The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 858 Blood Demon Seed

On a mountain in the depths of the Blood Refining Sect, Qian Jingshan, the chief disciple of the Blood Refining Sect, the chief disciple of the Blood Refining Sect, is standing on the edge of the cliff at the top of the peak.

He looked at Pang Lao Modong Mansion, where the restrictions were fully opened, with complex colors flashing in his eyes, fear of the strong, tension before life and death, and more hysterical madness.

"Brother Qian, it has been almost half a year since Pang Laomo refined the jade bone human demon. According to your inference, the refining time will not be so long, and will there be any changes."

There was nothing around Qian Jingshan, and there was no magic fluctuation. This voice seemed to appear out of thin air.

Qian Jingshan said lightly: "The real Jade Bone Demon is the legendary treasure of the magic way. In addition to resisting the true demon, it can also affect the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the vitality of the devil. It is definitely the level of the legendary treasure."

"Old Demon Pang has combined the technique of psychic puppets and improved it. At least it is the top psychic magic weapon. It is not so easy to refine successfully. nor."

The person who was talking to Qian Jingshan seemed to be the great elder of the Demon Sect, Shi Jingtian, but he seemed to be invisible, and there was no aura around him.

Shi Jingtian's voice continued: "Brother Qian, you have always said before that we are dealing with Old Demon Pang, whose vitality has been greatly damaged, do you know that his improved method of refining the Jade Bone Demon will damage vitality? "

Qian Jingshan said in a calm tone: "Brother Shi, you don't have to try, the refining method of the jade bone human demon has always been kept by Pang Laomo, and no one knows about the blood refining sect, but the refining of one material may be difficult to achieve. Let it lose a lot of vitality.”

Shi Jingtian was puzzled: "Refining materials?"

Qian Jingshan said: "Over the years, Qian has been helping Laomo Pang to deal with one of the materials, that is, Xu Zihang, the blood demon son who has the talent of dark spiritual roots in this sect."

Shi Jingtian said in amazement: "Dark Spirit Root Blood Devil is the refining material of Pang Laomo? This is the core disciple of the next generation of the sect. If Pang Laomo does this, isn't he afraid of the backlash from the Stone of Oath?"

Qian Jingshan sneered and said, "The stone of oath of this sect is in charge of Junior Sister Le. Junior Sister Le entered the Nascent Soul Stage with the Blood Demon Art, and the cultivation of the Gore Demon requires the guidance of Old Demon Pang."

"In addition, as the great elder of the sect, Pang Laomo has great power. As long as he gives an order, Junior Sister Le will not dare to obey, and will cast a spell to lift the ban on the stone of oath."

Shi Jingtian couldn't help but feel a little bit cool. Pang Laomo actually used the most potential disciples of his own sect as the refining material, which completely ignored the development of the sect.

But on second thought, if he was in this position, he would have done the same. As long as he could enter the Spirit Transformation Stage, not to mention the low-level disciples, even sacrificing a few Nascent Soul Stage fellows would be worthwhile.

"Old Demon Pang has collected a lot of magic cultivators at the early stage of elixir formation, and Qian learned that only those in the late stage of elixir formation meet the requirements, but Xu Zihang only has the cultivation level in the early stage of elixir formation, which is not enough. "

"And Old Demon Pang himself is a dark spiritual root, so Qian speculates that this old guy will definitely use a secret technique to transition some of his cultivation, forcibly improve Xu Zihang to meet the requirements. This secret technique usually loses his own vitality."

Shi Jingtian's voice was a little panicked: "That is to say, Pang Laomo lost his vitality, is it your guess? Brother Qian, you are too risky, let's choose another time to start."

Qian Jingshan ignored Shi Jingtian's tone and said to himself, "Now is the best time. Even if the refining of the Jade Bone Demon cannot make him lose his vitality, we still have a great chance."

He pointed out: "Including this year, Pang Laomo has been 1100 years old since he has cultivated, and his Shouyuan will come to an end in these two years."

Shi Jingtian was stunned for a moment, and sighed: "Old Demon Pang must have taken the life-extending elixir, but unfortunately for the great cultivator, such elixir can last for a hundred years at most, and it cannot increase the lifespan, only the breakthrough to the divine transformation. Only with a period of time can Shouyuan go further."

Then he seemed to think of something: "Wait, Old Demon Pang's life span is approaching, and Brother Qian has his blood demon seed in his body, doesn't that mean..."

Qian Jingshan said lightly: "Yes, Old Demon Pang will take action against me. As for which kind of supernatural power he uses of the Blood Demon, it depends on the refining of the Jade Bone Demon."

"Gore Demons have other magical powers?"

A bloodthirsty red light flashed in the depths of Qian Jingshan's pupils, as if he was suppressing something, and he coughed softly: "Qian Mou once said that the blood demon seed is the top secret technique of the blood demon art, which can make Pang old demon in When his lifespan is about to end, he can also take over the host of the blood demon species."

"Ordinary immortal cultivators, if their lifespan is near, even if they take away others, they will also die. Shouyuan will not stop flowing because of the transfer of the soul."

"The blood demon's magical power of seizing the house has broken this law abruptly, and can inherit the remaining life essence of the person who has been seized."

"Of course, it also has many restrictions. This blood demon must be planted in the host's body before the foundation is established, and it cannot be used until the host enters the Nascent Soul stage."

