The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 817: Leaving the Secret Realm

The sun and the moon were like shuttles, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye. Outside the silver light curtain on the edge of the first floor of the secret realm, there were eight foundation-building stage magic cultivators standing here and there.

At this time, the two men standing at the front of the team, although the cultivation base is the lowest, but the magic power is extremely pure, one of them is personable and handsome, the other is burly and full of flesh.

"I didn't expect Big Brother Zhang to have such an opportunity. If the younger brother guessed correctly, the passage is likely to be made of broken dragon stone. It is said that this material is extremely inert and strong, and it is difficult for even a cultivator to break it. It blocked the high temperature of the volcanic lava."

The handsome young man said with emotion.

The burly man deplored and said: "You don't know, the ground in the depths of the passage is actually full of magic stones. With my strength, I can't smash it at all, I can only pick up some gravel, otherwise the magic stones I bring back will be more than two. Thousands of dollars."

The handsome young man laughed dumbly and said, "Brother Zhang, you are content, we have been searching for so long, and the magic stones obtained from Qishamen and Yinyang Sect are only about fifty thousand yuan."

"Besides, the big brother has been practicing in the magic stone land for more than half a year, and the increase in cultivation is the biggest gain."

Hearing the words, the burly man stirred up the magic power in his body with a smug look on his face.

This burly man is naturally Lu Kun. During the half year that he returned to the first floor of the secret realm, he relied on the speed and powerful consciousness of the formation stage to search for the land of magic stones everywhere, and searched for a large number of magic stones.

The magic stones in the storage bag around his waist are only a fraction of the harvest. There are more than 200,000 magic stones in his soft ribs.

After scavenging the first floor, Lu Kun easily found Xu Zihang and others, and fabricated that he found a secret passage at the foot of the volcano by chance in order to escape the pursuit, and went in to discover the land of magic stones and so on.

At this time, there were only eight people left in the Blood Refinement Sect's foundation-building team, and there were three Gorefiends. Except for Zhang Yiyang, who was transformed by Lu Kun, Xu Zihang and Chen Fenghua were all alive and well.

The only female Gorefiend, Shangguanyue, not long after the opening of the secret realm, and her second team were all ambushed and killed by Qishamen.

Apart from the Gorefiend, only five of the other disciples of the Foundation Establishment stage survived. Zhang Yiyang's team consisted of Lei Batian, Chen Qian'er and the taciturn middle-aged man Ouyang Sheng.

Xu Zihang's third team, only two people survived. It can be seen how tragic this trip to the secret realm is. Although the mortality rate is extremely high, the remaining people have obtained great benefits, and there are many storage bags around their waists. several.

While Lu Kun and Xu Zihang were chatting casually, his consciousness was paying attention to Chen Fenghua, who was sitting cross-legged next to him.

"This kid must have some doubts. He is looking for the restraint in his body. When he tries to form an elixir, I am afraid he will know that what I said is true, and I will meet him again..."

While Lu Kun was thinking about it, the silver light curtain in front of them suddenly emitted a bright light, and a vast ancient aura came over it.

"Brothers, one year has come, you can activate the Jade Talisman of the Secret Realm!"

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward, and the jade talisman in their hands was shining brightly.


In the middle of a barren desert in Zhongzhou of Qi State, a huge pothole was forbidden to emit a dazzling light, and the monks in the Nascent Soul period who were sitting around them opened their eyes one after another.

A large number of strong winds, mixed with yellow and white air currents poured out from the edge of the pothole, and on the silver light curtain with a radius of thousands of meters, demonic energy, spiritual energy and demonic energy were mixed to form small hurricanes.


Countless spiritual lights suddenly appeared, and in the four directions of the pothole, many figures wrapped in white light suddenly appeared. The four camps of Yuan Ying monks shot one after another, and shot a magic light to wrap these people, from the pothole. pulled out.

Immediately after, those yellow-white hurricanes, mixed with scattered magical energy, drilled down, and the silver light curtain gradually disappeared, revealing the rocks mixed with cracks in the pit.


In the blood refining sect camp, Situ Hao ignored the disciples of the Foundation Establishment stage who had suffered heavy losses, but looked at the nine cultivators of the Core Formation stage with an ugly face, and said coldly, "Ma Jie! What's going on this time, you actually lost one person? "

"There are two kinds of magic beads, even in the face of the joint efforts of Qishamen and Yin-Yang Holy Sect, they are completely able to resist, and Han Qingsheng's ability to escape is not weak."

Ma Jie smiled bitterly, his lips moved slightly, and explained to the elder in the middle Nascent Soul.

Following Ma Jie's remarks, Situ Hao's brows furrowed.

