The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 820 Undercurrent surging

Somewhere in the cave of the Blood Refinement Sect, Rong Zhengqi stood in front of an old man with red hair with a respectful expression on his face.

The red-haired old man was well-proportioned, wearing an ordinary linen shirt, with a ruddy face and terrifying magical fluctuations in his body. He closed his eyes and held a jade slip in his hand, as if he was checking the contents of the jade slip.

Rong Zhengqi looked at the red-haired old man with a look of awe in his eyes. This man was his master, the chief elder of the Blood Refinement Sect, the chief disciple of the great elder Pang Laomo, and Elder Qian.

A year ago, Elder Qian handed him a variety of magic beads in private, and told him that there was a hidden magic pavilion in the central mountain range of the second-layer secret realm. Jade Jane.

With a kind of magic bead in hand, the illusion activated by the magic magic child-mother technique cannot be discovered even by the blood devil who also uses the magic bead. After all, the magic bead cannot strengthen the consciousness of the immortal cultivator, and cannot see through the illusion of the Nascent Soul level. .

After experiencing the secret realm, Rong Zhengqi felt more and more unpredictable about this master. In the Chaos Valley that finally appeared, there was actually a place like the Magic Pavilion.

It is a pity that facing Xu Junwen, a top powerhouse, even if he activated the magic bead, he only managed to grab a jade slip.

After a while, Elder Qian slowly opened his eyes, and there was still a bit of surprise in his eyes. After seeing Rong Zhengqi's troubles, he chuckled softly:

"Zhengqi, don't blame yourself, the Yin-Yang Holy Sect is a body of yin and yang, and he is practicing the exercises of the founder of the Yin-Yang Sect. You can win a jade slip, which is not bad."

Rong Zhengqi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Master, for your understanding."

Elder Qian said again: "Zhengqi, let me ask you, when you seized this jade slip, was it discovered by other colleagues."

Rong Zhengqi recalled and said: "At that time, Junior Sister Zhan's kind of magic orb's power had been exhausted, and other people's consumption was also a lot. It was impossible to see through my illusion, but that person from the Yin-Yang Holy Cult..."

Elder Qian waved his hand and said, "The Yin-Yang Sacred Sect is the enemy of this sect. It doesn't matter if you know about it. Just because you are lucky, grabbing this jade slip is exactly what the master needs."

Rong Zhengqi said with ecstasy on his face: "Master, that is to say, the secret technique recorded on this jade slip can really be combined with the Phantom Demon Son-Mother Technique?"

Elder Qian nodded, the excitement in the depths of his pupils flashed, and he said solemnly: "You must have seen this secret technique, you should understand the importance of it to the Phantom Demon Child and Mother Art, and no one should disclose it at all. ."

Rong Zhengqi said with a frantic expression: "Master, don't worry, this disciple knows that as long as Master can comprehend this kind of secret technique, my Blood Refinement Sect will not be the sole master of Blood Devil Art!"

With a flash of magic light on Elder Qian's hand, he put away the jade slip and said casually:

"By the way, this time you entered the late stage of the formation of pills and lost your child in advance, but the seed magic bead given to you by the teacher was made by special techniques, and there should be a lot of pure energy left in your body, as long as you fully By absorbing and refining, you will be able to improve a lot in your cultivation, and it will be of great help for you to understand the power of Nascent Soul in the future."

Rong Zhengqi said with joy, "Thank you, Master!"

"Okay, back off."

"Yes, Master."

After Rong Zhengqi left, Elder Qian flashed a cruel look in his eyes: "Although the residual magic power in the seed magic bead can improve a lot of cultivation, if it is absorbed and continues to practice the magic magic, it will soon go wrong. Died to death."

"This jade slip is too deeply involved. If the contents of it are revealed, the hundreds of years of my Qian Jingshan's plan will not be in vain."

"Zhengqi, don't blame Shizun for being cruel, only dead people can keep secrets."

At this moment, Elder Qian suddenly raised his brows, the magic in his hand flashed, and a sound transmission spurted from outside the cave.

"The old guy wants to provide Xu Zihang with a lot of resources, and even the pure water of true demons can be used, so that he can enter the stage of forming an elixir within 50 years."

"Dark Spirit Root cultivates Gorefiend Art, although there is almost no bottleneck in the formation stage, but Xu Zihang needs to cultivate from the middle stage of foundation formation to the formation stage within 50 years. The resources spent are unimaginable, this old guy is really willing. "

Elder Qian held the sound transmission, and his eyes flashed with strange colors: "He has lived for a thousand years, and his lifespan is about to end. No matter who it is, these fifty years are very tense..."

After whispering a few words, Elder Qian walked out of the cave and turned into a ray of light that shot towards a certain direction of the Blood Refinement Sect.


In the deepest part of the Gorefiend Mountains, in the cave with the most demonic energy, a thin, bald middle-aged man stood quietly in the secret room.

Although this person's magic power has not been revealed, the strong magic energy around him spontaneously surrounds him, forming an aura that is not anger and self-pretence.

This man is the controller of the Blood Refining Sect, the first demon cultivator in Qi State, Pang Laomo, known as the True Monarch of Blood Demon.

At the other end of the secret room, there was a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged on the ground, shrouded in a blood-colored light curtain.

