The extreme western land of Qi State's Xizhou is densely covered with jungles and lingering with poisonous miasma. Neither mortals nor ordinary livestock can survive. Only immortal cultivators and ferocious monsters can resist the poisonous gas, and the poisonous miasma in the Grey Lake Basin is even more connected to the cultivators of the Dan period. All were apprehensive.

A hundred miles away from the Gray Ze Basin, is a small swamp full of poisonous miasma. The foul and stinky swamp water spit out bubbles, and black-gray poisonous smoke billowed out from it, making the entire swamp shrouded in black-gray poisonous mist. .

On this day, two young men stood on a towering tree in this swamp.

One of them was dark-skinned and average-looking, but his inner magic power was not weak. He had a cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment. It was Lu Kun's servant in the secret realm, Du An, a disciple of the Holy Poison Sect.

The other man is handsome, full of heroic spirit, and quite strong, like a general in the mortal army, he is a disciple of the first generation of the body training pavilion, Zhao Qingtian.

Zhao Qingtian took a deep breath of the black-gray smoke around him, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and said slowly:

"I said, Xiao Du, your Holy Poison Sect's site is really a holy place for my body cultivation. Just the poisonous miasma here can speed up the tempering of the internal organs. The only pity is that the spiritual energy is not enough, and it is also mixed with demonic energy."

Du An looked at Zhao Qingtian's comfortable expression and muttered to himself. Although he had seen it many times, he felt incredible every time.

If a normal foundation-building cultivator inhaled the poisonous miasma just now, his internal organs would rot immediately and his body would be damaged, but this one, the second disciple of his master, actually regarded the poisonous miasma as a treasure to promote cultivation.

A hint of hope flashed in Du An's eyes and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, is it really impossible for me to switch to master's practice?"

Zhao Qingtian patted Du An on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Du, you have been cultivating for more than a hundred years, and your physical body has already passed the age of development, so you can't get started with physical training. Prepare."

"I heard that this is the most profound practice of the Holy Poison Sect. It can be practiced until the Nascent Soul stage, and it complements your poison refining heritage. The chance of forming a pill is not low."

Du An rubbed his shoulders in pain and said, "I know Senior Brother Zhao, according to the current progress, in another year, I should be able to completely convert my magic power into poison magic power."

"Fortunately, I have the medicine to hide the magic power. Otherwise, because of the special magic power of poison, I am afraid that it will be discovered by Elder Jiedan at the first time, and then he will be tortured.

Zhao Qingtian smiled and said: "So during this time, you should try to return to the Holy Poison Sect as little as possible. With the resources given by Master, I am afraid that you will be able to enter the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment within twenty years, plus Yi Tiandan and other spiritual pills. With the help of the alchemy, you will be sure of getting the alchemy, and everything will be planned after you have formed the alchemy."

Du An thought about the resources that the master Lu Kun had given him, and his body was still a little trembling. Apart from some of Elder Sha's poison cultivation techniques and materials, the magic stones alone cost as much as 2,000 yuan.

Zhao Qingtian was also quite excited: "With the poison you provided, Xiao Du, I, Zhao Qingtian, will probably only need seven or eight years to cultivate to the quenching body."


At this moment, a little monkey with yellow hair all over his body flew from a tree in the distance, exuding incomparably thick magic fluctuations from his body, which was twice that of the ordinary foundation-building great perfection magic cultivator.

The little monkey scurried onto Zhao Qingtian's shoulder, babbling non-stop, with a proud look on his face.

Zhao Qingtian said helplessly: "I know that you have reached the Great Perfection of Body Tempering, Senior Brother, and your cultivation is progressing the fastest. We can't compare to you."

Xiao Jin's face was full of pride, and he shook his head and wanted to say something. At this moment, its eyes lit up, and the monkey paws pointed to the east air, and screamed excitedly.

"Hey, Master is here?"

It didn't take long for an escape light with a purple halo to appear in the sky. It seemed to know where Zhao Qingtian and others were, and flew straight towards here.

The purple light flashed, and Lu Kun's burly figure appeared on the thick branches of this giant tree. Although there was no breath on his body, it gave people a strong sense of oppression, like a wild beast.




Seeing them, Lu Kun smiled slightly and said, "Qingtian, for you, seven or eight years is not enough."