There are a large number of top-level demons in the Demon Refinement Cave, scorpions with the power of the Nascent Soul, strange loose cultivators with strong physical bodies, and the top disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect who cultivated the power of the Nascent Soul in the stage of forming a pill, and even Rong Zhengqi's kind of demon. Zhu, all surprised Situ Hao.

This trip to the secret realm sounded more dangerous than he was in the past. Ma Jie and the others only lost one person, so they were lucky.

After listening to it, Situ Hao glanced at the Yin-Yang Holy Sect from a distance, changed the body of a man and a woman, and cultivated the power of Nascent Soul during the stage of forming the pill. He seemed to have heard of it somewhere.

After pondering for a moment, Situ Hao's powerful spiritual consciousness in the middle of the Nascent Soul came out through his body and probed into the area of ​​Xizhou Loose Cultivator.

The faces of the three Nascent Soul cultivators in Xizhou changed slightly, and their spiritual senses formed a block in front of them. One of the fat old men said solemnly: "Old Demon Situ, what do you mean!"

Situ Hao snorted coldly: "Nothing else, I just want to confirm the identities of these juniors."

An angry look appeared in the eyes of the fat old man, and he said angrily, "Situ Hao, we have already made an agreement that the elders will not interfere in the fight between the juniors in the secret realm. Besides, with the ability of these little guys, they can kill your blood refining sect. Dan disciple?"

Situ Hao's face sank, and he was about to say something when he suddenly let out a small murmur, turned his head and looked back, with a look of awe in his eyes.

At the same time, the Nascent Soul monks who were present seemed to sense something, and their expressions changed greatly, and they recruited their own magic weapons, looking like they were facing a great enemy.

Soon, an incomparably strong blood-colored escaping light appeared on the horizon, and even if it was separated by dozens of miles, one could feel the monstrous and terrifying magical pressure.

Under the influence of this coercion, the monks in the foundation-building stage slumped to the ground one by one, looking terrified and almost breathless.

The speed of this blood-colored light was extremely fast. It was still in the sky just now, and after a breath or two, it came to the top of the blood refining sect. The magic light dissipated, revealing a bald middle-aged man with red eyes and a thin body. man.

The man was quietly suspended in the air, and the monstrous magical aura was restrained by him, and the pressure on all the magic cultivators was relieved.

After seeing the middle-aged man's true face, Situ Hao and the disciples of the Blood Refining Sect bowed in awe, "See the Great Elder!"

When the disciples of the foundation-building stage of the Blood Refining Sect heard it, they all showed fear and awe, and bowed down in sincerity.

No one could have imagined that Pang Laomo, the first demon cultivator in Qi State, the late Nascent Soul Great Elder of the Blood Refining Sect, would personally come to the exit of the secret realm.

Pang Laomo faintly looked at the other cultivators in the Nascent Soul period, waved his hand and said, "This old man is passing through Zhongzhou, and it's just the end of the secret realm, so I'll stop by to have a look."

"Hey, what about that kid Han Qingsheng? Junior Brother, what's going on?" Pang Laomo immediately noticed that his sect was missing a cultivator, and frowned.

Situ Hao had a bitter look on his face, so he had to repeat the matter.

The spiritual thoughts of the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period communicated very quickly, and Lao Mo Pang quickly knew what happened in the secret territory.

"Actually, you found the body of yin and yang. This little guy is probably practicing yin and yang magic magic."

When the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect's Nascent Soul-stage man and woman heard it, nervousness appeared in their eyes, and the magic power in their bodies was slowly raised.

Old Demon Pang laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, the old man won't bully the small with the big one."

Afterwards, Old Demon Pang ignored the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect and looked in the direction of Xizhou. His consciousness was extremely obscure, avoiding the three Nascent Soul stage demon cultivators, and glanced at the body of the Core Formation stage cultivator.

He turned around and shook his head and said, "The cultivators present at the stage of forming pills are all true, and the power of qi and blood is also normal. Without the person you mentioned, that guy might have died in the hands of dead creatures."

When Ma Jie heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of relief. After all, that scorpion had the power of the Nascent Soul at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and how could a monk at the level of the formation stage be its opponent.

Old Demon Pang glanced at the remaining disciples at the Foundation Establishment stage, and focused on Xu Zihang, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, Junior Brother, recruit the Bloody Cloud Flying Boat and return to the Gorefiend Mountains."

"Yes, Great Elder." With a wave of Situ Hao's hand, a black warship covered with runes appeared in the air.

Lu Kun followed Xu Zihang and flew the flying instrument to the blood cloud boat, and he was relieved.

The arrival of Old Demon Pang was beyond his expectations.

Fortunately, the rich qi and blood in the body are concentrated in the depths of the bones, and his identity as Zhang Yiyang is only a cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, so Pang Laomo didn't pay much attention.

However, Lu Kun did not find that after seeing him enter the flying boat, a hint of undetectable surprise flashed in the depths of Pang Laomo's pupils...

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