The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 857 Five Elements Chaos Demon Body


Old Demon Pang looked at the vision of the golden giant ape that suddenly appeared, and at the same time felt the powerful aura of blood essence in his bones. He seemed to have thought of something, and said incredulously: "Is this an ancient monster ape, a giant ape?"

He recalled the battle described by Bayonkai, and murmured: "I understand, this kid Lu Kun has the blood of the giant ape, and he uses the supernatural power of the arm, coupled with the mysterious body training method, so he can Resist the initial attack of the Nascent Soul."

"Now the formation of the Five Elements Chaos Bone has activated the residual blood essence in the bones, and this shows the vision of the giant ape."

Pang Laomo looked at the cornerstone of the bones, and immediately became hot. The bones of the five elements of chaos, which were just forged in the second stage, contained the powerful blood of ancient monsters such as the giant ape.

That is to say, when the Jade Skeleton Demon is successfully refined, after refining it, he is likely to be able to display the terrifying supernatural powers of the Gigantic Ape just like Lu Kun.

Thinking of this, Old Demon Pang suppressed his excitement, sat cross-legged, and began to recover his magic power, preparing for the next stage of forehead refining.


Deep in the cornerstone of the bones, Lu Kun was even more shocked than Old Demon Pang.

After the power of the alien species was completely fused, his bones produced a strange aura, and the blood essence deep in the bone marrow was under the influence of this aura, and he unconsciously stirred up.

If it wasn't for Lu Kun's desperate efforts to suppress the boiling blood, I'm afraid the illusion of the golden giant ape would have appeared long ago.

Only a small part of the terrifying aura emitted by those high-level spirit stones was absorbed by the bones themselves, and most of them were injected into his blood essence.

After the blood essence absorbed enough spiritual energy, Lu Kun could no longer hold back, and part of the blood essence boiled, and the bloodline anomaly of the gibbon appeared.

In addition to the five-color halo that Old Demon Pang saw, all the dark golden blood hidden in the bone marrow cavity was also wrapped in a layer of five-color halo, and the incomparably strong blood aura was surging in the depths of the bones.

Lu Kun was deeply impressed by the five-color halo.

At first, when he was in Iron Fistmen, before he practiced his mana, he relied on the explosion of blood essence to activate the supernatural power of the arm.

Relying on this five-color halo, Lu Kun resisted the old ghost Murong's magic weapon with his flesh and blood, activated the maximum power of the Yuanhuo bursting fist, and killed the old ghost in the late stage of the weapon refining.

It was also the insight brought about by this five-color halo that he created the body-training technique for generating mana from muscles by chance.

After that, as the mana contained in his body was different, the light film on the surface of the muscle changed to the color of the corresponding attribute. He entered the Bone Treasure Stage with the Imperial Thunder Body Refinement Art, and the light film was the purple lightning shield.

Now his bones are completely integrated into the alien spiritual root, and after generating the power of the five elements, it seems to activate something special in the blood, and the five-color halo reappears.

Lu Kun can clearly feel that the chaotic power of the five elements in his bones is far weaker than that in blood essence, which means that blood essence itself has this magical power, but it was difficult to fully activate it before.

In this way, the bloodline of the giant ape is born with the power of chaos in the five elements, and Lu Kun immediately had a very bold guess in his heart.

A giant ape is a special physique with the power of five elements of chaos, a body of five elements of chaos!

The bones of the Five Elements Chaos of the Jade Bone Human Demon were created after the study of the Great Ape by the One Yuan Sect.

Lu Kun vaguely remembered in the bloodline memory of the One Yuan Secret Realm that the people of the One Yuan Sect discovered what the last giant ape said.

The supernatural power of the arm of the giant ape can run the five elements of spiritual power!

Since the One Yuan Sect can use the blood essence of the gibbous ape to study the body-refining technique, it can also be used to study other exercises.

And Lu Kun learned from Heisha's mouth that in ancient times, after the giant ape was transformed into a monster by the demons, by soaking in the water of true demons, its strength greatly increased and it got rid of the control of the demons.

Immune to the meaning of true demons is the gibbous ape.

The second stage of the Jade Bone Human Demon imitates the giant ape to form a five-element chaotic body, and the third stage integrates the bones of the demon general.

Since the One Yuan Sect was a cultivator that fought against the demons back then, it naturally knew that the Armored Demon Ape could resist the true demons, so he developed the Jade-Bone Demon, a magical treasure, in order to simulate the physique of the Armored Demon Ape.

The Five Elements Chaos Body, no, it should be called the Five Elements Chaos Demon Body!

After the immortal cultivator refines the jade bone demon into the body, it can barely be regarded as an acquired five-element chaotic demon body, which has the ability to resist the true demon.


Half a month later, Old Demon Pang restored his magic power and consciousness to the best state. The first thing he did was to modify the magic circle in front of him.

