The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 848 Desperate

"The oath ban is performed through the stone of oath at the core mountain gate, and it can only be lifted by the Nascent Soul who is in charge of the stone of oath. Could it be that my true cultivation has been discovered by the Blood Refinement Sect?"

"No, if the identity is exposed, this Nascent Soul will directly launch the ban on the stone of oath. It is impossible for the Blood Refinement Sect to know that my divine sense is concealing magical powers."

Just as the thoughts flashed in Lu Kun's mind, a terrifying sense of consciousness descended from the sky, causing all the nerves in his body to tremble.

"In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, no, this is the power of consciousness in the later stage of Nascent Soul, Old Demon Pang!"

Lu Kun's face turned pale with a swipe, and the majestic force of qi and blood in his body rose to the sky, and countless lavender treasures appeared in his body.

He immediately activated 206 bone treasures, and at the same time blessed the blood escape technique. With a roaring sonic boom, his fleshly body turned into a blood-purple escape light, and flew away wildly outside the Gorefiend Mountains. Like a humanoid lightning.

The full use of the escape technique made his thunder mana aura in the middle stage of the formation of the core exposed. Coupled with the unimaginably huge power of blood, it was as bright as a bright light in the Gorefiend Mountains.

All the demon cultivators in the core mountain gate have sensed it, and they have probed out their spiritual senses, and individual cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage in a radius of dozens of miles have also discovered that Lu Kun is an anomaly.

In addition to their amazement at the aura of mana, they were also amazed at the escape technique that Lu Kun displayed. An existence in the middle stage of forming an elixir could escape so fast.

Before waiting for any reaction from these people, in the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains, an incomparably rich blood-colored light suddenly appeared, and even if they were separated by dozens of miles, everyone could feel the suffocating terrifying pressure.

"It's the Great Elder!"

"Who is this guy, and actually let the elders do it himself!"

"What do you know, this person's escaping speed is faster than that of the early Nascent Soul, and even similar to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. I am afraid that an ordinary elder will not be able to take him down."

"This person sneaked into this sect secretly, and he must have a big secret, and the first elder will naturally go out in person."


Lu Kun's ears were filled with the sound of roaring air bursting, and his face was pale.

"I understand, the removal of my oath stone ban is convenient for me, otherwise there is a oath stone ban, and even Old Demon Pang will be unable to kill him because of the three major oaths."

"Damn, when did I reveal it?"

At this moment, a man's voice with a bit of amazement appeared in Lu Kun's mind: "Little guy, I didn't expect you to be proficient in concealment techniques, and escape techniques are even more amazing."

"If it wasn't for the fact that this old man is proficient in a technique of looking at the bones, I'm afraid you wouldn't know that you are Zhang Tianbiao, the powerful loose cultivator who Ma Jie met in the secret realm of One Yuan."

Facing the voice transmission of spiritual consciousness in the late Nascent Soul, Lu Kun did not dare to answer at all, and hid his spiritual consciousness deeply in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The art of looking at the bones! I know, the old demon Pang discovered the difference in my bones at that time. I underestimated the magical powers of the Yuan Ying monks."

Old Demon Pang seemed to know what Lu Kun was thinking, and continued:

"It seems that you have guessed it, yes, the old man found it outside the secret of Yuanyuan, tsk tsk, I'm afraid no one would have thought that the top cultivator of the Qi country, who is extremely jealous of the loose cultivator, is actually the foundation of my blood refining sect. Blood Devil."

"Your kid has a strange body-refining supernatural power, and he should have obtained a certain inheritance from the One Yuan Sect. The old man was curious about your plans, so he didn't take you down immediately."

Lu Kun ignored Old Demon Pang's voice transmission and glanced back. He was horrified to find that Old Demon Pang's arrogant escaping light had been pulled closer to more than ten miles.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and thought frantically: "What should I do, the legendary No. 1 Demon Cultivator of Qi State is far more powerful than ordinary great monks! I don't have any means to deal with it!"

Pang Laomo's tone was very relaxed, and he continued: "I'm afraid you don't know, Bayongkai is from the Blood Refinement Sect, and your fighting style is very special. As soon as he said the old man, he knew it was you. It seems that you can't wait and want to pass. Chen Fenghua, get the blood demon art of this sect first!"

Lu Kun was thinking about countermeasures. Hearing this sentence, a light suddenly flashed in his mind. He immediately separated a trace of spiritual thought and entered the one-yuan jade pendant in the soft ribs.

Old Demon Pang outside continued to speak: "The last time you went back to the Gorefiend Mountains, the old man didn't meet you in retreat. This time you won't be able to escape."

"Obviously, if you hand over the body refining method of the One Yuan Sect, the old man can give you a chance to live, and even..."

Lu Kun turned a deaf ear to Pang Laomo's words, and a trace of his spiritual thoughts had already come to the Heisha Demon Soul in the one-yuan jade pendant.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what questions do you have for this king?" Heisha said lazily.

Lu Kun's voice was hurried: "Heisha, do you have the means to capture the Nascent Soul's late-stage demon cultivator!"

Heisha said in surprise: "It's only been a few years, and you kid is willing to fulfill your promise and let me go? But the late Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator, with your cultivation base, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

Lu Kun said abruptly: "I'm being hunted down by a demon cultivator in the late Yuan Ying period. Can you take the house? If I die, the one yuan jade pendant will fall into the hands of this demon cultivator."

Heisha said contemptuously, "How could a small elixir formation stage cause the Nascent Soul to hunt down and kill you?

