The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 859 Plunder

In the secret room of the cave.

Old Demon Pang's breath was a little weak, and many wrinkles appeared on his face, as if he had aged many years all at once.

His eyes were dignified, his hands flashed quickly, and he shot out one after another, and a large amount of black liquid slowly flowed out from a softened demon skeleton, submerged into the cornerstone of the skeleton, and echoed the five-color halo.

With the injection of this black liquid, the conflict between the two became more intense, the huge and incomparable aura of destruction spread, and the five elements of spiritual energy and true demonic energy in the magic circle became more and more turbulent, sinking into the skeleton cornerstone like crazy.

Pang Laomo finally breathed a sigh of relief and glanced around the circle. There were already a lot of purple-black bone fragments, at least five or six.

"The essence of the devil's bones has finally been balanced with the power of chaos in the five elements. One early-stage skeleton, four middle-stage, and one late-stage, consumed most of the sect's magical bone savings."

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, the essence of the magic bone would weaken to such a degree."

Old Demon Pang's voice was hoarse, and his expression became more and more solemn.

The five-color halo and the black magic light are comparable in intensity. Under the control of this secret technique, the two gradually merged, and the spiritual energy and true magic energy in the magic circle became more and more turbulent.

I don't know how long it took, a milky white aura appeared outside the skeleton cornerstone, as if a head had started, and the milky white color became more and more.

In just one stick of incense, the five-color halo and black magic light outside the skeleton cornerstone disappeared, and the rich milky white halo wrapped the skeleton cornerstone.

An incomparably turbulent aura of blood essence emanated, and a large amount of demonic energy in the cave cheered and cheered, as if under some guidance, it turned into an illusion of a black giant ape outside the skeleton.

The appearance of the black giant ape is almost the same as the previous golden giant ape, except that the hair on the whole body has turned black, and an inexplicable coercion that makes him feel a little scared, appears in the secret room.

The skeletal cornerstone below the phantom burst out in vain with an incomparably strong magic weapon aura, as if a top magic weapon appeared in the world.

Gradually, the illusion of the black magic ape gradually dissipated, and the milky white halo did not enter the skeleton foundation stone below.

The silver skeleton before had disappeared, and what appeared in the center of the magic circle was a milky white jade bone that was crystal clear. Although the milky white aura had dissipated, the incomparably hot magic weapon aura was still surging.

"The golden hair of the giant ape has turned black. Could it be because of the essence of the demons, this illusion can actually make the old man feel a little palpitated?"

Pang Laomo's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and then his spiritual consciousness at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage radiated out, carefully examining every inch of this jade bone, and his expression gradually became excited.

"According to the description of the orthodox refining method, the Jade Bone Human Demon is this milky white color after it is formed, which represents the complete fusion of the Chaos Power of the Great Five Elements and the essence of the Demon Race."

"Haha, the old man succeeded!"

"The breath of this jade bone is stronger than ordinary psychic magic weapons, and the silver dragon meteorite iron is also completely compatible with it. A simple auxiliary magic weapon, the material is probably stronger than the mature magic weapon."

"If the old man refines it and stores it in his body, I am afraid it will not only be of great help to the breakthrough of the spirit transformation stage, but also enhance the defense of the old man's body."

Old Demon Pang became more and more excited as he looked at it. His pseudo-jadebone human demon contained the blood of a giant ape, and also incorporated the refining method of a psychic puppet. I am afraid there are some magical powers that he did not expect.

After a while, he calmed down.

"It has been a year since the refining of the Jade Bone Human Demon, and the old man's lifespan is about to come to an end. Fortunately, the refining was successful in the end."

His voice was extremely cold: "The blood demon seed that has been planted for 700 years has also reached the harvest season."

Pang Laomo made a move in his hand, as if he was using a secret technique to sense something, and then a sound transmission appeared in his hand, whispered a few words into it, and turned into a ray of spiritual light.

Then he sat cross-legged and began to restore the magic power lost in his body.


A few days later, Old Demon Pang opened his eyes, and the blood magic power in his body had returned to its peak, but his complexion became even older.

