The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 847 Bottleneck

The sun and the moon flies, time flies, and twenty years pass by in a flash.

Deep in the Dead Sea Devil's Cave, Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at himself skinny, the same as he was twenty years ago, and sighed regretfully.

An incomparably surging blood gushed out from his bones, and his withered body plumped up like nectar after a long drought.

The dry internal organs gradually swelled, showing a bloody color full of vitality.

The lilac tendons attached to the bones also derived muscle fibers one by one. Under the nourishment of dark golden blood, they built angular muscle lines.

In a dozen or so breaths, Lu Kun regained his burly and strong body.

There was helplessness in his eyes.

"I have already perfected the method of concentrating flesh and blood, but why is it stuck at the 90% threshold?"

"Only 90% of the visceral essence can be concentrated into the blood essence by me, and then transferred to the bones, and the tendons of the skeletal muscles of the whole body, under the melting of the essence and blood, can only be integrated into the bone treasure 90%."

"The last 10%, no matter what method I use, I can't condense it into the bones. What is the reason?"

After pondering for a moment, Lu Kun raised his hands again and squeezed his fists violently. The air between his palms seemed to be squeezed by a terrifying force, and it turned into a powerful energy that spread out, hitting the surrounding walls, making a rumbling sound. The sound of the sound, there was a burst of demonic energy.

"The physical strength has increased a lot, at least 350,000 jins of vigor, and the speed of cultivation is faster than I imagined. After 40 years of cultivation, the material of the bone treasure has increased by 40%, which is close to the maturity stage. The realm is only a fraction of a percent.”

Thinking of this, he did not show joy, but frowned.

"Not long ago, the thunder attribute mana accidentally resonated with the blood magic power, and the two actually had a tendency to merge. Although under my control, the output of annihilation power was not much different, but with the frequency of resonance The trend of integration will become bigger and bigger.”

"After the material of the bone treasure is close to the mature magic weapon, the effect of the power of annihilation has also begun to decrease. The effect of the recent blood demon bone refining has been reduced by almost half."

Lu Kun couldn't help but have a headache: "These should be caused by Jiuxing's physique."

"The nine-star physique made me refine the blood magic power of the middle stage of the formation in one breath, which is equivalent to the mana of the physical body. The annihilation power generated by the two is extremely powerful, which has made the bone treasure improve so fast in the past 40 years."

"There is good and there is bad."

"Because the blood magic power and the physical mana are in the same realm, and coexisting for a long time, they naturally resonate. If the blood magic power is in the early stage of the formation of elixir, the mana is in a strong state, and the two will only fight to the end."

"I have to stop this trend, otherwise the power of extinction will be greatly weakened."

"Without the power of annihilation, relying solely on mana for nourishment, even if there is only a half-percent gap left between the bone treasure and the mature stage, the time it takes is astonishing."

He looked out of the cave and counted with his fingers:

"It's been more than 20 years since I returned to the Blood Refining Sect. With Zhang Yiyang's top aptitude, it should be no problem to reveal the peak cultivation base in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment."

"The True Magic Royal Lightning Secret Art I exchanged back then mentioned that the magic thunder technique will have more powerful supernatural powers after it is formed. Resonance with blood magic."

"The bottleneck of the concentration of flesh and blood, let's study it after entering the later stage of Gubao."

After thinking about it, Lu Kun simply cleaned up and left the Dead Sea Devil's Nest.


Three months later, the blood refining sect.

Lu Kun changed into Zhang Yiyang's appearance, went to the task hall first, handed in a few tasks to complete, and then came to the Buddhist scriptures cave of the Blood Refinement Sect.

"Hey, is Zhang Yiyang you?"

As soon as he entered the entrance of the Tibetan scripture cave, a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged behind the teleportation array opened his eyes and cried out in surprise.

Lu Kun raised his head and looked up, also showing a surprised look. This middle-aged man who looks like a big and three rough is Lei Batian who has had several encounters with him.

