The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 849 Old Demon Pang's Surprise

Feeling the fluctuation of the soul and the disappearance of the breath of life, Old Demon Pang's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect this body-refining loose cultivator to be so decisive, but he blew himself up as soon as he fought, and he didn't even leave the golden core and storage bag.

"Fortunately, this human bone comparable to a magic weapon is still there."

Old Demon Pang shook his head, and the Gorefiend's hand turned into a ray of light and sank into his body, but the lilac skeleton shone slightly and did not enter his storage bracelet.

"Hey, could it be that this skeleton is a psychic magic weapon?"

Old Demon Pang was in shock, but it was not suitable for research. He shot out a magic light, rolled up the bones, turned into a blood-red light, and shot towards the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains.

The two Nascent Soul elders from the Blood Refining Sect just followed, and upon seeing this scene, they understood that their first elder had already resolved the battle.

"It's no wonder that the first elder wants to take action in person. Not only is this person amazingly fast, but the final aura of destruction is definitely at the Nascent Soul level. If we are, we really won't necessarily win it."

"That's right, for the Great Elder, even in the middle of Nascent Soul, it's just a little effort. Now his old man is even more unfathomable, and I'm afraid he has already reached the peak of the later stage."

"The cultivation of the first elder is not something we can speculate on, but we should return to their respective positions and wait for the first elder to interrogate the spies, and maybe there will be a decree."


The escape speed in the late Nascent Soul was extremely astonishing. Old Demon Pang quickly returned to the cave dwelling deep in the Gorefiend Mountains.

The most striking thing in the secret room is the four blood-red light curtains in the corners. These light curtains exude a strong aura of the power of the Nascent Soul. Each of them has a figure sitting with his eyes closed, seemingly in a state of deep sleep.

Old Demon Pang threw Lu Kun's humanoid skeleton in front of him and carefully probed it with his divine sense, and he was surprised after a while.

"Although I had some expectations and knew that this guy's bones were comparable to a magic weapon, I didn't expect the texture to be so high. This kind of material is at least equivalent to a magic weapon that has been tempered for more than two hundred years, even if it is compared with a mature magic weapon. Pretty much the same."

Then he frowned and looked regretful: "Unfortunately, this guy blew up his body, otherwise he would be able to use it, and now there are only bones left, and I can't make them into cornerstones when I don't have enough materials, otherwise the magic treasure is a treasure. , I have 100% confidence in refining success, not the current 60% or 70%."

"Every bone of this skeleton has reached a very high material, which is really unimaginable... Hey..."

Old Demon Pang seemed to have found something. He looked at the rib cartilage on the bone. He hit a number of magic tricks in his hand, submerging into the rib cartilage, and then a slight wave spread.

Pang Laomo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "No wonder it can't be put into the storage bracelet, this skeleton itself contains the fluctuations of the space magic weapon, and it naturally cannot be put away under the collision. The little guy seems to be proficient in the art of refining."

Old Demon Pang showed a bit of curiosity and immersed his consciousness into the soft rib space magic tool, but then Old Demon Pang took a breath: "This kid is so rich!"

The magic light flashed, and a large pile of magic stones appeared out of thin air on the ground, densely piled up into a hill.

"There are 160,000 magic stones, and the old man has no more than this number."

Then Old Demon Pang thought about it, and he showed a thoughtful look: "This kid has hidden magical powers, and he has deceived the prohibition of the one-element secret realm, and can travel between the first and second floors."

"Thinking of so many magic stones, he got it by sweeping the first floor. By the way, this guy is on the second floor..."

Pang Laomo then exclaimed in surprise: "Sure enough, there is pure water of true demons, and there are a lot of them."

There was another flash of spiritual light on the ground, and a dozen jade bottles appeared, exuding a rich and incomparable aura of true demons, but there was no cruelty of true demons.

Pang Laomo impatiently checked one by one, and found that the pure water of true demons inside was far beyond his imagination, and the joy on his face could not be concealed:

"Did this guy find several storage places and ingest so much pure water of true magic."

Old Demon Pang was a little excited: "With all this, this old man can make a pound of Mysterious Demon Returning True Water. Even if the old man's magic power is twice that of a normal cultivator, he can quickly restore his full magic power once!"

