you use to try to enter the one-yuan secret realm?"

If you think about it this way, the land of death, the abyss of death, the secret realm of one yuan, and the worm clan all seem to be linked together.

After pondering for a while, Lu Kun looked at the fat worm beside him in a daze, and said, "Little worm, you told me last time that the golden devil tree in the Devil Devouring Swamp was created by the One Yuan Sect imitating the sacred worms of the Underworld. The purpose is to purify the true devil energy through the magic circle here?"

"That's right, my lord."

Lu Kun said again: "That is to say, in addition to allowing the Underworld Zerg to absorb other energy, your sacred objects can also remove the true demon meaning in the true demonic energy?"

The fat worm shook his head and said: "This seems to be researched by the Yuanzong. In fact, the sacred object of the worm family, in addition to allowing the worm to absorb the energy of the alien species, the biggest use is to help us enter a higher realm."

There was a thoughtful look in Lu Kun's eyes. The sacred relic of the Underworld Zerg that he got was equivalent to the True Demon Pool in the Demon Race, but the number of True Demon Pools in the Xiuxian Realm was higher than that of the Underworld Zerg. There are more sacred objects, and the scorpion can only come here to steal it.

The sacred relic of the Underworld Zerg has the effect of purifying the water of true demons, which can affect the meaning of true demons, and coupled with its characteristics of transforming energy, it will definitely inspire Lu Kun's practice.

After all, Lu Kun's current body training method, in addition to mana, also involves magic power. His magic ape transformation and sky-high roar also need the meaning of true magic to be activated.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Kun suddenly let out a light yawn. He found that the flying ants in the scorpion had fallen asleep one by one, and the strange magic power in the body was rolling.

"Hey, my lord, the blood of these flying ants is similar to the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion. It seems that they are not afraid of toxins in their flesh?"

The fat worm looked incredible. In its perception, the bloodlines of these thirteen flying ants were extremely strange. In addition to the sharp-edged poisonous scorpion, there were also ghost flying ants, and even a bit like the terrified adult in front of him.

Lu Kun felt it and found that these mutant flying ants had a stable life breath, and even had a tendency to break through. With a happy face, he put the poisonous scorpion corpse and the mutant flying ants inside into the soft ribs and waited for them to digest slowly.

The mutant flying ants had already entered the second level after swallowing the Royal Propolis of the Golden Devil Tree. At this time, they devoured the flesh and blood of the ninth-level worm general of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion, and maybe they could go further.

"Little bug, see you next time!"

The fat worm looked at the figure of Lu Kun leaving, and the compound eyes still flashed with a strong incomprehensible color. It couldn't figure out why this flying ant, which looked like a moth, was mixed with blood from other than the worm.

According to the information in its bloodline inheritance, such a mixed bloodline worm cannot hatch at all.


Lu Kun didn't know what the fat worm was thinking. He came to the Demon Devouring Swamp just by the way, and asked this little worm who awakened the bloodline inheritance, if he knew the details of this scorpion, and by the way, tested the function of the sacred worm.

"The sharp-blade poisonous scorpion, it seems that the sharp blade and tail blade of the double pincers are rare treasures. The broken tail containing the poison sac is also in my storage space. This poisonous mist can definitely threaten the Nascent Soul Stage. monk."

Lu Kun flew fast in the air, ignoring the Demon Devouring Bees who were chasing him, and returned to the lava cave in just half a day along the route he had traveled once.


A two-foot-long lava crocodile was lying on the ground and taking a bath in the lava outside the entrance of the cave. It was the first floor of the one-yuan secret realm, the fourth-level peak lava crocodile king brought by Lu Kun.

At this time, its aura has improved again, and it seems to have reached a critical point, as if it can break through at any time, but there is a look of unrequited love in its eyes.

Feeling the sound of the air breaking, the little devil crocodile king raised his head to look, and after finding that it was Lu Kun, his eyes were bright, he slapped his tail, and crawled out of the lava.

The other huge lava crocodiles looked up and sank into the magma again.

Lu Kun landed at the entrance of the cave, walked in, looked at the little crocodile king who was following him, and said casually, "You little crocodile is so eager, do you want to go back?"

Molten crocodile kept nodding. Although its cultivation has improved during this time, its life is extremely boring. All the female crocodiles here are stronger than it, and they don't even bother to mate with it.

For the crocodile king who was king on the first floor, such a day was simply unbearable, and he hoped that Lu Kun would bring him back to the first floor.

Lu Kun took a steady pace, and soon came to the depths of the molten fire burrow. The real magic pool in the middle was wrapped in a silver light curtain, and there was half of the pure magic water in the jade basin next to it.

In the deep lava pool, two pairs of red eyes the size of lanterns were exposed, and they looked at Lu Kun warily. The breath of high-level monsters filled the cave.

Lu Kun ignored them, recalling the harvest of the second floor in his mind.

The biggest gain is naturally the blood of the giant ape obtained in the Warcraft Garden.

This drop of blood essence not only deepened his blood in his arms, but also brought a memory of inheritance, which not only allowed him to learn how to roar through the sky, but also learned about the Yuntong Body Refinement Art and Qi and Blood Magic that were tested by the One Yuan Sect.

In addition to the battle of the demons, Hong Yuntian's notebooks made Lu Kun have a clear direction for the next big realm of body training.

In addition to these, the storage bags of five top demon cultivators, a large amount of pure and true demon water, demon zombie bodies, the corpses of sharp-blade poisonous scorpions, the sacred relics of the underworld insect race, the treasures of heaven and earth in the secret realm, etc., Lu Kun can say that he has harvested great.

However, it is not so simple to convert these gains into strength. After all, the path he takes is different from that of all immortal cultivators.

Lu Kun took a deep breath, shot out a flash of light, put the little devil crocodile king into the soft ribs, and slowly walked to the magma pool with the teleportation circle at the bottom.

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