The original magic circle has been more than doubled in size, and there are still high-level spirit stones with five elements of attributes in the six corners, as well as pure water of true magic. The second-stage skeletal cornerstone is placed in the center of the magic circle.

With a wave of Old Demon Pang's sleeve robe, a purple-black skeleton filled with a strange aura floated above the magic circle. Every joint of this skeleton has bone spurs, but these bone spurs are only less than two inches away. If the outside is wrapped in flesh and blood, I'm afraid you can't see it.

Pang Lao's magic made a move, and the hot blood-colored flame appeared under the demon bone and began to calcine.

The genuine Jade Bone Human Demon is the fusion of the five elements of chaos bone into the devil bone.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, the material of the magic bone has been greatly reduced, barely reaching the magic weapon level, which is much worse than the bone foundation stone of the maturity level below, so the refining of the third stage must be reversed.

Incorporate the Demon Bone into the Skeletal Keystone.

With the calcination of the real fire in the late Nascent Soul, the demon bones soon softened. At this time, Old Demon Pang quickly moved his hands to start the magic trick, running the secret techniques in the jade bone demon, and the strong power of Nascent Soul filled the secret room. among.

The bone of the demon general fell towards the skeleton foundation stone below, and the five-color halo on the skeleton foundation stone seemed to be suppressed by Pang Laomo's secret technique and was hidden into the bones.

After that, the magic bones were like soft soil, covering the skeleton cornerstones.

Old Demon Pang said something in his mouth, and shot out several auras at the Demon General's bone. Some dark black liquid slowly flowed out of the Demon Bone and fell into the lines of the Primordial Spirit Magic Array.

Then he turned his magic, and the five-color halo hidden in the skeleton cornerstone resurfaced. The black liquid immediately collided with the five-color halo, and a terrifying aura of destruction burst out.

Under the influence of these destructive breaths, cracks appeared in the bones of the Demon General after only a few breaths.

When Old Demon Pang saw this, the incantation in his mouth became more and more urgent, and a large amount of black liquid flowed out from the bones of the demon general, and the conflict with the five-color halo became more and more intense.

And the five elements of spiritual energy and the true magic energy in the magic circle, turned into six spiritual lights, submerged into the oscillating foundation stone in the middle.

"Bang" sound.

The Demon General's bone seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of waves of destruction, and it exploded directly, turning into pieces of bone fragments, scattered around the circle.

Old Demon Pang looked nervously at the skeleton cornerstone, and found that the silver skeleton surface was still as smooth as a mirror, and he was completely relieved.

"The old man's judgment is correct. The bone cornerstones refined by the technique of psychic puppets can indeed withstand this kind of destructive power. As long as the essence of the demon bone and the power of chaos of the five elements are completely balanced, this jade bone human demon can be refined. It worked!"


Deep in the cornerstone of the skeleton, Lu Kun's soul hidden in the sea of ​​skeletal knowledge felt a little excited while enduring great pain.

"I didn't expect that the five elements of chaos and the essence of the devil's bones are so repulsive, as if they are two extreme forces. The power of destruction generated by the two is so terrifying, and the refining effect is stronger than the blood devil's bone refining technique. Much more."

"Although the bone is integrated into the silver dragon meteorite, the material of the entire backbone has reached the realm of a mature magic weapon, but the cancellous bone and bone marrow in the depths of the bone are still far behind."

"The different forces generated by the previous four alien powers have tempered the material deep in the bones a lot, but there is still a certain distance from the mature stage."

"At this time, the power of chaos generated by the five elements and the power of destruction generated by the essence of the magic bone can completely be used to harden the bones, making the bone treasure completely mature!"

With a thought, Lu Kun guided the force of destruction inward, while the essence of his flesh and blood was in the deepest part of the bone marrow cavity, and could barely support it under the protection of his bones.

After a few days, Lu Kun, who secretly tempered his bones, found that Pang Laomo seemed to have miscalculated, and the essence of the magic bone that entered his bones was too little compared to the power of chaos in the five elements.

The chaotic power of the five elements in his bones, in addition to those refined by Old Demon Pang, as well as the activated part of the bloodline, to form a balance with the essence of the magic bone, a magic general's bone is simply not enough.


A month later, Pang Laomo's face was ugly, and he obviously discovered that compared with the essence of the demon bone, the power of the five elements is much stronger. If this continues, the refining of the jade bone demon will only fail.

"Could it be that the bones of the Demon General have existed for too long, and the essence of the Demon Bone inside has weakened a lot?"

Old Demon Pang frowned, waved his sleeve robe, and a demon general's bone appeared in the air. The bone spurs on it were ferocious, and it was several inches long. It was obviously more powerful than the previous one. At the same time, it controlled the magic circle below. , reduce the injection of five elements of aura.

"Fortunately, the old man was cautious and brought all the bones of the demon general collected by this sect. This mid-stage demon general's bones must be able to meet the requirements."

While speaking, a blood-colored flame enveloped the bones of this powerful demon general.

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