"Since ancient times, apart from Old Demon Pang, there is only one senior in this sect who has successfully planted a blood demon seed."

"On the one hand, it is very difficult to see the physique of the host, and on the other hand, there is no guarantee that the host can be cultivated to the Nascent Infant stage."

"The host's cultivation base has entered the early Nascent Soul, and the blood demon's house can only have half of the host's remaining lifespan, and the cultivation base after winning the house is only in the early Nascent Soul."

"When the host's cultivation reaches the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he can inherit all the remaining life essence, and the cultivation base after taking the house has also become the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Qian Jingshan showed some memories: "Old Mo Pang had a great chance, when he was less than 400 years old, he discovered my special physique and accepted me as his apprentice, treating him as Qian and a mortal boy. "

"In order to ensure that I enter the Nascent Soul stage, Old Demon Pang gave me the Phantom Devil Child-Mother Art, which is the easiest way to break through the bottleneck, and gave me a lot of resources to practice in my child's avatar, so that Qian could enter the Nascent Soul as soon as possible. mid-term."

Qian Jingshan mocked a little: "But he didn't expect that Qian had a good chance in the secret realm of One Yuan. Not only did he obtain the orthodox Phantom Devil Child-Mother Art of the One Yuan School, but he also entered the late Nascent Soul early and had the opportunity to resist."

When Shi Jingtian heard this description, he couldn't help being silent. If he had a secret technique similar to the blood demon, he would definitely find someone to perform it. No immortal cultivator could refuse the supernatural power that could prolong his life.

But if you are the host being planted, then the taste will be unpleasant, which means that life is completely out of your control.

Qian Jingshan continued: "The first supernatural power of the blood demon species is to rob the house, while the second supernatural power is to rob the host's lifespan."

"Plundering Shouyuan?"

Qian Jingshan said slowly: "I am waiting for the immortal cultivators to break through the great realm desperately, in order to increase the lifespan. Even if I take the longevity elixir, the increase of lifespan will not exceed a hundred years."

"And this kind of plundering method of the blood demon can directly deprive the host of the lifespan to make up for the main body."

Shi Jingtian's voice trembled a little and said: "The blood demon actually has such a god-defying power."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said, "This kind of sky-defying secret technique naturally has its flaws, and it mainly lies in the cultivation of the blood demon host."

"The host is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, so only 10% of the remaining lifespan can be plundered. In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it will increase to 20%, but if it is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, then 50% of the remaining lifespan can be deprived."

"Different from the previous looting, plundering Shouyuan Divine Ability is equivalent to taking life-extending elixir, and does not affect one's own cultivation realm."

When Shi Jingtian heard Qian Jingshan's explanation, he immediately understood: "Pang Laomo will choose the magical powers of the blood demon species according to the refining situation of the jade bone demon."

"If he fails to refine the Jade Bone Human Demon, the chance of breaking through the Divine Transformation Stage will be greatly reduced, and it is suitable to use the Blood Demon Seed's magical powers."

"Brother Qian still has three hundred years of lifespan left, and in the eyes of Old Demon Pang, Brother Qian is still in the middle of Nascent Soul, so after Old Demon Pang seizes the house, he can survive for three hundred years with his cultivation in the middle of Nascent Soul."

"This old guy may not be able to return to the great cultivator, and even find a new way to break through the spirit transformation period."

Shi Jingtian continued: "But if the Jade Bone Human Demon is successfully refined, then he will definitely try to break through the Divine Transformation Stage. Given his near-death state, the risk is extremely high, so he will choose the Blood Demon Seed's plundering magical powers. "

"In his eyes, even 20% of the Nascent Soul's middle stage, he still has sixty years of lifespan, which is enough for him to maintain his best condition and make a breakthrough in the Spirit Transformation stage."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Qian Jingshan's eyes and said: "The blood demons must use their whole body to plunder their magical powers, and they cannot be interrupted. A realm is also possible."

"If the Jade Bone Demon is successfully refined, then the best time for Brother Shi is to use the Shou Yuan plundering technique. Even if he can't kill the old demon, he can interrupt the spell and damage his vitality."

"When the time comes, we will join forces. For an Old Demon Pang, whose vitality is severely damaged and his life expectancy will be exhausted, the odds of winning will be greatly increased, and the successful refining of the Jade Bone Demon can also be used as a reward for Brother Shi."

"If he fails, he will seize the house. Even if I can't resist the blood demon's magical power, the cultivation of the great cultivator can also cause interference to Pang Laomo. This is the best time for Brother Shi to take action. "

Qian Jingshan said with a ruthless expression: "As long as Qian's body is destroyed, Pang Laomo has only one Nascent Soul left, how can he be your opponent, and Qian's Nascent Soul can save his life."

"If this is the case, Pang Laomo's storage bracelet will be used as a reward for Brother Shi."

Shi Jingtian heard the words, and after a while he sighed: "Brother Qian used himself as a bait, and Shi admired him extremely. From this point of view, we are almost certain to win."

Qian Jingshan said cautiously: "It depends on whether Brother Shi has completely refined his magical powers. If there is any flaw, even if Qian is fully assisted, it may be discovered by Pang Laomo."

"Hahaha, don't worry, Brother Qian, Shi Mou has been comprehending this magical power for 40 years, and he has already used it proficiently, so it will definitely not be discovered by Pang Laomo."

Qian Jingshan swept his consciousness, sensed his surroundings, and nodded lightly.

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