Old Demon Pang looked at the handsome white-haired old man with admiration flashing in his eyes:

"Nie Wufeng, you really are a genius in the sky. In such a short period of time, you have not only transformed your practice into a wind-attribute magic art, but also cultivated to the middle stage of forming an elixir. It seems that your qualifications are more suitable for cultivating the wind magic art of your own sect. ."

This white-haired old man was actually the master of the Item Refining Peak of the Yueyang Sect of the Wei State. With the aptitude of the wind attribute to hide the spiritual root, the strong man who entered the stage of forming a pill, Nie Wufeng.

Back then, he joined forces with Zhu Siming and used the divine power against the sky to kill three cultivators of the Demon Spirit Sect in one fell swoop. He could be described as fierce and mighty, and even in the Demon Sect, his legend was still circulating.

It's a pity that they met Old Demon Pang in the late Nascent Soul and were caught alive without any resistance.

Nie Wufeng slowly opened his eyes, looked at Old Demon Pang calmly, and said slowly, "Senior Pang, this junior has already done what the senior asked, can you let Junior Brother Zhu go?"

When Old Demon Pang heard the words, a jade bottle appeared out of thin air in his hand, the mouth of the bottle was opened, and a blood-red egg shell floated out from the inside, gradually becoming larger, and landed beside him.

Inside the blood-red eggshell was an old man with a face full of white hair. As soon as he appeared, he looked worriedly at Nie Wufeng not far away.

Old Demon Pang said: "Nie Wufeng, not only did Pang not search for Zhu Siming's soul, but instead chose a place with abundant mana for him to cultivate, and now he has reached the peak of the early stage of forming pills."

"I didn't expect a small sect like Yueyang Sect, as well as the top talents like you, you don't talk about it, this kid surnamed Zhu is born with a strong spiritual sense, and his spiritual sense is actually close to the late stage of formation."

Seeing that Zhu Siming was at peace, Nie Wufeng said with a slightly soothing expression, "Senior Pang really kept his promise, I don't know when I can let Junior Brother Zhu go?"

Pang Laomo moved the magic in his hand, put Zhu Siming back in the jade bottle, and sighed: "According to Pang's plan, as long as you reach the middle stage of forming a pill, you can let this old boy go. "

"However, there are some changes now, and you still need to continue to practice. If you enter the late stage of forming a pill within 50 years, I will not only let him go, but I will also help him to enter the middle stage of forming a pill, and let him use Yue Yangzong's refining tool. The technique is passed on.”

Nie Wufeng heard the words, his face was ugly and said: "Senior Pang, you don't want to let my junior brother go, let's put it bluntly, why bother, I, Nie Wufeng, have some qualifications, but in just fifty years, it is impossible to cultivate to the late stage of the formation of elixir. ."

Old Demon Pang shook his head and said, "Nie Wufeng, you underestimate yourself too much. Your kid was able to perform advanced spells in the early stage of forming a pill, and his understanding of the wind attribute is no less than that of a monk in the Yuan Ying period."

"You must know that a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage is difficult to do without the power of the Nascent Soul. With the pure magic power of your thick and thin hair, you can completely digest and absorb the corresponding power of the Nascent Soul."

While speaking, Old Demon Pang took out a bead that exuded blue light, threw it forward, passed the blood-red mask, and landed in Nie Wufeng's hands, he explained: "This kind of magic bead is Pang Mou. It was made by an old friend, and it contains the power of the wind attribute Nascent Soul."

"With your aptitude, combined with the rich magical energy here, you can absorb it in fifty years, enough to enter the late stage of forming an elixir."

Nie Wufeng looked at the cyan bead in his hand, and could easily feel the terrifying wind-attribute magic power inside, and could even hear a faint whistling sound.

He frowned and said, "This quick method must be flawed."

Pang Laomo said calmly: "That's natural, although it can quickly increase the cultivation base, but after the energy is absorbed, it is difficult to advance the cultivation base, and because it absorbs the power of other people's Nascent Soul, it basically has no chance with the Nascent Soul stage. already."

Nie Wufeng laughed at himself: "Nie's life doesn't matter, what's the use of thinking about the Yuan Ying stage, but how can this junior believe that senior can keep his promise?"

When Old Demon Pang heard the words, a flash of light flashed in front of him, and a large piece of stone filled with blood and flashing with countless runes was suspended in front of him.

"You kid has the inheritance of Yueyang Sect's weapon refining, so you should know the stone of the stone of oath."

Nie Wufeng's eyes flashed with blue light, and he nodded and said, "As a senior cultivator, I was willing to use the sect's oath, Zishi, to promise that the junior has nothing to say, and he will definitely cultivate to the late stage of formation within the specified time."

Then Nie Wufeng and Pang Laomo passed the stone and made an oath.

As long as Nie Wufeng cultivated to the late stage of forming an elixir within 50 years, then Old Demon Pang would not only release Zhu Siming to a safe place, but also help him enter the middle stage of forming elixir, so that Yue Yangzong's art of refining weapons would be passed down.

After a quarter of an hour, Old Demon Pang left the secret room and walked to the refining room of the cave mansion. He looked at the many materials stored in it and muttered: "According to my speculation, this method should be feasible, but there is only one chance, and I have to Think more about it."

Then two jade slips appeared in his hand, and a huge spiritual consciousness sank into them.

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