Old Demon Pang hurriedly took out a storage bracelet and put the pure true demon water and magic stone into it. His consciousness continued to probe into the soft ribs. All kinds of surprises made him feel that he had robbed another late Nascent Soul cultivator.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, a dozen magical treasures that flickered with aura fell to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, this kid has killed a lot of strong people, and there are many magic weapons in the mature stage. Hey, is this a magic weapon for psychics?"

A purple-black long stick and black armor floated up and floated in front of Old Demon Pang.

"The material of this long stick is a bit strange, no, it's Silver Dragon Meteorite!" Pang Laomo flashed an unexpected color, "Where did this kid get the treasure, Silver Dragon Meteorite can only be refined by great monks. "

Then he looked at another armor.

"Interesting, it actually incorporates materials that isolate spiritual consciousness. Not to mention its amazing defense power, it also has hidden magical powers. Hey, this artifact refining technique is somewhat familiar."

He thought for a while, then showed surprise.

"Isn't this the method of refining battle armor in psychic puppets? Strange, the old guy from Yueyangzong who has the strength to refine this has long been killed by my soul search. Could it be that he left it behind?"

Old Demon Pang couldn't figure it out, so he continued to look at the magic weapon on the ground, and soon locked a black sledgehammer with countless magic patterns flashing.

He identified the magic pattern and breath on it, and said unexpectedly: "There is still a magic weapon, not bad, with the blood magic art of the late Nascent Soul of the old man, it can be motivated."

After scanning the magic treasures, Rao Pang Laomo has such a powerful cultivation base, and there are as many as three magic treasures that can be seen. With a wave of his sleeves, after putting these magic treasures away, his consciousness continues to go down to a soft rib. Probe.

"Tsk tsk, these two should be the demons that Ma Jie said. Hey, this tail has a deep breath, and it seems to be the body of the ninth-level worm race. Could it be the scorpion in the secret realm?"

"This kid actually has the strength to cut off his tail."

The corners of Old Demon Pang's mouth twitched, and all the demons and scorpion tails were sent to his storage bracelet.

"There are so many messy materials, it's strange, why does this guy collect so many broken dragon stones? The breath of this eight-sided crystal is quite interesting."

"There are actually two one-yuan jade pendants. Could it be that the devil's soul was imprisoned by this kid?"

"The jade slip was completely destroyed, this kid is decisive enough, and he will not leave the body training method when he dies."

"Wait, this jade slip still has residue."

Pang Laomo's eyes flashed with shock, looking at the bones on the ground: "This is the technique of psychic puppets! Impossible, where did this kid come from, is it possible that he is a disciple of Yueyang Sect?"

Then he fell into deep thought, and after a while, Old Demon Pang seemed to remember something, stared blankly at the bones on the ground, and said incredulously: "This kid is a disciple of Yueyang Sect's Item Refining Peak, that Lu Kun who has a special cultivation technique. ?"

Pang Laomo participated in the battle of Yueyangzong's annihilation, and conducted a soul search on the only cultivator of Yueyangzong in the Yuan Ying period. Although the soul search was halfway through, Fang Laozu lost his soul, but Pang Laomo also obtained the psychic puppet technique. and some other information.

Item Refining Peak Lu Kun was one of the core disciples that Fang Laozu arranged to evacuate.

At that time, Lu Kun's fighting method in the foundation building period was very similar to the current one. They all rely on the strength of the flesh to fight. Coupled with the refining skills displayed by the psychic armor, Pang Laomo determined Lu Kun's identity.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "It took Lu Kun more than a hundred years to go from the early stage of foundation building to the middle stage of formation of pills, and he also has the combat power of the pseudo-native infant! The art of refining tools is so powerful, he is really a genius. characters."

Then Old Demon Pang thought of something, and continued to probe towards the rib cage, and then several silver lights flashed on the ground, and five or six large and small silver iron pillars appeared.

Pang Laomo's face was flushed, Yang Tian laughed wildly: "It's really God's help for me, with these silver dragon meteorite iron supplements, I can use this magic weapon-level thunder attribute bone as the cornerstone."

"In this way, the Jade Bone Human Demon is a treasure of the magic way, and the old man has a 100% chance of success in refining it!"

"The Jade Bone Demon plus the Demon Soul Pill greatly increases my chances of Pang Qitian's advanced divine transformation!"

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