He raised his brows, sensed something, and when the magic in his hand moved, the ban outside the cave was opened.

"come in."

Following Old Demon Pang's words, Qian Jingshan walked in with a calm expression, and under the guidance of the restraint, he slowly walked into the secret room.

Pang Laomo felt the magic power of Qian Jingshan in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and there was a hint of regret in the depths of his pupils. If it wasn't for refining the Jade Bone Demon, with his resources, he might have allowed Qian Jingshan to enter the later stage of Nascent Soul.

But it doesn't matter now. Qian Jingshan still has three hundred years of life in the middle of the Nascent Soul, and he can plunder for sixty years. Even in the one hundred and fifty years of the late Nascent Soul, it will not help the breakthrough of the gods.

As soon as Qian Jingshan entered the secret room, he saw a skeleton magic weapon that was like a precious jade, exuding a powerful breath. He immediately understood that the jade bone demon was successfully refined.

Pang Laomo said lightly: "Your time is up, what else do you need the old man to help you with?"

Qian Jingshan showed a self-deprecating smile and said, "Without your support, I, Qian Jingshan, wouldn't be able to enter the Nascent Soul stage. I died two hundred years ago, and you have done everything you need to do."

"In the late stage of foundation building, we reached a deal. You Old Demon Pang fully supported me to enter the Nascent Soul stage, and I dedicated my life to the end of your life."

Qian Jingshan glanced at the Jade Bone Demon again, and said with some emotion, "I didn't expect you to finally refine this magic weapon, and use my remaining life to help you enter the Spirit Transformation Stage. I, Qian Jingshan, are not dead in vain."

Pang Laomo looked at Qian Jingshan so cooperatively, and there was no big surprise. He had already explained it to him as an exchange condition for resources.

Otherwise, how could Qian Jingshan be so smooth, and he was promoted all the way to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Old Demon Pang turned into a claw with one hand, and the rich demonic energy around him gathered around Qian Jingshan, turning into a big blood-red hand full of the power of the Nascent Soul, and grabbed it.

And Qian Jingshan didn't have any resistance, he was caught by the blood demon hand into a pair of similar magic circles in the corner of the secret room, and then the blood magic hand and the magic circle echoed each other, and a large number of blood-colored silk threads emerged, rushing towards Qian Jingshan's body.

Soon Old Demon Pang sensed his magic net, wrapped Qian Jingshan's Nascent Soul inside, and combined with the blood demon seed inside. Then, a layer of incomparably dense light curtain rose up in the magic circle, flowing with amazing The coercion shrouded Qian Jingshan.

Old Demon Pang stood up, walked slowly into the adjacent circle, and said, "Jingshan, do you really have no last wish?"

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said with a look of relief: "Rong Zhengqi was killed by the backlash of the practice method. The only disciple is gone. I, Qian Jingshan, don't have any last wishes. Let's do it and let me free as soon as possible."

Hearing the words, Old Demon Pang didn't hesitate. He sat down with his knees crossed, and quickly moved a certain magic trick with both hands. A powerful blood demon power immediately emerged from Qian Jingshan's body, and a strange energy disappeared into the magic circle below.

The magic circle under Old Demon Pang also lit up with white light.

After a while, Qian Jingshan's face became senile, and even the skin gradually shriveled, as if it was old tree bark.

In contrast, Old Demon Pang's aura of aging and twilight gradually dissipated, the folds on his face were gradually smoothed out, and a rich aura of life emerged.

Old Demon Pang felt the fullness of his life force and had an extremely comfortable feeling.

"Very good. Thirty years is enough for this old man to break through. The remaining thirty years of lifespan can make the Blood Demon Gong have sufficient blood. No... Qian Jingshan's remaining lifespan..."

At this moment, a terrifying magic wave suddenly came out of the secret room.

A black and white jade ruler appeared out of nowhere, and the strong aura of Nascent Soul surged, slamming towards Old Demon Pang who was plundering Shouyuan and was unsuspecting.

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