The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 819 Arrangements and Preparations

Wearing a black robe inlaid with blood-red magic patterns, Lu Kun walked around in a rather unique cave. He carefully observed the restrictions of the surrounding caves, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

During this trip to the Uncharted Realm, although the disciples of the Blood Refinement Sect at the foundation stage suffered heavy casualties, the same was true for the other two major demon sects. Those who survived gained a great deal. In addition to the large number of remaining magic stones, those fake pills For the disciples of the realm, the success rate of forming pills has greatly increased, at least as much as 50%.

Among the Gorefiends, only Lu Kun and Xu Zihang's team were not destroyed, so both of them were rewarded by the sect. The contribution points alone were as many as 10,000. You must know that the test of Gorefiend only needs 5,000. Contribute points.

In addition to the contribution points, there are also many other rewards. This new cave is one of them. This place is close to the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains, and it is adjacent to the cave of the Pill Formation Stage Demon Cultivator. The magical energy is nearly twice that of his previous one.

Even if Zhang Yiyang is a blood demon, at least he has to cultivate in the middle stage of foundation establishment before he can cultivate here.

"That boy Chen Fenghua should have been frightened by my sound transmission." Lu Kun recalled what happened not long ago, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Chen Fenghua is a blood demon in the realm of fake pills, and the cave is naturally here. Lu Kun's voice transmission is extremely simple, and there is no need to avoid anything.

"As long as Chen Fenghua wants to enter the Pill Formation Stage, then he will definitely not be able to resist the temptation. How many cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage can withstand the temptation of the Pill Formation Stage."

"According to what the Demon King Heisha said, with the help of the magic soul power, the blood magic power and other magic powers that use the meaning of the real devil, there is almost no obstacle to forming a pill, but after this, the cultivation base cannot be stored in the body. Magic power is controlled by magic soul power."

Lu Kun's grasp of Chen Fenghua's decision is not small. If you want to form an elixir with a powerful practice such as blood magic art, it is more difficult than ordinary magic art. Unless the aptitude is amazing, the chance of success is really low.

Lu Kun wandered around the cave, walked to the practice room with the strongest demonic energy, sat down with his knees crossed, thinking about the content of the sound transmission, and pondered:

"I heard from Du An that in the depths of the Huize Basin in Xizhou is where the Sacred Poison Sect is located. This kind of basin full of poisonous miasma is a natural prohibition. If there are no special instruments and antidote, it is even a cultivator at the stage of forming pills. Can't get in too deep."

"The Holy Poison Sect relies on such a special environment, plus the reputation of poisoning the cultivators of the Nascent Soul period, and has survived in Xizhou to this day. Other forces in the Western State annexed."

"Now the Poison Cultivator with the highest cultivation base in the Holy Poison Sect, was killed by me in the secret realm. It can be said that the overall strength has been weakened a lot."

There was a strange look in Lu Kun's eyes. He was on the first floor of the secret realm, and he accepted Du An, a servant of the Holy Poison Sect, and learned a lot about the Holy Poison Sect from his mouth.

Moreover, in the molten fire cave on the second floor, the poison cultivator he killed was the elder with the highest cultivation level in the Holy Poison Sect. Many Forbidden Laws are obviously forbidden tokens inside the Holy Poison Gate.

As a result, he got a little thought.

The Holy Poison Sect is proficient in refining all kinds of poisons. These medicines that can poison the cultivator's body are the treasures that speed up the tempering of the physical body. Back then, Lu Kun relied on the black striped scorpion poison and the silver silkworm Gu. Poison, to be able to enter the Great Perfection of Body Tempering one step earlier.

If the Holy Poison Sect can be used by him, or become a part of the body refining pavilion, then his body repair sect will have a stable way to speed up the body. Zhao Qingtian's junior Zhao Qiming can also have it. Clear poison refining direction.

Immortal cultivators rely on various medicinal herbs to improve their cultivation, while physical cultivation uses poisons to temper their bodies and speed up body refining.

It is very difficult for Lu Kun to create a body-refinement method, but because of the bloodline of the giant ape and various opportunities, the speed of cultivation is no less than that of a top-level immortal cultivator.

But the other disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion are different. If there is no other way to assist the body refinement, let alone the Bone Treasure Stage, even the four stages of Body Refinement, Bone Refinement, Blood Coagulation, and Visceral Refinement will consume extremely terrifying time. , the lifespan of the foundation building period is a little tight.

"Although I have some strength, with one person's strength, it's still a bit difficult to win the Holy Poison Sect, so I can only do it slowly."

Before leaving the Unreal Secret Realm, Lu Kun first found Du An and instructed the newly recruited servant to go to the Holy City of Martial Artists to find Zhao Qingtian to see what poison he had in his hand, and which ones could help Zhao Qingtian and others to burn the filth. practice.

Lu Kun kept Xiao Jin by Du An's side, so that Zhao Qingtian and the others would not doubt Du An's identity.

"Xiaojin has passed through the secret realm and is about to enter the Great Perfection of Body Tempering. If Qingtian and the others have the right poison to help, I am afraid that they will be on the verge of breakthrough in about ten years."

"Only when they enter the Bone Treasure Stage, and with Du An's cooperation, will they have the opportunity to completely control the Holy Poison Sect."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's face was a little heavy. Gubaoji is not so easy to enter. Because of the conversion ratio of blood and mana brought by Jiuxing's physique, and because he is the founder of the practice method, he successfully condensed the pill and melted the bones.

Zhao Qingtian has a 3-star physique, and for him, the chance of success in the step of condensing and dissolving bones is really not high.

A flash of light flashed, and two jade slips appeared in Lu Kun's hand, one of which was the Yuntong Body Refinement Art and Qi and Blood Magic Essentials that he had concentrated from his bloodline memory.

As for the other one, it was the Yuehua Yin Demon Jue that he obtained in Fang Hao's storage bag. Bai Jie relied on this technique to devour the magical flesh and blood energy of countless foundation-building stage demon cultivators. period power.

"When I got the Yuehua Yin Demon Art before, I just thought about whether I could devour myself the flesh and blood of body repair, condense it, and increase the chance of breakthrough in the bone treasure stage through some kind of reconstruction method."

Lu Kun rubbed the jade slip with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Qi and blood magic has a powerful flesh-and-blood phagocytosis feature. With Yuntong's Body Refinement Art as reference, it is entirely possible to deduce this kind of fleshly body secret technique, but Qingtian's lifespan is not enough to rebuild the entire body tempering period."

"In order to improve his chances of condensing and melting bones, you can first try to create a method of concentrating internal organs. If the physical mana contained in the internal organs is more pure, the probability of breakthrough may increase."

"If the poison is sufficient, the time for rebuilding the visceral mana can also be shortened."

Lu Kun picked up Yuntong's body-refining jade slip again, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "And according to my guess, if you want to generate physical source power, the method of concentrating flesh and blood is indispensable!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and the blood in his body began to flow faster. Gradually, the muscles of his whole body swelled and shrank, looking extremely strange.

Lu Kun's blood magic power has been cultivated to the extreme. In the absence of higher blood magic power, he cannot rely on the power of annihilation to harden his bones, and the progress of his physical cultivation is extremely slow.

Therefore, before Lu Kun obtained the high-level Gorefiend Art, he planned to develop this secret art of concentrating flesh and blood.

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