The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 822: The Effect of Demon Soul Power

"It should be here."

A handsome-looking man in a black robe with a blood-red shield wrapped around his body, manipulating the spirit shuttle, suspended outside the gray-black poisonous miasma swamp.

This person is Chen Fenghua, whom Lu Kun asked to meet.

"That guy asked me to meet here, is he related to the Holy Poison Sect?"

Chen Fenghua then shook his head again: "If he is the elder of the Holy Poison Sect, he should use various poisons to control me, not weird magic secret techniques."

Just as he was thinking about it, a deep voice came from the swamp: "Little guy, it seems that you have already figured it out, only with the help of that shred of demonic soul power can your blood demon art successfully enter the dandan. Expect."

Chen Fenghua looked at the burly man slowly flying out of the swamp forest, and said with a nervous tone: "Senior, the junior still needs to confirm a little before he can agree to the request of the senior."

Hearing this, Lu Kun raised his mouth slightly and said, "You are afraid of the stone of oath of the Blood Refinement Sect, and you want to make sure if I have the means to isolate the oath ban, right?"

Chen Fenghua nodded and said, "That's right, if the senior doesn't have the means to restrain the stone of oath, even if the junior agrees to the senior, he can't escape death."

Lu Kun chuckled, his hands moved quickly, and mysterious fluctuations slowly emerged, forming a ripple that rushed forward.

Chen Fenghua's body trembled, but he didn't dodge, let the wave hit his body, and then he felt the magic in his body boil, and the strange energy that had appeared once again appeared.

Before Chen Fenghua could react, this energy entered his soul, forming an inexplicable restraint, wrapping the soul.

Lu Kun said lightly: "You have been temporarily isolated from the Stone of Oath, and there will be no interference in revealing the secrets of the Blood Refinement Sect at this time."

Chen Fenghua was a little skeptical, as if he could not imagine that the strange energy in his body could isolate the stone of oath in the door. He thought that this senior had other means.

Lu Kun said: "Now you can talk about the first three levels of the blood magic art, and try this secret art."

"This..." Chen Fenghua showed hesitation. If this senior's secret technique fails, wouldn't he be discovered by the stone of oath, and his soul will be destroyed.

"Boy, if I want to kill you, it's just a little effort. If I want to kill you, I would have killed you long ago in the secret realm."

Chen Fenghua gritted his teeth, spoke slowly, and began to talk about the first-level exercises of the Gorefiend.

But he had only said a few hundred words, and Lu Kun interrupted: "Boy, don't fool me, I have already obtained the first three levels of Gorefiend, and the first level just now should be..."

Chen Fenghua's face changed wildly. He knew that this person needed the blood magic art at the stage of formation, and it is likely that he had already obtained the first three levels of blood magic art, but after this person really described the first level of blood magic art, He still couldn't believe it.

Lu Kun said lightly: "May I tell you, I used the same method to obtain the first three-level exercises, you can rest assured to tell the real exercises, this can also prove that my secret techniques are useful."

Chen Fenghua's face changed for a while, with a nervous look, he confided his blood magic power intermittently, but when he found out that there was nothing unusual about the soul, he was relieved a lot, and his tone gradually became coherent.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Fenghua finished all the Gorefiend Art on the first three floors, and Lu Kun also nodded. These contents were exactly the same as what he knew. Obviously, what Chen Fenghua said was true.

Lu Kun said: "Now don't worry, kid."

While speaking, he moved the magic in his hands, and Chen Fenghua sensed the energy called Demon Soul Power once again, and it left his soul, disappeared into the body again, and disappeared.

Chen Fenghua's face was still a little pale, and it took a while to recover. Just now, he was really afraid that his soul would rupture and die. Now it can be proved that what the person in front of him said is correct.

He relieved his nervousness and said, "In this case, the junior agrees to the request of the senior, but how can the junior use this energy in the body to help the breakthrough of the pill formation stage?"

A jade slip appeared in Lu Kun's hand, threw it over, and said, "According to the secret technique inside, when the magic power is turned into a crystal, and it is about to condense, it will be more smooth."

Chen Fenghua caught the jade slip, with excitement flashing in his eyes, holding down his curiosity, put the jade slip in the storage bag, his tone trembled slightly: "I don't know how the junior can contact the senior."

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "I will contact you when the time comes. You guys should go back and prepare well. Although the chance of forming a pill will increase greatly with the help of this energy, the auxiliary means of forming pills normally are also indispensable."

Chen Fenghua looked at the unpredictable burly man in front of him, and cupped his hands: "Then the junior will leave."

Then he rode the spirit shuttle, shot towards the east, and soon disappeared from sight.

After a while, Zhao Qingtian urged a lavender spirit shuttle to fly out of the swamp, with Du An and Xiao Jin sitting on it, he looked at Chen Fenghua who disappeared in the distance, and said curiously: "Master, this is Is that the second thing you said?"

Lu Kun said: "Yes, if it goes well, the Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique can be completely perfected, and the teacher's physical cultivation can continue to grow. I don't know what kind of combat power Gubao will have in the later stage."

Zhao Qingtian had a look of longing when he heard the "Gore Demon Bone Refining Technique" and "Bone Treasure Late Stage", but he did not ask aloud, because he understood that before entering the Bone Treasure period, knowing these was not much use. Instead, it adds to the trouble.

Lu Kun flickered and landed in the Silver Dragon Spirit Shuttle. He said: "Qingtian, the Qi State Xizhou is quite chaotic, there are a lot of magic Taoist cultivators, your mana is too abrupt, let Xiao Du drive the Spirit Shuttle. Bar."

"Yes, Master." When Zhao Qingtian heard the words, he restrained the mana in his body, handed the spirit shuttle to Du An, and then took out the method of concentrating the internal organs that Lu Kun gave him, and began to study it.

"Xiao Du, come and lead the way. Let's walk through the major markets in the extreme west. All the poison materials that Qingtian thinks are effective, buy as many as you want."

"Yes, Master."

Du An was a little excited. The magic in his body surged, urging the top spirit shuttle to shoot towards the nearest square market.


In the next period of time, several mysterious people were found in the major square cities in the extreme west of Xizhou. They were purchasing a large number of various poison-making materials, and even some drug-making materials that no one cared about were bought in batches at high prices. Lose.

This made many magic cultivators in the market feel puzzled, and the material for poisoning was not an elixir to improve their cultivation. Why did this mysterious cultivator buy so much.

If you want to poison a large number of immortal cultivators with poison, you can buy the finished poison instead of the poison refining materials. It seems that it is like a disciple of the Holy Poison Sect practicing the technique of refining poison.

But this also makes no sense. If the disciples of the Holy Poison Sect practice the art of refining poison, they will definitely trade in the sect, and the price is much cheaper than that in the market. Provided.

Only the disciples of the Holy Poison Sect can easily obtain various poisonous materials in this extremely poisonous and miasmatic land.

With the acquisition of a large number of refining materials, the prices of many materials also began to rise, so it didn't take long for the news of someone to buy materials for refining to the Holy Poison Sect.

After many disciples of the Holy Poison Sect received the news, they were overjoyed and sold the unused poison refining materials to Fang Shi, earning a fortune.

Finally, this strange phenomenon alarmed the elders of the Holy Poison Sect at the stage of forming pills...

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