Zhao Qingtian said excitedly: "Master, you may not have tried it. Several poisonous fumes produced by Du An are extremely destructive to the internal organs. When combined with the body training method, the speed of body quenching is greatly increased."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "Even if you don't rely on these poisonous mists, you and Xue'er will be able to enter the Great Perfection of Body Tempering in 20 years with the help of Uncle Wang's magic weapon, but it will not be so easy to break through in the next Bone Treasure Stage. ."

Zhao Qingtian's expression was stagnant, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes: "Master's meaning is to let me use poison to practice for a while during the scorching period, so that the mana will be more pure and the probability of condensing and melting bones will increase?"

Lu Kun snorted lightly: "You kid actually think of pure physical mana to improve the odds, yes, you can study this well. I will be with you recently. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

While speaking, a jade slip appeared in his hand and threw it to Zhao Qingtian.

Zhao Qingtian grabbed it in his hand, his divine sense penetrated into it, and muttered: "The method of concentrating internal organs?"

Lu Kun nodded and said: "Yes, this year, I have studied several top magic arts for my teacher, summed up the method of concentrating internal organs, and concentrated the essence of internal organs and mana of internal organs into the blood, so that the internal organs will become weak again, and the physical realm will become weak again. fall back."

"In this way, continuing to refine these internal organs that have lost their essence is equivalent to rebuilding the internal organs, and then releasing the essence stored in the blood, which greatly increases the strength of the internal organs, and at the same time, the internal organs' mana becomes more refined."

Zhao Qingtian's eyes were full of surprise, and he tightly grasped the jade slip.

Lu Kun added: "With your physical cultivation, you still can't achieve complete internal organs reconstruction. As for how much you can achieve, it depends on your ability, but no matter what, the chances of condensing the core and melting bones will increase. "

Zhao Qingtian firmly said: "Master, Qingtian must cultivate well."

Lu Kun said with satisfaction: "Very good, you have the highest comprehension, and the Yuanmu Body Refinement Jue has a very strong resilience, which is suitable for poison refining and internal organ reconstruction. When you succeed in your cultivation, you will pass it on to other disciples."

"One of the purposes of my visit to Xizhou this time is to help you purchase a large amount of poison refining materials to ensure the practice of the method of concentrating internal organs."

When Du An heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "With the master, even if you purchase a large amount of poison and attract the attention of the elders of the Holy Poison Sect, it doesn't matter."

Lu Kun snorted coldly and said in a cold tone, "It would be the best if we could lead out the old guy at the stage of the Holy Poison Sect. With one less elder of the Holy Poison Sect, our future actions will be less hindered."

Lu Kun has been practicing for more than a hundred years, and he knows that this is a world of cultivating immortals where the weak eat the strong.

When he was in the Iron Fist Gate, the elder Taishang sacrificed blood to the King Kong Jue martial artist in order to build the foundation, and Ling Yuetian, the founder of King Kong Jue, was targeted by Wang Shitong of Jiuyoumen because of his physical strength. become a zombie.

Next, Wang Shitong adapted King Kong Jue into Canglan Jue, allowing a large number of mortal warriors to practice, and finally bringing them together to refine zombies in batches.

Later, Lu Kun discovered the characteristics of the red refining magic art and hid it in the dark to avoid the direct collision between the red refining sect and the body refining lineage. In the end, he destroyed the body of the Heishan Demon King and solved the crisis.

These calamities only happened when the body of the refiner had not really entered the gate.

Now that Lu Kun has entered the middle stage of bone treasure, his bones can be regarded as a complete set of inlaid magic weapons. If it is publicized, I am afraid that even a monk in the Yuan Ying period will take action against him.

In the rich magical environment of the secret realm, Xiaojin cultivated the body refining magic art, and under the mutual promotion of the demon energy, he has entered the state of perfection of body tempering, and is about to break through.

And several of his disciples will also face the realm of the Bone Treasure Stage. With the increase of high-level physical cultivation, the characteristics of the body-refining line will be discovered by immortal cultivators sooner or later.

At that time, in the eyes of immortal cultivators, every body cultivator in the Bone Treasure Stage is a golden treasure. If he, Pavilion Master Lu, does not have enough strength, once the Body Refinement Pavilion comes into existence, he will probably face the disaster of annihilation.

The sect of the Holy Poison Sect is located in the land of poisonous miasmas. All kinds of poisons in it are necessary for physical cultivation. Before the body training pavilion is known to the immortal cultivators, I quietly took it down and used it as the body refining pavilion. The separate rudder will be able to provide more protection in the future.

Lu Kun stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking into the distance, his eyes were far-reaching.

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