When Lu Kun entered the Blood Refinement Sect, Lei Batian was already a late-stage foundation-building practitioner. He performed the mission of destroying the Ouyang family with him, and later entered the Unreal Secret Realm together. He was one of the few surviving disciples.

Lu Kun immediately bent over and said, "Congratulations to Uncle Lei for his achievement of Jin Dan and entering the stage of forming a pill."

Lei Batian stared at Zhang Yiyang in front of him, and found that his cultivation had reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he seemed to be able to enter the later stage of foundation establishment at any time.

If he remembers correctly, Zhang Yiyang started at the age of eighteen, became a blood demon at the age of twenty-four, and now has reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation building at the age of ninety.

"It seems that Brother Zhang has been cultivating hard all these years, and his cultivation has progressed so quickly. He deserves to be a blood demon with top aptitude." Lei Batian's tone was very polite, and he did not pose for Zhang Yiyang because he had entered the stage of forming an elixir.

Lu Kun shook the scar on his face and said with a grin, "Uncle Lei praised him. Xu Zihang's qualifications are higher than that of his nephew, and his current cultivation is definitely much higher than mine."

Hearing this, Lei Batian shook his head and said, "Xu Zihang has been in seclusion since the end of the One Yuan Secret Realm, and has never appeared in the door, but according to my estimation, it is at most the late stage of foundation building, which is not much different from my brother."

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment. He thought that he had rarely shown himself. He only appeared once in 20 years, but he didn't expect Xu Zihang to be more ruthless than him. He has been in seclusion for more than 40 years.

"By the way, Uncle Lei and nephew will go to the second underground floor and refer to some exercises to see if they can help the breakthrough of cultivation."

Lei Batian was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything. He directly activated the teleportation circle on the second floor. The Gorefiend had a special status and could naturally enter the layer of the Core Formation Stage.

"Thank you, Uncle Lei." Lu Kun cupped his hands and entered the second floor through the teleportation array.

There are fewer bookshelves here than on the first floor, and he soon found the true magic of the real magic and the thunder.

Back then, in the secret realm of One Yuan, the late-stage powerhouse named Chen Hao had the talent of Lei Linggen, and he practiced the true magic trick of controlling thunder, but Lu Kun didn't have the chance to fight against him, so he didn't know this magic thunder. The supernatural powers of the dandan stage of the exercises.

Now, after a brief browse, he found that there was a secret technique for refining thunder magic power, which was very helpful to him. If he pushed it back, it might hinder the resonance of his thunder magic power and blood magic power.

When Lu Kun saw the refining method of the magic treasure inside, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Why didn't I expect that blood magic power can completely refine magic weapons after entering the dandan level."

"The miniature magic circle of the magic treasure in my anti-repudiation formula, combined with the high-level blood magic art, can refine a magic magic weapon specially designed to restrain the magic power of the thunder attribute, and then refine it with blood magic power."

"Although I don't have a dantian, I can't put the magic weapon in my body, but the blood magic can use the magic weapon power."

"The blood magic power plus the power of the magic weapon greatly increases the power, and the conflict with the thunder attribute magic power is more intense, and the power of annihilation may be further increased."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun took the jade slip and returned to the teleportation formation in the Buddhist scriptures cave. In Lei Batian's strange eyes, he spent 12,000 contribution points to copy the true magic of Yulei.

This amount of contribution points is completely astronomical for other disciples of the Foundation Establishment period, but for a blood demon like Zhang Yiyang, it is not too exaggerated. After all, the basic reward of one yuan secret realm back then was 10,000 points.

After leaving the Buddhist scriptures cave, Lu Kun carefully pondered the true magic of the real magic and the magic weapon in his mind while controlling the flying instrument, intending to prepare the refining of the magic weapon.

But not long after Lu Kun flew out of the core mountain gate, a peculiar movement appeared in his soul. The prohibition of the Stone of Oath, hidden in the depths of the soul, suddenly dissipated completely, as if it had never appeared before. .

Lu Kun was stagnant in the air with an incredible look on his face.

"What's going on? The forbidden power of the Stone of Oath was actually lifted?"

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