Lu Kun felt the terrifying pressure of Old Demon Pang getting stronger and stronger, and the mana in the bone treasure began to be affected, causing the speed to drop a little, and he roared eagerly:

"Just say if you can. If you can, I will immediately lift the ban and let you out. If you can't, wait for the torment of the Great Demon Cultivator."

Seeing Lu Kun's appearance, Heisha seemed to be real, and said proudly: "As long as there is no bodyguard of the soul-reducing jade pendant of the One Yuan Sect, and the demon cultivator below the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, I can easily take the house."

Lu Kun was overjoyed, and quickly said: "The demons have become the past, who will use the jade pendant, what do you need me to do, this guy's power of Nascent Soul is extremely strong, can you penetrate his magic shield? ?"

"And after you come out, will my one-yuan jade pendant capture the soul again?"

Heisha found that Lu Kun really wanted to let him go, and got a little excited: "You can lift my ban within a distance of ten meters. As long as this king doesn't take you away, your soul-reducing jade pendant will not make any movement."

Seeing that Heisha was so confident, Lu Kun relaxed slightly.

Just when he had just negotiated with the Demon King Heisha, the surrounding air suddenly solidified, and an extremely rich Nascent Soul energy appeared around him. The mana in his body seemed to have shrunk when it encountered a natural enemy, and his escape was greatly reduced.

The surrounding strong demonic energy turned into a huge blood-red palm at some point, and the terrifying power of the Nascent Soul surged in the palm, shrouding him.

"The blood demon hand in the late Nascent Soul!"

With the blood-red palm in the void, Lu Kun immediately felt that he was bound by endless power, the escape light completely dissipated, and the whole person was held in the hands of the blood demon.

A majestic middle-aged bald man in Chinese clothes appeared not far away. He exuded unfathomable magic fluctuations, and the surrounding magic was distorted by oppression.

Old Demon Pang looked at Lu Kun who was trying to struggle, shook his head and sighed: "You stubborn boy, if you don't take the initiative to hand it over, the old man can only use the soul search technique."

Lu Kun watched Old Demon Pang getting closer and closer to him, with a look of incomparable horror on his face, but secretly used his divine sense to unblock the one-yuan jade pendant.

A dark green ball of light suddenly flashed out of Lu Kun's body, and the blood demon hand, which contained the power of the powerful Nascent Soul, could not stop it.

"Hahaha, it really is the late Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator, I finally... Damn... I've been fooled..."

The laughter of the Heisha Demon Soul stopped abruptly, and I saw a milky white jade pendant in the hands of Old Demon Pang. As if he had been prepared, a dazzling white light was shot out, covering the Heisha Demon Soul and pulling it into the jade pendant. .

Old Demon Pang clenched the jade pendant tightly, with ecstasy in his eyes: "Hahaha, I'm not wrong, the demon soul is indeed hidden in you!"

Looking at Lu Kun's incredible eyes, Pang Laomo said with extreme comfort: "Boy, Bayongkai witnessed Chen Fenghua meet you, and Chen Fenghua's golden elixir hides the power of the devil's soul."

"The old man guessed that the devil's soul is in your hands. It's not you who needs the blood magic power, but the soul of the devil. With this technique, the devil's soul can quickly recover."

"And with the guidance of various secret techniques from the Demon King's Soul, you can hide in the Blood Refinement Sect for so long."

"The Demon Soul has not yet obtained the Nascent Soul-level Blood Demon Art, and will definitely continue to plot. Sure enough, your kid returned to the Blood Refinement Sect today in order not to arouse suspicion from others."

Lu Kun's lips were dry, and then he understood that Old Demon Pang was talking to him on purpose, the purpose was to guide the demon soul out to seize the house, and only this method could threaten the demon cultivator in the late Nascent Soul.

Jiang was still old and hot, and he took the initiative to send the demon soul to Pang Laomo. Although it sounded that Pang Laomo had some misunderstandings about his relationship with the demon soul, the result was the same.

Lu Kun felt the terrifying power of the Gorefiend's hand, showing a look of despair. Under the oppression of such a profound power of the Nascent Soul, the mana could not enter the flesh and blood, and he could not exert the supernatural powers at all.

Without the supernatural powers of the arms, his strength is only 350,000 jins. With this power, even if it is the technique of trapping the enemy in the early Nascent Soul, he cannot break it, let alone a great monk like Pang Laomo.

"I, Lu Kun, are only over 190 years old, and I have to continue to explore the road of physical training. Does God want me to die here?"

"No, I'm not reconciled... By the way, I have another trick!"

Then Lu Kun's eyes showed a look of determination, his sturdy body quickly withered, and the magic power and thunder mana in the middle stage of the formation of the core were forcibly transferred to the surface of the bones, and a terrifying aura of destruction appeared out of thin air.

"Old guy, even if I blow myself up, I won't let you succeed!"

Old Demon Pang felt this energy, his face changed, and the magic in his hand moved, and the blood in Gorefiend's hand became a little richer.

But this destructive aura, after being suppressed by the power of Nascent Soul, became more and more surging.


Accompanied by an incomparably huge roar, the energy full of destructive aura erupted in the hands of the blood demon.

It is a pity that it is facing the powerful supernatural powers of the late Nascent Soul, and the aura of destruction only dimmed the aura of the Gorefiend's hand, and then it completely dissipated.

Leaving behind a lavender humanoid skeleton exuding a dim treasure light.

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